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India is more Islamic than your country: Rajnath Singh tells chief of Pakistan Rangers

No.. I still dont think it can be true... DG Rangers might have said this..tht i am only dg of a force and not govt....in response to something else... Not in response of...no infilitration from Pak..... Theres must be some other context of his statement or response to some other matter... Indian media would have taken it out of context to suit them..
This response is widely reported in media. You can watch online a Zee News program ridiculing D.G.Ranger for rebuffing Indian HM piece initiative :D Of course how he got tricked never got mentioned by the channel :D
DG should have been more careful while dealing with Evil Yindoo baniya Politician :p:
This response is widely reported in media. You can watch online a Zee News program ridiculing D.G.Ranger for rebuffing Indian HM piece initiative :D Of course how he got tricked never got mentioned by the channel :D
DG should have been more careful while dealing with Evil Yindoo baniya Politician :p:

Well... One cant really tust the indian media... As i said, he might have made this statement..but in response to some other matter...not on topic of infiltration... How on earth can some one say...i am only dg rangers... I will convey your message to my govt..tht do not infiltrate terrorists....lolllll... No person with an inch of sanity could say this.. As i said..the context of his statement would have been different
Ha Ha Ha Ha. Acha OK. :)
You would find that funny, No surprise. If we had been more serious towards this issue since independence, prolly we would have something to be proud of. Don't you see Ahmadis, Christians, Hindus and Shiites being persecuted in this country? I dont think they are covered on ISPR media accounts or on PTV news channel if you are wondering about their current situation.
and what about infiltration from india? why only talk about 1 side? :pop:
Evil Yindoo Banya Doval, needs only to send money and that too from your India friendly western neighbor :pop:
Reality Check-
You can't say with authority whether you have more muslims than India or not. You guys have not conducted a damn census in your country for past 17 Years!!

Shows the chutya Mr Rajnath Singh in reality is. DG Rangers is a military officer not some masjid ka maulvi that you are discussing this BS with him.

Reality Check: And no India doesn't have more Muslims than Pakistan.
through Afghanistan. Pakistan Media often claims that India has God knows how many consulates along the Pakistani borders with the sole aim to destabilize it :devil:

Forget what Pakistani media says, you tell me why do you have 4 consulates in a small country like Afghanistan?
Afghanistan  Indian Embassay Counsulate.jpg
Indian Counsulates Afghanistan.PNG
Shows the chutya Mr Rajnath Singh in reality is. DG Rangers is a military officer not some masjid ka maulvi that you are discussing this BS with him.

Reality Check: And no India doesn't have more Muslims than Pakistan.

it wasn't a discussion but a speech. The discussion was between DG to DG.

Why is this fool talking about which country is more Muslim than the other when the two sides met to discuss how to end cross-border fire which kills a dozen freakin' people every few weeks? I guess chest-thumping was the priority of this meeting for this retard.

the discussion is between dg to dg. The minister was just making a speech, not part of the discussion
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