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India Is The World's Only Counter Weight To China

So according to you Parag khanna will decide who is global power :lol:

i am very much with you on all this,these so called analysts who have never worked in the government,armed forces are prediciting all this.

anyhow did anyone read the newspapers this morning MMS has denounced the use of force by the west to change matters around the world ,he shouldnt have said that
lol, you guys bring up the most ludicrous arguments. Just because you guys can post more often than me doesn't make you right. I already debunked your arguments.

The Failed States Index is flawed way of measuring a nations's strength. Pakistan is still on the map. Pakistan is still a Regional Power on par with India.

I already made my position on posts #89, 91, 93, 95, 97 and 104.

Besides this, like I said western nations want to prop up India as a counterweight against China, because they don't want China to succeed. Since India has territorial disputes with China, India is the perfect candidate.

Also in order to keep China from reaching the Arabian gulf and Iran, India is also there to bother Pakistan as well.

Chinese members left because they knew its not worth fighting you guys, because you guys won't accept the fact about Pakistan, and India being in the same league.

yes child is that why a regional power relies on foreign aid? even Iran has started giving you guys aid now

PressTV - Iran to send $100mn aid to Pakistan

how many people in your country pay tax? well i must admit that is sure smart why pay tax when the Chinese and Persians give aid for you instead?

oh and please find out about the KERRY LUGAR BILL :)

i am very much with you on all this,these so called analysts who have never worked in the government,armed forces are prediciting all this.

anyhow did anyone read the newspapers this morning MMS has denounced the use of force by the west to change matters around the world ,he shouldnt have said that

Can you provide the link of this please.
lol, you guys bring up the most ludicrous arguments. Just because you guys can post more often than me doesn't make you right. I already debunked your arguments.
Which argument you debunked other thn posting some parag khanna's link. He should be President of pakistan. No :azn:

The Failed States Index is a flawed way of measuring a nations's strength. Pakistan is still on the map. Pakistan is still a Regional Power on par with India.

Even Chad exist on on Map, are you trying to say pakistan is of that league. since when Existence on Map became criteria of Regional power :D

I already made my position on posts #89, 91, 93, 95, 97 and 104.
Make 1000 such Posts, I will be convinced. I will say Pakistan is regional power :enjoy:

Besides this, like I said western nations want to prop up India as a counterweight against China, because they don't want China to succeed. Since India has territorial disputes with China, India is the perfect candidate.

Also in order to keep China from reaching the Arabian gulf and Iran, India is also there to bother Pakistan as well.

They are trying let them try. we are getting thr cutting edge technology and all the things we want for us. But we never fought war for anyone. and we are here just to serve our interest.

On other hand you people are fighting War on terror for thm. isn't this very very nice for so called regional power? and getting attacked by them every now and thn :D

Chinese members left because they knew its not worth fighting you guys, because you guys won't accept the fact about Pakistan, and India being in the same league.

:rofl: Parag khanna , Chinese members,. Is that your standard
The problem is, China has sustained double-digit growth rates for decades. Which of course is the reason we are pulling ahead so drastically.

Your argument would make sense if India's economic growth was speeding up, but in fact it is slowing down to 7% in the last two quarters.

The problem in china is it is a export driven economy ie factories are set up there becaus of cheap labour for exports...
In india, it is a domestic driven economy ie factories are set up for our own consumption....
Other than people in coastal china, people in interior or rural china are unable to get any products produced in china itself...
Chinese govt accepted this and it will try to drive domestic economy which is poor compared to india....
Export driven economy will not saturate after a time....
Now which is better???

Pakistan and India is in the same league as they are both REGIONAL POWERS. India is not a GREAT POWER or a SUPER POWER.

An example of a GREAT POWER IS CHINA.
Lol man I seriously think U are a false falgger..
The problem in china is it is a export driven economy ie factories are set up there becaus of cheap labour for exports...

Cheap labour? :lol:

China's GDP is four times bigger than India, with a similar population size. Our average income per capita is several times higher than India's.

If cheap labour = strong manufacturing... then India would beat China hands down.
Lol man I seriously think U are a false falgger..

no he is right Pakistan is a superpower, a good example of this is in Pakistan they do not need to pay tax because the aid from USA, China and now even Iran takes care of that for them.
no he is right Pakistan is a superpower, a good example of this is in Pakistan they do not need to pay tax because the aid from USA, China and now even Iran takes care of that for them.
I never claimed Pakistan to be a Great Power or a Super Power.

You Indians dream of being a Super Power, yet you guys are not even a Great Power. You guys are not even on par with China.
I never claimed Pakistan to be a Great Power or a Super Power.

You Indians dream of being a Super Power, yet you guys are not even a Great Power. You guys are not even on par with China.

we dream but in the future it will be a reality and did anyone of us say we are on par with China? you and your inferiority complex it amazes me at first you say India and Pak are in the same league now you are trying to compare us to China

one word to describe you is desperate
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