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India, Iran discuss underwater gas line bypassing Pak

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This will cost india lots of money. go for it.
I think they should take a lesson from what happened in the Gulf, thanks to BP.

This will cost india lots of money. go for it.

Yes you are right...This is the curse of having bad relations....Both Pak and India are going to loose...However if you look closely Pak is loosing more than India here....

- No doubt India will have to spend more money however end of the day they would feel secure and uninterrupted oil supply is going to be welcomed
- However her economy can sustain the extra price...So if you consider security of OIL supply vs extra price it is not a bad deal...

Pak This is a loose loose situation for Pak if India back out

- Cost of putting pipelines for the flow of uninterrupted flow of oil to various parts of Pak would have lowered considerably had India joined the project...
- They will loose valuable $$$ they could have earned as transit fees
- This would have kept India on its toes viz-a-viz water sensitivity in Pakistan....

So in essence the animosity of two neighbours has yet again taken a toll on economics and both are loosing money which could have been avoided otherwise....
^ Its India who is backing off not Pakistan , time and again we have urged Indian govt to Join the Project but they rather seem to be scared than cooperative.

There is nothing to lose for Pakistan and it will cost a fortune to India too.
Well first of all its times of India - so jokes are expected

Secondly i would be more than happy to see Indians going for this pipeline as it will only benefit Pakistan if such project takes place. For example Iran in her Iran-Pakistan agreement has clearly mentioned that the gas she is offering to Pakistan is at the price of 78% of Crude oil and if Iran signs another gas deal with any other country at cheaper rate then the same price will be offered to Pakistan. So if in case India manages to secure this deal at a much cheaper price, Iran will be bound to offer the same price to Pakistan.

Thirdly the project is going to be very expensive as the costs of this pipeline will only be beared by the cost respective countries.

Four, the pipeline underneath the sea route requires a lot of care and if even a small problem takes place, they will have to use their naval ships to repair it and in order to reduce the sea route India will have to use Pakistani sea route thus paying transit fee in that case also. Otherwise they will have to lay a very long pipeline and that too with bending at different places just to bypass Pakistan.

Overall i would say if they want to bypass Pakistan, its a suicide for India and win-win for Pakistan. Any sane analysts will not recommend India to ever think of bypassing Pakistan to bring Gas to India that will already be very expensive in the first place.
This is intresting,
what ever india do, all energy resources will be cross through Pakistan.:pakistan:

Secondly i would be more than happy to see Indians going for this pipeline as it will only benefit Pakistan if such project takes place. For example Iran in her Iran-Pakistan agreement has clearly mentioned that the gas she is offering to Pakistan is at the price of 78% of Crude oil and if Iran signs another gas deal with any other country at cheaper rate then the same price will be offered to Pakistan. So if in case India manages to secure this deal at a much cheaper price, Iran will be bound to offer the same price to Pakistan.

Sorry bub, its called free market. There is no compulsion on Iran part to offer the same deal to two countries. That would be determined by variety of other factors. Not saying it works in India's favor.

Thirdly the project is going to be very expensive as the costs of this pipeline will only be beared by the cost respective countries.

And pak actually has money? I fso Why are they cutting the water dept. budget?

Allocation for water sector down by 39.85%

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

IF you don't have money to fix your horrible water infrastructure where are going to get the money for your pipeline?

Four, the pipeline underneath the sea route requires a lot of care and if even a small problem takes place, they will have to use their naval ships to repair it and in order to reduce the sea route India will have to use Pakistani sea route thus paying transit fee in that case also. Otherwise they will have to lay a very long pipeline and that too with bending at different places just to bypass Pakistan.

All of sudden you are an expert in undersea pipeline technology? piece of cake bud. Norwegians have been doing it for years

Overall i would say if they want to bypass Pakistan, its a suicide for India and win-win for Pakistan. Any sane analysts will not recommend India to ever think of bypassing Pakistan to bring Gas to India that will already be very expensive in the first place.

More expensive, maybe, Suicide? I doubt it. How exatcly is it win win for pak. Pak still don't have the money to put down the pipe line to access the gas. Other wise pak wouldn't be begging india to join.

Also can you quote some sources on transit fees in oceanic EEZ's. It is probably going to be a fraction of the cost of gas, most of which is probably going to be eaten away by the likes of Mr. 10%. Let me add one regarding the fees. It will be Iran which will be paying the fee as India has categorically stated that it will only pay for the gas received at its end. So Pak's negotiation for the fee will be with IRAN.
If viewed in short term, the gas line coming through Pakistan will cost less, because of additional cost involved in laying down the pipeline. But if viewed over the period of 25 yrs gas coming from underwater pipeline, will be cheaper as there will be no Transit fee to payed . With today's technology, a pipe line laid at a depth of 2500 mtrs will be virtually maintenance free. Now all depends on what pricing formula is applied coz clearly current pricing formula, is not acceptable to India.
Why would Pakistan have a problem?We have our own project going ahead with Iran.It's ok to be obsessed with Pakistan.
Well first of all its times of India - so jokes are expected

Secondly i would be more than happy to see Indians going for this pipeline as it will only benefit Pakistan if such project takes place. For example Iran in her Iran-Pakistan agreement has clearly mentioned that the gas she is offering to Pakistan is at the price of 78% of Crude oil and if Iran signs another gas deal with any other country at cheaper rate then the same price will be offered to Pakistan. So if in case India manages to secure this deal at a much cheaper price, Iran will be bound to offer the same price to Pakistan.

Thirdly the project is going to be very expensive as the costs of this pipeline will only be beared by the cost respective countries.

Four, the pipeline underneath the sea route requires a lot of care and if even a small problem takes place, they will have to use their naval ships to repair it and in order to reduce the sea route India will have to use Pakistani sea route thus paying transit fee in that case also. Otherwise they will have to lay a very long pipeline and that too with bending at different places just to bypass Pakistan.

Overall i would say if they want to bypass Pakistan, its a suicide for India and win-win for Pakistan. Any sane analysts will not recommend India to ever think of bypassing Pakistan to bring Gas to India that will already be very expensive in the first place.

You are 100% rite, but your post does not cover the war time scenario, THE SCENARIO due to which India wants to lay its own pipeline. I think a gas pipe line passing thorough see and off course near to PAK sea will be very much vulnerable :cheesy: So India is at lose.....:victory::pakistan:
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India is no way going forward on IPI.with recent huge gas find in K-G basin and the large shale gas reserves it has india in future will move towards it in future,IPI is just engagement ploy with iran for past 20 odd years...
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