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India is playing a dangerous game

If India is raising mountain divisions then it is none of Pakistan's business.If we are blowing money on superior technology,then it should not be a problem for Pakistan unless they perceive them to be at the receiving end.Its our money,we decide how to blow it.

If one has to do something on the friendship front then something should be done about the MFN status.That would look like a token for friendship.I dont see anything happening there,all show,no go.

Look who is talking. When India is up to sinister deeds then Indians tell non Indians to shut up and mind their own business but when Pakistan or China do anything inside their own countries then India will cry wolf claiming that it is a "threat" to their country.

Yup, and China should have an embassies in Lhasa and Urumqi.

Then India should have embassies in Sikkim, Indian Occupied Kashmir, Gujarat, The Seven Sister Sates, Southern Tibet, Northeast India(Land annexed from Burma) etc etc
Look who is talking. When India is up to sinister deeds then Indians tell non Indians to shut up and mind their own business but when Pakistan or China do anything inside their own countries then India will cry wolf claiming that it is a "threat" to their country.

Then India should have embassies in Sikkim, Indian Occupied Kashmir, Gujarat, The Seven Sister Sates, Southern Tibet, Northeast India(Land annexed from Burma) etc etc

i am sure ur wish will come true soon..:rofl::rofl:
It is high time that all South Asian nations + China unite and wage war against the root of all evil - India.
India should stop playing dangerous games and start making friends with China and Pakistan.

Thread is reported for flame and fake thread title put up to start flame war.

Lets see if Mods take action on it or not.
“I’d insult you, but the sad truth is that you wouldn’t understand and if I tried to explain it to you, your brain might implode from information overload.”
True. :D Even his username suggests that he is from Jurassic era. :rofl:
Indians on this forum teach everybody how to troll, they are masters in this art!
No dude the trolls already left from our country in 1947 and later we separated real trolls in 1971.
And you are one of them:P
“I’d insult you, but the sad truth is that you wouldn’t understand and if I tried to explain it to you, your brain might implode from information overload.”

You tried your best but even your best isn't good enough!
It is high time that all South Asian nations + China unite and wage war against the root of all evil - India.

May be closer than you think.

It is your own Indian Army who is always whining about a "two-front war" against China and Pakistan.

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