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India looking to develop Anti-Satellite

Mar 5, 2009
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India looking to develop anti-satellite missile
EXCERPT FROM Indian daily Pioneer editorial:
’The Government’s decision to set up an Integrated Space Cell is a long over-due step in the right direction. India has been consistent in insisting on the use of space only for peaceful purposes. It has remained committed to its policy of non-weaponisation of space. Yet it cannot remain indifferent to the offensive counter-space systems that have emerged in close proximity to our country, namely in China. Space-based offensive and defensive capabilities have now become important, with many countries, particularly China, developing new capacities as far as such weapons are concerned.’

Establishment of an Integrated Space Cell is a precursor for the creation of the National Aerospace Command, which would track objects in Earth’s orbit that might pose threat to Indian satellites and also keep an eye on the non-scientific and non-civilian activities carried out in the space.

The decision to form such a body came after China’s anti-satellite test in January, 2007. Although United Resolutions (UN) resolutions prohibit use of outer space for military activities, but the Chinese officials claimed that they didn’t violate any international rules, but the move certainly rung alarm bells in India thus prompting efforts for an ‘equalising measure’.

Although India is committed to peaceful use of outer space but, acknowledging the ‘dangers’ posed by China India, in addition to setting up space monitoring agency, is exploring options of developing anti-satellite missile as a ’strategic deterrence’. In this effect the chairman of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) talked about a possible collaboration with Department of Defense Research & Development (DRDO).

While working around international pressures and technological constraints India has been increasing the range of its ballistic missiles, it is also made vital breakthroughs in state-of-the-art rocket technology – Scramjet. Although the scramjet engines are currently undergoing tests some, like Clayton KS Chun of US Army War College, believe that India already possesses technological platforms, which could be used for development of anti-satellite missiles.

India would like to demonstrate its anti-satellite weaponry for the purpose of deterrence against potential Chinese threat against its assets in space, but it would be interesting to see if the international pressure would allow India to do so. India runs the risk of imposition of trade sanctions over technological goods and knowledge in addition to global condemnation, although some Western powers would like the idea of India countering China’s military might as many see India, world’s largest democracy, as an ally.

India has taken the right step by establishing a Space Cell to monitor its assets now the DRDO and ISRO need to collaborate for design and testing to a dedicated anti-satellite weapon even if such a device isn’t tested it could still prove work as a strong deterrent.

DRDO was "evasive" when asked about whether India was developing ASAT. but said it was being "considered" on priority basis
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While recognizing that India has every right to develop itself, it’s worthy commenting that:

1) “prompting efforts for an ‘equalising measure’” with China would make much better sense in equalizing literacy, poverty, human rights for individual survival and development … etc. For instance, Indians should strive in a direction such that next time in “Times Higher Education-QS World University Rankings”, for instance, IITD would enter top 10 or 15 of “World's Best Colleges: Top Asian and Middle Eastern Universities” World's Best Colleges: Top Asian and Middle Eastern Universities - US News and World Report This is a kind of healthy competition I’d like to see.

2) Do not take too much ecstasy in “Western powers would like the idea of India countering China’s military might” so that Indians are cozy with Western intention. This is in fact fundamentally detrimental to India’s national interest. As I pointed out numerous times, India should concentrate on its own way of development, not in a way to just “countering China” for countering purpose, which will inflict more damage to India than to China. Please note that I recognize there is damage to China, but to a much less degree. I previously had roughly quantified as China suffers 10% of the damage to India itself; i.e., if India manages to damage 10 points to China, India itself gets 100 points damage.

3) Understand that China’s military development is not aiming at India, albeit it may produce a “collateral effect”. Per the topic, it is extremely obvious to everybody (including Indian politicians and warlords) that none India satellite is worthy shooting down by China. China’s main problems are in the east. China tries to deter US involvement in the east (Taiwan, NK and S. China Sea). And if India tries to match up China, it also means India trying to match up to US but with much less competent society. It is puzzling that not much people in India, where there were no lack of wisemen in history, see through that.

