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India lost in Afghan endgame.

@waz was a mix of irregulars, regulars and the local militia.

The thing is though it was the people of AJK who kicked it all off. The idea that tribal fighters were the catalyst is false. They were involved at a later stage, and yes they did attack the valley.
The thing is though it was the people of AJK who kicked it all off. The idea that tribal fighters were the catalyst is false. They were involved at a later stage, and yes they did attack the valley.

Proves my point to faujhistorian to a large extent. Assume Hari Singh had a capable military -

The likes of IA for e.g. would the invasion have happened?. I correlated it to IA presence in kashmir now for a reason with the helplessness of Raja Hari Singh.
Proves my point to faujhistorian to a large extent. Assume Hari Singh had a capable military -

The likes of IA for e.g. would the invasion have happened?. I correlated it to IA presence in kashmir now for a reason with the helplessness of Raja Hari Singh.

Had the IA not been there, the entire Kashmir region would have gone. But India knew that, Hari was delusional, the rest is history.
Had the IA not been there, the entire Kashmir region would have gone. But India knew that, Hari was delusional, the rest is history.

How was he delusional?

States were given the right to accede to one or the other? The attack was immediate - at least the planning was.

My point with fauj was - what happened in Poonch before the actual invasion, the invasion and the aftermath of it was the because of the thinking that a Hindu Raja should not rule over sunni majority. Hari Singh could have put down the revolt and the invasion if he had a strong enough army.
How was he delusional?

States were given the right to accede to one or the other? The attack was immediate - at least the planning was.

My point with fauj was - what happened in Poonch before the actual invasion, the invasion and the aftermath of it was the because of the thinking that a Hindu Raja should not rule over sunni majority. Hari Singh could have put down the revolt and the invasion if he had a strong enough army.

He was delusional as he went against what the majority of the people wanted, and in his own mind wanted to still keep a little kingdom independent of both nations.
The attack was carried out by the natives, and of course the planning was there as the idiot was well known for his dislike of the state's Muslims subjects. Once the British had gone him and his army were easy pickings.
As for being able to put down the revolt, he simply couldn't, no matter how many troops he had. They were no match for the battle hardened Second World vets, he had to resort to Indian army help, the only force capable of meeting such men.
Dude- kashmir is the only sunni majority state in India - assume it to be a country - now compare it to the other sunni majority states like pakistan afghanistan syria yemen libya palestine somalia iraq even turkey etc etc. now chachaji tell me in which of these countries I mentioned is the military not active internally or where there are no "real people, real men, real woman, and real kids suffering immensely" ?.

Yeah zainiath ka kasur hai. If there is a sunni majority in any state of US or UK too - they too will end up militarising and policing the whole state. There too there will be thousands of jihadis baying for blood.

Kashmir is hundred times better than most of the countries I mentioned because of the control that's maintained.

Kashmir isnt indian, so your post is already invalidated.

and even in Somalia - women dont get stripped in police stations and raped by police the way they do in occupied Kashmir.....in Pakistan and even Syria there is no AFSPA. In Iraq you have turf wars and sectarian in-fighting but there's no societal-enforced caste system.

Palestine and Kashmir share one thing in common. You have freedom fighters who will never accept hegemony and will never back down from their struggle no matter what the **** you keep throwing at them.
Oh baba Ji

please do not remain stuck in 1947.

Things have changed drastically since then. Please move forward.

Pakistan doesn't have to post 100s of 1000s of troops to keep Kashmiris in a pressure cooker like in ICK.

Just imagine your living in Kerala with 100s of 1000s of troops watching every move of yours. disrespecting your women, killing your youth for 70 forking years.

Have yhou meray bhai lost all your humane feelings?

Are you so prejudiced to ignore the horrific outcome of police state being imposed on ICK residents?

Sure we can all sit around sip tea, and talk $hit

but in ICK there are real people, real men, real woman, and real kids suffering immensely.

Please be serious.

Short answer, they honestly don't care. If they did they would have done something a long time back.

Their hate outweighs their humanity.
Oh baba Ji

please do not remain stuck in 1947.

Things have changed drastically since then. Please move forward.

Pakistan doesn't have to post 100s of 1000s of troops to keep Kashmiris in a pressure cooker like in ICK.

Just imagine your living in Kerala with 100s of 1000s of troops watching every move of yours. disrespecting your women, killing your youth for 70 forking years.

