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India is ‘punching bag’ for South-Asian neighbours, says external affairs minister

We already did with you... lol you guys full of ego... he said domestic issues ....

Haha, after 1/5 of Pakistan becomes an independent, Muslim country who dislike India indians act like they captured berlin and the soviet union broke up.

Soon they'll feel what an actual breakup of a country is like.
Previously i thought this guy jaishankar is just dumb and stupid but now it seems he is delusional as well.
Fact remains academic discussion or not, Not a single neighboring nation of India is allied to it, Despite it's overwhelming geographic and demographic dominance in the region, Given a chance they would align with any other regional or global leader than India, Mostly because it's continued failed hegemonic ambitions from time to time

India is neither a hard or soft power of any significance, It's just a auxiliary force for global powers since it's creation, First to the soviets till the end of the cold war and now to the US as a counter weight to China since the 90's
Still we have managed to stay fairly independent since our inception in 1947...
I don't know from where you get that notion that we were subsidiary of soviets ...
About the fact that all our smaller neighbours despice us .. well what choice do they have other then despicing us and becoming proxy of foreign powers ... Be it pak,nepal or sri lanka ...
Only Bangladesh has successfully able to reap
Benefits of both India and china..
P.S funny you are telling us that we are a poodle of foreign powers while you guys have literally sold your land to china
What do you want a Ph.D. for every thread, why not try to add something worthwhile rather than crying in your pants, frustrated nutcases.

I have given a reasoned argument, argue it, don't cry about it.
Food for thought : even in their wildest fantasy best hope of Pakistanis for defeating india is indian themselves ... ( India too big divide it ... Break it ...) And those calling India artificial state have you ever thought that if india is artificial state you guys are an artificial state created from artificial state ... Making you doubly artifical
India is often like a "punching bag" for its South Asian neighbours, said the country's External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar.

In response to a question on India's relations with neighbouring countries, he said it is a complex neighbourhood and the relations at times are impacted by the interplay of politics and sharp positioning, reports our New Delhi correspondent.

Jaishankar made the remarks during an online interaction with leading Indian industrialist Sunil Kant Munjal and academician C Raja Mohan on CNBC-TV18 channel last night.

"We need to create those structural linkages between us and our neighbours so that they take care of political cycles and any volatility their politics may produce," he said.

"Because, very often people say things about us. We are actually like a punching bag for the domestic issues, which one of our neighbours is having."

Jaishankar said, "I would say the sensible thing to do is to make sure that you have strong structural linkages so that the politics of the day plays on but the realities of the economics and the social interactions and the people-to-people contacts carry on."

"Having said that, I would take a lot of care with my neighbours to kind of smoothen the frictions as they come along. Sometimes you anticipate problems, sometimes it is important that you do not get provoked," he added.

He said the free trade agreements (FTAs) India has entered over the years have not been able to largely serve the country's economy well in terms of building its capacities.

Jaishankar said there are ways of engaging the world which do not necessarily have to be "FTA-centric".

He, however, added that all the FTAs are not the same.

He said that the world will be heading towards a more protectionist economy post Covid-19.

About China, he said the economies of India and China were roughly of the same size when the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi had visited Beijing in 1988.

However, now, China's economy is about four-and-half or five times that of India largely due to a series of reforms the neighbouring country initiated around 40 years back.

Jaishankar, a former ambassador to China, said India too grew "fairly significantly" during the period.

"But the fact is that we did not get ourselves intensively industrialised, or pushed manufacturing the way many other Asian economies did. The fact is that we opened up very much later, we opened up a full decade-and-half after China did," he said.


Too much of Bollywood will be injurious to ones mental well being.
We already did with you... lol you guys full of ego... he said domestic issues ....

Oh yeah, we know, by training "Atang Wadis" terrorists by financing them, arming them.
I guess it wasn't terrorism right!! Because Indians did that.

If you didn't have Bangladeshis traitors with you, your arse would be kicked.
The lies you spread that 90K army surrendered not correct, it was only 30K the rest were civilians captured.

You are linked by Chicken neck to North East.
If that corridor didn't exist, you would have lost N East long time ago. Even now the day China makes a move on Sikkim, you can kiss North Eastern 7 states good bye.

Imagine East Pakistan 1000 km away and local trained by a terrorist state India.
Dont worry you still have Bangladesh lol. Thanks to indian lap dog hasina and its shameless puppet government.

China barely interfere in bd internal politics unlike india.
About the fact that all our smaller neighbours despice us .. well what choice do they have other then despicing us and becoming proxy of foreign powers ... Be it pak,nepal or sri lanka

Well it's not Pakistan, Nepal or Sri Lanka crying on media stating that nobody loves them, It's the FM of India

I don't know from where you get that notion that we were subsidiary of soviets

India was firmly in the socialist/soviet block during the cold war, And played a major part in the proxy wars in the region behest of them, To date your main arms supplier and diplomatic guardian is then Soviet Union now Russia though now frantically cosying up to the Americans against the Chinese threat

P.S funny you are telling us that we are a poodle of foreign powers while you guys have literally sold your land to china

Well they never claimed to be a super power or a regional power, Or claim they have the rights over everything in it's periphery.. By comparing your self to an island nation fifty times smaller than you in any conceivable aspect just shows Indians suffer from major case of inferiority complex, another reason even the tiniest nations like the Maldives would never accept India as a power of any kind
The fact is that we opened up very much later, we opened up a full decade-and-half after China did," he said.

India "opening up" much later than China should not explain the imbalance in the annual earnings of India and China. I don't think it is about "opening up" but more to do with extensive industrialization. China until now has been the "factory of the world" while India has not been able to attain the self-declared "laboratory of the world" status.

I don't know from where you get that notion that we were subsidiary of soviets

It is an incorrect notion that India was fully in the Eastern Bloc. For example, you should consider the participation of India in the Korea War on the Western-led "UNO" side. Or that RAW has been taking advise and training from Mossad since inception.
Oh yeah, we know, by training "Atang Wadis" terrorists by financing them, arming them.
I guess it wasn't terrorism right!! Because Indians did that.

If you didn't have Bangladeshis traitors with you, your arse would be kicked.
The lies you spread that 90K army surrendered not correct, it was only 30K the rest were civilians captured.

You are linked by Chicken neck to North East.
If that corridor didn't exist, you would have lost N East long time ago. Even now the day China makes a move on Sikkim, you can kiss North Eastern 7 states good bye.

Imagine East Pakistan 1000 km away and local trained by a terrorist state India.

That chicken neck corridor still exists... where as we sliced half Pakistan.. am pretty sure WoT and OBL raid not happened in India..
This will reduce very soon as one of the country having a lots of hate for India is going to break into pieces.
Such academic discussions about the topic above ... Bunch of sisses whining in their little forum aww...
That chicken neck corridor still exists... where as we sliced half Pakistan.. am pretty sure WoT and OBL raid not happened in India..

Pay back time is coming. Chicken neck would be a choke point, when it happens remember this post.
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