4) Of course, given ugly nature of human beings, one can never rule out the possibility and feasibility that Indian politicians and warlords will utilize the “China threat” slogan to benefit themselves at the expenses of ordinary people: more projects, more chances for briberies and kickbacks to enrich themselves, faster and fatter, evasively or openly. The net result is that there will be Indian billionaires getting higher in the world top-list (which I am sure, and as evidenced in reality, that many Indians love to tout :lol:), with India, a country as a whole, sinking lower in world poverty level, and stagnant in literacy improvement.
if you are really from US OF A

its really funny to hear words from a person whose country spent billions of dollars an a POSSIBLE war with a country HALF A WORLD AWAY :cheesy:.....

you never had border skirmishes with neighbors and threat was never even near your homeland starting from the WW times and even cold war .. it is a completely different threat environment where all three nations INDIA PAK & CHINA are feeling with each other being right next to each other :tsk: feeling of insecurity is very high .....

yes you are spot on about corruption and buerocracy :enjoy:

While recognizing that India has every right to develop itself, it’s worthy commenting that:

1) “prompting efforts for an ‘equalising measure’” with China would make much better sense in equalizing literacy, poverty, human rights for individual survival and development … etc. For instance, Indians should strive in a direction such that next time in “Times Higher Education-QS World University Rankings”, for instance, IITD would enter top 10 or 15 of “World's Best Colleges: Top Asian and Middle Eastern Universities” World's Best Colleges: Top Asian and Middle Eastern Universities - US News and World Report This is a kind of healthy competition I’d like to see.

2) Do not take too much ecstasy in “Western powers would like the idea of India countering China’s military might” so that Indians are cozy with Western intention. This is in fact fundamentally detrimental to India’s national interest. As I pointed out numerous times, India should concentrate on its own way of development, not in a way to just “countering China” for countering purpose, which will inflict more damage to India than to China. Please note that I recognize there is damage to China, but to a much less degree. I previously had roughly quantified as China suffers 10% of the damage to India itself; i.e., if India manages to damage 10 points to China, India itself gets 100 points damage.

3) Understand that China’s military development is not aiming at India, albeit it may produce a “collateral effect”. Per the topic, it is extremely obvious to everybody (including Indian politicians and warlords) that none India satellite is worthy shooting down by China. China’s main problems are in the east. China tries to deter US involvement in the east (Taiwan, NK and S. China Sea). And if India tries to match up China, it also means India trying to match up to US but with much less competent society. It is puzzling that not much people in India, where there were no lack of wisemen in history, see through that.

4) Of course, given ugly nature of human beings, one can never rule out the possibility and feasibility that Indian politicians and warlords will utilize the “China threat” slogan to benefit themselves at the expenses of ordinary people: more projects, more chances for briberies and kickbacks to enrich themselves, faster and fatter, evasively or openly. The net result is that there will be Indian billionaires getting higher in the world top-list (which I am sure, and as evidenced in reality, that many Indians love to tout :lol:), with India, a country as a whole, sinking lower in world poverty level, and stagnant in literacy improvement.

What makes you to think India should not concentrate on China,For we Indians China is the only threat and all our defense systems target only against China.Its them against we lost a war and our territory. So what do you think India should plan for?Give up more to China.I don't know if India should compete with China in other areas, But should concentrate more on leveling their military threat.

I agree with you that western powers will not support India if we got for ASAT missiles,But you should know how we went for nuclear test.India will not at all be affected by any kind of ban imposed by western countries,Is has survived and will survive.

What do you really mean , that 10 points and 100points ? What made you to think we are cowards? You trying to make up your mind that US is the only threat to China its not correct,China has all kind of problems with all its neighbors Russia,Japan,India,South Korea,Taiwan, Mongolia.It has to manage all its threats.

What made you to think India has "less competent society" to US ?We have not lost Trillions of $s in virtual money of real estate how you lost.US had borrowed money from almost all savings of Asian countries and wasted the money by bailing out your billionaires.

Please change your mind that Us is the richest and most powerful country.

I request you please change your mind about India that we are failing country with billionaires swallowing all of us.Please come out the usual western world thinking that India known for snakes saints and elephants.Every country has its tough times we are coming out of it. Thats the reason why "your billionaires" targeting Indian middle class.

