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And when will india reclaim its genetic austrailoid soul

we are austrailoid, mongoloid, negroid and proud of it.

unlike our neighbours we are proud of our identity and we dont need foreign blood', nor do we fake it to make us feel better.
Isn't allowing people from all religion to practice there belief freely is teh soul of Secularism?
They are just following their religious practices andnot forcing any one to follow. Now, how does a citizen of India practicing his religion become a communal person?

I never get this sick logic!
In India the soul of secularism is embed in the vote bank politics and things are always looked at through that prism only. Had Modi not took a jibe when he gifted the Bhagvad Geeta to the Japanese PM, it would have created a much bigger furor in the media. Yet we had some @sshats saying Modi should have gifted the Indian Constitution or nice pack of Geeta, Bible Quran and Guru Grant Sahib.

How many places are there in the world which have been blessed with such revelations? Yet instead of celebrating this gesture of PM Modi, these champions of secularism in India were busy criticizing him. Such people are a big blot on Hindus and they are too fcuking ashamed to call that they are Proud Hindu.
In India the soul of secularism is embed in the vote bank politics and things are always looked at through that prism only. Had Modi not took a jibe when he gifted the Bhagvad Geeta to the Japanese PM, it would have created a much bigger furor in the media. Yet we had some @sshats saying Modi should have gifted the Indian Constitution or nice pack of Geeta, Bible Quran and Guru Grant Sahib.

How many places are there in the world which have been blessed with such revelations? Yet instead of celebrating this gesture of PM Modi, these champions of secularism in India were busy criticizing him. Such people are a big blot on Hindus and they are too fcuking ashamed to call that they are Proud Hindu.
Secularism ki Soul ko free karo!

Time to adapt uniform civil code. Also, no special rights/ privileges based on religion or cast but based on economic status of the person/ family.
Secularism ki Soul ko free karo!

Time to adapt uniform civil code. Also, no special rights/ privileges based on religion or cast but based on economic status of the person/ family.
Let there be majority in RS for NDA, things will change. I want the Hajj subsidies to go also.
Yup. India is no longer a nation with an Indian identity.. it is hinduism that drives it.. and hence it is for Hindus.. damn the rest.
I'm pretty sure indian muslims are happy in india (ignoring kashmiris). They would prefer to not be a drone target, get blown up, aircraft being shot at at the cost of what, sacrificing sheep instead of cow in "some" locations?

We separated at the cost of "muslim" identity, yet our people are still deprived of rights.Anyway, I think
Indian muslims are proud Indians and given the choice under "normal" conditions, they'd stay in India and would thank their ancestors for staying in India or migrating from Pakistan to India.

Harsh, but this is the reality. I'm slrry if this is off topic, but I wish to offer proof. Have you seen the images children draw, of fata? Not knowing when drone will strike and become part of colateral damage( Knowing your own gov't is involved in it? Or if you're a baloch, your mother, son and what not is being picked up and when you tell media about it, the dead body is found rotting on a street?

Yes having muslim Pakistan is important, but what good is it when we're worse off than India? When "hindu GDP" has exceeded ours? When India has Mars probe sent for 1/7 price of a metro? Would it be proud for a muslim to say that his nation India launched mars probe or a pakistani muslim to say his country has launched metro bus?

Let's not forget the target killings involving secretarianism! Killing shia leaders or sunni leaders, tagretting their prayer hall with bombs. How regularly do we see in India of a muslim cleric being target killed, or imambargah being blown up? How often we see in Pakistan in which not only non muslims get target, but also our own shia and sunni brothers! If Pakistan is not save for muslims, who're we to say india is not save for muslims?

So yes, India is for anyone, not just Hindu. India has had muslim president, also had muslims helping India get nukes, and many muslims holding key position. This, despite muslims being some 10% or whatever population.

@Contrarian you from India, how do current muslim see Modi there? I hope Modi appoints muslim president to show a balance.

I'll close my post with this: Islam in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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In India the soul of secularism is embed in the vote bank politics and things are always looked at through that prism only. Had Modi not took a jibe when he gifted the Bhagvad Geeta to the Japanese PM, it would have created a much bigger furor in the media. Yet we had some @sshats saying Modi should have gifted the Indian Constitution or nice pack of Geeta, Bible Quran and Guru Grant Sahib.

How many places are there in the world which have been blessed with such revelations? Yet instead of celebrating this gesture of PM Modi, these champions of secularism in India were busy criticizing him. Such people are a big blot on Hindus and they are too fcuking ashamed to call that they are Proud Hindu.

No one has any issues with everyone practicing their religion freely. I even take a tough view on forced conversions. I'm also ok with Gita being given out because it is a text unique to our land, and far from being just 'Hindu', it's a religious text with universal philosophical message of righteousness- it transcends religion and represents the best of our land. The place where I do have a problem is in Hinduism becoming a state religion. That is not secularism. And that is what the RSS and VHP want. Why? Coz once you do that you can toggle state policy to make themselves ascendant. Our social fabric doesn't need to be changed to accommodate the politics of one party. And in case you are buying the snake oil that only 'weak yindoos' persecuted and suffering have been 'denied their rights' and do not 'assert themselves' by becoming 'secular', lemme tell you that is not true.

