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India: Israel's Next Major Military Ally?

India is very funny ally , it can only contribute wind and air and army of internet trolls it seems
on ground , they never put out any kind of military assets required by its allies

Afghanistan is one case , they have been sucking on the Indians quite hard for 10 years now , but have gotten limited military help from Indians in return
Americans gave them the driving seat in Afghanistan , yet they never shouldered any weight of the military effort , only throwing dirt at Pakistan while hiding in american underwear

What exactly does India bring to the table as an 'ally' ? would be interesting to hear Indian point of view regarding this.

Dude first of all I need you to know what India can bring to the table when it comes to an Alliance. We have a huge technical advance in space and can give spot on information of real time reconnaissance data to our Allies if situation arises. India cannot out perform what the Americans are doing in Afghanistan when it comes to delivering security but for your information India has spent over 2 Billion USD's in rebuilding their Infrastructure destroyed by Pakistan sponsored terrorists.
Dude first of all I need you to know what India can bring to the table when it comes to an Alliance. We have a huge technical advance in space and can give spot on information of real time reconnaissance data to our Allies if situation arises. India cannot out perform what the Americans are doing in Afghanistan when it comes to delivering security but for your information India has spent over 2 Billion USD's in rebuilding their Infrastructure destroyed by Pakistan sponsored terrorists.

I'll simplify my question :
In Israel's case, will India deploy air and ground assets should Israel come under attack from its Arab neighbors ?
safe heaven for Israeli navy ships in the Indian Ocean

Probably most important one for Israel.

If your Dolphin sub develops a snag while being in Arabian sea, India and Sri-Lanka are only countries where your sailors would not be executed on making landfall.

UN support does not mean much. The day US withdraws it's support to, Israel would be overwhelmed by numeric strength of OIC block, with or without support of India.India's support does not matter.

I'll simplify my question :
In Israel's case, will India deploy air and ground assets should Israel come under attack from its Arab neighbors ?

Neither desired,Nor possible.

For doing that, India would have to go through all of Arabia. In situation that you are imagining; India would be fighting the war for Israel, rather than just supporting it.
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Who knows what the future holds. I have ehard rumors of Indian allowing Israel to use a base in India to attack its foes as another front for battle if Israel is ever threatened and in a dire situation. So, when their enemies are expecting planes to come from one direction....out of nowhere, Israel strikes.

I'm all for Israel being strong and Independent. They were original inhabitants of that land and they deserve it. Just like many other anicent ppl and cultures who were destroyed and pushed from their land by the Arabs, Karma has a funny way of correcting the wrongs of the past. So tought luck to those who complain, Israel is here to stay.
Was this discussed?
TecSAR - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
India can launch satellites for Israel.
India used to support Palestine over Israel, but they used to vote against us in OIC. That and practical reasons of technology and weapons has lead India to move towards Israel especially after kargil.
Then what will you call, Killer of Innocent Balochis + Killer of innocent Tibetians.???
Yes, yes, we are not buying to fire and celebrate on Diwali, hope same is the case when you paint your Ding Dong missiles nah??
U r not doing it to Fire these on Chinese New year, are you???
everybody knows who is behind the killing of balochies and Tibetians. and everyone also know who is funding TTP in North and South Waziristan.
Please use strong preference BOY!!!!!!
I'll simplify my question :
In Israel's case, will India deploy air and ground assets should Israel come under attack from its Arab neighbors ?

Not possible, at least not right now.
India doesn't have a proper marine expeditionary force to help another country so far away.
But there are more ways to help someone than just providing muscle.
But there are many other nations with which Israel shares such relationship. In fact they have even better relationships with some
How Israel developed the Singapore Armed Forces

That's because Singaporeans are pro-active. They are business-minded and hard working, right from the political top to the working bottom.

Which is so not typical of us Indians especially those working in bureaucratic and defence government bodies.
BOY???????? It is the other way around boy....I was flying my sorties before you were given birth most probably..
Mind your language..Learn how to address seniors from your senior members..
and by the way you are saying that, It was not the Pakistani Army that was killing the Balochis and BLA and you are saying that Tibetians were not killed by Chinese when they took over Tibet???
And you are also saying that TTP was funded by India??The same TTP which pledges to kill Indian leaders as well is been funded by Indians????
Boy you should be high on weed...!!!
Both India and Israel starts with I which have common enemy Islam which starts with I as well. I am sure they are Ally made in heaven.
"l"ndians starts where Bangladesh"I" ends...:p:

Since you have presumably read it, why don't you tell me. What can India provide to Israel that its other partners like U.S, Germany etc. cannot provide. Don't say market.
What can US could provide India that Russia cannot? Allies are made to support each other, lets see in indo pak war which country does israel supports and provide weapons
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IN ships don't need any safe haven while traveling in international waters,


PSLV is used only because its cheap,

Once again, Useless, unless you mean Bangladesh or Nepal,

Nothing much special here, commercial opportunities's merit is judged by profitability, which is quite fickle.

I don't deny that Israel and India can co-operate in a vast variety of fields, and we do, but that wouldn't translate to any alliance/bromance which some people in India dream it up to be. It's the same thing with the Russians. Israel's major/real ally will always be the USA and India will continue to remain non-aligned. Full Stop.
Its always "bromance" with israel, whole world could ban exports to india in war event but russia, israel and france would never do that.
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