Now I get the reason why can't I see much American products ,except food items in India :)
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While recognizing that India has every right to develop itself, it’s worthy commenting that:

1) “prompting efforts for an ‘equalising measure’” with China would make much better sense in equalizing literacy, poverty, human rights for individual survival and development … etc. For instance, Indians should strive in a direction such that next time in “Times Higher Education-QS World University Rankings”, for instance, IITD would enter top 10 or 15 of “World's Best Colleges: Top Asian and Middle Eastern Universities” World's Best Colleges: Top Asian and Middle Eastern Universities - US News and World Report This is a kind of healthy competition I’d like to see.

Firstly, IIT's(collectively)are already regarded as being the third best technical unversity in the world by Times Higher Learning itself in 2007-2008 edition. The current edition regards IIT's as independent universities, and but regards Nanyang Technological University and other as a collective "university". And owing to this fact, IITD has gone down in the rankings. The second reason is the paramaters, neither of which reflects what a true "technical" university stands for. I'm sure if Times would have stuck to its more "technical side" of the rankings as it had earlier, IIT's would have outclassed all the other institutes.

2) Do not take too much ecstasy in “Western powers would like the idea of India countering China’s military might” so that Indians are cozy with Western intention. This is in fact fundamentally detrimental to India’s national interest. As I pointed out numerous times, India should concentrate on its own way of development, not in a way to just “countering China” for countering purpose, which will inflict more damage to India than to China. Please note that I recognize there is damage to China, but to a much less degree. I previously had roughly quantified as China suffers 10% of the damage to India itself; i.e., if India manages to damage 10 points to China, India itself gets 100 points damage.

Any intelligent American would agree that if your neighbour poses a threat then you are supposed to counter that threat, especially when you have fought a war with your neighbour.
If I go by your logic, then Russia shouldnt have voist its concern over US missile presence in Poland. because any act of incursion by US into Russia would mean American sustaing enormous damage compared to the Russians.

it also means India trying to match up to US but with much less competent society. It is puzzling that not much people in India, where there were no lack of wisemen in history, see through that

Less competent is not a virtue that an alleged American decides.
All the wise men in India are busy, building this country and helping the US to build their own economy. Now if you were really an American, you would have known this and wouldnt have treaded along this thought. Which leads me to believe you are sitting behind a proxy and posing as an American.

4) Of course, given ugly nature of human beings, one can never rule out the possibility and feasibility that Indian politicians and warlords will utilize the “China threat” slogan to benefit themselves at the expenses of ordinary people: more projects, more chances for briberies and kickbacks to enrich themselves, faster and fatter, evasively or openly. The net result is that there will be Indian billionaires getting higher in the world top-list (which I am sure, and as evidenced in reality, that many Indians love to tout ), with India, a country as a whole, sinking lower in world poverty level, and stagnant in literacy improvement.

Again, all of your arguments are so inline with what an average Pakistani thinks about India. Either you take what is being said on this forum to your heart, or you are a Pakistani yourself.

Sinking poverty level, stagnant literacy rate, these are all the arguments of the ignorant.
India's poverty has come down from 68% in 1947 to 24.3% in 2005.
Literacy rate has risen from 33% in 1947 to 69.4% in 2008.

As far as the usual talk of Indians doing things at the expense of the poor, is concerned, let me tell you, India has a power of 1.1 billion voters. If they dont like what their government is doing at the "expense" of "ordinary people", we'll wreck their lives and force the change in 6 months.And if that would have been true, we would have had an even poor track record of a democratic government at the centre than Pakistan. So, as an alleged American who cant stand up to his nationality, dont you worry about what we are "facing" because of the policies our goverment is making at the expense of "us".One vote is all it takes. India is a billion strong not a billion weak.
Again off topic comments by gpit and taking the whole thread in a different tangent. India has every right to develop whatever it deems as good for its security and prosperity whether it is nuclear weapons to anti-satellites or Chandrayan. Chinese have no business in this.

PS: To other fellows, gpit is of Chinese descent.
While recognizing that India has every right to develop itself, it’s worthy commenting that:

1) “prompting efforts for an ‘equalising measure’” with China would make much better sense in equalizing literacy, poverty, human rights for individual survival and development … etc. For instance, Indians should strive in a direction such that next time in “Times Higher Education-QS World University Rankings”, for instance, IITD would enter top 10 or 15 of “World's Best Colleges: Top Asian and Middle Eastern Universities” World's Best Colleges: Top Asian and Middle Eastern Universities - US News and World Report This is a kind of healthy competition I’d like to see.

