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India, Israel unite against Pakistan

wrong again sir but with deu respect Israel is the orignal land of jews and its even mentioned in ancient roman and egyptian and even bible and even quran and with sheer gutts and tears and bloods jews have been able to retake it back even after bieng hnted over the agen in all middle east and europe even since they vere banished fromm israel by the romans about 2000 years and Indians will always stand by israel

With due respect if you read the old testament it was their G-d who took this land from them and scattered them away as a punishment and according to their own books the prophecies about promised land is when their messiah is to come who will be the true king of yisraelites if you go according to their books and prophecies if you believe them
With due respect if you read the old testament it was their G-d who took this land from them and scattered them away as a punishment and according to their own books the prophecies about promised land is when their messiah is to come who will be the true king of yisraelites if you go according to their books and prophecies if you believe them
maybe messiah was not a person figure but meant a political -socio- economik revolution of some kind who knows but one thing is sure Israel was always Jewish land and there was no land called palestine not even till "black september insuregency" happened in 1960s-1970s in jordan but then we all know there is no use in talking peace or nagociating peace with people who dont want it .... ever googled how the leaders of hamas or hebullah or people like the current presedent abbas live ?
maybe messiah was not a person figure but meant a political -socio- economik revolution of some kind who knows but one thing is sure Israel was always Jewish land and there was no land called palestine not even till "black september insuregency" happened in 1960s-1970s in jordan but then we all know there is no use in talking peace or nagociating peace with people who dont want it .... ever googled how the leaders of hamas or hebullah or people like the current presedent abbas live ?

Please dont make assumptions regarding the messiah not being a person figure because i guess you have not read jewish books clearly, it describes the messiah from the linage of david.

Sir if you think israel was always jewish land is all your opinion and assumtions and i dont think i can even comment or change your thinking but the fact of the matter is jewish G-d kicked them out of their jewish land according to jewish books

Please dont make assumptions regarding the messiah not being a person figure because i guess you have not read jewish books clearly, it describes the messiah from the linage of david.

Sir if you think israel was always jewish land is all your opinion and assumtions and i dont think i can even comment or change your thinking but the fact of the matter is jewish G-d kicked them out of their jewish land according to jewish books

linage can lso means many sons in diffrent times but anyway leave it one thing is established israel was always a jewish land and now its controlled by the jews and the hard fact is even the most powerfull arab nation the saudi arabia has made peace with israel soon all other arab staes will follow
Please dont make assumptions regarding the messiah not being a person figure because i guess you have not read jewish books clearly, it describes the messiah from the linage of david.

Sir if you think israel was always jewish land is all your opinion and assumtions and i dont think i can even comment or change your thinking but the fact of the matter is jewish G-d kicked them out of their jewish land according to jewish books


'Hallucinating Hindus' and their Satan worshipping masters 'The Chosen Nation' are both infected with Supremacy bug.

Unfortunately the Hindu 'Gentiles' will be the first to reach their demise.

These lot can plan all they want, but Allah is the greatest planner of all.
'Hallucinating Hindus' and their Satan worshipping masters 'The Chosen Nation' are both infected with Supremacy bug.

Unfortunately the Hindu 'Gentiles' will be the first to reach their demise.

These lot can plan all they want, but Allah is the greatest planner of all.
bla bla, religious fanatic.
go spit your venom somewhere else
bla bla, religious fanatic.
go spit your venom somewhere else

hahaha .. yeah, it's us who are following the satanic zionist doctrine below:

Protocol I - The Basic Doctrine
Protocol II - Economic Wars
Protocol III - Methods of Conquest
Protocol IV - Materialism Replace Religion
Protocol V - Despotism and Modern Progress
Protocol VI - Take-Over Techniques
Protocol VII - World-WIde Wars
Protocol VIII - Provisional Government
Protocol IX - Re-education
Protocol X - Preparing for War
Protocol XI - The Totalitarian State
Protocol XII - Control of the Press
Protocol XIII - Distractions
Protocol XIV - Assault on Religion
Protocol XV - Ruthless Suppression

There are many good jews and I personally know a few. But Zionists, the powerful and the ruling elite of Israel, are nothing but evil.

