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India ‘inclined’ to vote against SL at UN: PM

Then Again if this passes India Sri Lanka relations will hurt and the Sri Lankan Tamils will be worse off, Sri Lanka will go after other partners. but again let it play out and let it be what it is to be.

What will they do if it gets hurt..nothing..at most they can lend themselves to the Chinese as a use and throw hedge against India...we have seem much bigger things than them and we know how to deal with that.
lol In the Presidential election "war criminal" General Fonseka got majority Tamil votes in North, President Rajapaksha also secured good percentage.

Election with emergency laws intact...if the situation there wasnt so tragic, this statement would have been comic.

few months ago there was local elections Rajapaksha able to secure around 37% votes in Northen area. If they actually killed thousand and thousands then why Tamils are voting for them?

Perhaps the demography of the Northern Areas are being changed by diluting the Tamil identity with sinhalization so that no insurgency again breaks out ?

This is what one of my Indian friend said about Tamilnadu, Tamils are proud but they nothing/less what they got now. They sensitive always looking for "Tamil" word every where. Even the toilet they get happy if any one say it is "Tamil" toilet. lol Some of things I can't write here, funny.

One thing..we are definitely proud of our culture..I proudly accept that...but we are not chauvinist and degrade others in trying to prove our superiority...a thing most sinhalese do.

Let there be an open,credible investigation, if there was no war crimes as the Lankan Govt claims then fine, every one will be happy..if not then the guilty be held accoutable for their crimes..what so friggin hard to understand here ?

How can sinhalese expect the Tamils to just forget and forgive when the guilty are not held accountable..how will they feel entitled to be a part of the country that refuses to examine horrendous crimes against them..? How will there be reconciliation then ?
What will they do if it gets hurt..nothing..at most they can lend themselves to the Chinese as a use and throw hedge against India...we have seem much bigger things than them and we know how to deal with that.

Whatever Sri lanka does is up to them.

Hmmm.........i guess i extrapolated the Somalia example too far.

Black Hawk down ?
Election with emergency laws intact...if the situation there wasnt so tragic, this statement would have been comic.

Perhaps the demography of the Northern Areas are being changed by diluting the Tamil identity with sinhalization so that no insurgency again breaks out ?

One thing..we are definitely proud of our culture..I proudly accept that...but we are not chauvinist and degrade others in trying to prove our superiority...a thing most sinhalese do.

Let there be an open,credible investigation, if there was no war crimes as the Lankan Govt claims then fine, every one will be happy..if not then the guilty be held accoutable for their crimes..what so friggin hard to understand here ?

How can sinhalese expect the Tamils to just forget and forgive when the guilty are not held accountable..how will they feel entitled to be a part of the country that refuses to examine horrendous crimes against them..? How will there be reconciliation then ?

We do not have to make sinhalization in this island, History of this island can't change to you mate.
SL external affiers minister as begged his INDIAN counter part SM Krishna to reconsider INDIAS stand. THIS is reality.
Sure the resolution is going to pass and SL will ammend all its own Recomendaions and Leasons Learnt. But some day sure these bastards who commited war crimes against women and Children will be punished.

And this Neutral Citizent is a patron of NAZI, he will even say that killing the JEWS was right, may be some day some one can slaughter his family and lets see how cool and calm he is.
SL external affiers minister as begged his INDIAN counter part SM Krishna to reconsider INDIAS stand. THIS is reality.
Sure the resolution is going to pass and SL will ammend all its own Recomendaions and Leasons Learnt. But some day sure these bastards who commited war crimes against women and Children will be punished.

And this Neutral Citizent is a patron of NAZI, he will even say that killing the JEWS was right, may be some day some one can slaughter his family and lets see how cool and calm he is.

I don't see how I'm a Nazi I don't follow the National Socialist ideology nor do I think it's ok to kill jews for the fun of it, Revenge only brings revenge, What would Gandhi do about this situation ?
SL external affiers minister as begged his INDIAN counter part SM Krishna to reconsider INDIAS stand. THIS is reality.
Sure the resolution is going to pass and SL will ammend all its own Recomendaions and Leasons Learnt. But some day sure these bastards who commited war crimes against women and Children will be punished.

And this Neutral Citizent is a patron of NAZI, he will even say that killing the JEWS was right, may be some day some one can slaughter his family and lets see how cool and calm he is.

Again putting words into my mouth you should let your anger go unless you can turn it into something for benefit then raging on forums.
SL external affiers minister as begged his INDIAN counter part SM Krishna to reconsider INDIAS stand. THIS is reality.
Sure the resolution is going to pass and SL will ammend all its own Recomendaions and Leasons Learnt.%r0But some day sure these bastards who commited war crimes against women and Children will be punished.

And this Neutral Citizent is a patron of NAZI, he will even say that killing the JEWS was right, may be some day some one can slaughter his family and lets see how cool and calm he is.

yea yeah, same Tamilnadu p%ople who protest against the death penalty of their suspects of their own Indian Prime minister. btw, what happened to that incident? lol

Same Tamilnadu people who talk about rights of Tamils in SL in day time and stealing the SL fishermen's catch at nighttime.

Same Tamilnadu people who cries telling it's not good environment to live in Sri Lanka for Tamils, then they visit Sri Lanka with tourist visas and doing illegal business here. 5 incident reported last few months in my area.

