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India lost in Afghan endgame.

Strategist & Analysts never form their opinion overnight, it comes after through research, and 2014 isn't far from now as we are towards the end og August that leaves us with 4 months to deal with problems. I am sure the plan is to withdraw in the middle of 2014 - but withdrawal cant be made overnight either.
looking at things from military point of view, than 4 months are not enough to tackle huge problems - not untill you want a sustainable solution.
Just look at Cold war & German War, how many years did it take for USSR and NATO to come up to an agreement.BTW it is not about win or loose, its about sustaining the region with peace - which we want.
All this over someone's opinion ? aren't you guys biting the bullet too early ? nothing is really sure until 2014 withdrawal next year and how long it will take for them to win/lose the fight against Taliban ....
All we have to do at this stage is to 'Wait & don't disturb India'. Afghans don't give loyalty, Hindus don't believe in friendship, Afghans don't listen, India plans to buy them out, Afghans think of Indian investment as 'help', Indians 'worship money' [Lakshmi] and believe in profiteering. -. There are inherient fault lines between the duo and, it will be an interesting show to watch. All we need to do at this stage is to 'let them mingle', the chicken will come back to roost in 5 years, and then we can 'kill that chicken to scare the monkey.'

india is in afghanistan for the same very reason why pakistan wants peace in afghanistan and that is trade routes to central asia please dont take me wrong but tell me dont we both want the same that there is peace in afghanistan and hindukush area so the ports or chabbaar and ghadawar can be used to full potential

whats wrong in making money from trade at least we dont beleave in looting the weak and enjoying 'maal e ghanimat' we indians dont make foriegn policy just for the present we invest always in the long term

education and good health brings sanity and that helps in genarating wealth from most meager resources wealth has to be earned and onli peace and education bring wealth thats why we hindus also worship saraswati goddess of education side by side lakshmi and durga is symbolick to power and control over the bad people in short we hindus worship peace + education which brings wealth & prosperity whats wrong in it tell me isnt the whole world run on one single principle and thats generation of wealth i mean the whole concept of nation state and constitution

you are a very intelligent person Sir kindly dont make fun of things you dont know ...thanks
indians have been at the receaving end of the afghjans from centuries so we know a thing or two about there history and nature and peaceful ways to tackle them and bring them to table

war is a cottage industry for afghans from ancient times and onli thing they listen & respond in a civilized manner is profit and they themselfs want peace & to make profit by giving them a taste of profit or to help them in achieving that goal please tell me whats wrong in it is pakistan doing the same and the answer is no pakistan is using the logick that has failed over and over again ...Thanks
nothing new... India already lost the game before even start... lol abhe muna new new hey is Power Play games may.. its all about CIA, ISI, USA, RUSSIA, CHINA, PAKISTAN.. Pakistan nay is situation may b India ko ***** pe rakha huwa hey lol... leave India aside apnay ghar may kuta b shaeer hey India is nothing more than that. All Indian neighbours have problem with India and India going Pyaar ke mohabatain barha raha hey with Afghan Govt lol who even not control Kabul properly rest of afghanistan is completely different ball game....
Hindus don't like friendship, we worship money.... isn't that a bit offensive ?

1st is based on Sri Chanakya's writings - Panditji has told the Hindus not to trust the malicchas.

2nd: Lakhsmi is the Godess of wealth in Hinduism - i see nothing offensive in that!

These are factually, correct statements which i have read in the Hindu texts. Therefore i'm entitled to my opinion and don't see any offense in that.
I've always said they would. But people here and elsewhere always bring up the fact that the allied powers have overwhelming firepower and funds against a few rag tag militants. And then, there's also the talk of training up ANA and $2 billion dollar Indian investment.

But, at the end of the day, Indians joined alongside the Karzai government and it's American puppets (mind you, it had no other choice), and it became associated with the last decade+ of war.

There's little hope left for Indian interests in Afghanistan.
The 90's are returning and we will gain strategic depth in Afghanistan, and when I say strategic depth, it sounds alarm bells, but all I really mean is that we will have a friendly or a neutral government in Afghanistan and not one which will stab us in the back and try to pay proxy wars.
I've always said they would. But people here and elsewhere always bring up the fact that the allied powers have overwhelming firepower and funds against a few rag tag militants. And then, there's also the talk of training up ANA and $2 billion dollar Indian investment.

But, at the end of the day, Indians joined alongside the Karzai government and it's American puppets (mind you, it had no other choice), and it became associated with the last decade+ of war.

There's little hope left for Indian interests in Afghanistan.
The 90's are returning and we will gain strategic depth in Afghanistan, and when I say strategic depth, it sounds alarm bells, but all I really mean is that we will have a friendly or a neutral government in Afghanistan and not one which will stab us in the back and try to pay proxy wars.

