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India maintains presence in South China Sea

Rightly so! it is undeniable, because the Chinese economy really took off after receiving waves of foreign investment.

You admitted there is Hong Kong invest to mainland China and , as I said.

Why do you think a Vietnamese "even he never been to Hong Kong"?
And it has necessarily go to there to be able to talk about it?

You did not give evidence to deny what I said, but you always assume that you are right, and the crap words....

Wow......Debate with a man who has no logic really a terrible experience......

So I need to deny what ??
HongKong is not a part of China???
OR Hong Kong has investment in mainland China = Mainland China can't live without investment of Hong Kong??

Ok.....Although HongKong GDP even less than ShangHai and Beijin... But it defently a giant compare to Vietnam...
Still the words.....You crisis China, seem that you have done well.... But the whole country GDP of Vietnam even can't compare to many China single cites......
Indian naval ships visit Haiphong
Two Indian naval ships, the INS Shivalik and INS Karmuk, commanded by Rear Admiral Ajit Kumar P, who is also the Eastern Naval Commander, docked in Haiphong city on May 19.
This is the fifth visit to Haiphong by the Indian ships, aiming to reinforce the friendship and cooperation between India and Vietnam, as well as between the two navies.
Indian naval ships visit Haiphong


Wow......Debate with a man who has no logic really a terrible experience......

So I need to deny what ??
HongKong is not a part of China???
OR Hong Kong has investment in mainland China = Mainland China can't live without investment of Hong Kong??

Ok.....Although HongKong GDP even less than ShangHai and Beijin... But it defently a giant compare to Vietnam...

Still the words.....You crisis China, seem that you have done well.... But the whole country GDP of Vietnam even can't compare to many China single cites......

Should I continue to argue with you about Hong Kong, while this is a topic of "India maintains presence in South China Sea"?
If you are a Hongkongese, how do you explain this:


indian military is in no position for a war with china.

our coast guards could fart and the indian navy would sink.

personally i would love to see china absolutely humiliate the indians like in 1962, i love seeing the indians living in fear of china.
they are like a scared rabbit that china will murder them again.

81'ers are all talk just like 1962, but when it comes to war, we have embarrassed these 81'ers every single time.

it must suck to be born as an 81'er.

lol this is not 1962 just wake up.India never forget 1962 if india forget means there will be bad but china must forget about 1962 then only greedy dragon can survive
If we need to teach China a lesson, we can do it ourselves. India's help?. I doubt it. India is notorious in big talking (examples include recent ONGC withdraw from Vietnam oil project or Tata Steel project in Vietnam, which have been stalled for at least 6 years) and very small delivery. In the case of war, I think Vietnam is much more capable than India to fight China.

In the meantimes, the so-called "Superpower India" is just a joke, hyped by both western and India media alike. India, a country which can not feed and provide health services to their population and have one of the worst education system in the world, a country which depends on China on virtually every things from machinery, power equipment, telecom infrastructure etc. can never be a reliable partner or ally. India will sell us (to China or any rich country) as soon as China pays them some money to stand aside from any China-Vietnam conflict.

If India want to gain any respect from Vietnam or any country, just do something and stop talking. Wait patiently until you reach a decent level of living standard (like Indonesia or Thailand, may be in 20 years) and then other countries may take India seriously.
If we need to teach China a lesson, we can do it ourselves. India's help?. I doubt it. India is notorious in big talking (examples include recent ONGC withdraw from Vietnam oil project or Tata Steel project in Vietnam, which have been stalled for at least 6 years) and very small delivery. In the case of war, I think Vietnam is much more capable than India to fight China.

In the meantimes, the so-called "Superpower India" is just a joke, hyped by both western and India media alike. India, a country which can not feed and provide health services to their population and have one of the worst education system in the world, a country which depends on China on virtually every things from machinery, power equipment, telecom infrastructure etc. can never be a reliable partner or ally. India will sell us (to China or any rich country) as soon as China pays them some money to stand aside from any China-Vietnam conflict.

If India want to gain any respect from Vietnam or any country, just do something and stop talking. Wait patiently until you reach a decent level of living standard (like Indonesia or Thailand, may be in 20 years) and then other countries may take India seriously.