Most of Indians who in prison here are Tamilnadu Tamils, adding pride to their country for various incidents...!
If its true then why there are still poverty and illiteracy in TN, why tamils are coming here for doing jobs which no one else will do? Your gov is providing you from safety pin to rocket for free but why still tamil gypsy's come here colonise the railway land and starts begging, stealing and polluting around the place they live? why cant your gov provide some scheme to them aswell.. or are they not tamils for being so poor?
Yes our Gov may not be as rich as yours but our people will never go as gypsy's anywhere. We know to live without gov help.

Your are mentally retard? TN literacy rate is 80.3%. Kerala occupying 1 rank in criminal records so don't :blah:.

In India up to my Knowledge Punjab and Manipur have no beggars so there is nothing to do with HDI. Hw much you people suffered in dam issue everybody knws:wave: .
Thousands if not millions of your next door neighbour's lives hangs in balance (refer Mullaperiyar). Care about them also.

The idukki dam which is next in place on the valley next to mulla periyaar is having more storage capacity then mulla periyaar dam...So even if the mulla periyaar breaks out of earthquake the water won't reach the human inhabited areas...Don't raise this issue in aforum where interst of India is more important..And moreover mullai periyaar itself is strong according to Indian survey committe referred by the supreme court..So if you are truly caring for your people then follow the supreme courts order..We know the whole idea behind the building of new dam..And we'll never let that happen my dear Malayalee brother...Politicians of Tamilnadu may have been spine less but not the people...So lets think as an Indian and act accordingly in the ineterest of a nation..Not any individual state ok??
The idukki dam which is next in place on the valley next to mulla periyaar is having more storage capacity then mulla periyaar dam...So even if the mulla periyaar breaks out of earthquake the water won't reach the human inhabited areas...Don't raise this issue in aforum where interst of India is more important..And moreover mullai%2pperiyaar itself is strong according to Indian survey committe referred by the supreme court..So if you are truly caring for your people then follow the supreme courts order..We know the whole idea behind the building of new dam..And we'll never let that happen my dear Malayalee brother...Politicians of Tamilnadu may have b%en spine less but not the people...So lets think as an Indian and act accordingly in the ineterest of a nation..Not any individual state ok??

1. Dude you are out of tune with ground reality. If Mullaperiyar dam breaks around 30,000 people's lives are in danger before it reaches Idukki Dam. Also Idukki dam containing Mullaperiyar burst is just theoretical. Nobody knows for sure how idukki dam will react if such a huge quantity of water reach the dam at such high momentum. If Idukki dam breaks Millions of people's lives are in danger.

2. Our CM and Govt repeatedly said that we don't need a single drop of Mullaperiyar water. All we need is a new dam and only a fool will say that a dam build with 19th century technology will last a 1000 years.

3. Refer the previous posts in this thread. Apart from Tamils nobody is not much interested in the SL Tamil issue. So why don't you think as an Indian first and back off as clearly this is a Tamilian issue, not an Indian one.
But the problem is Amma treats letters and resolutions from our CM as toilet paper. Anyways we learned our lesson the hard way during the Mullaperiyar that Kerala lacks the political muscle power to deal with such a huge state like TN who becomes extremely militant extremely fast. So Kerala already said no to the river integration project.

We don't need your river irrigation project...By the way treat us equally then you'll get the same treatment from us...Don't use such words like Militants because you can't bear when we actually turn into one...If we want to make you bend on your knees then if we cut the roadside supply of sugar, Vegetables,Milk,eggs,chicken,Beef, Consumer goods, Medicine..etc then automatically you will come to a position where you'll do anything we say...So please treat Tamils with respect..We never call Malayalees in any low language, but even in your Movies you guys call Tamils as Pandis..But actually every day you guys are eating food produced and supplied by Pandis...So show some respect for the food you eat every day...
I hate DMK, AIADMK's cheap politics and the terrorist vieko :tdown:

1. It wont help anything

2. What's the point of voting in favor????

3. With Russia/china' veto it will not pass

4. Then why poke lankans it will help china only as lanka will be its pet??

5. It will create problems for the Sri Lankan Tamils as India won't able to do the rehabilitation work its doing it for local Tamil people.

6. All in all very stupid decision only loss. :tdown:

Do you think when we support them they will be our pet..No way..Sinhalis will never be our pets..If you ask we should have supported LTTE and we should have won the war for them...So there will be a Tamil government in Srilanka which will never support the chinese do anything in Indian ocean...Our congress ***** have played it very cunningly...Now we have no one to raise the voice in favour of Tamils as well as Indians...Hence we have to completely support the resolution by USA and should make it a grand success by doing anything in our powers...Fu**ing Bas***ds, they killour fishermen every now and then forgetting the help they got form India to wipe out LTTE...They will never support us, so we don't need something like them under our a**...Lets finish it soon..
We don't need your river irrigation project...By the way treat us equally then you'll get the same treatment from us...Don't use such words like Militants because you can't bear when we actually turn into one...If we want to make you bend on your knees then if we cut the roadside supply of sugar, Vegetables,Milk,eggs,chicken,Beef, Consumer goods, Medicine..etc then automatically you will come to a position where you'll do anything we say...So please treat Tamils with respect..We never call Malayalees in any low language, but even in your Movies you guys call Tamils as Pandis..But actually every day you guys are eating food produced and supplied by Pandis...So show some respect for the food you eat every day...

1. We already saw how acted during Mullaperiyar issue. Our food supplies stopped and Malayalee owned shops attacked and farms destroyed. If that is not militant, then I wonder what what is.

2. You already tried that.

3. You are not doing any favor by giving us food supplies. We pay for what we eat. If you so much problem selling us food stuffs, sell somewhere else or throw in Indian Ocean..We don't care.
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