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India Mars launch stokes Asian space race with China

^^^^^ Hahahahahahahahah. I dont know what is the point Chinese are trying to make here. We have our own requirements and objectives to be met so we have designed a space craft like wise. I do not understand whats superior and inferior.
This is just a tech demonstrator, the real deal will come later if this mission goes smoothly.

I also agree that this mission is just a prove of concept mission. A 15kg payload can count only as a prove of concept.
I do not think there is a space race.

At the recent IAC 2013 - The 64th International Astronautical Congress held at Beijing, China present a proposal for Mars exploration proposed to be launched at 2024.



haha IQ <= 82 and cheerleader.
Check out:
Who said bombay wanted to beat Shanghai
Who said your missile testing is "China Killer"
Who said if this indian Mars mission beats China the whole india will be happey
Who said your cw games would be better than Beijing Olympics
Who were jumping as if you were winning a major trophy when our top players accidentally lost to you in preliminary rounds
and ...

...you may have a history or not, and broken down into many princely states but as a whole - childish!

I am relaxed but it looked like you are the one who is petulant! Dont copy my words that I have spoken, childish people and cheerleader! ( and IQ <= 82)

Actually you post/ scream/ are more depressed in Indian threads than any Indian. If you're trying to convince us that you are 'relaxed' you must be really stupid. Besides, Indians didn't say any of those things -you did. How come you are blaming it all on us now?

I also agree that this mission is just a prove of concept mission. A 15kg payload can count only as a prove of concept.

You need to know math before you can make such comments.
Actually you post/ scream/ are more depressed in Indian threads than any Indian. If you're trying to convince us that you are 'relaxed' you must be really stupid. Besides, Indians didn't say any of those things -you did. How come you are blaming it all on us now?

You need to know math before you can make such comments.

I'm just responding to the guy that believe this mission is a prove of concept mission. Not a real scientific mission. In another way, the mission itself is the goal of this mission.
I'm just responding to the guy that believe this mission is a prove of concept mission. Not a real scientific mission. In another way, the mission itself is the goal of this mission.

Like I said you need to know math before you make these comments
This image became pretty famous as a metaphor as to how the high-tech Indian space program coexists with general impoverishment but the reality was quite different - Contrary to the general belief that India’s didn’t have trucks in 1980s, this is a classic example of the supposedly unique Indian concept of Jugaad. The day when the photo was taken they were taking the satellite out for an antenna-range test. With a basic understanding of physics, it is well-known that testing an antenna by placing it, in the bed of a truck isn’t the best since the truck is metallic. The simplest work-around was to use a wooden bullock cart.

Yup its called the possitive thinking, but as far as metalic bed of a truck is concerned , i think by placing wooden pallets on truck can also serve this purpose and with due respect- not agreed with your justification. For refference please see the packing proceudre of sensitive/ fragile components for trasportation. yes you can say that best available resources were utilized at that time.

In other sense the second pic is close to the nature.:cheers:
And who told you that ??Do you work for ISRO !?

You have problem reading English?

US shutdown not to hit Indian Mars mission

"The launch window remains open till Nov 19. NASA and JPL will provide communications and navigation support from their deep space network facilities in the US," ISRO's scientific secretary V.S. Hegde said.

india's mars mission relies on NASA's communication and navigation systems. do you really want to tell me this is an indian mission? We Chinese don't humiliate our space program in such way.

learn something before openinng up your big mouth.
You have problem reading English?

US shutdown not to hit Indian Mars mission

india's mars mission relies on NASA's communication and navigation systems. do you really want to tell me this is an indian mission? We Chinese don't humiliate our space program in such way.

learn something before openinng up your big mouth.

The chinese mars mission was supposed to use a Russian spacecraft to reach mars . Russian and ESA Network Stations was used to communicate with the orbiter . Ultimately the mission failed .

Do you really want to tell us that it was a chinese mission? We Indians don't humiliate our space program in such way.

learn something before opening up your big mouth.
You still didn't answer how manned space mission giving benefits to Chinese people. :lol: I believe most of us already know things about manned space mission. :wacko:

The answer to your question will be posted here as soon as we all find out.

In the mean time, China is providing Satellites images to help Australia fight brush fire :

China provides satellite imagery to assist Australia in fighting against bushfire
China provides satellite imagery to assist Australia in fighting against bushfire - Xinhua | English.news.cn
The answer to your question will be posted here as soon as we all find out.

In the mean time, China is providing Satellites images to help Australia fight brush fire :

China provides satellite imagery to assist Australia in fighting against bushfire
China provides satellite imagery to assist Australia in fighting against bushfire - Xinhua | English.news.cn

Satellites are meant to be used for common people. You think manned mission and satellite communication are same things. :omghaha: I want to know from these Chinese pointing finger at Indian space program, how is their manned mission helping the common Chinese people. :girl_wacko:
Yup its called the possitive thinking, but as far as metalic bed of a truck is concerned , i think by placing wooden pallets on truck can also serve this purpose and with due respect- not agreed with your justification. For refference please see the packing proceudre of sensitive/ fragile components for trasportation. yes you can say that best available resources were utilized at that time.

In other sense the second pic is close to the nature.:cheers:

The second pic shows that high extent of achievement made by ISRO. Pakistan's space program started earlier than India's couldn't achieve such a feat matching that of ISRO. :cheers:
The answer to your question will be posted here as soon as we all find out.

In the mean time, China is providing Satellites images to help Australia fight brush fire :

China provides satellite imagery to assist Australia in fighting against bushfire
China provides satellite imagery to assist Australia in fighting against bushfire - Xinhua | English.news.cn

Arrey English nahi aithi
He sayed how the Manned Mission is helping the Chinese People,not their Satellites
Answer the Damn Question,& when Will you Start your Space Program or you are preparing for a free ride on the Chinese Space Program
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