2) Do not take too much ecstasy in “Western powers would like the idea of India countering China’s military might” so that Indians are cozy with Western intention. This is in fact fundamentally detrimental to India’s national interest. As I pointed out numerous times, India should concentrate on its own way of development, not in a way to just “countering China” for countering purpose, which will inflict more damage to India than to China. Please note that I recognize there is damage to China, but to a much less degree. I previously had roughly quantified as China suffers 10% of the damage to India itself; i.e., if India manages to damage 10 points to China, India itself gets 100 points damage.

3) Understand that China’s military development is not aiming at India, albeit it may produce a “collateral effect”. Per the topic, it is extremely obvious to everybody (including Indian politicians and warlords) that none India satellite is worthy shooting down by China. China’s main problems are in the east. China tries to deter US involvement in the east (Taiwan, NK and S. China Sea). And if India tries to match up China, it also means India trying to match up to US but with much less competent society. It is puzzling that not much people in India, where there were no lack of wisemen in history, see through that.

4) Of course, given ugly nature of human beings, one can never rule out the possibility and feasibility that Indian politicians and warlords will utilize the “China threat” slogan to benefit themselves at the expenses of ordinary people: more projects, more chances for briberies and kickbacks to enrich themselves, faster and fatter, evasively or openly. The net result is that there will be Indian billionaires getting higher in the world top-list (which I am sure, and as evidenced in reality, that many Indians love to tout :lol:), with India, a country as a whole, sinking lower in world poverty level, and stagnant in literacy improvement.

so true indeed.but china does consider india a threat.recently a satellite image has revealed the presence of topographical models of the various passes leading into india...in the chinese mainland.
we cant let 1962 repeat itself.though i fully agree with your post...but as they say "it is better to sweat in peace than to bleed in war"
i have faith in the largest democracy...sense shall prevail...we've used space for peaceful purposes and got accolades.our space program is quite transparent.
While recognizing that India has every right to develop itself, it’s worthy commenting that:

~ snip ~
I would say, that it is a fair assessment, excepting a few areas, which are, well, comes from a little bit of misinformation.

I do feel, that it is far wiser for India to match China on economic and social front, while maintaining a minimum deterrence against her.

However to think that China's military interest in her southern neighbour is merely a "collateral effect", would probably be a very simplistic approach that goes tangent to the ground reality.
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Well we paid for not concentrating on our defence in 1962 war. We believed in indi chini bhai bhai.. and we got what we deserved. Now no matter whom the chinese military research and spending is directed, be it against US or other south asian countries, india have to take its own measures to ensure its own security. And secondly india is doing its bit and have suceeded in bringing down the poverty levels and literacy levels, but more can be done. But national security cannot be compromised, as security is paramount for growth of a country.
Jaan hai to jahan hai- the world only exist when you are alive.

Security is paramount concern- Indian prosperity is dependent on our security- we live right in middle of war zone. A prosper India is a distant dream until we make our self - strong and powerful - Indian case is very much like Israel - we need to be Israel to exist. or else be wiped out. Then we can think of how to improve life here.
if you are really from US OF A

its really funny to hear words from a person whose country spent billions of dollars an a POSSIBLE war with a country HALF A WORLD AWAY :cheesy:.....

you never had border skirmishes with neighbors and threat was never even near your homeland starting from the WW times and even cold war .. it is a completely different threat environment where all three nations INDIA PAK & CHINA are feeling with each other being right next to each other :tsk: feeling of insecurity is very high .....

yes you are spot on about corruption and buerocracy :enjoy:


You are right. IMO, US has been wrong in many aspects in conducting WoT. When I see Californians form a tent city due to the financial crisis, When I was homeless in Washington DC basking in the sun or sat in a steaming outlet for warmth…, I do think US government need to put money to educate and help those people in stead of further cranking-up war machine.

But, don’t you feel it is even funnier, perhaps silly, that the wrong doings of US can justify your politicians’ wrong doings?

