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Featured India leases two MQ-9B Reaper drones from USA

40 ships will be delivered,over the next decade the order includes

1 aircraft carrier
4 vizag destroyers follow on ship to the Kolkata
7 nigilri stealth frigates
4 more arihant class nuke subs
8 karmota class corvettes

all of these,ships are designed built in India some of advanced systems are israeli ie the Barak sam and the long range stealth radars but they are our ships. built in India by indian engineers.

the following ships are being license built and are foreign in design

5 scorpene from France . 2 built now already
4 Talwar class frigates from.russia.

that's 22 indengious major blue water naval ships and 9 license built blue water ships is 31 .

the remaining are indengious coastal vessels or light corvettes

our indengious naval progress is leading the way in make in India for two decades.

now the air Force is catching up
over 300 dhruv helicopters have been delivered in a decade

now the light at attack helicopter has arrived and will follow similar path to dhruv

we have delivered 20 tejas fighters and will deliver the remains 20 next 24 months.
2023 we move to mark 1a the signature for 83 aesa equipped tejas is being signed this financial year .

Tejas mark 2 will be rolled static model by 2022 and first flight 2025

Amca design of airframe has been frozen and agreed .

we ourselves pulled out if Russian FGFA because we believe the Amca offers us better security and better self sufficiency.

the navy has shown us what India can do

the highly successfully isro space programme was the best in Asia our record on space rockets and satellites is only behind usa Russia and China.

we are not a super power.
we have budget constraints but so does uk or Germany big deal.

but we are a major region power and will build more self sufficiency this decade.

we will.continue to import weapons but at least 50 percent of future weapons will be home made .

we will buy use steal technology from usa Israel or France no issue but it will.be done that is cast iron guarantee.

back to the drones

once we finish the testing of reaper drones next financial year expect a 3 billion dollar order for 30 to 40 armed combat drones from usa . but we need to assess their effectiveness first
smart move by the smart indian navy

I see you have ignored my reasonable explanation the 2 light attack choppers are being tested in high altitude flying.

and that the design and delivery of this 10 year programme is now ready to mass manufacture these beautiful indian choppers. we spent millions of dollars developing them and yes we will.build 100 plus for army that's,the plan

just like the 300 dhruv helicopters, today
just like the tejas

don't forget we have the apache also so the I than choppers will.argument and support the apache in future wars .

great combination

they both look great and will.annihlate armour and Infantry
Calm down hero, 12 plus 12 is just 24 ships, and even then its only 4 destroyers. So how many ships delivered last year? I just asked a simple question, in 2019,what was delivered? How many frigates or destroyers.
You can claim this on the internet, I can claim I will build a Death Star, does not make it true.

1. India has posted first recession since it's independence
2. Despite ordering Rafs and Apaches more then 5 years ago, there has been no follow on order.

Please correct me is any of the above FACTS

Literally all the pics you have posted are based on foreign designs or have massive foreign input.
Calm down hero, 12 plus 12 is just 24 ships, and even then its only 4 destroyers. So how many ships delivered last year? I just asked a simple question, in 2019,what was delivered? How many frigates or destroyers.

only 4 destroyers
only 7 frigates
only 4 nuclear armed subs
only one aircraft
only 8.corvettes

dam your thick that's 25 billion dollars of warships and enough to build one of the best navies on the planet

2019 we delivered the 3rd and final Kolkata class destroyer

it takes India in average 30 months to deliver one 8000 tonne guided missle destroyer

that's why we have 4 vizag at various stages of construction.

your point is mute and nonsensical and irrelevant

which part of we are building our own carriers nuke subs and destroyers at home to you find difficult to understand

I have shown you the picture,and news reels of launched sailing warships of indian design.at sea be it Kolkata class destroyer or the first arihant nuke sub..we have pictures,of vikrant at sea trials

I know it's difficult to stomach or accept but hey it's the reality that's what indian nation is delivering to it's armed forces

accept it gracefully stop your pathetic mute points they will not end the construction of Indian home built warships planes missiles and helicopters
only 4 destroyers
only 7 frigates
only 4 nuclear armed subs
only one aircraft
only 8.corvettes

dam your thick that's 25 billion dollars of warships and enough to build one of the best navies on the planet

2019 we delivered the 3rd and final Kolkata class destroyer

it takes India in average 30 months to deliver one 8000 tonne guided missle destroyer

that's why we have 4 vizag at various stages of construction.

your point is mute and nonsensical and irrelevant

which part of we are building our own carriers nuke subs and destroyers at home to you find difficult to understand

