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India Is The World's Only Counter Weight To China

India may not be a super power or a great power or a power at all .... who cares to be that. With power comes responsibility, and if we have the indications of the so called power on our northern border (China) then its better that we are no power. We can still be responsible in our approach and not be a bully! The only power China is nowadays projecting is BULLY POWER. By re-raising boundary disputes ..... and claims they never did have a decade back or even a century back. We are pretty responsible, and that by itself is an achievement.
Depends upon how you define power right?? I will agree militarily,may not be the same case economically.

economically the gap is far greater. the Indian military is relatively not as weak compared to the Chinese military, as the Indian economy to Chinese economy.
China GDP/capita : US GDP/capita ratios were at a high in 1966, during the Cultural Revolution, decreased to their historical lowest excluding 1949 in 1985, and only rebounded in 2000.

India will not catch up for at least 15 more years after the historical lowest; however, India is not yet at the historical lowest as the rate of decrease is going up, not down.

I will take your word Mr Nostradamus. :wave:

USA: Hyperpower
China: Great Power
India: Regional Power

A very fair statement.

Since every one is joking i will joke too....

US is 5th Gen
CN is 4++gen
IN is 4+ gen.

LOL ! this hyper/great/regional power is bull$hit. When ever any situation will arise every one (US/CN/IN ) will play out their diplomatic manoeveurs and it is any body's guess where the situation will head. Present situation in Af is an example here...
I will take your word Mr Nostradamus. :wave:

Since every one is joking i will joke too....

US is 5th Gen
CN is 4++gen
IN is 4+ gen.

LOL ! this hyper/great/regional power is bull$hit. When ever any situation will arise every one (US/CN/IN ) will play out their diplomatic manoeveurs and it is any body's guess where the situation will head. Present situation in Af is an example here...

There's more. Even with low GDP/capita, China's distribution of limited resources gave us far less starvation and disease than India. That is the advantage of socialism. Even when we were poorer than Indians, we lived more dignified and longer lives.

And since 2000, our relative GDP/capita has skyrocketed to historical highs vs. the US and even higher vs. Japan.
There's more. Even with low GDP/capita, China's distribution of limited resources gave us far less starvation and disease than India. That is the advantage of socialism. Even when we were poorer than Indians, we lived more dignified and longer lives.

And since 2000, our relative GDP/capita has skyrocketed to historical highs vs. the US and even higher vs. Japan.

Two reasons :-
1) This is waht has been brainswashed. Your figures and data is vetoed at CPC HQ.
2) You eat everything that can crawl.
Spanish call you chino, Norwegians call you kineser, the French call you Chinoise, but it somehow hurts you when the Indians call you chini?
I know ur only purpose of being here is arguing with Indians and sucking up to pakistanis, but seriously dude, grow up

If they call me that in an English conversation I will politely ask them to change to English, because I do not feel that it is appropriate. Just like I won't call a Norwegian 挪威人 in an English conversation.
economically the gap is far greater. the Indian military is relatively not as weak compared to the Chinese military, as the Indian economy to Chinese economy.

Yes you are right to say that the gap between Indian and Chinese economy is far too great.
We have been working rather hard here to close that gap.India already has good trade relations with almost all the major countries in the World.Be it Central Asia,East Europe,Africa or South America,where ever there is a scope of development and we are there.

One good thing about India is people across the globe don't think of India as a country with some aggressive or military agenda,plus we are non-aligned,something that always works in our favour.

The future of the World lies in Asia,with China and India.
Only thing I wish is I don't want the competition to take shape of a struggle for higher power like that between US ans Soviets.
Two reasons :-
1) This is waht has been brainswashed. Your figures and data is vetoed at CPC HQ.
2) You eat everything that can crawl.

are you seriously implying that India has better public health and superior education to China?
Yes you are right to say that the gap between Indian and Chinese economy is far too great.
We have been working rather hard here to close that gap.India already has good trade relations with almost all the major countries in the World.Be it Central Asia,East Europe,Africa or South America,where ever there is a scope of development and we are there.

One good thing about India is people across the globe don't think of India as a country with some aggressive or military agenda,plus we are non-aligned,something that always works in our favour.

The future of the World lies in Asia,with China and India.
Only thing I wish is I don't want the competition to take shape of a struggle for higher power like that between US ans Soviets.

the problem is that Indian economy is heavily dependent on selling raw materials; the amount of high tech in India is actually quite low and there are too many lowly educated people in India, and too high poverty. As of now, and I am going to say this with total honesty, there are many cities in India that have not caught up to 1930's Shanghai due to very high corruption and lack of organization.

Let me just give you some examples. Even in the 1980's, when we were poorer than India, all of our cities had running water and sewers, designed by Chinese engineers, many of which who were trained in Germany and the Soviet Union, and constructed in the 1950's. These were so good, some of the systems from 1950 are still operational today with no major changes. Even 30 years ago, we didn't have blackouts, but had electricity rationing instead. We have trash collection service. Despite our poverty, 20 years ago our literacy rate was already higher than India's TODAY, and our starvation rate was near zero.

It is not just about the money but it is about how the money is used.
I will take your word Mr Nostradamus. :wave:

Since every one is joking i will joke too....

US is 5th Gen
CN is 4++gen
IN is 4+ gen.

LOL ! this hyper/great/regional power is bull$hit. When ever any situation will arise every one (US/CN/IN ) will play out their diplomatic manoeveurs and it is any body's guess where the situation will head. Present situation in Af is an example here...

India is 3++, considering you are still far from getting the attention from us.
Attention u will get when ur CN firewall will allow free media. Until then, we are happy with our image in EU/Africa/US.

Name 1 website from India that's censored in China. Hell, name 1 in JAPAN of all places.

We only censor American propaganda.
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