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India invites Bangladeshis for research

My fiance is SRF in a central government lab, she gets around 30k INR. That's more than what entry level software engineer gets and she doesn't even need to pay tax. :-\
I think its a good initiative, Though the highly motivated and meritorious guys will keep exploiting US,Canada and EU. Still a good number will try this. IMO the money (30K) is kinda petty. A guy with entry level job in BD can get more than 35K and within a year he/she will get 48K ( at-least the case with my friends). Also how the research in india will help them getting job in BD is questionable. Yet this kind of initiative is highly encouraging.
I think its a good initiative, Though the highly motivated and meritorious guys will keep exploiting US,Canada and EU. Still a good number will try this. IMO the money (30K) is kinda petty. A guy with entry level job in BD can get more than 35K and within a year he/she will get 48K ( at-least the case with my friends). Also how the research in india will help them getting job in BD is questionable. Yet this kind of initiative is highly encouraging.

The 30 K is stipend,and what does the bolded part mean??
Ahhhh,30k stipends for foreigners.....and what for us?:cry:
Indian govt acting like its master of alibaba's treasure.
Yet destroying education system with reservation.
What is the stipend for PhD candidates for reputed Bangladeshi Universities?

No idea, but why?

Because it's more than what police commissioner gets in Bangladesh.

And? i would only consider India if they offer me a significant amount of money :undecided:

The UGC will put up names on their website, you could check with the countless who will line up for this.

Pretty sure they would be the 2nd class(if not lower grade) students. Don't see any other reason why people would choose India

30k per month buddy(plus govt will bear almost every penny spend on books and other things)..even for us,its a lot...

Good offer, but don't think the better students would consider this option as they can get pretty good scholarship from Australia and US. Like I know some people from BD whose results were not very great but their expectations are. Just my thoughts :)
Pretty sure they would be the 2nd class(if not lower grade) students. Don't see any other reason why people would choose India

What are you bitching about.

If ppl from BD dont like it they wont take it. Why are you ppl forever looking a Gift horse in the mouth ?

What diff does it make if they are 1ss or last grade ? Isnt education meant for all ?
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