Just to add ... this is pretty much aligned with Chanakya doctrine that the RSS/fascist Hindu follow too. Although Chanakya pre-dates these protocols.
linage can lso means many sons in diffrent times but anyway leave it one thing is established israel was always a jewish land and now its controlled by the jews and the hard fact is even the most powerfull arab nation the saudi arabia has made peace with israel soon all other arab staes will follow

You are a gentile and goyems are nobody according to talmud hence your preceptions are nothing when you talk about linage of a jewish messiah so lets stick to what the jewish books says lets not go to preceptions

You are again wrong about israel being a jewish land as i said earliar jews were kicked out of their own jewish land by their jewish G-d according to jewish books.

Now who controls israel and muslim nations is a different debate with your and mine assumptions and opinion.
You are a gentile and goyems are nobody according to talmud hence your preceptions are nothing when you talk about linage of a jewish messiah so lets stick to what the jewish books says lets not go to preceptions

You are again wrong about israel being a jewish land as i said earliar jews were kicked out of their own jewish land by their jewish G-d according to jewish books.

Now who controls israel and muslim nations is a different debate with your and mine assumptions and opinion.
but that said does not changes the fact that Israel is a reality today and despite almost 4 wars by combined arab armies and living under contanst siege type atmosphere israel isa free jewish nation controlled by jews and one of the most cosmopolitan and progressive and liberal democratic states on this planet and dont take my word if you know any arab living in israel ask him about the freedom , liberty , living standard and law and order in israel and its comparrisson to other islamik arab states you will get the answer
but that said does not changes the fact that Israel is a reality today and despite almost 4 wars by combined arab armies and living under contanst siege type atmosphere israel isa free jewish nation controlled by jews and one of the most cosmopolitan and progressive and liberal democratic states on this planet and dont take my word if you know any arab living in israel ask him about the freedom , liberty , living standard and law and order in israel and its comparrisson to other islamik arab states you will get the answer

Yes you are right todays israel is a zionist state not the promised land as prophecised according to the jewish books that is why there are some jews who dont take israel as a promised land.

Yes the zionist state is flourishing right now and you can sing songs about it as much as you want but to them your just a slave because they consider themselves above all.

@waz @WebMaster @Oskar @Horus @Emmie @Irfan Baloch sir would you have kept quite had i said something about islam in such a thread then why stay quite when someone says something against hindusims or jews ?

What wrong have i said about hinduism or jews?

Are you NOT waiting for the 10th incarnation of your lord ? Are the jews not waiting for their messiah? Are the muslims not waiting for dajjal ? Are the christians not waiting for anti christ?

Whatever i said is written in jewish books whereas you went on making tall claims about jewish messiah being an economic stability linked to political corridors
The zionists are waiting for their so called messiah and hindus are also waiting for10th incarnation of their lord. Islam refers to him as ad dajjal and christainity refers to him as anti christ.

The only difference is to the jews he is a messiah to the hindus he'd be their God

Either way, Hallucinating Hindus and The Chosen Ones are natural allies. Unfortunately one is too close to us and we will eventually have to deal with this first menace when it attacks us.
Either way, Hallucinating Hindus and The Chosen Ones are natural allies. Unfortunately one is too close to us and we will eventually have to deal with this first menace when it attacks us.

I dont understand this randi rona of bharatis!!

I tell them what is written in their books and they get pissed off and when you exposing their lies about judaism they get pissed off.

For the love of God their politicians compare their army to their God hanuman and they dont even raise an eyebrow ..did i even make fun of that?
Pakistan is not Palestine or Kashmir. Pakistan is an atomic power. They can not even think off doing anything against Pakistan
I dont understand this randi rona of bharatis!!

I tell them what is written in their books and they get pissed off and when you exposing their lies about judaism they get pissed off.

For the love of God their politicians compare their army to their God hanuman and they dont even raise an eyebrow ..did i even make fun of that?

It is impossible to have a rational discussion with anyone who is constantly hallucinating. As for hanuman stuff, all one needs to do is to flick through Indian channels and note how many supernatural gods of their past are on TV all the time. They live in the past constantly. Hence hanuman army stuff sells.

As for The Chosen (or Promised) Ones ... I take it that you've read the protocols of the elders of zion?
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