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India is getting ready to fight China and Pakistan simultaneously: Indian Army chief

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I believe that Indian obtained its ABM technology with US assistance. Israel also obtained the assistance from the US. I'm not bragging but US has the most advance technology and any country the US assists can make big strides in technology. If Indian can join the US lead western democratic camp, I'm certain that US would transfer more technology to India and India can be more advanced. India now has no strategic plan and it needs one.

Now you acknowledge India has ABM technology?? Buddy US asked India to be a part of its ABM defense shield but India refused because we are developing our own shield..Why should we get any assistance from any country if the indigenous development is a success??But there are some rumors that the radar developed for ABM shield is actually green pine radar of Israel..may be its true may be its just a rumor..but still we are planning to induct our own ballistic defence shield is 2012-2013...
ok sorry I meant Chinese..as per their claims taiwan wanted to become a part of China

Huh what do you mean??you said thrashing Pakistan and China in 96 hours is self boasting so i pointed out with the link that there is no one claimed to thrash Pakistan and China in 96 hours..Can you please tell me where did i answer my own question?

And for the stupid part..no comments..clearly i dont have superior Chinese Intelligence not IQ..may be born and bought up in a village is cause :)

Sir please enligten us how many countries produces ABM's..To my inferior knowledge and IQ i know only US and India are working on it..and till date ABM test done by India was sucessful..feel free to disagree with your superior knowledge and IQ ..I am all ears

Many countries has ABM capabilities, such as Russia, Israel and the US. However, no one has anti-ICBM technology. If india claims that it has one, than its just either lying or not knowing what is ICBM. This is possible since India has no ICBM and so it doesn't know that characteristics. US knows and had performed the ABM with ICBM and the results were mixed. However, the projected testing for the next couple of years had been cancelled.
China is not trying to take over Taiwan by military means because a lot of Taiwan's development will be destroyed. China concerns more about getting a industrialized and wholly functioning Taiwan without firing a shot then military take over. The issue of Taiwan, China and USA is very complex and your lack of knowledge of this issue is reflective on your comment. All you can do is just make a fool out of yourself if you want to talk about Taiwan.

so trueee just think about how you look like when you talk about India ..I hope you got my point :smitten:
Many countries has ABM capabilities, such as Russia, Israel and the US. However, no one has anti-ICBM technology. If india claims that it has one, than its just either lying or not knowing what is ICBM. This is possible since India has no ICBM and so it doesn't know that characteristics. US knows and had performed the ABM with ICBM and the results were mixed. However, the projected testing for the next couple of years had been cancelled.

Faithful guy care to give me links about Russian and Israeli ABMs??I really want to know...
Now you acknowledge India has ABM technology?? Buddy US asked India to be a part of its ABM defense shield but India refused because we are developing our own shield..Why should we get any assistance from any country if the indigenous development is a success??But there are some rumors that the radar developed for ABM shield is actually green pine radar of Israel..may be its true may be its just a rumor..but still we are planning to induct our own ballistic defence shield is 2012-2013...

I think India has ABM but for short range missiles. Its doesn't have ICBM defense capability against modern ICBM. Attacking an ICBM when its tragetory is known is not that difficult. However, defeating a high speed ICBM when penetrating aid and decoy is extremely difficult.
so trueee just think about how you look like when you talk about India ..I hope you got my point :smitten:

I do not make much comments about India. Just how India is going to destroy other countries in 96 hours. I seriously believe that India should take care of its 25% of population below poverty line instead of wasting so much money on defensive spending.
Now you acknowledge India has ABM technology?? Buddy US asked India to be a part of its ABM defense shield but India refused because we are developing our own shield..Why should we get any assistance from any country if the indigenous development is a success??But there are some rumors that the radar developed for ABM shield is actually green pine radar of Israel..may be its true may be its just a rumor..but still we are planning to induct our own ballistic defence shield is 2012-2013...

ABM technology are relatively abundant. Anti-ICBM misisle for each decoy, warhead, and RV is also doable.However, this method is too cost prohibitive. Is anti - ICBM technology at mid course that is very difficult. The US had trouble making it reliable.
I do not make much comments about India. Just how India is going to destroy other countries in 96 hours. I seriously believe that India should take care of its 25% of population below poverty line instead of wasting so much money on defensive spending.

faithful mate where in that article says India wanted to destroy enemies in 96 hours..its only states that to have advantage during the initial hours if attacked by China and Pakistan..and for Poverty,Xinix shown a map of how poverty is being reduced in India ...and it will continue to reduce..if you see Indias budget only 3 % is total budget is allocated to defense..and much more money is spent on irradication of poverty..

