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India Is The World's Only Counter Weight To China

Lol, Nawaz Sharif is a politican, not a political scientist like Parag Khanna.

nobody knows who is parag khanna, if you want to know what pakistan's political scientist :lol: think about you will hide your face.

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Hey, gotta get the resources man. India isn't giving it to the US.

China should join in.

From that link,

“It's time to lead,” US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told India today, urging Delhi to do more to integrate economically with neighbours Afghanistan and Pakistan and to take a more assertive role across the Asia-Pacific, in the face of an increasing Chinese role.

Daddy says "Go East", and India says, 'Yes sir!".
Lol, Nawaz Sharif is a politican, not a political scientist like Parag Khanna.

nobody knows who is parag khanna, if you want to know what pakistan's political scientist :lol: think about you will hide your face.

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From that link,

“It's time to lead,” US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told India today, urging Delhi to do more to integrate economically with neighbours Afghanistan and Pakistan and to take a more assertive role across the Asia-Pacific, in the face of an increasing Chinese role.

Daddy says "Go East", and India says, 'Yes sir!".

When we stand to gain so much, your statement or opinion is of very little importance.
nobody knows who is parag khanna, if you want to know what pakistan's political scientist :lol: think about you will hide your face.

The topic of this thread is that India is a counterweight to China, not Pakistan.

It is understandable that you should run away from that comparison and focus on Pakistan instead.

When we stand to gain so much, your statement or opinion is of very little importance.

Cause and effect. quid pro quo.
The West showers India with technology and expects favors in return. Nothing is for free.
Parag Khanna also has his own website and has written several books on geopolitics.

Parag Khanna

I also have a website :D

---------- Post added at 09:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 AM ----------

The topic of this thread is that India is a counterweight to China, not Pakistan.

It is understandable that you should run away from that comparison and focus on Pakistan instead.

kind sir, please work out a little who bring pakistan here. :hitwall:
The topic of this thread is that India is a counterweight to China, not Pakistan.

It is understandable that you should run away from that comparison and focus on Pakistan instead.

Cause and effect. quid pro quo.
The West showers India with technology and expects favors in return. Nothing is for free.

West showers dollars to Pakistan and takes favors in return forcefully . nothing is for free

---------- Post added at 09:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 AM ----------

okk :P, i will try to move on. ^ ^
I also have a website :D

---------- Post added at 09:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 AM ----------

kind sir, please work out a little who bring pakistan here. :hitwall:

lol, those Pakistanis can say anything they like because their opinion are BASELESS!

Don't you know in Pakistan GEO, ARY are considered to be stupid channels that are spouting Indian propaganda!
Parag Khanna works for the NEW AMERICAN FOUNDATION.
lol, those Pakistanis can say anything they like because their opinion are BASELESS!

Don't you know in Pakistan GEO, ARY are considered to be stupid channels that are spouting Indian propaganda!
Parag Khanna works for the NEW AMERICAN FOUNDATION.

Maan gye yaar tum ko bhi :lol: If some American of Indian origin criticize India it is true, when pakistani born , pakistani citizen , who are introduced to pakistan as analyst, coloumnist etc are fake.

Pakistan's Ex prime minister says pakistan is a failed state, He is politician and became fake.

Ab kya chahte ho ? Khuda aa ke thodi kahenge ki beta tum failed state ho :D

You are perfect example of being biased and now you are just crying :rofl:
Well I dont think so. Unless Japan is totally crippled I think the Japs will be the most powerful economic powerhouse in the Eastern Hemisphere.

India should show respect and deference to China as her " BIG BROTHER " as CHINA is more resourceful Country.
Same with you.

Nobody in Pakistan likes Geo, ARY, or any of those channels, most people think they are trash. Ask anyone!
Here I have brought further EVIDENCE:

Regional power hierarchies are also central to another theoretical approach. In
the framework of their regional security complex theory(RSCT), Barry Buzan and
Ole Wæver
differentiate between superpowers and great powers which act and
have an impact on the global level (or system level) and regional powers whose
influence may be large in their regions but have less of an impact at the global
level. This category of regional powers includes Brazil, Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq,

Israel, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Turkey. The status of a
great power requires material resources together with the formal recognition of the
power’s status by other great powers as well as observable repercussions on the
operation of the international system and the behaviour of other great powers (or
Regional powers define the structure (polarity) of any regional security
complex. Their power capabilities might be considerable, but they are restricted to
the regional context. Higher-level powers from outside the region don’t take them
into account in their global power calculations. Buzan and Wæver
have devised
their typology in order to analyse regional security policies and complexes. It
would be interesting to expand their analytical scheme – for example, with respect
to the analysis of the distribution of economic power – to create a multidimensional power model (including economic and soft-power resources) for the
study of the regional and global power distribution.
Neither global nor regional power hierarchies are stable. What are the
consequences of power shifts? There exist more or less conflict-prone, benign and
open-ended scenarios, for example, with regard to the future relationship between
the US and China, the latter of which is seen as a possible challenger to a
US-dominated world.
As an illustration, the article will discuss two contrasting
IR approaches which have a direct impact on foreign policy discourses and foreign
policy strategies.
Power and the struggle over predominance and the creation of a balance of
power are outstanding topics in the realist approach to IR. In this respect, regional
hegemonies and great powers are very important. According to one realist vision
of IR, the current unipolar (or uni-multipolar) constellation of US hegemony can
only be transformed if regional unipolarities, that is, regional hegemonies, are
These regional hegemonic powers could attempt to create a
counterbalancing factor against the US.
At the same time, it is possible that
countries in the regions themselves could form counter-alliances against the
emerging regional power. This process could be boosted by the leading global

Ok, here is the link:

READ PAGES: 886-887


AND this paper is a recent one its s 2010 paper
PakShah is sure a good comedy provider is he not? i mean really a man like Najim Sethi even sums it up and as for Parag Khana you did not read the rest of his analysis on wiki

However in a recent article written by Parag Khanna, he now believes that India would become a global power in a multi-polar world and will have a greater influence. He also states that China & India will grow ever stronger, while Europe muddles along. [75]

and again for future reference

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