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India loses Afghan proxy war

According to Pakistanis... India is elbowed out of Afghanistan because US, China, Russia and Pakistan are talking on a table for peace in... AFGHANISTAN. Lol. I'd say let all four of these be in the room and fight it out for peace in Afghanistan. While India and Afghanistan watch from outside enjoying.... but hey it's India who is elbowed out!! ;)

Afghanistan watches from the outside while peace talks go on about Afghanistan makes sense :tup:

this writer is in lala land, like majority of people on these forums. Makes it fun to watch LOL

your going to have lots of fun here then:lol:

enjoy your stay
All the money spent on sponsoring terrorism inside afghanistan and Kashmir or to defeat Pakistan overthere could be used to alleviate poverty in India.What a pity billions of dollars are wasted.

I am sorry. I missed the part where Pakistan took Kashmir from India or the part where Pak sponsored Taliban took over Afghanistan. Speaking too soon.
I am sorry. I missed the part where Pakistan took Kashmir from India or the part where Pak sponsored Taliban took over Afghanistan. Speaking too soon.


Are you living under the cave or what?

Taliban are the de-facto governing body for majority of Afghanistan, and easily the most powerful military group in the country.

Just see the recent losses of territory and manpower in Afghan conflict (minus U.S forces' operations)---You'll see the clear trend :)

The second Afghan war is over. Pakistan has won on de-facto basis. Afghanistan will remain an Islamic state with Shari'ah integrated into the governing system, and Pakistani interests well-protected (No direct or indirect major presence of our counter interests, as has been the case post 2014-15).

The only thing remains is what would be the de-jure conclusion on papers, and whether Taliban will govern directly as partners of the government or would prefer a different arrangement where they exercise their power outside of govt through their independent governance on the vast part of Afghanistan and its people. All of that would be negotiated with the U.S and hopefully a winning compromise for all can be reached. But that is pretty irrelevant for us and our core interests in Afghanistan---since that part we have already won :enjoy:

Are you living under the cave or what?

Taliban are the de-facto governing body for majority of Afghanistan, and easily the most powerful military group in the country.

Just see the recent losses of territory and manpower in Afghan conflict (minus U.S forces' operations)---You'll see the clear trend :)

The second Afghan war is over. Pakistan has won on de-facto basis. Afghanistan will remain an Islamic state with Shari'ah integrated into the governing system, and Pakistani interests well-protected (No direct or indirect major presence of our counter interests, as has been the case post 2014-15).

The only thing remains is what would be the de-jure conclusion on papers, and whether Taliban will govern directly as partners of the government or would prefer a different arrangement where they exercise their power outside of govt through their independent governance on the vast part of Afghanistan and its people. All of that would be negotiated with the U.S and hopefully a winning compromise for all can be reached. But that is pretty irrelevant for us and our core interests in Afghanistan---since that part we have already won :enjoy:

"clear trend" is one thing. Conclusive victory is another. Unless there is a takeover, Pakistan still hasn't won. Secondly, what makes you think that even if the Taliban were to take over Afghanistan, the world would accept that ? There will be a fresh invasion. Afghanistan will always be in a civil war and there will never be peace and that does not suit Pakistan at all. The only solution is division along ethnic lines.
Taliban are the de-facto governing body for majority of Afghanistan, and easily the most powerful military group in the country.
Yeah sure.
I am sorry. I missed the part where Pakistan took Kashmir from India or the part where Pak sponsored Taliban took over Afghanistan. Speaking too soon.
@AUz already explained well regarding Afghanistan and also above your fellow indian explained in a video as well.
Regarding Kashmir your PM modi is secretly trying to find someone who can end this issue to it's end i.e refrendum apparently because deep inside he knows force is not an option he tried but failed and Pakistans will must be heard.Trump just verified all that when Imran visited USA.So indeed it's a failure because if refrendum happens we all know kashmiris won't opt for India.Or if India rejects the pressure or don't respect world powers like USA ,China etc it will lose respect in the international community.Either way you lose.
So if you still don't agree with me then please change name from Nick indian to sick indian
OP video is very entertaining, particularly for a person conversant in Punjabi.
"clear trend" is one thing. Conclusive victory is another. Unless there is a takeover, Pakistan still hasn't won. Secondly, what makes you think that even if the Taliban were to take over Afghanistan, the world would accept that ? There will be a fresh invasion. Afghanistan will always be in a civil war and there will never be peace and that does not suit Pakistan at all. The only solution is division along ethnic lines.
You had your chance but you blew it with your narrow mindset and, and I say this with respect, your baniya attitude of only looking to your own selfish interest. You are out of the game as far as Afghanistan is concerned, the remaining players are all on the same page as far as desired outcome is concerned. India was the only country that wished an unstable Afghanistan and a continuation of the status quo and had to be sidelined by all.
Ever heard of being too clever for your own good?
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