I know i am telling this to blind eyes and deaf years..because you will repeat the same thing with in a couple of minutes..but still I am trying to make you understand..I suggested before to visit India and meet the people here and see the growth of India..US nor China also took time for their devalopment,...you watch this decade man..much will change in India..most of the programmes commissioned by Indian govt will yeild result on this decade..
Sure sur, let's not derail this thread but. If you think Pakistan if a match for India. :cheesy: :cheesy:

i'm afraid you're wrong.
In countless # of threads in :pdf: have proud Pakistanis admitted India's in a whole different level than India.

We got the money $$$$. We got the might.
what you have is 'pride', and only pride.[/

Oh yeah, the "FACTS" shown India is poor like hell !

And you are no where near mighty either, wake up from your wet

dream man !

If India got the money, why India got the most poorest

population in the whole world ?

If India is so rich, why every year, thousands of Indian die of

starvation ?

If India is so rich, why she can't even provide the"basic human-right

for her people="TOILET".

I will be more than happy to provide you with proof if needed.


I know that you wont disappoint me ..you cant live with out toilet and Indians shitting issues right? :azn:
I know that you wont disappoint me ..you cant live with out toilet and Indians shitting issues right? :azn:

Ouch !! did i hit a nerve ?

My dear, its no different as you can't live without bitching no freedom,

communist, no democracy over and over again about Chinese.

Now when you taste your own medicine, and you were pissed ?

Face it, its simply the concept of "Give and Take".:smitten:
Ouch !! did i hit a nerve ?

My dear, its no different as you can't live without bitching no freedom,

communist, no democracy over and over again about Chinese.

Now when you taste your own medicine, and you were pissed ?

Face it, its simply the concept of "Give and Take".:smitten:

Lolz no my old friend you didnt hit any ones nerve here...its expected from you..how can an Indian related thread be good with out the valuable input from you like this..Actually it will be appreciated if you search more and find some more valuable inputs that can derail the threads further..you know we are getting bored with the ususal rant again and again and again :china:
In case of Pakistan you have certain advantages no doubt about it
& your General lamb think they can reach the God damn Rawalpindi in just 48 hours using their Rapid thrust & PA will just sit on arse see it all been done, have you & your general Lamba got any sense, Is it so easy to reach Rawalpindi in 48 I repeat 48 hours
BECK-HAM the ans to this question is a simple NO, sorry if i broke your & general Lamba's dream


You can destroy all our nukes, Ohh Sh!t we are doomed

& Chinese threat my dear they can destroy your Delhi with their dirt cheap missiles, WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO HIT BEIJING?? Tell me

Don't tell me we can do same with Islamabad because corning us means nukes & after all General Lmaba thought they will reach Rawalpindi in 48 hours with their Rapid Thrust & there will be no God damn response

PS: do those 50 Billion include replacement of Indian 'Duds' :P

DEEPAK KAPOOR, the biggest lunatic COAS of all times

HEIL KAPOOR!!! :smokin:

BTW Good Night & dream of 'BECKHAM a tank Commander commanding the Ar-junk to Rawalpindi'

Plz i request u, not to personaly attack a member which u r doing to beckham,

Also don't use any derogatory term for General Deepak Kaoopr. We r not using anything offensive of personal about Pakistanis OR ur general.

We expect a decency from a lady.

Plz stick to the topic, we can debate or disagree endlessly in a civilized manner.

BTW what is the distance of Rawalpindi from Indian Air Force base "Farkhor Air Base" in Tajikistan.
faithful mate where in that article says India wanted to destroy enemies in 96 hours..its only states that to have advantage during the initial hours if attacked by China and Pakistan..and for Poverty,Xinix shown a map of how poverty is being reduced in India ...and it will continue to reduce..if you see Indias budget only 3 % is total budget is allocated to defense..and much more money is spent on irradication of poverty..

I know i am telling this to blind eyes and deaf years..because you will repeat the same thing with in a couple of minutes..but still I am trying to make you understand..I suggested before to visit India and meet the people here and see the growth of India..US nor China also took time for their devalopment,...you watch this decade man..much will change in India..most of the programmes commissioned by Indian govt will yeild result on this decade..

Make sure the programme done by Indian will yield result by this decade or it will be another laughing stock for India again
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