US were in wars with Canada and Mexico in history. But the wisdom of US politicians made foe friends. US-Canada boarder is the longest international boarder without troop stationed in the world. The sense of security is earned by their own endeavor, not gifted by others. Whereas 60+ year of India independence hasn’t witnessed any improvement in reduce its animosity towards its neighbors (except Bhutan).

Don’t you feel it is even funnier, perhaps silly, that the right doings of US are in stark contrast with your politicians’ wrong doings?

I really want you to grow-up. And a human being will, but zombie won’t.
What makes you to think India should not concentrate on China,For we Indians China is the only threat and all our defense systems target only against China.Its them against we lost a war and our territory. So what do you think India should plan for?Give up more to China.I don't know if India should compete with China in other areas, But should concentrate more on leveling their military threat.

India national interest in concern makes me feel that India should not concentrate on China.

You lost a war because the stupidity of your politicians. And it only makes you even more stupid if you Indians are still being hijacked, spiritually and materially, by a past loss instead of looking for future success.

I have already placed a high level plan for you: do what people need for their better life and development.

I agree with you that western powers will not support India if we got for ASAT missiles,But you should know how we went for nuclear test.India will not at all be affected by any kind of ban imposed by western countries,Is has survived and will survive.

The net result is you find another nuclear nation in your foes. Do you feel safer now than before?

What do you really mean , that 10 points and 100points ? What made you to think we are cowards? You trying to make up your mind that US is the only threat to China its not correct,China has all kind of problems with all its neighbors Russia,Japan,India,South Korea,Taiwan, Mongolia.It has to manage all its threats.

About 10/100, see my post.

Your propagandas have definitely succeeded in keeping your worldview obsolete.

To keep you up-to-date: India is the only country neighboring China that has land dispute with China. China resolves all land disputes with all its neighbors except India.

There is no land dispute between Taiwan and mainland, as they belong to the same sovereign country called China but ruled under different political entities. Your GoI recognizes that, we GoUS recognizes it. Perhaps only you don’t. Then who cares? But don’t spread false and clownish information here.

There are remaining sea disputes among China and various countries. This is a history legacy and there are improvements and will be solved.

In sharp contrast, 60+ years of India dependence, your various governments had pitifully not been able to do much in improving existing boarder problems.

What made you to think India has "less competent society" to US ?We have not lost Trillions of in virtual money of real estate how you lost.US had borrowed money from almost all savings of Asian countries and wasted the money by bailing out your billionaires.

What make me to think? A comprehensive index compiled by United Nations called Human Development Index or HDI. Most recent HDI shows that India slipped down 2 notches India drops down 2 places in HDI, ranks 128th- Indicators-Economy-News-The Economic Times. I want India to be more competent, as an SA can’t be rich without a rich India, and an SA can’t have peace without a peaceful India.

You can dispute HDI, and I agree that it is only good for reference. Nonetheless, it is a good reference, unless you can present a better indicator(s).

As for bailing out (AIG for instance), I agree it is wrong in AIG’s conduct. And president Obama has openly questioned that in anger, and so our lawmakers are looking after the names and contents of contract, etc. You are right again: those are all about interest group, about outsiders and insiders. That’s the nature of democracy.

Please change your mind that Us is the richest and most powerful country.

You statement only demonstrates how petulant you are, in full, together with your feeble mentality and a deep sense of insecurity.

USA is not the richest country. Have ever I said it is? Nonetheless, US is among the richest countries. That is why, in 2008, US attracted about 100000 Indian labors with H1 (about in the order of 20000 Chinese if you are interested). Military wise, yes US is the most powerful. But it is loosing its soft power thanks to Mr. Bush’s myopic stupidity and stubbornness.

We never hesitate admit our error and false. We’ll face it and change it. Unlike you.

I request you please change your mind about India that we are failing country with billionaires swallowing all of us.Please come out the usual western world thinking that India known for snakes saints and elephants.Every country has its tough times we are coming out of it. Thats the reason why "your billionaires" targeting Indian middle class.

India is a great country. The whole human beings are benefited from many of its innovations in ideas and concepts. I never stop saying that. When did I say India is a failing country? Maybe your own mental feebleness that causes you subconsciously augmented some failures to a state level, and thus you heard a saying in your dream.