I have shown you the picture,and news reels of launched sailing warships of indian design.at sea be it Kolkata class destroyer or the first arihant nuke sub..we have pictures,of vikrant at sea trials

I know it's difficult to stomach or accept but hey it's the reality that's what indian nation is delivering to it's armed forces

accept it gracefully stop your pathetic mute points they will not end the construction of Indian home built warships planes missiles and helicopters

So in answer to his question India only delivered one major warship in 2019?
yes one

and more than 90 percent of the rest of the world

So at that rate, you will actually be unable to replaced older ships and expand Navy at the same time, not even consdiering the massive budget cuts coming. Have you considered this logic prior to posting your nationalistic ravings? You can work that out right?
That, which is a fake news, most probably explains, all what is wrong with you Indians,
For Example
You have the Rafale and the MiG-29's and Su-30 Mk-II's in order to overhaul them, you need to
send them to France and Russia respectively, and in order to produce more rely on these countries, but what Pakistan has learnt and have very vast superiority is in making the things, themselves as much as they want, we can make JF-17's as we want and it has high-end tech and systems from J-20, in short words, if we want we can make an unstable airframe, and put the Russian (now Chinese) engines in and make a beast of a plane, we can overhaul in less than a week, and you would need a frekin year to get 20 jets while in the same time we could overhaul our entire fleet and make 100 more JF-17's, not to mention the very sophisticated and working drone tech which could be acquired from our long term ally in Ankara and which has been proved to be insanely potent against soviet tech, which most of your country is comprised, of and to top it all off, we most probably also know the weak points of the S-400 from Turkey, because common sense, every thing has its weak points and thus, lets just consider US is giving you these drones, we are well aware of the fact that how to tweak our air defense as we have dealt with drone strikes as well, in short we have the advantage of Intel, which is scarier when you add the in-house production capability of Pakistan.
So at that rate, you will actually be unable to replaced older ships and expand Navy at the same time, not even consdiering the massive budget cuts coming. Have you considered this logic prior to posting your nationalistic ravings? You can work that out right?

you obviously ignored the part of simultaneously construction of
vizag destroyers
niligri class g
I just needed this simple answer. Lol. You don't have to yap so much to be honest.

This is not YAP its ground real

Heres news india second nuke Sub to be inducted end of 2020
Guys this is not YAP or made up

Its REAL . Which part of this is Made UP

Please explain

NOBODY leases just 2 DRONES wihout pending decsion to this below

They are already here with lease for 1 year

India is checking effectiveness befotre order of 30 more in one year
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Are you sure its 40 and not 140 like you guys were claiming? I Guess your story didnt add up so you settled for 40 now, Offcourse No Evidence as always.

Just like how your airforce claimed to shoot down an F16 without a single missle fired from Abhinadan's Mig21.

You had to soothe your ego by awarding AMRAAM dodgers to your pilots??

Only Indians award their soldiers who run away from a battle.

All that Nonsense but you still cant stop Pakistanis from killing your soldiers and getting beaten by Chinese and cant stop them from capturing your Land.
Indians have big a55holes, they can pull all kind of shit from it.
Sometimes even a tank.
you obviously ignored the part of simultaneously construction of
vizag destroyers
niligri class g

This is not YAP its ground real

Heres news india second nuke Sub to be inducted end of 2020
Guys this is not YAP or made up

Its REAL . Which part of this is Made UP

Please explain

NOBODY leases just 2 DRONES wihout pending decsion to this below

They are already here with lease for 1 year

India is checking effectiveness befotre order of 30 more in one year

I can try and construct a car in my garage but if it takes 10 years it is pointless. The point is at a rate of delivery on one ship a year, Indian Navy could well be looking at block obsolesence at some point. To put it in perspective, China is producing around 20 major surface vessels a year. That is almost the entre number of major surface vessals in the Indian navy. in 2 years they will make 4 Frigates for Pakistan.

India is not even in the same damn league...

By the time all 6 Scorpene subs are delivered the rest of the Indian Navy sub fleet will be 40 years old. With no new subs being ordered.

Indian Navy Predators are being used on operational missions, it is not user trials.

No point posting lies on the forum, as you just constantly get exposed....
I can try and construct a car in my garage but if it takes 10 years it is pointless. The point is at a rate of delivery on one ship a year, Indian Navy could well be looking at block obsolesence at some point. To put it in perspective, China is producing around 20 major surface vessels a year. That is almost the entre number of major surface vessals in the Indian navy. in 2 years they will make 4 Frigates for Pakistan.

India is not even in the same damn league...

