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India lost in Afghan endgame.

Bhai jaan,

you are jumping all over the place like an injured bambi.

Just compare Kashmiris living across LOC and see which side is moving around freely without fear.

PCK kashmiris with same religion same sect are extremely peaceful thus no need to place 100s of 1000s of troops.
While ICK Kashmiris with same religion same sect are in a pressure cooker 100s of 1000s of troops for 70 long long long years.

Comparing a peaceful and enlightened Kashmiri with uncouth tribals is what I said your views based on EXTREME prejudice.

Sorry to see a good poster like you parroting low level propaganda while utterly refusing to you your own pov.

Pakistan is a military state overall dude..your democracy is a sham. So the "free movement" is comparable to how any other sunni would live in a complete controlled state in Arabia - so your comparision is moot.

Sorry to see a good poster like you parroting low level propaganda while utterly refusing to you your own pov.

Sorry to say that you are equally sold out on your pak fauj's propaganda.

You have a problem with Indian troops having a heavy hand on a sunni majority population? your bias is limited to the troops being Indian.

You don't have a problem with the iron hand, strict shariah rules, whippings and beheadings done by the sheikhs?

You don't have a problem with the pak fauj bombing and mortaring its own territories and its own people?

You don't have a problem with afghan forces constantly at war with its own people?

you don't have a problem with the military activities / regimes / dictators in iraq, libya syria algeria tunisia egypt somalia yemen turkey central asian states north africa etc etc.

Kashmiri situation is similar to most of the sunni majority states which needs a heavy hand to put down the trouble inciters and the trouble makers...which is the general zianiath ka kasur in a majority population situation. Just because it's Indian troops doesnt make any difference - unless you are biased in analysing it.

You don't have a problem with the iron hand, strict shariah rules, whippings and beheadings done by the sheikhs?

So how many Sheikhs are beheading and whipping in Pakistani controlled Kashmir (PCK)?

How many Kashmiri Sheikhs are involved in this?

Ordinary crimes in that part of the world? off course.

But your unfair comparison of kashmiris in PCK and ICK with 2-bit tribals is really really pathetic.

There is always a way to be balanced when analyzing things. Sadly you lost it all.

so sorry to see you getting into sectarian $Hithole.

so sorry you talking about Sharia like those lowly Mullahs of UK>

So how many Sheikhs are beheading and whipping in Pakistani controlled Kashmir (PCK)?

How many Kashmiri Sheikhs are involved in this?

Ordinary crimes in that part of the world? off course.

But your unfair comparison of kashmiris in PCK and ICK with 2-bit tribals is really really pathetic.

There is always a way to be balanced when analyzing things. Sadly you lost it all.

so sorry to see you getting into sectarian $Hithole.

so sorry you talking about Sharia like those lowly Mullahs of UK>


who are the tribals you keep mentioning? are you specifically mentioning the afghans and your tribal population?

no whipping and beheading shiekhs in Indian Kashmir too.

when you came up with why India maintains high troop presence in kashmir - it isn't to oppress them - it is to police and maintain peace in a typical sunni majority state similar to pakistan afgahnistan iraq, libya syria algeria tunisia egypt somalia yemen turkey central asian states north africa etc etc.

Indian troops are doing exactly what your or all the troops in the respective states mentioned above are doing- now do you understand the logic?.

Our forces might be doing much better than most of the above - because we have largely turned the kashmiri sunnis away from terrorism - except a few of them - by taking them towards development.
no whipping and beheading shiekhs in Indian Kashmir too..

Exactly! my point.

So why on earth you drag totally non-related sectarian stuff into Kashmir issue.

This is really disingenuous on your part.

Sorry to see.
Exactly! my point.

So why on earth you drag totally non-related sectarian stuff into Kashmir issue.

This is really disingenuous on your part.

Sorry to see.

The issue with kashmir is that it is a sunni majority state.

And, sorry to say that it needs heavy handed policing because of that. Look at china and it's policies towards it's muslims or look at the heavy monitoring maintained by the US or the situation in Europe.
The issue with kashmir is that it is a sunni majority state.

And, sorry to say that it needs heavy handed policing because of that. Look at china and it's policies towards it's muslims or look at the heavy monitoring maintained by the US or the situation in Europe.

Now you are extremely prejudicial.

So called seculars who drag sectarianism at the drop of hat
when it helps their narrow minded objectives.

What a shame!

Demeaning human beings down to just a sect or group based on color or birth. you are behaving like those white supremacists of South Africa or worse Nazi Germany.

Now you are extremely prejudicial.

So called seculars who drag sectarianism at the drop of hat
when it helps their narrow minded objectives.

Lets start from the beginning. There are plenty of other religious groups and sects etc etc in India - why is it that only muslims felt that it couldn't co exist with Hindus?. why was it that it was Pakistani kashmiris who lifted the arms first and went to war immediately after independence was achieved? while other territorial matters in India went about somewhat peacefully? what was the need to go to war in 1948 for the pakistani kashmiris? couldn't they have waited for the majority population to emphasise on their king? - zainiath ka kasur.
why is it that only muslims felt that it couldn't co exist with Hindus?..

Off course, let's start from the beginning. For sure. I'd love that.

But make sure you study your subject to be able to talk sense.

Start by asking Lala Lajpat Rai first.

