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India maintains presence in South China Sea

My dear VN, Philo and IN brothers and friends the Chinese are your typical bully, lots of talk, lots of crying, lots of frustration and warnings, then the Chinese robots get on forums like this and talk crap like "yes we will launch some nukes" when all that does not work they retreat with their tails between their legs.

The VN and PN would destroy the Chinese, the Indian Navy will do the mop up operations and prevent any Chinese running back home, the VN and PN people are the hardest warriors and are brutal, then can survive in any conditions, the Chinese don;t know what they are dealing with.

Stand tall my PN and VN brothers and sisters, look whats happening now, the Chinese are already **** scared because the PN and VN has stood up to them, the easiest way to deal with a bully is to stand up to them.
Gosh these two thck skin countries vietnam and philipines continue to provoke china to the point of war and yet shamlessly crawling to china to beg for investment(vietnam) and not to bann their bananas(philipines):lol:
haha even more stupid if we threaten your peace all the time what the point of sending your stupid officials to china to beg for investment:rofl:

Yes, it happened thousands of years, and we always have to deal with it.

Investment is the needs of all developing countries, including China.
Remember China is currently receiving huge investment from Japan, the US, EU, Taiwan ...
BTW: China has no investment in VN, so don't talk loudly about the investment.
My dear VN, Philo and IN brothers and friends the Chinese are your typical bully, lots of talk, lots of crying, lots of frustration and warnings, then the Chinese robots get on forums like this and talk crap like "yes we will launch some nukes" when all that does not work they retreat with their tails between their legs.

The VN and PN would destroy the Chinese, the Indian Navy will do the mop up operations and prevent any Chinese running back home, the VN and PN people are the hardest warriors and are brutal, then can survive in any conditions, the Chinese don;t know what they are dealing with.

Stand tall my PN and VN brothers and sisters, look whats happening now, the Chinese are already **** scared because the PN and VN has stood up to them, the easiest way to deal with a bully is to stand up to them.

LOL stood up to china who are you kidding, desperate people always do the funniest thing

Yes, it happened thousands of years, and we always have to deal with it.

Investment is the needs of all developing countries, including China.
Remember China is currently receiving huge investment from Japan, the US, EU, Taiwan ...
BTW: China has no investment in VN, so don't talk loudly about the investment.

dont crawl to china to beg for investment then , otherwise talk is cheap , just ask your stupid leaders dont come to china then i will respect your country
dont crawl to china to beg for investment then , otherwise talk is cheap , just ask your stupid leaders dont come to china then i will respect your country

While you are living on the investments from the US, Japan, S.Korea,Taiwan,... how can you invest to other countries like Vietnam?
what ???? if we dont have money to invest in your country then you people are the most stupid people on earth to come to us for investment LOL
Even VN government to call for investment from China, it will be protested by the Vietnamese people if the investment in exploitation of natural resources.
Bauxite is an example, China was had to withdraw quickly after the Vietnamese people protest.
You are only welcome in Africa for your needs to exploit natural resources.

BTW: changed?
While you are living on the investments from the US, Japan, S.Korea,Taiwan,... how can you invest to other countries like Vietnam?

Oh.... Maybe you are from Mars.....

China FDI only $115 billion in 2011, while total Social investment reach $4800 billion(30200 billionRMB).
FDI only 2.3% of total Social investment .... and you call China living on the investments from the US, Japan, S.Korea,Taiwan,...
How ignorance you are.

Maybe 5 years ago China still welcome FDI,but today China is change to capital export country, that is why China is the largest creditor of US
Oh.... Maybe you are from Mars.....

China FDI only $115 billion in 2011, while total Social investment reach $4800 billion(30200 billionRMB).
FDI only 2.3% of total Social investment .... and you call China living on the investments from the US, Japan, S.Korea,Taiwan,...
How ignorance you are.

Maybe 5 years ago China still welcome FDI,but today China is change to capital export country, that is why China is the largest creditor of US

Is not China grown up from there?
Is not it really very important for China's socio-economic until today?

BTW: Yes Hong Kong is also one of the largest investor in mainland China.
Is not China grown up from there?
Is not it really very important for China's socio-economic until today?

BTW: Yes Hong Kong is also one of the largest investor in mainland China.

Vietnam was colonized by France, so the Vietnamese will be slaves of French for ever??

And Hong Kong is a part of China. Don't made such stupid words.
Vietnam was colonized by France, so the Vietnamese will be slaves of French for ever??

And Hong Kong is a part of China. Don't made such stupid words.

