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India is taking 'holycow' to a whole new level, even killing for it.

He's right.

Most Indians are much like cows.

Meek, defenceless, fart all day, and keep chewing while a multitude of people come, tweak their udders and move away.

Only Brahmins are required to be like the cows, not Kshatriya. :lol:

Kshatriya are free to use all means to defend the cow or the values it represents. :azn:
Ok u r all over the place but I'll try to categorically address each point u raised.

Do u understand what u r saying here? How's Gujarat Massacre, Babri Masjid incident related to the creation of Pakistan? It was done entirely by Indians long after Pakistan had been created. Pakistan had no part to play in that. Have some sound reasoning and I'll debate over that. What u r saying here makes no sense.

As for that last paragraph let's assume that all of that is small compared to "our deeds" and Pakistan is "evil" and Hindus r persecuted here. Should u be using that as a reason to kill/persecute ur own Muslim citizens? It's like me saying "well there are all these other bank robbers so it's only fair that I rob a bank too". That is some insane reasoning.

Also I will say it again that Pakistan was created for the sake of Islam/Muslims. It declared itself an Islamic Republic so u highlighting the fact that Islam/Muslims r favored in Pak is no argument at all. That was the purpose of it and it fulfilled it.

In contrast ur leaders championed the idea of Hindu/Muslim harmony and a united India. So when u provide justification in any form or manner of a Hindu India(rather than secular India), u go against ur forefathers who created a secular India. It's basically u admitting that "yes Jinnah and others were right and Muslims and Hindus must have separate country's so they can freely practice their religions". In that case u guys should just declare India a Hindu state. Why beat around the bush?

Here again u r providing that same justification that really shouldn't be a justification for any sane person. Let's assume it to be true that Pakistan/Pakistanis are evil and they persecute/kill Hindus in their country. U want to use that to persecute/kill Muslims in India?

Another thing is that u grouping together all the Muslims of the subcontinent(Pakistani, Indian, Kashmiri, Bangladeshi Muslims). Do u know of the history of partition? There were many groups of Muslims who held differing political viewpoints. A majority of them were in favor of creation of Pakistan(they ended up in Pakistan and Bangladesh) but there was still a sizeable group of Muslims that bought into the idea of a secular India that shouldn't be divided. A majority of Muslims in India r those who favored a united India. It is wrong of u to lump these groups together. U r also saying that the Muslims of India have to be secular bcuz they have no choice and that they collude with Pak. Those r some serious accusations against ur fellow countrymen. Like I said read the history of partition and u will see that these Indian Muslims that u r accusing just bcuz they have a different faith than u, voted in favor of a united India and against Pak. This is why Muslims in India feel that they have to prove their Indian-ness to their fellow Hindus. U r biased against them.

As for ur last line above if u think that there is no reason to believe in secularism then why not own it? India should declare that Nehru's vision was wrong and India isn't going to be secular but rather a Hindu state. Then by all means u can protect cows and ban beef. Anyone who has a problem with such a law can leave the country.

Again u r using the flawed logic of "if he broke the law then why can't I?". On top of that u r again accusing ur fellow countrymen of something which they haven't done just bcuz they r Muslims. That's just sad and pathetic.

U have never once condemned the actions of these murderers who r killing Muslims over beef issue. Instead u r accusing ur fellow Indian Muslims of a crime they have not committed.

If Muslims were out to get u like the boogeyman u think them to be they would've already wiped Hindus off the face of the earth during the centuries of rule(before British) over the subcontinent.

Please don't try to teach me Islam when u don't even know it urself. God was indeed testing Abraham's resolve and instead of Abraham's son there was a lamb that was sacrificed instead. That's where the sacrificing of a Halal animal comes from.

The current Islamic practices are not at all continuations of pre Islamic Arab practices. In fact practices in Hinduism are more similar to those pre Islamic Arab practices than anything else. Pre-Islamic Arabs were polytheists and just like the Gadhimai Festival, pre Islamic Arabs also sacrificed animals to their gods.