Sorry, are you a Chinese Vietnamese?
Or so called Hoa people in Vietnam.
You have a problem with Indian?
Do you know anything about the cooperation between Vietnam and India?
Tata Steel is delayed because they have not been licensed to invest in Vietnam, the reason is that Vietnam is currently not enough electricity power. A steel plant needs a lot of power.
Should OVL continue to drill oil in the block where has no oil?
Indian naval ships visit Haiphong
Two Indian naval ships, the INS Shivalik and INS Karmuk, commanded by Rear Admiral Ajit Kumar P, who is also the Eastern Naval Commander, docked in Haiphong city on May 19.
This is the fifth visit to Haiphong by the Indian ships, aiming to reinforce the friendship and cooperation between India and Vietnam, as well as between the two navies.
Indian naval ships visit Haiphong


Should I continue to argue with you about Hong Kong, while this is a topic of "India maintains presence in South China Sea"?
If you are a Hongkongese, how do you explain this:



It is funny you care about our domestic issue...:azn:

When I saw my favor Arsenal with ManUtd in London, We all call MU and their fans as " Manchester Pigs"...
It is common in everywhere of world.. Different city don't love each other.

Maybe 50% of citizen of ShangHai dislike other cities....so what ...If we saw a backward
country insult us we will counterattack together.

And India ..........South indians despise north Indians as well.....

'India cannot grow, if Bihar lags behind' - Rediff.com Business

And Vietnamese......Sorry I really don't know Vietnamese...because no one cares....

Still the words:
More work..less talking...Before you insult others....think obout yours.

You crisis China, seem that you have done well.... But the whole country GDP of Vietnam even can't compare to many China single cites......
If we need to teach China a lesson, we can do it ourselves. India's help?. I doubt it. In the case of war, I think Vietnam is much more capable than India to fight China.

relax chinaman. :lol: we wont encourage vietnam to fight your country. india is always neutral

compared to us u guys are a joke
while you guys got cleaned up by the japanese, indian army fought and defeated Japs, Nazis and Italians SIMULTANEOUSLY

That great Indian Army (“British” being colloquial, not official) fought and defeated first-rate, first-world enemies: Germans in North Africa and Italy; the Imperial Japanese in southeast Asia. Stripped of Commonwealth camouflage, the Indian Army of 1945 was, in its own right, a veteran combat outfit with global experience.

Restitching the Subcontinent | The Weekly Standard

In the meantimes, the so-called "Superpower India" is just a joke, hyped by both western and India media alike. India, a country which can not feed and provide health services to their population and have one of the worst education system in the world, a country which depends on China on virtually every things from machinery, power equipment, telecom infrastructure etc. can never be a reliable partner or ally. India will sell us (to China or any rich country) as soon as China pays them some money to stand aside from any China-Vietnam conflict.

1. india is called 'potential superpower' by western media, not indian media

2.india has done a lot regarding poverty elimination, 1 billion in 60 years.

3.and our education system is better than yours
India third most powerful nation: US report

Education Systems - US vs. India - YouTube

If India want to gain any respect from Vietnam or any country, just do something and stop talking. Wait patiently until you reach a decent level of living standard (like Indonesia or Thailand, may be in 20 years) and then other countries may take India seriously.

i think we are taken seriously enough... as a fanboy with net access u should know that
If we need to teach China a lesson, we can do it ourselves. India's help?. I doubt it. India is notorious in big talking (examples include recent ONGC withdraw from Vietnam oil project or Tata Steel project in Vietnam, which have been stalled for at least 6 years) and very small delivery. In the case of war, I think Vietnam is much more capable than India to fight China.

In the meantimes, the so-called "Superpower India" is just a joke, hyped by both western and India media alike. India, a country which can not feed and provide health services to their population and have one of the worst education system in the world, a country which depends on China on virtually every things from machinery, power equipment, telecom infrastructure etc. can never be a reliable partner or ally. India will sell us (to China or any rich country) as soon as China pays them some money to stand aside from any China-Vietnam conflict.

If India want to gain any respect from Vietnam or any country, just do something and stop talking. Wait patiently until you reach a decent level of living standard (like Indonesia or Thailand, may be in 20 years) and then other countries may take India seriously.

