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What ís the reiligion of "Arya samaj" people of punjab and haryana especially jats, it seems to me that they consider only themselves as "Aryan society" whereas condsider rest of you so-called santaclause dharma as dravidian australoid people corrupting the religion of their aryan ancestors.

Height of ignorance. My suggestion, don't expose your ignorance here.
Truth be told. The revealed demographic curve has evaporated all pipe dreams of an Akhand Bharat. There can now only be a Muslim Bharat. Therefore, those who were trying to locate the "soul" of Hinduism are in moon-struck.
Truth be told. The revealed demographic curve has evaporated all pipe dreams of an Akhand Bharat. There can now only be a Muslim Bharat. Therefore, those who were trying to locate the "soul" of Hinduism are in moon-struck.

If hundreds of years of barbaric invasions didn't achieve it, fat chance of it happening now just because we didn't ethnically cleanse Muslims like Pakistan (and Bangladesh) did to it's minorities. India is surely on the path of reclaiming it's own heritage. We never had anything to do with Islam in any case. Partition in the name of this foreign invaders ideology only sealed it.

The unfortunate countries that lost their own culture and civilizations due to those barbaric attacks, even some of them are on the way to rediscovering their true identity and not be fake Arabs. One of the first countries to fall to the Barbarians may be the first to reject the imposition.

You will see the trend very soon. There is only one way things are going to move now.

PS: Frankly this has nothing to do with people like you in any case. India has nothing to do with you after partition as per the two nation theory. Your obsession with us is only amusing when we don't see ourselves as having anything to do with you people. You have even migrated to a kaffir country, making a mockery of the two nation theory.
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Illegal Bangladeshi immigration, muslim birthrate, will make India a pluralistic society rather than a purely Hindu Society.
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