If u r gonna argue with me about Islam at least study it a bit.
First of all demolition Babri masjid was not wrong according to most 80% Hindus, when you build something against others will you should also maintain the strength to protect it. Our forefathers also followed caste-system, so there is no need to follow forefathers in everything. Now increasing numbers of Hindus have started believing in Hindu state. But most Hindus(some 60%) still believe in Secularism, outcome of Kashmir will push them towards Hindu state. Power of Constitution is 60% Hindus and 15% minorities, after these 60% Hindus lose faith, constitution will become a piece of paper.

Muslims never wiped out Hindus because they never thought Hindus would develop so much and get out of control, that Europeans will find a sea route and under their influence situation will reverse. Arabs couldn't get further than Sindh, Turkic people were in middle of the trade route between Europe and India, they got wealthy with trade and used the superior European based technology to invade a politically disunited Indian kingdoms. Then Europeans found a sea route and gave Technology and training directly to Hindus. If Aurangazeb had foreseen that mughal reign would end, his generations would become beggars subsequently and Hindus would get this dominant under European influence then he would have surely wiped out Hindus.

I never said all muslims will be effected, only those who dare to hurt Sentiments of majority for personal gain. Most of these beef lynching happen in Hindu majority areas, where someone tries to be over smart. In muslim majority area no one interferes.
During the Islamic rule and occupation, all the Hindu DNA which was brave and resisted got genocided. The Hindus who survived were mostly docile, who accepted defeat and humiliation to survive. While the muslim DNA who invaded and butchered Hindus in India where the most aggressive in their societies, willing to commit atrocities to any length to succeed. Using concepts like one GOD, anti-idolatry propanganda, infidel etc to convert evil crimes into bravery and God's will. In several hilly terrains of India this aggressive Hindu DNA flourished eg; Maratha DNA flourished, Aurangzeb spend his whole life and treasury suppressing this more assertive stain of Hindu DNA.


This aggressive Hindu DNA grew into Maratha empire at its peak.

Awadh/Uttar pradesh and Bengal where in the next predator list of Marathas, Then the muslims of Awadh, Bihar, Bengal asked the Help of Abdali to reign in this Strain on Hindus.
This resulted in 3rd battle of Panipat.
This resulted in Hindus using more and more British help to get back at muslims. British in-turn used this strain of Hindus as a proxy to defeat Mughals and other rulers.
Then British took the power from Marathas and Sikhs. This loss of power caused Muslims of Awadh, Bihar and Bengal to take part excessively in Revolt of 1857, though the revolt was started by Mangal panday and Rani Laxmi Bai. British punished muslims the most, with corpses hanging all along the Grand trunk road.
British further wanted to kill the hopes of Muslims by eliminating any chances of re-establishment of Mughal or Islamic rule in India. So they started developing, educating and training Hindus. Political knowledge, Education system and Technology of British is used by Hindus to keep India politically united.

After Independence and partition all muslim elites and those who could emigrate went to Pakistan, giving Hindus resources and land of rest of India to flourish. As Hindus started tasting political power and freedom, Hindu DNA has started getting better and better with every generation. With no Aurangazeb or Adbali to suppress more assertive strain of Hindus, and a nuclear umbrella over India with 2nd largest army armed to the teeth. Now this bolder and assertive Hindu DNA will inevitably come in conflict with the Remanents of aggressive strain of muslim DNA which considers itself superior and invaded India. They can kick and scream all they like and hold onto the past.
First of all demolition Babri masjid was not wrong according to most 80% Hindus, when you build something against others will you should also maintain the strength to protect it. Our forefathers also followed caste-system, so there is no need to follow forefathers in everything. Now increasing numbers of Hindus have started believing in Hindu state. But most Hindus(some 60%) still believe in Secularism, outcome of Kashmir will push them towards Hindu state. Power of Constitution is 60% Hindus and 15% minorities, after these 60% Hindus lose faith, constitution will become a piece of paper.

And again we r back to the topic of secular India. You see the Babri Masjid was constructed in place of Ram Mandir during the time when Muslims ruled India. It was wrong to do but it was a monarchy as in "might is right". I would expect the same thing going in the opposite direction under a Hindu monarchy...as in a mosque being demolished and a mandir being built in its place.

But India claims to be a secular democracy that protects the rights of ALL its ppl(including Muslims) so such an incident has no place in this secular/democratic India and is unlawful. The secular democratic India was the vision of ur forefathers.

