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India Is Making a Move on the South China Sea

India and China should make a pact where China will refrain from Indian Ocean while India from South China sea. As countries with 2.7 billion people and as eminent powers of the region, any fighting between them is not good. Moreover, as time passes both will become and more and more powerful and will become top 2 economics of the world. And fighting between them will put the whole world under extreme strain.
Mutual respect is needed.
Our activities like oil exploration in Vietnamese water is a bilateral understanding between India and Vietnam, any third party objection including China's is worth less than a toilet paper.
the only thing that would occur as a reaction to Indian action would be CHINA asking for a permanent base in PAK will deploy its navy or will simply will give advance weaponry to PAK and modernirize its NAVY too teeth and will make artificial island in INDIAN ocean in the name of Protection from Pirates taking PAK and IRAN on board and if PAK agrees no one in GCC would have a problem with that too and keep in mind as sanctions are over INDIA will loose what ever influence it had over IRAN and CHINA will coze up with them through PAK and INDIA instead of trying to bring CHINA on table will have an another big front to fight

SO i think i would be better for INDIA not to get involved in SCS or uncle Sam vs dragon matter and bring china on table by some different means......

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Your compatriot wants to exchange trade "Aksai Chin for Man Sarovar and Kailash", in a trade you have to have something to trade. As india neither holds Aksai Chin OR Man Sarovar and Kailash, how can it trade?

Plus I doubt the Chinese care much about having a neutral country in their south.
If we don't poke India, India don't poke us. If India mess with China, we will make it hurt. India is not kid, i think he can make his mind right. If India goes too closely with USA, he will get what he sow.

no one looks down on Indian navy, just India shall not cozy up to USA by joint patrolling SCS. you try to push the tolerance to the limiet, guess what you gonna get? Never allign yourself with Uncle Sam.
and china forgets what she sowed in past 50 years ? too much assumptions and illusions in the minds of chinese friends . and time will tell the latter part of story *. tough i guess since this patriotic government has come in Bharat now , poking from chinese side has decreased which is good for peace in the region .

(*it wont take more than 5 years to burst the big balls hernia )
the only thing that would occur as a reaction to Indian action would be CHINA asking for a permanent base in PAK will deploy its navy or will simply advance weaponry to PAK and will make artificial island in INDIAN ocean in the name of Protection from Pirates taking PAK and IRAN on board keep in mind as sanctions are over INDIA will loose what ever influence it had over IRAN and CHINA will coze up with them through PAK and INDIA instead of trying to being CHINA on table will have an another big front to fight

SO i think i would be better for INDIA not to get involved in SCS or uncle Sam vs dragon matter and bring china on table by some different means......

You can be their vassal(don't care) , we will roam in international waters.
You can be their vassal(don't care) , we will roam in international waters.
As i stated above don't quote me if you wanna troll or wanna proof your self a over patriotic keyboard warrior .....

If you have some sane argument or wanna debate sanely on this matter based on facts and not on "INDIA IS A SUPERPOWER" do put them forward.....
Maybe our subs shall pay more visit to Indian Ocean if Indian can't make its mind clear.
Do you know that 2 chinese Subs were successfully been spied upon by Indian kilo class sub without getting detected untill chinese plane could detect Indian sub. Your noisy 1970 soviet sub copies are no match to our modern sub. More over we have deployed US made world's best sub detection planes in bay of Bengal. In case of any conflicts, we shall block you in bay of Bengal. You are helpless guys. In Iran too, we are building base just 70 km from Gwadar at chhabahar. Arihant has come and Aridaman with 125 MW reactor is coming so as 6+6 scorpene and Project 75 i. Ofcource you can send your noisy sub to Indian Oceans to be a shooting practice of our torpedo.
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Do you know that 2 chinese Subs were successfully been spied upon by Indian kilo class sub without getting detected untill chinese plane could detect Indian sub. Your noise 1970 soviet sub copies are no match to our modern sub.

Interesting. Where did that happen and when?
Do you know that 2 chinese Subs were successfully been spied upon by Indian kilo class sub without getting detected untill chinese plane could detect Indian sub. Your noise 1970 soviet sub copies are no match to our modern sub. More over we have deployed US made world's best sub detection planes in bay of Bengal. In case of any conflicts, we shall block you in bay of Bengal. You are helpless guys. In Iran too, we are building base just 70 km from Gwadar at chhabahar. Arihant has come and Aridaman with 125 MW reactor is coming so as 6+6 scorpene and Project 75 i. Ofcource you can send your noisy sub to Hind Mahasagar to be a shooting practice of our torpedo.
Last time i checked the Chinese S20 sub (a noisy sub from 1970) went through the Indian ocean to Karachi port without Indian authorities knowing about it :/
Game Changers? Chinese Submarines in the Indian Ocean | The Diplomat
Game Changers? Chinese Submarines in the Indian Ocean

the same noisy sub went this close to your super duper American equipments

A Chinese Submarine Stalked an American Aircraft Carrier
A Chinese Submarine Stalked an American Aircraft Carrier

And about chahbahar chinese offered their assistance on it and after sanctions i can assure u that your influence on IRAN will decrease drastically :) even if not IRAN would never allow you to use its base or its soil to be used against any one be it CHINA OR PAKISTAN we all know that your relations with them are purely business and if you have a single proof that you are getting a base in IRAN i'll take everything i said back :)
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Last time i checked the Chinese S20 sub (a noisy sub from 1970) went through the Indian ocean to Karachi port without Indian authorities knowing about it :/

So what is so special. Even our surface ship goes to south china sea. Any vessel can travel in international water in peace time. Here the issue is that they can not pass through unnoticed in the time of conflict. We can detect and destroy it any time.

Interesting. Where did that happen and when?

There is some mentio if incident in one article on PDF. Pl search.
So what is so special. Even our surface ship goes to south china sea. Any vessel can travel in international water in peace time. Here the issue is that they can not pass through unnoticed in the time of conflict. We can detect and destroy it any time.

There is some mentio if incident in one article on PDF. Pl search.
And can stalk an American Aircraft carrier and got close to the firing range of the sub Yea right !!

and your source is PDF enough said :cheers::pdf:
incidents like that a published internationally so one can show their edge over their enemies :)
And can stalk an American Aircraft carrier and got close to the firing range of the sub Yea right !!

and your source is PDF enough said :cheers::pdf:
incidents like that a published internationally so one can show their edge over their enemies :)

My sourec is not PDF but an article posted on PDF. I hope you understand the difference.
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