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India Is Making a Move on the South China Sea

China will shorten Indian Navy size for sure,if IN behaves like a stubborn kid..:lol::china::enjoy:.
With the kind of hardware the IN is inducting, I don't think many PLA(N) officers would be as confident as you in demeaning the IN. If you think the IN isn't able to give back as hard, if not harder, than the PLA(N) then you are deluding yourself.

This isn't school ground top trumps, anyone who underestimates the IN will pay for it in scrap metal, unlike the IA and IAF, the IN has a very clear understaning of its future ambtions.
India needs to use this situation to her benefit. Get the Chinese on table and resolve the border dispute ( I suggest trade Aksai Chin for Man Sarovar and Kailash ) and make the LAC international boundary.

Also let the Americans know that till they aren't stopping their anti India activities, we are not jumping in SCS for US.

and u think China can be black-mailed so easily ???

a typical Indian mentality btw...
India needs to use this situation to her benefit. Get the Chinese on table and resolve the border dispute ( I suggest trade Aksai Chin for Man Sarovar and Kailash ) and make the LAC international boundary.

Also let the Americans know that till they aren't stopping their anti India activities, we are not jumping in SCS for US.

Trade "Aksai Chin for Man Sarovar and Kailash"? How considering China controls both "Aksai Chin" AND "Man Sarovar and Kailash".
Trade "Aksai Chin for Man Sarovar and Kailash"? How considering China controls both "Aksai Chin" AND "Man Sarovar and Kailash".

The negotiating thing is SCS. Otherwise we are big enough to be much more than just a prick you see.

and u think China can be black-mailed so easily ???

a typical Indian mentality btw...

Its Economics you see.

And its the Indian Mentality that we don't need a super power on our side when we go for negotiations ( Very unlike a nation which continuosly keeps trying to get world powers involved in Kashmir becoz it itself can not do a jack about its juglar vein you see ).

Talking about never learning to mind your own business. This is going to turn out so well for India, just wait for it.

Till we keep working for Pro India goals, everything will be awesome. We need to make sure we don't get with uncle SAM and learn from our neighbour mistakes.
The negotiating thing is SCS. Otherwise we are big enough to be much more than just a prick you see.

You still haven't answered my question why would China trade "Aksai Chin for Man Sarovar and Kailash" when China controls both "Aksai Chin" AND "Man Sarovar and Kailash"?
You still haven't answered my question why would China trade "Aksai Chin for Man Sarovar and Kailash" when China controls both "Aksai Chin" AND "Man Sarovar and Kailash"?
So they have neutral country in their southern part and Indian Ocean. (PEACE)

China build roads through gilgit and some cowards are backing off from international waters. Some Indians do have weak thinking.
So they have neutral country in their southern part and Indian Ocean. (PEACE)

China build roads through gilgit and some cowards are backing off from international waters. Some Indians do have weak thinking.

Your compatriot wants to exchange trade "Aksai Chin for Man Sarovar and Kailash", in a trade you have to have something to trade. As india neither holds Aksai Chin OR Man Sarovar and Kailash, how can it trade?

Plus I doubt the Chinese care much about having a neutral country in their south.
If we don't poke India, India don't poke us. If India mess with China, we will make it hurt. India is not kid, i think he can make his mind right. If India goes too closely with USA, he will get what he sow.

With the kind of hardware the IN is inducting, I don't think many PLA(N) officers would be as confident as you in demeaning the IN. If you think the IN isn't able to give back as hard, if not harder, than the PLA(N) then you are deluding yourself.

This isn't school ground top trumps, anyone who underestimates the IN will pay for it in scrap metal, unlike the IA and IAF, the IN has a very clear understaning of its future ambtions.
no one looks down on Indian navy, just India shall not cozy up to USA by joint patrolling SCS. you try to push the tolerance to the limiet, guess what you gonna get? Never allign yourself with Uncle Sam.
We support india this move on SCS :enjoy:
Hope they dont chicken out like they did in 2002 and 2008:pop:
As the Bhagwat Gita says, don't worry about the end result. Just do your Karma.

UNSC permanent seat means nothing. India is slowly turning into a global giant. 20 years from now if and when we have a 15 Trillion $ Economy the UNSC seat will be meaningless.

That held value when we were a 1 trillion $ economy.

In a few more years we will outgrow the need to have an UNSC. Do you think US cares about the UN ?

I can agree with you wholeheartedly. UNSC means nothing. I don't know why we let ourselves be stringed around with UNSC seat as bait. Russia doesn't care about it, US doesn't care about it, China doesn't care about it. The members have broken UNSC resolutions themselves. UNSC has clout over matters unrelated to these five members. As long as we have dispute with China and its proxy Pakistan, UNSC seat doesn't help us in any way.
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India and China should make a pact where China will refrain from Indian Ocean while India from South China sea. As countries with 2.7 billion people and as eminent powers of the region, any fighting between them is not good. Moreover, as time passes both will become and more and more powerful and will become top 2 economics of the world. And fighting between them will put the whole world under extreme strain.
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