U and other Hindu state advocates keep proving that Jinnah was right. He(along with others) predicted that Muslims will not be able to live freely in a Hindu majority country and therefore it's better that Muslims get their own country.

If u guys wish to demolish masjids and build mandirs in their place then go ahead and declare urself a non democratic non secular state like the mughals were. Let there be a rule of "might is right" and do as u please but at least own it. No need for this facade of a "secular democracy".

Muslims never wiped out Hindus because they never thought Hindus would develop so much and get out of control, that Europeans will find a sea route and under their influence situation will reverse. Arabs couldn't get further than Sindh, Turkic people were in middle of the trade route between Europe and India, they got wealthy with trade and used the superior European based technology to invade a politically disunited Indian kingdoms. Then Europeans found a sea route and gave Technology and training directly to Hindus. If Aurangazeb had foreseen that mughal reign would end, his generations would become beggars subsequently and Hindus would get this dominant under European influence then he would have surely wiped out Hindus.

U think Muslims r an enemy of Hindus and r out to get them. To this I replied that Muslims ruled the subcontinent for centuries and didn't wipe out Hindus nor Hinduism. To counter u come up with this fictional nonsense?

Let's come back to reality. The reality is that even under centuries of Muslim monarchs Hindus and Hinduism weren't wiped out, which discredits ur theory of Muslims being a boogeyman who hate Hindus.

I never said all muslims will be effected, only those who dare to hurt Sentiments of majority for personal gain. Most of these beef lynching happen in Hindu majority areas, where someone tries to be over smart. In muslim majority area no one interferes.
During the Islamic rule and occupation, all the Hindu DNA which was brave and resisted got genocided. The Hindus who survived were mostly docile, who accepted defeat and humiliation to survive. While the muslim DNA who invaded and butchered Hindus in India where the most aggressive in their societies, willing to commit atrocities to any length to succeed. Using concepts like one GOD, anti-idolatry propanganda, infidel etc to convert evil crimes into bravery and God's will. In several hilly terrains of India this aggressive Hindu DNA flourished eg; Maratha DNA flourished, Aurangzeb spend his whole life and treasury suppressing this more assertive stain of Hindu DNA.


This aggressive Hindu DNA grew into Maratha empire at its peak.

Awadh/Uttar pradesh and Bengal where in the next predator list of Marathas, Then the muslims of Awadh, Bihar, Bengal asked the Help of Abdali to reign in this Strain on Hindus.
This resulted in 3rd battle of Panipat.
This resulted in Hindus using more and more British help to get back at muslims. British in-turn used this strain of Hindus as a proxy to defeat Mughals and other rulers.
Then British took the power from Marathas and Sikhs. This loss of power caused Muslims of Awadh, Bihar and Bengal to take part excessively in Revolt of 1857, though the revolt was started by Mangal panday and Rani Laxmi Bai. British punished muslims the most, with corpses hanging all along the Grand trunk road.
British further wanted to kill the hopes of Muslims by eliminating any chances of re-establishment of Mughal or Islamic rule in India. So they started developing, educating and training Hindus. Political knowledge, Education system and Technology of British is used by Hindus to keep India politically united.

After Independence and partition all muslim elites and those who could emigrate went to Pakistan, giving Hindus resources and land of rest of India to flourish. As Hindus started tasting political power and freedom, Hindu DNA has started getting better and better with every generation. With no Aurangazeb or Adbali to suppress more assertive strain of Hindus, and a nuclear umbrella over India with 2nd largest army armed to the teeth. Now this bolder and assertive Hindu DNA will inevitably come in conflict with the Remanents of aggressive strain of muslim DNA which considers itself superior and invaded India. They can kick and scream all they like and hold onto the past.
Alright now I'm convinced that either u r smoking something a bit too strong or u have grown up watching/reading utter propaganda. Really? Aggressive DNA? Wtf?

I thought I could debate with u but u r too far gone. It's like debating with a Trump supporter here in US...completely hopeless :hitwall:

Don't bother quoting me again. We r done.
I am not interested in either educating you nor debating with you.

