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India interested in buying 6 V22 Osprey

Maarkhor, post reported; off-topic, irrelevant, troll post of no value, intended to flame and derail the thread.

@waz, @Oscar; please note....... of course you could also consider elevating the said member to the rank of TTAS.
Dont report maarkhoor. He makes any post interesting.:p:
India is home to world’s largest poor population

India accounted for the largest number of poor people in any country in 2012, but its poverty rate was lowest among countries having large number of poor population, the World Bank said in a latest report, which uses a revised methodology for measuring poverty.

“India was home to the largest number of poor in 2012, but its poverty rate is one of the lowest among those countries with the largest number of poor,” the multilateral lending institution said in a report titled Ending Extreme Poverty and Sharing Prosperity: Progress and Policies.

According to the report released on Monday, the number of people living in extreme poverty around the world is likely to fall to under 10% of the global population in 2015, as it gave fresh evidence that a quarter-century-long sustained reduction in poverty is moving the world closer to the historic goal of ending poverty by 2030.

The Bank used an updated international poverty line of $1.90 a day, which incorporates new information on differences in the cost of living across countries (the PPP exchange rates).

The new line preserved the real purchasing power of the previous line (of $1.25 a day in 2005 prices) in the world’s poorest countries. Using this new line (as well as new country-level data on living standards), the World Bank has projected that that global poverty will have fallen from 902 million people or 12.8% of the global population in 2012 to 702 million people, or 9.6% of the global population, this year.

Poverty line is an income threshold below which families are considered poor. India’s official poverty line had snowballed into a major political controversy.

Last year, a study by a panel headed by former chairman of the Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council, C Rangarajan, estimated that 363 million, or 29.5% of India’s 1.2-billion people lived in poverty in 2011-12. The Rangarajan panel considers people living on less than Rs 32 a day in rural areas and Rs 47 a day in urban areas as poor.

A panel headed by late economist Suresh Tendulkar fixed the poverty line at an income threshold of Rs 27.2 a day in rural areas and Rs 33.3 in cities.

“This is the best story in the world today — these projections show us that we are the first generation in human history that can end extreme poverty,’’ said Jim Yong Kim, World Bank Group president.

He, however, cautioned that with slowing global economic growth, and many of the world’s remaining poor people living in fragile and conflict-affected states, the goal to end extreme poverty remained a highly ambitious target.

India is home to world’s largest poor population | business | Hindustan Times
ye gande gande article naa dikaya karo pakistan ki yaad aajati hai....:partay:
LOL...... I am amused by your naivety
I can give a long explanation, but its is pointless.

Pray, do elucidate. I think I am not that too old to not be able to learn a few things still.

A Parasite will never change its nature kiddo. Its very nature is to suck the life out of its host. You can fee it blood time to time, but it will never release the host.
To think that a parasite will turn into a butterfly if you feed it blood and sugar water is best described by one word. IDIOT.

Looking forward to your solutions, since am a kiddo here ... please do elucidate. Thanks
India and the US will jointly develop a jet engine for the proposed Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) project and participate in development of Electromagnetic Launch Systems (EMALS) for future aircraft carriers on government-to-government basis under the Defence Trade and Technology Initiative (DTTI). Joint working groups on both projects were reviewed by defence minister Manohar Parrikar and his counterpart Ashton Carter during the former’s four-day US visit this month.

Diplomatic sources based in Washington said that Parrikar was not very happy at the speed at which the private companies on both sides were progressing on the Raven hand-held unmanned aerial vehicle and roll on-roll off modules for C-130 transport aircraft. Both items were identified under the DTTI programme last year but little progress has been made as a result of which Parrikar wanted new technologies to be jointly developed on government-to-government basis rather than leave it to the private sector.

While Parrikar became the first Indian defence minister to visit US Pacific Command in Hawaii on December 7, he also landed on US aircraft carrier Dwight Eisenhower off the coast of Norfolk in Atlantic Ocean in a V-22 Osprey aircraft. India is interested in purchasing six attack version V-22 Ospreys for rapid troop insertion in border areas.

