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India is not a global power

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India needs the following:

Access to natural resources

Access to markets for exports

The ability to defend itself from attack by multiple hostile countries

The rest is just fluff.
The obsession is is reaching a stage it is hard to ignor .. So many anti india threads from chinese warriors ..
India definitely will be a super power by 2030. It will have a lot of beautiful sky scrappers and super highways. India cities will be so clean and magnificent. And also, there will be a lot of white servants and white beggars.
Of course India can counter China. But only if it buy the most advanced American weapons. For the things India cannot get from America, it should get from Russia, Israel or Europe. India should stop wasting money trying to develop things itself. It always end in total failure and India would end up importing anyway. The example is T-90 and Rafael fighter. India wasted so much money trying to develop something but the military opt for imports. India should not try to develop something if it end up importing similar weapon from else where.
I must commend this Indian who wrote the OP. Clearly some Indians do realise what India's position is in the world unlike a lot of fan boy types on the internet
Of course India can counter China. But only if it buy the most advanced American weapons. For the things India cannot get from America, it should get from Russia, Israel or Europe. India should stop wasting money trying to develop things itself. It always end in total failure and India would end up importing anyway. The example is T-90 and Rafael fighter. India wasted so much money trying to develop something but the military opt for imports. India should not try to develop something if it end up importing similar weapon from else where.

Yep, those weapons with a ripoff price, and it doesn't even help India to further enhance its domestic military industry complex, but all wasting those money to buy those expensive junks.

Yeah, it is a good way to help India to contain China. :coffee:
AN INDIAN SAYS : India is not a global power

PENTAGON SAYS: india is a global power.
Pentagon says India is a global power - Hindustan Times

who will u believe?

Salesmen trying to sell a few weapons flatter a potential buyer imo

LOL, except that it was India who came last place in the OECD Educational Tests. :P

Did they? I did not realise that. Thank you CD for informing me.

true that - India may not be a global super power right now, but sure she will be the Sole Super - Hyper power by 2030

What is your definition of hyper. I mean hyper is often added to some decease or other

India is not a global power at the moment but in the very near future she will join the rest of global powers.

I thought you were going to say join the rest of us and seeing your flag of Afghanistan it did make me laugh

When people start debating whether you are a global power or not, One thing becomes a surety that you are about to be one.

Yea rite :rofl:
That Indian is the one with a brain and rational thought, yet the Pentagon is clearly fooling you guys in order to make you believe that you can keep messing with China. :coffee:

we will keep on messing with China irrespective of what pentagon says...

and btw our Indian newspapers are self critical...can u show me one chinese newspaper which is critical about ur govt.?

They are only busy spreading govts propaganda and self glorification...and people like who foolishly believe that when every one knows the only thing u know is to run with tails between their legs...now run boy run!
India has Potential to be a Global Power but it remains a regional power at best.
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