In recent couple of hundred years, India was devastated by Western powers, especially by the imperial Great Britain. The western power not only materially looted India to make it from one of the richest countries to become one of the poorest. More, Western powers also thoroughly brainwashed many Indian elites: many of them thanked BG for their occupation. Unbelievably, isn’t it! But it is sadly true.

Since Nehru, India seems to be devastated by their inane elected politician. They keep their western world thinking that India will develop as long as following Western ways, since they sincerely believe that Western ways make the western strong, so would India. I know this is a big topic to talk as to what and how India should and will. Better keep it off line.

Billionaire-wise, please tell your rationality that a country with per capita GDP less than half of China’s, but has billionaires more than Japan, a country with per capita GDP about 10 times of China or 20 times more than India!

You (billionaires) should be ashamed of that, not pride of that.

Per the topic, I congratulated on India’s moon adventure, as this is an adventure of human being as one. I hailed India’s smart design of impact the moon with the national flag, as it scores politically within and outside of India. But ASAT is not as helpful to your national interest, and China centric is even worse. Believe me.

BTW, US sell you planes, not textiles.
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Firstly, IIT's(collectively)are already regarded as being the third best technical unversity in the world by Times Higher Learning itself in 2007-2008 edition. The current edition regards IIT's as independent universities, and but regards Nanyang Technological University and other as a collective "university". And owing to this fact, IITD has gone down in the rankings. The second reason is the paramaters, neither of which reflects what a true "technical" university stands for. I'm sure if Times would have stuck to its more "technical side" of the rankings as it had earlier, IIT's would have outclassed all the other institutes.

I love you point out your believing, as I love to hear differences. Would your please provide a link?

Any intelligent American would agree that if your neighbour poses a threat then you are supposed to counter that threat, especially when you have fought a war with your neighbour.
If I go by your logic, then Russia shouldnt have voist its concern over US missile presence in Poland. because any act of incursion by US into Russia would mean American sustaing enormous damage compared to the Russians.

As I posted above, US/Canada fought a war. Now they are the best buddy-buddy.

Looks like you are comparing US/Russia to India/China. I’m telling you, your logic is deadly wrong. Why? Simply because, you are not US and Chins is not Russia.

Less competent is not a virtue that an alleged American decides.
All the wise men in India are busy, building this country and helping the US to build their own economy. Now if you were really an American, you would have known this and wouldnt have treaded along this thought. Which leads me to believe you are sitting behind a proxy and posing as an American.

Again, all of your arguments are so inline with what an average Pakistani thinks about India. Either you take what is being said on this forum to your heart, or you are a Pakistani yourself.

Many Indian friends clownishly called me “commi”, or “living Pakistan” before. :rofl:

I won’t mind at all entertaining yet another one.

However, if it is Indian mentality in common, I’m really not that optimistic.

Sinking poverty level, stagnant literacy rate, these are all the arguments of the ignorant.
India's poverty has come down from 68% in 1947 to 24.3% in 2005.
Literacy rate has risen from 33% in 1947 to 69.4% in 2008.

Recent economic boom hasn’t benefited many Indians with low incoming. It is demonstrated by some studies.

BTW, from 1947 to 2008, Zimbabwe also develops.

As far as the usual talk of Indians doing things at the expense of the poor, is concerned, let me tell you, India has a power of 1.1 billion voters. If they dont like what their government is doing at the "expense" of "ordinary people", we'll wreck their lives and force the change in 6 months.And if that would have been true, we would have had an even poor track record of a democratic government at the centre than Pakistan. So, as an alleged American who cant stand up to his nationality, dont you worry about what we are "facing" because of the policies our goverment is making at the expense of "us".One vote is all it takes. India is a billion strong not a billion weak.

I posed my logic above about the billionairs.
There's no point going into a long debate abt this. India needs to keep investing in technology and defence. This is what India's history teaches us. Our great universities like nalanda were burned down to ashes, our dance forms and literature did not save us from invading illiterate jahils.

Technology is defence, Technology is growth.
From all the posts by gpit ,looks like he has no knowledge of Asian continent.I never heard any one calling Nehru a Stupid,China a peaceful nation resolving border disputes peacefully! ( Really amazing he doesn't even know about Tibet ! ) I could not go through the posts by this person anymore ! Sorry about the personal comment gpit , if you get time and if interested please go through asian history :)
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