They invested the money on the same people 'we trained,armed and used' for 10 years. They could have been more smarter. What sort of person does it take to, squarely place the gambit in the hands of the foe? :coffee:
1st is based on Sri Chanakya's writings - Panditji has told the Hindus not to trust the malicchas.

2nd: Lakhsmi is the Godess of wealth in Hinduism - i see nothing offensive in that!

These are factually, correct statements which i have read in the Hindu texts. Therefore i'm entitled to my opinion and don't see any offense in that.

Chanekya is a human being , he wasn't the prophet of Hinduism..

Hinduism has several meaning for the world wealth...materialistic wealth is not one of them ....
I've always said they would. But people here and elsewhere always bring up the fact that the allied powers have overwhelming firepower and funds against a few rag tag militants. And then, there's also the talk of training up ANA and $2 billion dollar Indian investment.

But, at the end of the day, Indians joined alongside the Karzai government and it's American puppets (mind you, it had no other choice), and it became associated with the last decade+ of war.

There's little hope left for Indian interests in Afghanistan.
The 90's are returning and we will gain strategic depth in Afghanistan, and when I say strategic depth, it sounds alarm bells, but all I really mean is that we will have a friendly or a neutral government in Afghanistan and not one which will stab us in the back and try to pay proxy wars.

What exactly do you mean by friendly neutral govt.... it seems certain posts are not being approved...I hope posts are not being approved to sway public opinion ... or keep the topic one sided
1st is based on Sri Chanakya's writings - Panditji has told the Hindus not to trust the malicchas.

2nd: Lakhsmi is the Godess of wealth in Hinduism - i see nothing offensive in that!

These are factually, correct statements which i have read in the Hindu texts. Therefore i'm entitled to my opinion and don't see any offense in that.
well sir your a learned person please also care to read other principals of chankya ideology aswell that pandit single handedli was responsible for making alexender the great stop his conquest and return back withowt doing to indian civilization what he did to iranians and others

now we indians or say hindus dont worship wealth but we worship and beleave in making peace and making owr lives more healthy and prospourus and for that we also beleave in non voilence , respect to nature and most importantli respect for human life all the principals very much important to make a good nation state and we are doing that from thousands of years we are not a agressive race who beleves in conquering others to become rich in fact the basic principle of hinduism in to first conqure your self and make livfe easy for yourself and those dependent on you without hurting sentiments of other

Chanekya is a human being , he wasn't the prophet of Hinduism..

Hinduism has several meaning for the world wealth...materialistic wealth is not one of them ....

Lets not get into religious debate here, i hope you got the point about me having a certain opinion.

I had an observation which i made, means nothing more than that. Period.
@HariPrasad 2 Billion dollars - tut tut tut tut.... :no:



Put the SDS on ice for sometime.

Indians have absolutely no idea, how corrupt Afghan warlords are.
Its in our interest if India learns the hard way.

Purpose of the forum is to 'discuss the recent events' - we can't just shut up and wait for the magic number of 2014 can we?

I dont think so, our leaders can hold seminars for afghan warlords... but the fact of the matter remains Indian work in afghanistan hasn't ended, If you believe to think so, b ready for a big big surprise,,,,
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All we have to do at this stage is to 'Wait & don't disturb India'. Afghans don't give loyalty, Hindus don't believe in friendship, Afghans don't listen, India plans to buy them out, Afghans think of Indian investment as 'help', Indians 'worship money' [Lakshmi] and believe in profiteering. -. There are inherient fault lines between the duo and, it will be an interesting show to watch. All we need to do at this stage is to 'let them mingle', the chicken will come back to roost in 5 years, and then we can 'kill that chicken to scare the monkey.'

Basic flaw.. You are confusing Hinduism with India.. Unlike Pakistan, India is not governed basis state religion. That was flaw number 1 since we do not have a state religion.

Secondly, Hindus not believing in friendship is as stereotypical as saying all Muslims are terrorists.. Neither being correct

Thirdly, Because Hindus also worship goddess of prosperity (along with 36 crore other deities), you translate that to India worshiping money. That is kind of me saying that Pakistanis worship IEDs because Muslim religion recommends war on non believers and IEDs are an instrument of war. See how weird and stereotypical does that sound...
I dont think so, our leaders can hold seminars for afghan warlords... but the fact of the matter remains Indian work in afghanistan hasn't ended, If you believe to think so, b ready for a big big surprise,,,,

With due respect, the problem is not how much money India has spent in Afghanistan and how much money they are going to spend in future, the major concern is will it be sufficient? that is the question posed in last paragraph of the article posted. India will have to allow other stakeholders to play their role, as sustaining peace in Afghanistan is not one man's show, if it was US would have been able to do so decades ago.

Education & economy has to role to play but to some extent only, i fail to see how are you going to explain this simple fact to a villager who know nothing but fighting for the tribals. And good luck for holding seminars for warlords - Arab Kings & Afghan warlords / tribal leaders gives rat's bottom to such things........
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