You asked a question regarding the philosophy behind protecting the cow and I give you a reply.

Do not bother to reply.
Yes I asked question for that same reason but the answer I got, shocked me
Yes I asked question for that same reason but the answer I got, shocked me

I am not surprised that you are "shocked", the truth can do that.

You mentioned Abdul Sattar Edhi, to which I say, Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

That is the reason I do not want to educate you. Small minds cannot discuss ideas.

IF you want to discuss people, then I suggest you read the Ramayana.

Ravana was a good man, well loved by the people and even created a "Golden city" for his people, but he was evil and was killed for the single wrong doing of kidnapping Sita and holding her against her will.

There is an interesting story about how Valmiki became a Rishi. He used to be a hunter and a thief and justified that action as doing it for his family only to be told that his sins are his own and will not be shared by his wife and kids.
heart of evil, where the soul of jihad lives, the fountain from where all the filth flows.

these guys must be nuked.

Soul of jihad does not live in a land, it lives in ..........

Saudi's are pretty clear about who they are and what they want. I find no faults in that.

Its the Hindus who are confused and rudderless and asleep at the wheels.

I am not surprised that you are "shocked", the truth can do that.

You mentioned Abdul Sattar Edhi, to which I say, Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

That is the reason I do not want to educate you. Small minds cannot discuss ideas.

IF you want to discuss people, then I suggest you read the Ramayana.

Ravana was a good man, well loved by the people and even created a "Golden city" for his people, but he was evil and was killed for the single wrong doing of kidnapping Sita and holding her against her will.

There is an interesting story about how Valmiki became a Rishi. He used to be a hunter and a thief and justified that action as doing it for his family only to be told that his sins are his own and will not be shared by his wife and kids.
"Truth" hahahaha
yes I have small mind therefore I can't think the great idea of drinking cow urine to be beneficial to society.

I didn't mentioned Abdul Sattar Edhi to discuss his noble deeds, but to discuss the idea of " a man who kills cow is a destroyer of all that is good and pure in this world. An enemy of dharma. A taker, an exploiter, a destroyer. A man who is a danger to society" ( my mind is great enough to discuss this Idea). I don't want to disrespect your religious ideology but.....
"Truth" hahahaha
yes I have small mind therefore I can't think the great idea of drinking cow urine to be beneficial to society.

I didn't mentioned Abdul Sattar Edhi to discuss his noble deeds, but to discuss the idea of " a man who kills cow is a destroyer of all that is good and pure in this world. An enemy of dharma. A taker, an exploiter, a destroyer. A man who is a danger to society" ( my mind is great enough to discuss this Idea). I don't want to disrespect your religious ideology but.....

A small mind denoted by its fascination for the perversions like urine and blood and slaughter.

Just because a man does some good things, it does not absolve him of all the bad things he does.

Otherwise by your twisted logic, a man can make money, give it for charity and then go back home and act like a pedophile. You will justify that pedophilia by saying that ..... look at all the good things he's done.

Only a fool would come up with such logic.

The greatest and kindest man in the world, if he commits a murder, will still go to jail. And if you don't get this simple fact, then you are unlikely to get it ever.

BTW, a man who drinks cow urine is infinitely better than a man who drinks its blood and eats its flesh. So the jokes on you.
Up next would be :

- the head of a cow-maata appearing on the flag of the banya-nation;

- mandatory bathing of all new-borns with cow urine;

- mandatory vaccination of whole population with cow dung-urine combo vaccine;

- mandatory (forced) conversions of bride and groom to hinduism in order for their marriage to be declared legal;

- official recognition of tehreek-e-hindutva hindustan as the protectors of hindutva and official patronage of this tehreek in india.

I predicted that MODI might have been the best thing for us and the worst for Indians, to have happened, when he won the elections. I stand by my prediction.


The way he's going, we might see six to seven additional sovereign states coming out of the above map.
That is a GOOD Question

The thing is what happens in India is an Internal matter

Therefore inspite of such "Bad News "

We are still Getting Millions of Tourists every year

We are not declaring any war or Jihad against any Country

A lot of Bad Things happen in USA too
ie Racist Attacks ; School and College shootings

Does that affect its stature

If there is a law against Cow Slaughter ; and if its is getting violated
Then there will be conflict

Other NON VEGETARIAN Food is also available in Plenty
Such as Goat and Sheep Meat ; Chicken

Why this Lust for Cow Meat
lol@lust for cow meat.
So it means anybody who even as much as desires to eat cow meat will be subjected to DEATH ? Wow I do see a shining India in future. Good luck Indians, you are on road to self-destruction.

