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India interested in buying 6 V22 Osprey

Why can't India dumbed VIP helicopter deal and give VIPs some V22 osprey + V22 with AEW for naval Carriers.
At present we were not going to deploy our carrier battle group beyond Indian ocean,not even around Chinese mainland. At the most we will keep they will be deployed in west & east coast only. We are not US navy & won't deploy our carrier group far far away from mainland, things may change after the arrival of vishal class & its follow on carriers in Indian navy.

So in my opinion instead of spending money on v22 based aew&c (remember at present there is no v22based aew&c,so if we go for v22 aewc means we have pay us money for flight testing,which will definitely be a mammoth amount) IN should go directly for two or three IAI phalcon AWACS should stationed in shore. A shore based phalcon will give coverage for our aircraft carriers. Phalcon with its gigantic scanning area can provide data for not only IN mig29s but also for many IN frigates & destroyers. Il76 based phalcon will defeat v22 on endurance also.

Agreed. Besides the Osprey is not optimized for AWACS role. In fact, not sure where it fits in the operational doctrine (given the procurement, operationalisation and maintenance cost) when the money can be spent on more urgent matters, you know bang for the buck and all that old school jazz?

Of course if some kind of classified role exists, then we don't and will not know about it...
I think that is empty boasting. The cost of terrorism remains low and pakistan will continue to be the hub of terrorism.

Incorrect assessment. Your view only. Its not the fact.

I am beginning to think that it is better to kill the host to finish this parasite once and for all.

The present PA chief is a sensible man. He moved into FATA after thinning out troops in East, against the proclaimed Pakistani fears of an Indian attack 24 x 7. He moved significant assets to move into an area which for decades had been a haven for all fighting in Afghanistan. Pragmatism is there, changes in decades old policy do not happen overnight. A significant drop took place in infiltration post 2003 under Musharraf. probably, had we had present government, we could have reached an agreement with Pakistan permanently. But it was not to be. But the present COAS gives the same hope. If you look at the recent spate of escalations at LC, it was all posturing. As differences over policies and approach were to be ironed out and this played out as part of pressure tactics. Nothing to be read into this. Things will change. A strong united and capable Pakistan is in our interests, yet they need constant reminding that they too can bleed from thousand cuts. We are doing that

what on earth is SFF ? anyway ... SANU KI

lets not talk about such non important things here

Special Frontier Force ... VIKAS units under MHA .... more of US Delta Force type subunits which exist to not exist

Considering the amount of western weapons India has started to show interest in it seems they are done with Russian weapons.

Yeah likely. Unreliable Russkis
The present PA chief is a sensible man. He moved into FATA after thinning out troops in East, against the proclaimed Pakistani fears of an Indian attack 24 x 7. He moved significant assets to move into an area which for decades had been a haven for all fighting in Afghanistan. Pragmatism is there, changes in decades old policy do not happen overnight. A significant drop took place in infiltration post 2003 under Musharraf. probably, had we had present government, we could have reached an agreement with Pakistan permanently. But it was not to be. But the present COAS gives the same hope. If you look at the recent spate of escalations at LC, it was all posturing. As differences over policies and approach were to be ironed out and this played out as part of pressure tactics. Nothing to be read into this. Things will change. A strong united and capable Pakistan is in our interests, yet they need constant reminding that they too can bleed from thousand cuts. We are doing that

LOL...... I am amused by your naivety.

I can give a long explanation, but its is pointless.

A Parasite will never change its nature kiddo. Its very nature is to suck the life out of its host. You can fee it blood time to time, but it will never release the host.

To think that a parasite will turn into a butterfly if you feed it blood and sugar water is best described by one word. IDIOT.
what on earth is SFF ? anyway ... SANU KI

lets not talk about such non important things here

SFF or Establishment 22....


it does not exists,or rather,did not till govt announced that it does.now don't ask me what it does for living.
Indian is interested in so many things since Rafael
Like 200 F 18 with complete assembly plant in India with TOT just for 40 billion USD
S-400 interested just few more billions of USD
Stealth Fighter, Apache, Chinook (more)
2 new aircraft carriers just for few more billions
and many many more waoo nice wish list
kya kare yaar paisa bahut hai apne paas.....:p:
Maarkhor, post reported; off-topic, irrelevant, troll post of no value, intended to flame and derail the thread.

@waz, @Oscar; please note....... of course you could also consider elevating the said member to the rank of TTAS.
Not off topic but in response to a members post who claims Indian have so much money can buy anything a reasonable reply for pompous claims.

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