An example of that is actually found in a predominantly Islamic state called turkey.Mustafa Kemal Ataturk beat the $hit (I mean LITERALLY ordered beatings and torture) out of political islamists to enforce secularism. ANd now compare where Turkey is ( a largely prosperous and stable country) with those countries that allowed political islam to flourish (like our esteemed neighbors in the west). And if you take the line that the same will not happen if Hinduism becomes a state religion because it is 'tolerant', that's a lot of bull. All religions, be it Islam, Christianity, Buddhism or even Jainism (read about the Jain king Kaharavela and how 'peacefully' he promoted jainism) behaved the exact same way when they became state religion. The rest of the world has decided to keep Relegion away from state, and that is where we should be headed.
No one has any issues with everyone practicing their religion freely. I even take a tough view on forced conversions. I'm also ok with Gita being given out because it is a text unique to our land, and far from being just 'Hindu', it's a religious text with universal philosophical message of righteousness- it transcends religion and represents the best of our land. The place where I do have a problem is in Hinduism becoming a state religion. That is not secularism. And that is what the RSS and VHP want. Why? Coz once you do that you can toggle state policy to make themselves ascendant. Our social fabric doesn't need to be changed to accommodate the politics of one party. And in case you are buying the snake oil that only 'weak yindoos' persecuted and suffering have been 'denied their rights' and do not 'assert themselves' by becoming 'secular', lemme tell you that is not true.

An example of that is actually found in a predominantly Islamic state called turkey.Mustafa Kemal Ataturk beat the $hit (I mean LITERALLY ordered beatings and torture) out of political islamists to enforce secularism. ANd now compare where Turkey is ( a largely prosperous and stable country) with those countries that allowed political islam to flourish (like our esteemed neighbors in the west). And if you take the line that the same will not happen if Hinduism becomes a state religion because it is 'tolerant', that's a lot of bull. All religions, be it Islam, Christianity, Buddhism or even Jainism (read about the Jain king Kaharavela and how 'peacefully' he promoted jainism) behaved the exact same way when they became state religion. The rest of the world has decided to keep Relegion away from state, and that is where we should be headed.
Your intentions are noble.

Anyway - Hinduism can NEVER be state religion of India. Why? Because there is no religion called Hinduism. A cultural construct referred to as Hinduism by us can not be codified into a set of legal principles that must be followed by every Indian. Even Bhagvd Gita does not contain the word 'Hindu'! The fear mongering of imposing Hinduism as State Religion is paranoia. There is more chance of Buddhism or Sikhism becoming State Religion of India, which is to say - NILL.

To establish a religious state the first and foremost requirement is to establish a religious monolith. Such conditions can never be fulfilled in India as Dharmics are as diverse as diverse can be. :)

Plus - Ataturk hit hard against the regressive Mullah-cracy. The newer and progressive interpretation of Islam (replacing Turkish as the language for Azaan for example) was given a boost. This was propagated by the Young Turks. The Anatolians also were spared. His target was Islamism.
Your intentions are noble.

Anyway - Hinduism can NEVER be state religion of India. Why? Because there is no religion called Hinduism. A cultural construct referred to as Hinduism by us can not be codified into a set of legal principles that must be followed by every Indian. Even Bhagvd Gita does not contain the word 'Hindu'! The fear mongering of imposing Hinduism as State Religion is paranoia. There is more chance of Buddhism or Sikhism becoming State Religion of India, which is to say - NILL.

To establish a religious state the first and foremost requirement is to establish a religious monolith. Such conditions can never be fulfilled in India as Dharmics are as diverse as diverse can be. :)

Plus - Ataturk hit hard against the regressive Mullah-cracy. The newer and progressive interpretation of Islam (replacing Turkish as the language for Azaan for example) was given a boost. This was propagated by the Young Turks. The Anatolians also were spared. His target was Islamism.

Whether or not Hinduism becomes a state religion or not is a purely 'political' accomplishment and has nothing to do with history. Tomorrow an amendment with majority gets passed, that's it. You can create an 'interpretation of that from then on wards. Politics is a game of patronage and power and historical realities. And no matter what new interpretation of Islam they gave support to, Ataturk's clear patronage was for 'Seculars'.
Nope - just 'publically threshed'. India was never meant to be a secular state, it was just a cleverly designed lure by Nehru to dope in other faiths and cultures at a fragile time in history, only to be given a shaft at a later date. Nehru was very much inspired by Chanakyan doctrine and followed Vinayak Damodar Savarkar's thought process. One major fallout in Indian society due to this 'experiment' most of which is based in historic 'myths' is going to be for the Indian women rather than minorities, because Chanakya was a misogynist. His work is worth a read though, overtime i've read multiple copies/interpretations.

Don't presume to speak for India. You may think you are somehow qualified to do that, the fact is that you are inherently incapable of understanding India except from the narrow perspective of your own identity and compulsions.

Chanakya was much less of a misogynist than some who put hundreds of millions behind ghastly tents just for their own insecurity. Won't you say?

Aurat naqisul akal hoti hai! Sounds familiar?

On contrary, our neighbors know secularism and it's values much better than some of us, who were born into it.

Secularism is mostly a word of abuse in Pakistan. It hits at the very roots if you know what I mean.

Especially India being secular is something they can never accept.

For them secularism is something to be abused and at the same time taken advantage of, not to practice it themselves.
Glad that secular crap and equality for all Indians regardless of faith bull is going to trashed.. Yayy Indian soul.

Are you a retard ???? .... you have based a conclusion for a 1.2 Billion ppl populated nation on a single blog .... And you people argue about increasing the standereds of the forum :tsk: ....

I can provide you with the multiple number of blogs and heck even trusted sources saying your nation to be terrorist nation .... U tell me Does this really make you that ????
Are you a retard ???? .... you have based a conclusion for a 1.2 Billion ppl populated nation on a single blog .... And you people argue about increasing the standereds of the forum :tsk: ....

I can provide you with the multiple number of blogs and heck even trusted sources saying your nation to be terrorist nation .... U tell me Does this really make you that ????
Just say yay. :D Yaaay. :P
That was previously very obvious .... as they were called "Hindustaanis" from the very beggining
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