Official sources said that while jet engine for AMCA developed by Defence Research and Technology Organisation (DRDO) may take years to develop, the F 414 Enhanced Engine used by F-18 multi-role fighters could be used as a bridge subject to US government approval. Defence major Boeing is willing to make F-18 under the “Make in India” flag, and rival Lockheed Martin is ready to offer F-16 fighters under the same scheme. However, the call between F-18 and F-16 fighters will have to be taken by New Delhi as the former has been successfully deployed on US aircraft carriers while the latter has been in the Pakistan inventory since the 1980s.

US to help India make engine for next combat jet | world | Hindustan Times

V-22 has very nasty/fatal developmental history but the platform has matured quite well and unique.

Boeing has penetrated India now in a big way. AH-64s, C17s, CH-47s, P-8s and now the talk of V-22s & F/A-18s.

Since they have so many projects going it makes it easier for them when it comes to meeting the offsets.

Nothing succeeds like success.

Pray, do elucidate. I think I am not that too old to not be able to learn a few things still.

Looking forward to your solutions, since am a kiddo here ... please do elucidate. Thanks

Here is the elucidation in a language you udnerstand.

This is Pakistan Civil Society and the "Establishment" warped around its neck.


Any attempt to remove it will result in the parasite tightening itself around the host and killing it. You leave it there, it will still kill the host.

This is the Child called Terrorism this Unholy nexus give birth too.


(The other picture is too graphic )

This monster called Terrorism will attack you and will either kill you or lay eggs inside you so that another creature like it will come out of your body.

THAT is the nature of this parasite.

Now Figure out how to save the host and yourself, and let me know when you do.
Isnt ARC slated to be shut down and assets transferred to IAF and NTRO?
ARC's SIGNIT/ELINT assets are to be transferred to the IAF and NRTO but not their transport fleet, they still require integral aviation assets and the V-22s would serve R&AW's interests (ie rapid movement of their operations arm- SFF/SG).
i would like to see V-22 in indian navy and also like to see MTA in large numbers so that in future we don't depend on US or any other country too much
i would like to see V-22 in indian navy and also like to see MTA in large numbers so that in future we don't depend on US or any other country too much
For what purpose in the IN? COD or AEW? Or both?

Why can't India dumbed VIP helicopter deal and give VIPs some V22 osprey + V22 with AEW for naval Carriers.
The V-22 isn't suited for VIP operations it is far too large, inherently unsafe for such a role (does not have the ability to auto-rotate) and troublesome to operate from the kind of helipads VIPs would be using.
The V-22 isn't suited for VIP operations it is far too large, inherently unsafe for such a role (does not have the ability to auto-rotate) and troublesome to operate from the kind of helipads VIPs would be using.

Are we sure? The US uses the V-22, part of HMX-1, as a VIP transport:









Maybe not in India's case in particular, but it's viable as a VIP transport
OSPREY is needed. IN has no aircraft for this role, which is what limited the Carriers crew and endurance.
AEW V-22 , USA will also develop an AEW variant which would like this, would be useful for our AC

and they can do COD operations too, but would look lovely on our LHD's

OSPREY is needed. IN has no aircraft for this role, which is what limited the Carriers crew and endurance.
For AEW roles it depends on which carrier you are talking about, for the STOBAR carriers (IAC-1 and Vikramditya) the AEW V-22 would be a HUGE step up on the KA-31s currently used for their AEW but given that the KA-31s have already been selected for these carriers and ordered I don't see the AEW V-22 being used for them anytime soon. As for the IN's CATOBAR carriers of the future they will be far better served with the E-2Ds that have greater endurance and coverage.

For COD the V-22s would be ideal and the IN certainly needs to look at a COD aircraftbut I'm not sure if they will get such a limited number of V-22s just for COD- but they need something.

For the LHDs the CH-53K is the IN's best option, the V-22s are not suited for this role.

Are we sure? The US uses the V-22, part of HMX-1, as a VIP transport:



Maybe not in India's case in particular, but it's viable as a VIP transport

Actually no, the V-22s in service with HMX-1 (the Marine Corps squadron that flies the president) are used in support roles only (replacing the CH-53 and CH-46) and are NOT used for VIP transport and do NOT fly the president, for that the S-92 is being procured:


Simiarly, the S-92 was in contention for the Indian Air Force's VVIP Squadron to fly the Prime Minister and President but lost to the AW-101:


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