Wow what a **** attempt at a false flag, sorry MR. Chinese robot but you just got found out because of your own stupidity, but thanks for the laugh, Mr. Chinese 50 cent poster.
If we need to teach China a lesson, we can do it ourselves. India's help?. I doubt it. India is notorious in big talking (examples include recent ONGC withdraw from Vietnam oil project or Tata Steel project in Vietnam, which have been stalled for at least 6 years) and very small delivery. In the case of war, I think Vietnam is much more capable than India to fight China.

In the meantimes, the so-called "Superpower India" is just a joke, hyped by both western and India media alike. India, a country which can not feed and provide health services to their population and have one of the worst education system in the world, a country which depends on China on virtually every things from machinery, power equipment, telecom infrastructure etc. can never be a reliable partner or ally. India will sell us (to China or any rich country) as soon as China pays them some money to stand aside from any China-Vietnam conflict.

If India want to gain any respect from Vietnam or any country, just do something and stop talking. Wait patiently until you reach a decent level of living standard (like Indonesia or Thailand, may be in 20 years) and then other countries may take India seriously.

I smell Chinese blood here.

A Viet........ more Chinese then Veit, Very doubtful case.
I found that seems only you guys post the two "skirmishs" here and there? Do you have the source?
Get off your dead a$$ and on your dying feet, reach for the computer and Google it. I'm not here to give you links. I have better work to do!

At least the war in 1962 is known by many people, But the skirmishs that you post one by one is known by little people!!
As unknown to illiterate people like you because your darned communist propaganda and verbiage spouted by clowns in your Chinese media would get shot in their a$$es if they ever thought of writing about your defeats (Nathula) whether in India or Vietnam.

You guys live in a cloistered world of sick convoluted Chinese propaganda that would put even the Nazi's propaganda chief, Goebbels to shame! He could have learned a trick or two from the Chinese brainwashing machine! You guys are made to hear only what you need to hear, extolling the virtues of the Communist party (Which is in disarray) and the non existent 'infallibility' of the Chinese robotic army.

Advice: Stop smoking weed. It gives one delusions of grandeur!

Wow what a **** attempt at a false flag, sorry MR. Chinese robot but you just got found out because of your own stupidity, but thanks for the laugh, Mr. Chinese 50 cent poster.

Maybe you saw two Vietnamese in PDF hate China....You thought that all Vietnamese are hate China and like India.....How ignorte you are....And I saw a India pretend French..is really the false flag ..

He is a Vietnamese who friendly to China.....And I have been to the border of China and Vietnam.... The people of two counties get along very well.. and with large economic and trade exchanges .
Chú A Viet này bốc mùi khựa.

He is chinese.

If we need to teach China a lesson, we can do it ourselves. India's help?. I doubt it. India is notorious in big talking (examples include recent ONGC withdraw from Vietnam oil project or Tata Steel project in Vietnam, which have been stalled for at least 6 years) and very small delivery. In the case of war, I think Vietnam is much more capable than India to fight China.

In the meantimes, the so-called "Superpower India" is just a joke, hyped by both western and India media alike. India, a country which can not feed and provide health services to their population and have one of the worst education system in the world, a country which depends on China on virtually every things from machinery, power equipment, telecom infrastructure etc. can never be a reliable partner or ally. India will sell us (to China or any rich country) as soon as China pays them some money to stand aside from any China-Vietnam conflict.

If India want to gain any respect from Vietnam or any country, just do something and stop talking. Wait patiently until you reach a decent level of living standard (like Indonesia or Thailand, may be in 20 years) and then other countries may take India seriously.

Yes, 5 cent commentator.:bunny:
Maybe you saw two Vietnamese in PDF hate China....You thought that all Vietnamese are hate China and like India.....How ignorte you are....And I saw a India pretend French..is really the false flag ..

He is a Vietnamese who friendly to China.....And I have been to the border of China and Vietnam.... The people of two counties get along very well.. and with large economic and trade exchanges .

Sir its hates china fix your post sir

and how can well get along when a country likes yours yours claims everything takes everything belittle others causing everyone so how?
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