Cow urine is going to be declared India's National Drink

Gau Raksha Terror: Are Cattle Lives More Valuable Than Humans?

A few days ago, Mohan Bhagwat, head of the RSS – which supposedly controls the BJP, now the sarkari authority – said no Indian should kill a cow. A cow?

On 30 April, two persons in BJP-ruled Assam were lynched by a supposed gau rakshak mob. Pehlu Khan, a farmer transporting cattle, was killed on 1 April in Alwar by so-called gau rakshaks – cattle saviours – now on a rampage across north India. It turned out later that he was not a cattle consumer, but was simply carrying cattle from one place to another.

Also Read: Two Held After Suspected ‘Cow Thieves’ Lynched in Assam’s Nagaon

Crackdown on Food Habits
So today, a human life is worth less than cattle? I don’t know what you think, but this really brings my lunch up.

“So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being,” wrote Franz Kafka. He would have known: starving and cold most of his life and leaving his works of genius to be burnt by his closest friend, Max Brod.

Food is fuel for all people over the world and nobody has monopoly to dictate what anyone eats. This is a fundamental truth, often violated in many places by food taboos imposed by prevalent beliefs, prejudices and politics of the day.

Also Read: Alwar Cow Vigilantism: 4 Arrested for Beating Man to Death

Thus, decisions of BJP governments in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh to crack down on meat and poultry production and consumption are an assault on peoples’ dietary habits as well as an attack on the economic well-being of India.

Dependence on Animal Husbandry
It all began as cow – gau rakshak – militias. Now it’s grown to a multi-state assault on people’s dietary habits. The Gujarat BJP chief minister promises a 14-year sentence, effectively a life term, against those convicted of cow slaughter in the state. Other BJP leaders are eager to play along.

This ignores the fact that much of India’s population depends on farming and related activities like dairying, poultry, fish farming and meat sales for their existence.

Crop failures abound, deprived of stable irrigation, dependent on monsoon cycles. A hedge against this is animal husbandry, especially the rearing of cattle.

That is why India is the world’s largest buffalo meat exporter, with 58 percent of the global buffalo population. In a survey done in 2010-11, our meat production (including poultry) was 4.9 million tonnes, the eighth highest in the world. Our export of buffalo meat is reckoned to be close to $5 billion a year, growing 15 percent every year, a rate that would make the IT industry blush.

A large chain of people, including caste Hindu cattle rearers, middlemen, traders, Muslim butchers, Dalit skinners and cleaners, and businessmen retailers and exporters are involved in the meat trade. Each performs a valuable role in the trade – not just of buffalo, but any sort of meat sold anywhere in India from Nagpur to Nagaland.

All numbers are from a study done by FICCI, an industry lobby. The verification is up to that organisation. The rest of the story is easy to grasp.

Meat Finds Mention in Hindu Scriptures
Most Indians do not share the food taboos of Bhagwat. His views cannot be imposed on the vast majority. All Hindutva claims on our diet have to be based on some historical evidence. So, here it goes, from India’s foremost historian of food, KT Achaya, in ‘Indian Food: A Historical Companion’.

He writes that according to the Puranic Griha Sutras, the first food to be served to a newborn child as ‘annaprassanya’ is milk. It will then be followed by other food, which will balance the child’s future nature.

These include goat (or ram) meat to deliver physical strength; partridge meat for saintliness; fish, a gentle disposition; rice and ghee, glory. Elsewhere in the texts, he finds the consumption of rhinoceros flesh propitious. He cites that the Jataka tales list pigeon, partridge, monkey and elephant as edible.

Ancestors as Hardcore Carnivores
My personal footnote to all of this is simple: the version of the Ramayana, the 15th century Krittibas magnum opus that we learnt in Bengal, said Ram and Lakshman loved eating venison and ‘goshap’, a monitor – a large lizard – that was probably easy prey in the forests of those early days.

