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India loses Afghan proxy war

Author is MK Bhadrakumar.
Each of his predictions on Indian foreign policy have ended up as wrong.:rofl:rofl:

He is the same guy who claimed in Aug 2016 that Pak-Iran & Afghanistan will form joint alliance against RAW in Balochistan and also the same guy who claimed in 2018 Sri Lanka and Maldives will give forward basing rights to China and Pakistan navies. :lol::lol:

Meanwhile in the real world, India has been invited to join the next meeting as US, Russia and China have agreed to expand the meet to include all regional stakeholders.
So India will join KSA, Germany & Tajikistan in the next meeting by group on Afghanistan to be held in September 1st week.
So your real world is India only,Good. US, China and Russia vrs KSA, Germany and Tajikistan. So real world man tell me which Countries have more power to shape the world?
exactly! they r all learning it the hard way! We r the Lords of these lands, we had been 1000 years ago and we will be in next 1000 years and next 1000 years after that too.

Lmao calm down, Pashtuns are the only ethnic group in Pakistan have been the lords of Afghanistan for that long (and I guess the few Turco-Mongols in our country too).

this writer is in lala land, like majority of people on these forums. Makes it fun to watch LOL

Oh wow an Afghan. We haven't had one of you in a while.
this writer is in lala land, like majority of people on these forums. Makes it fun to watch LOL
:lol: then why did yr Ashraf Ghani came here in Pakistan begging us to save his rule?:azn:

Lmao calm down, Pashtuns are the only ethnic group in Pakistan have been the lords of Afghanistan for that long (and I guess the few Turco-Mongols in our country too).

Oh wow an Afghan. We haven't had one of you in a while.
and who r they? Muslims arnt they? and so r Taliban too? Our relations with them is based on Kalim Pak. That is why we support them and they support us as well.

So much so that Taliban had agreed to commit to reduced attacks unless Pakistan and China guarantees them!

Abb Islam ka ghanda yahan lehrany sy hamain koi nahi rok sakta! orr yahe aik Musalman hony ka hamara Farz tha, ha or hamesha rahy ga!

Allah ka nizaam humne harr keemat py ghalib karna ha! yahe hamara or hamary mulk ko banany ka maqsab ha, tha or hamesha rahy ga!
According to Pakistanis... India is elbowed out of Afghanistan because US, China, Russia and Pakistan are talking on a table for peace in... AFGHANISTAN. Lol. I'd say let all four of these be in the room and fight it out for peace in Afghanistan. While India and Afghanistan watch from outside enjoying.... but hey it's India who is elbowed out!! ;)

india and AFGHANISTAN :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Which Afghanistan? The corrupt government that is already irrelevant?
You indians are just too innocent and funny...
No wonder your minds can only work with bollywood and take that as the reality of the world...
Perhaps they should make a few movies on Afghanistan so atleast you'll know what you're talking about even if deluded...
India was only made relevant by a failed US strategy which combined the occupation of Afghanistan with the containment of China. This strategy also required the sidelining if Pakistan because the whole strategy was against the interests of the immediate region and was something that Pakistan would never acquiesce in. In India, the US found a useful idiot that was prepared to endanger local and regional stability in pursuance of it's enmity with both Pakistan and China. How India ever thought that China Pakistan would allow it to get a foothold in their back yard is beyond reason. They counted on the US staying in Afghanistan in perpetuity and were never themselves going to be prepared or able to maintain there own presence independently. The US having comprehensively failed in it's mission is now in the process of rowing back furiously and a rapprochement with Pakistan is in full swing with the realisation that Pakistan is vital to Afghan peace and stability. India meanwhile is now left floundering, largely irrelevant to the whole enterprise having failed in it's mission to disrupt and dismember Pakistan from it's western borders.
The ramifications of this will be far reaching. Despite its rhetoric and bluster India is going to find itself in the position of it needing Pakistan more than Pakistan needs it. The markets of the CAR need access and the access runs through Pakistan. Regardless of the fact that India has access to Chabahar, the most economic, secure and shortest route is through Pakistan.
Hatred aside, India is going to need Pakistan if it wants to develop it's full potential. That needs compromise. India will need to put aside it's belligerence towards Pakistan and come to an amicable solution. If it doesn't then Pakistan will move forward regardless.
India has done all it can to try and damage us and to some degree it has succeeded, but it hasn't managed to strike a telling blow against us. We have come through stronger. Our political system is being cleansed and upgraded as is our economy. We have come through a low point on the diplomatic front and once again our voice and narrative is beginning to be heard. The firmament is changing once again and the stars are realigning. India should take advantage of IK's good intentions and negotiate before that boat sails and India finds itself in a dead end.
india and AFGHANISTAN :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Which Afghanistan? The corrupt government that is already irrelevant?
You indians are just too innocent and funny...
No wonder your minds can only work with bollywood and take that as the reality of the world...
Perhaps they should make a few movies on Afghanistan so atleast you'll know what you're talking about even if deluded...

yeah we are delusioned and Afghanistan is corrupt... and you Pakistanis are neither corrupt nor delusioned. lol
US withdrawal from Afghanistan will be Pakistan's biggest truimph in 70 years. Implications will be profound. In summary:
1. India role will end. Almost evaporated.
2. Attacks by TTP and other proxies will end.
3. Biggest, Biggest, Biggest- Pakistan will stabilize.
4. Pakistan will move into central Asian republics.

I only hope Pakistan political, military, and civil establishment will be able to grasp the historical opportunity.
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