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Yup. India is no longer a nation with an Indian identity.. it is hinduism that drives it.. and hence it is for Hindus.. damn the rest.

Indian and Hinduism are not in conflict. India has a Hindu/Dharmic soul.

Of course it doesn't mean that any individual has any more or less privileges because of religion or gets treated as a dhimmi.

State has no religion, people do. The Indian civilization is a dharmic civilization.
Isn't a Hindu supposed to follow Hinduism ......
Is the author implying that the president shouldn't celebrate Durga Puja or the pm shouldn't do a havan for the sake of being a sickular....

And after seeing this ,the sickulars from this side of the border and the people from the land of pure get a chance to score a point
Glad that secular crap and equality for all Indians regardless of faith bull is going to trashed.. Yayy Indian soul.
You base your 'doubt' of Indian secularism on these kind of trashy articles/blogs?
Yup. India is no longer a nation with an Indian identity.. it is hinduism that drives it.. and hence it is for Hindus.. damn the rest.
Indian nationalism is hijacked by Knickers wearing stick waving, Sanghparivari's. The achievements of India, who knows will mean for only (high caste)Hindus? Unfortunately for India, minorities are huge in number and a large number of Dhimmi's always means trouble for those who dreams to enforce Hindutva. I believe, aggressive north Indian Sunni Muslims will give a good fight to the Hindutva nation, that is in the making.
Does the authour of the article even realize what a pathetically confusing and self contradictory piece he has written?
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Grand Ma strikes again! It's ok folks, the clacking of the dentures is a secret super/ duper weapon of war as she leads India into glorious hindu only future (conditions apply). :rofl::rofl::lol: . Fareed Paracha lookout. your nemesis from Jamaat - e-Hindueen is coming with a walking stick to beat you!

So says the crack addict. Perhaps you got a few minutes off from finding a vein to pump your poison in.
Indian and Hinduism are not in conflict. India has a Hindu/Dharmic soul.

Of course it doesn't mean that any individual has any more or less privileges because of religion or gets treated as a dhimmi.

State has no religion, people do. The Indian civilization is a dharmic civilization.

India has a secular soul that accommodates all religions. That's how it will be.

So says the crack addict. Perhaps you got a few minutes off from finding a vein to pump your poison in.

:lol: Well I'm complimenting you, we really need someone who can give the likes of Fareed Paracha a trashing.
India has a secular soul that accommodates all religions. That's how it will be.
And what is the difference btw hinduism and what your said in your Post Supreme court of india assure that hinduism is a soul of are constitution in its judgements.
India has a secular soul that accommodates all religions. That's how it will be.

Exacto, republicans tried implementing Christianity led values into the state but failed, now there is huge cry for separation of church from state. Citizens should be allowed to practice their religion freely, as long as it doesn't interfere with the state.
India has a secular soul that accommodates all religions.

And how is that any different from Hindu teachings. Unlike most of other religion you won't find any single verse in any of the numerous Hindu holy books which denounces or speaks anything against any other religion.
Exacto, republicans tried implementing Christianity led values into the state but failed, now there is huge cry for separation of church from state. Citizens should be allowed to practice their religion freely, as long as it doesn't interfere with the state.

Besides Hindus are generally tolerant and I don' think most feel seriously 'threatened'. BJP's most intelligent move would be to discard liabilities like RSS, VHP and so on and try to become a true centre of right party on the lines of the Tories in the UK. As has been the case with most parliamentary democracies, there will be counterbalance in the form of Labor. That space was filled by congress somewhat until their scams and hubris brought them down. And that's why I think the rise of AAP is inevitable. AAP right now is like the hardline labor under Tony Benn in the 1980s. And right now the situation is similar to the rise of Thatcher (= modi now) against them -(if the BJP has brains enough to understand). Eventually Labor had to reinvent as 'New Labor' and rose under Blair. I think that might happen to AAP. Kejriwal is very much like Benn, a more 'pleasing' leader ala Blair might eventually become the face of the party and that's how it will eventually rise, making it easier to shed some hardline stands. Speculating basis a comparable history.
Besides Hindus are generally tolerant and I don' think most feel seriously 'threatened'. BJP's most intelligent move would be to discard liabilities like RSS, VHP and so on and try to become a true centre of right party on the lines of the Tories in the UK. As has been the case with most parliamentary democracies, there will be counterbalance in the form of Labor. That space was filled by congress somewhat until their scams and hubris brought them down. And that's why I think the rise of AAP is inevitable. AAP right now is like the hardline labor under Tony Benn in the 1980s. And right now the situation is similar to the rise of Thatcher (= modi now) against them -(if the BJP has brains enough to understand). Eventually Labor had to reinvent as 'New Labor' and rose under Blair. I think that might happen to AAP. Kejriwal is very much like Benn, a more 'pleasing' leader ala Blair might eventually become the face of the party and that's how it will eventually rise, making it easier to shed some hardline stands. Speculating basis a comparable history.

AAP has to stay 10-15 years more in opposition before even being to be taken seriously by the voters. :D

No hard feelings.

P.S. I am a BJP supporters,i'm only against when they put a veil of religiosity on every shortcomings of the nation.
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