I don't want to continue off-topic, but funny with your logic, if you are a HongKongese.
If following your logic, Hong Kong "was colonized by Britain, so the HongKongese will be slaves of British for ever"?

I know relations China - Hong Kong, so I wrote "mainland China" in my post above.
This is an article about the Hong Kong's investment in China:

Hong Kong Investment in China's Mainland Come to Over US$170 Bn

Statistics indicates that by the end of April Hong Kong was the largest investor to China's Mainland, with an actual foreign capital up to US $174.2 billion, accounting for 48.45 percent of all foreign investment here.

The figure was revealed by An Min, Vice Minister of MOFTEC at the reception of the delegation from Hong Kong that came to seek for chances of cooperation during the development of west China.

In the reform and opening-up to the outside world over the past 20 years, Hong Kong has played an indispensable role in the mainland's development; meanwhile, it is also the biggest beneficiary since it is the first to make its investment here.

The construction of western regions will provide a new opportunity to promote the economic growth in Hong Kong. The HKSAR government also set great store by and took an active part in it through various ways.
Hong Kong Investment in China's Mainland Come to Over US$170 Bn
I don't want to continue off-topic, but funny with your logic, if you are a HongKongese.
If following your logic, Hong Kong "was colonized by Britain, so the HongKongese will be slaves of British for ever"?

I know relations China - Hong Kong, so I wrote "mainland China" in my post above.
This is an article about the Hong Kong's investment in China:

It is your logic that China grown up from FDI so today China still can't live without FDI? Is it ??

And you talk about offtopic..... It is good that you realize you offtopic....

It is really crap you talk about Hongkong...
because today China mainland invest in HongKong is larger tha HongKong invest in China mainland.

Finally, funny to see a Vietnamese pretend to understand Hongkong very much.....even he never been to HongKong.
And words send you:
More work..less talking...Before you crisis others....think obout yours.

No one want ugly words... You crisis China, seem that you have done well.... But the whole country GDP of Vietnam even can't compare to many China single cites......
No, Hitler's objective in WWII is to conquer Russia and he failed. So he lost WWII. cleanse Jews in Europe was an internal policy. The side affect is the creation of the state of Israel. Churchill didn't end communism in Europe, but when compare to WWII, England win because its enemy surrendered.

your only effort to refute my claim failed miserably. Are you saying that India won the war against China in 1962?

Hahaha - A poor Chinese's grasp of victory and failure. I am not the one who tied political objectives to full blown military victories. Japan's conquest of Singapore does not make it a victor in WW2; nor does Britain's loss of Singapore make it a loser. Similarly capturing some border outposts don't make 1962 a war especially when

a. There was no declaration of war
b. There was no Treaty of Surrender

So in answer to your question - "Are you saying that India won the war against China in 1962?"
The reply is - this was not a war to begin with. Perhaps it has been the pinnacle of your military history but that does not make it a war.

India needs all those powers in its corner because India is just a colonial state useful for human drug testing and exporting food while its own population starves. They're like North Korea except North Korea has pride and goes against the status quo, they on the other hand are severely abused by the status quo and instead of trying to better themselves, they try to associate with their abusers! That's collective Stockholm syndrome.

LOL - is that what they tell you in the Foxconn factories where you lot work for lodging and a handful of rice? Poor thing. I guess living in a communist state - you are not allowed to say or think otherwise. It is ok - we understand your situation.

Hahaha we get 50cent talking to dumb81 iq indians like you easy money :rofl:

Look at this delusional viet troll continue bs about how you can fight china and then begged big daddy usa to intervene

LOL - only a Chinese would be so excited about getting 50 cents. haha
It is your logic that China grown up from FDI so today China still can't live without FDI? Is it ??

And you talk about offtopic..... It is good that you realize you offtopic....
Rightly so! it is undeniable, because the Chinese economy really took off after receiving waves of foreign investment.

It is really crap you talk about Hongkong...
because today China mainland invest in HongKong is larger tha HongKong invest in China mainland.
You admitted there is Hong Kong invest to mainland China and , as I said.

Finally, funny to see a Vietnamese pretend to understand Hongkong very much.....even he never been to HongKong.

Why do you think a Vietnamese "even he never been to Hong Kong"?
And it has necessarily go to there to be able to talk about it?

And words send you:
More work..less talking...Before you crisis others....think obout yours.

No one want ugly words... You crisis China, seem that you have done well.... But the whole country GDP of Vietnam even can't compare to many China single cites......

You did not give evidence to deny what I said, but you always assume that you are right, and the crap words....
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