Read his 1920 letters.

Then come here and give us lectures.

or perhaps do not read anything. Anything at all.

Because ignorance is a bliss.
Off course, let's start from the beginning. For sure. I'd love that.

But make sure you study your subject to be able to talk sense.

Start by asking Lala Lajpat Rai first.

Read his 1920 letters.

Then come here and give us lectures.

or perhaps do not read anything. Anything at all.

Because ignorance is a bliss.


You people are quick to blame others for your own failures and your eff ups - nothing new.

The 200 million Indian Muslims don't have a problem with lala lajpat rai's letters surprisingly.
I disagree. India has too many cards in its hands

So it ain't over until its over.

it is lot cheaper to let kashmiris decide.

Why keep on roasting them in a pressure cooker.

That is what happened when you tried for sectarian shit .Kasmiri Pandits,Shias and Sikhs also have their own rights.
Kashmir was a pressure cooker until 1980s.But when your parity driven larger than life agencies tried to divert their jobless holy afghan fighters to Kashmir that pressure just vanished.
The 200 million Indian Muslims don't have a problem with lala lajpat rai's letters surprisingly.

This particular statement smacks of your COMPLETE and UTTER ignorance about the subject you just talked.

And strangely and sadly

you are proud of your ignorance.

That is what happened when you tried for sectarian shit .Kasmiri Pandits,Shias and Sikhs also have their own rights..
Sr Nair Ji

Aaap bhi? I thought you were a very sensible and balanced psoter.

Do you even know the difference of Muslim Conference vs. National Conference in 1940s Kashmir
Do you even know Ghulam Abbas's disrespect and humiliation of his daughters?

Do you know that National Conference was the platform for All Kashmiris.

And how it was broken up? and by whome in rality.

Problem with good posters like you is that you have not studied the subject fully.

And now posting half eaten theories regurgitated and spit out by ignorant media in our region.

Oh baba Ji

please do not remain stuck in 1947.

Things have changed drastically since then. Please move forward.

Pakistan doesn't have to post 100s of 1000s of troops to keep Kashmiris in a pressure cooker like in ICK.

Just imagine your living in Kerala with 100s of 1000s of troops watching every move of yours. disrespecting your women, killing your youth for 70 forking years.

Have yhou meray bhai lost all your humane feelings?

Are you so prejudiced to ignore the horrific outcome of police state being imposed on ICK residents?

Sure we can all sit around sip tea, and talk $hit

but in ICK there are real people, real men, real woman, and real kids suffering immensely.

Please be serious.

Wrong analogy Fauj bhai.
You cant compare deluded honchos like Geelani and his followers (though minority) with Keralites.
Because we are Indians first .
Our Army dont have to know anything about kerala outside of our Pangodu Military Camp.
This is just a matter of priority .
We loves our nation and also a prosperous life.
This particular statement smacks of your COMPLETE and UTTER ignorance about the subject you just talked.

And strangely and sadly

you are proud of your ignorance.

Talk on facts not on rhetoric....please give me a sound reasoning why the tribals of pakistan and its fauj attacked raja hari singh's kashmir immediately after independence?
This particular statement smacks of your COMPLETE and UTTER ignorance about the subject you just talked.

And strangely and sadly

you are proud of your ignorance.

Sr Nair Ji

Aaap bhi? I thought you were a very sensible and balanced psoter.

Do you even know the difference of Muslim Conference vs. National Conference in 1940s Kashmir
Do you even know Ghulam Abbas's disrespect and humiliation of his daughters?

Do you know that National Conference was the platform for All Kashmiris.

And how it was broken up? and by whome in rality.

Problem with good posters like you is that you have not studied the subject fully.

And now posting half eaten theories regurgitated and spit out by ignorant media in our region.


Again wrong Fauj bhai.
You should take a visiting visa and should visit the refugee camp of Pandits in Delhi.They will explain the shocking eventuality when yourhappy ,brotherly neighbour suddenly took the arms against you in thename of religion.
Their dire situation will explain the achievements of your agencies holy war.

IA is not thatperfect .They also have issues like any other Armies in the world.
But they didnt show any delay to courtmartial criminals including mens in Colonel rank.
Talk on facts not on rhetoric....please give me a sound reasoning why the tribals of pakistan and its fauj attacked raja hari singh's kashmir immediately after independence?

AGain you cannot answer on "let's start from beginning" statement/question of yours

So you jump to 1947-1948.

As I said, you are not here to have a sane discussion. you are here to prove that you know it all.

And thus refuse to accept your utter lack of knowledge coupled with extreme prejudice based on sectarianism.

This is the attitude I see among Islamist tribals.

Sadly so many Bharatis suffer from the same disease.

Really really sadly!

Again wrong Fauj bhai.
You should take a visiting visa and should visit the refugee camp of Pandits in Delhi.They will explain the shocking eventuality when yourhappy ,brotherly neighbour suddenly took the arms against you in thename of religion.
Their dire situation will explain the achievements of your agencies holy war.

IA is not thatperfect .They also have issues like any other Armies in the world.
But they didnt show any delay to courtmartial criminals including mens in Colonel rank.

Bhai Jaan Ji

My heart cries out for Pundits.
Same as 100s and 1000s of Muslim Kashmiris kicked out from the valley.

Why do you think I'd talk about one and ignore the other.

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