Have yhou meray bhai lost all your humane feelings?

Are you so prejudiced to ignore the horrific outcome of police state being imposed on ICK residents?

Sure we can all sit around sip tea, and talk $hit

but in ICK there are real people, real men, real woman, and real kids suffering immensely.

Please be serious.

We need a govt. that will apply the same logic which these indians applied to 'oppressed' bangalis in 71.

I definitely do see another intifada/uprising in the very near future. And i'll be first in line to give my moral backing. Not out of spite just for the sake of being spiteful - but to assist the aspirations of Kashmiris with whom we share cultural, linguistic and religious bonds. Kashmir is the jugular vein of Pakistan and Pakistan is the single greatest bulwark against indian hegemony and mis-behavior in the region.

our govt. one after the other has FAILED to assist in the liberation and existential battle for Kashmiri identity
They would run one big loss in a single day and they would pack up and leave you just wait and watch.
the usa has helped pakistan alot.
why are you against them??
its saudi arabians who fund terrorism... r u against them as well??

Pakistan is a military state overall dude..your democracy is a sham. So the "free movement" is comparable to how any other sunni would live in a complete controlled state in Arabia - so your comparision is moot.

Sorry to say that you are equally sold out on your pak fauj's propaganda.

You have a problem with Indian troops having a heavy hand on a sunni majority population? your bias is limited to the troops being Indian.

You don't have a problem with the iron hand, strict shariah rules, whippings and beheadings done by the sheikhs?

You don't have a problem with the pak fauj bombing and mortaring its own territories and its own people?

You don't have a problem with afghan forces constantly at war with its own people?

you don't have a problem with the military activities / regimes / dictators in iraq, libya syria algeria tunisia egypt somalia yemen turkey central asian states north africa etc etc.

Kashmiri situation is similar to most of the sunni majority states which needs a heavy hand to put down the trouble inciters and the trouble makers...which is the general zianiath ka kasur in a majority population situation. Just because it's Indian troops doesnt make any difference - unless you are biased in analysing it.
**** democracy... we pakistanis are more free then you indians...
We need a govt. that will apply the same logic which these indians applied to 'oppressed' bangalis in 71.

I definitely do see another intifada/uprising in the very near future. And i'll be first in line to give my moral backing. Not out of spite just for the sake of being spiteful - but to assist the aspirations of Kashmiris with whom we share cultural, linguistic and religious bonds. Kashmir is the jugular vein of Pakistan and Pakistan is the single greatest bulwark against indian hegemony and mis-behavior in the region.

our govt. one after the other has FAILED to assist in the liberation and existential battle for Kashmiri identity

I hear you bhai

But please understand that we do not need a "government", but a we need a "country with 1000 times better economy".
We need "country with 1000 times better global citizenship".

Kashmir is a real estate issue. Perhaps it needs about 100 to 200 billion dollars.

The day Pakistan can pay that much in cash, Kashmir issue will be resolved.

I hear you bhai

But please understand that we do not need a "government", but a we need a "country with 1000 times better economy".
We need "country with 1000 times better global citizenship".

Kashmir is a real estate issue. Perhaps it needs about 100 to 200 billion dollars.

The day Pakistan can pay that much in cash, Kashmir issue will be resolved.


Kashmir is jugular vein of Pakistan and we will never abandon the cause. To do so would be a let-down to our brothers and sisters there and an act of treason. If the indians find that offensive, who cares. Zero damns given.
Kashmir is jugular vein of Pakistan and we will never abandon the cause. .

Oh Bhai jaan, Oh Zulfiqa kay Abba Ji,

Who said "abandon" the cause?

How did you read it? and where?

If you have a cause, you gotta work for it. And work your tail off.

My assessment of $100-200 billion is quantification of that hard work.

Hope you get it.

This is type of crying is more appropriate

@HariPrasad 2 Billion dollars - tut tut tut tut.... :no:

Oh Bhai jaan, Oh Zulfiqa kay Abba Ji,

Who said "abandon" the cause?

How did you read it? and where?

If you have a cause, you gotta work for it. And work your tail off.

My assessment of $100-200 billion is quantification of that hard work.

Hope you get it.


it's an issue of aspirations and supporting those with whom we share ethnical, linguistic, cultural and religious bonds.....nothing to do with money
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