I repeat for the tenth time
don't worry about China
you worry about pakistan
how many warships is pakistan going to induct
we are building warships and conducting them at the same rate as France uk and Japan. all reputable blue water navies.

re your scorpene comment you heard the narrater confirm.all scorpene to be delivered by 2022.

if I did not post the news and source of my information you have the right to say I'm lying..

you have enough vedio and internet info and know full well India is building one of the largest navies at home indengiously on the planet.

everything from.carriers to nuclear armed subs destroyers and frigates..

as a Pakistani to see your giant neighbour with 50 times your forex building weapons at home makes you sick to the stomach .

it is perfect Storm.not only can India outspent you by 5 to one on imported weapons they are now building at home the biggest ships in the navy costing billion dollars,each .

I'm loving it
Again your posting Bollywood Stories from your rear. ONLY 2 LCH without weapons are given by HAL.

There is no contract for induction of 15 or 150 plus orders right now.

Stop posting Nonsense.

Your lies are exposed by I guess bharati trolls have to keep lying to make it look true.

Why would I be bothered by all this you, we are not SCARED of your indigenous weapons and your Bharati Farts.

PS: You can NEVER be a superpower.

Sorry to PROVE YOU WRONG AGAIN & AGAIN but please see Light attack chopperrs firing rockets And missles

In our country user trials includes high altitude flying and weapons user trials

We dont induct half baked products
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I repeat for the tenth time
don't worry about China
you worry about pakistan
how many warships is pakistan going to induct
we are building warships and conducting them at the same rate as France uk and Japan. all reputable blue water navies.

re your scorpene comment you heard the narrater confirm.all scorpene to be delivered by 2022.

if I did not post the news and source of my information you have the right to say I'm lying..

you have enough vedio and internet info and know full well India is building one of the largest navies at home indengiously on the planet.

everything from.carriers to nuclear armed subs destroyers and frigates..

as a Pakistani to see your giant neighbour with 50 times your forex building weapons at home makes you sick to the stomach .

it is perfect Storm.not only can India outspent you by 5 to one on imported weapons they are now building at home the biggest ships in the navy costing billion dollars,each .

I'm loving it

You are actually not living in reality right now? Pak has inducted two warships in last 6 months and is inducting another 2 in next 6 months.

Submarine inductions will also out pace India's in a year or so.

Indian Navy id now facing a combined Pak/Chinese threat in Indian Ocean even if you are to sacred to admit it.

Yeah, we are loving it....
You are actually not living in reality right now? Pak has inducted two warships in last 6 months and is inducting another 2 in next 6 months.

Submarine inductions will also out pace India's in a year or so.

Indian Navy id now facing a combined Pak/Chinese threat in Indian Ocean even if you are to sacred to admit it.

Yeah, we are loving it....


You are actually not living in reality right now? Pak has inducted two warships in last 6 months and is inducting another 2 in next 6 months.

Submarine inductions will also out pace India's in a year or so.

Indian Navy id now facing a combined Pak/Chinese threat in Indian Ocean even if you are to sacred to admit it.

Yeah, we are loving it....

SO you want to gang up on India lol lol


you heard the commander of NIMITZ carrier

We are working to improve our interoperability with India & Japan Austriala to meet future threats

PARTNERS he said

So you go ahead with chinase friends ........... we are ready

WATCH THE VEDIO and how they praise the MIGHTY INDIAN NAVY
I see you have ignored my reasonable explanation the 2 light attack choppers are being tested in high altitude flying.

and that the design and delivery of this 10 year programme is now ready to mass manufacture these beautiful indian choppers. we spent millions of dollars developing them and yes we will.build 100 plus for army that's,the plan

just like the 300 dhruv helicopters, today
just like the tejas

don't forget we have the apache also so the I than choppers will.argument and support the apache in future wars .

great combination

they both look great and will.annihlate armour and Infantry

There is NOTHING reasonable from a Bharati troll. So go easy on that cow cola because NOBODY takes you seriously.

Indian Airforce and Army has not Ordered any LCH uptill now so what your posting is Bollywood Fantasy.

We will do this, we will do that, we will produce 100 more LCH, we will destory your armour, we will win.

Let me slap you back to reality..20 Indian Soldiers dead and China captured your land and you cant do Jack Sh!t about it Bharati.

In our country user trials includes high altitude flying and weapons user trials

We dont induct half baked products

Your Airforce and your Army is NOT interested in this Piece of Garbage Hence they didnt Order it. HAL gave them 2 LCH hoping they will bag the order but Nothing yet.

Dont worry, the more lies you post, the more we will keep exposing you with your lungi down.
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