Kautilya’s Arthashashtra adds much to our wisdom of food and its processing restrictions. Writing around 300 BC about the regulation of slaughterhouses, the Machiavelli of India describes every ingredient of what it takes to cook 700 gm of meat – 175 gm of curd and 7 gm of garam masala, for instance. He was not in favour of any bans, but a tax to the administration and health rules would suffice. Chanakya was certainly no food fundamentalist.

Now, go a few years ahead in history. The Charaka Samhita gives us a nice menu. Apart from the usual meats, it has a list which includes alligator, tortoise, jackal and porcupine. For most of us today, even the omnivores, this might seem hard to digest, but clearly our ancestors had stronger stomachs.

In India’s northeast, where the BJP is very keen to take power, it is wary of saying anything about food. After all, aren’t all those northeastern people known to eat anything? I’m married to the region, and well, the meals are good.

Eat what you will. Fight nobody over their traditional daily meal.

Also Read: Beef Only For NE: When ‘Non-Veg’ Politics Defines Law of The Land

Could this similar thread be merged with thread, to enable all concerned about Bangladeshi members view on this topic?
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‘Gau Rakshak' stops cows to Bangladesh from Tripura


Now cows have ambulance service in India


Source: indianexpress

On Monday, the UP deputy CM Keshav Prasad Maurya on Monday inaugurated an ambulance service exclusively for cows. A team of veterinary doctors and assistants will travel along with the ambulance, said the reports. The “gau chikitsa mobile ambulance” will be used to transport injured cows to either a “gaushala” or a veterinary hospital.


Govt ready with Bill to protect rights, of cows


SONU JAIN Posted: Aug 07, 2003 at 0000 hrs ISTNEW DELHI, AUGUST 6:

Hardening its earlier stand and making it compulsory for all states to implement, the Centre is ready with a Bill prohibiting the sale of beef across the country, slapping jail terms and fines for ‘‘cruelty’’
against cows.
A draft of the new Bill called the Prevention of Cruelty to Cow Bill 2003 will be put to the Cabinet next week and may be introduced this session.

Some of the salient features of the Bill are:

• For killing a cow, imprisonment upto five years or fine• Fine of Rs 5,000 for causing injury to the cow.• A three-month jail term for export of cow and sale of beef.• Complete prohibition on sale of beef.• Establishment of institute by the government for maintenance and care of uneconomical cows.• Restriction on export of cows.

The Government is enacting the Bill under Entry 17 of the Concurrent List, in which a Central legislation prevails over that of states. Earlier, the Government invoked Article 252 which meant that states were free to reject or accept the Central legislation.

In fact, the letter to all the states asking for their approval was ready to be circulated but when Rajnath Singh took charge as Agriculture Minister, he decided to send it to the Union Law Ministry. This, in turn, suggested that the provisions under Entry 17 of the Concurrent list be used. With elections round the corner, the Bill is meant to turn the tables on Madhya Pradesh CM Digvijay Singh who wrote to the Prime Minister asking him to bring central legislation on cow slaughter.

According to him, if the government failed to do so, he would go ahead and bring a state legislation.

Arunachal Pradesh, Kerala, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura are the only states that allow cow slaughter. Under the proposed law, cow-slaughter will be a criminal offence in these states as well.

The backdrop to this Bill is the National Commission for Cattle that was set up in dramatic circumstances two years ago when Kanchi Shankacharya threatened a fast unto death over the plight of country’s cows.

In 1,500 pages, the Commission led by Guman Mal Lodha had made 51 recommendations including amending POTA to include cow smugglers and prohibition of ‘‘slaughter of cows and its progeny’’ be made a fundamental right.

It had also recommended that the Constitution be amended to empower Parliament to make laws for prohibition of slaughter of cow and its progeny. It asked for cow slaughter to be made a non-bailable and cognizable offence with a minimum three year jail term and maximum 10 years rigourous imprisonment and a fine.

Although the Bill does not say so, it is clear that it takes inspirations from the recommendations of the Commission.

Holy Cow!
Lightning kills 32 cows leaving them 'piled on top of each other'


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