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India inching close towards Hindu-Muslim war. We need to stop the hate

Your biggest problem is most hindus are cowards

Even after 70 years your most holy temples are still sitting under mosques

What hope do you have for such people???

In the mean time our aim should be to instigate civil war in india and create such a situation or movement that partition becomes the only solution
Hindus who converted to Islam converted these temples to mosques. They weren't forcibly razed as Hinduwadis claim
Hindus who converted to Islam converted these temples to mosques. They weren't forcibly razed as Hinduwadis claim


And now we need to protect them!!

India has a 200 million population of muslims and rising

That is sufficient to defend itself

Your enemy hindus have made their intentions clear and you would be a fool not to listen

A india full of hindus is your enemy just as Jinnah predicted
And now you have to prepare to partition it for your own salvation
Your biggest problem is most hindus are cowards

Even after 70 years your most holy temples are still sitting under mosques

What hope do you have for such people???

In the mean time our aim should be to instigate civil war in india and create such a situation or movement that partition becomes the only solution
True.. most hindus took a lot pressure from islamic rule. Hindu society in the north who were cowards did convert to Islam.
Hindu society will soon incorporate islamic political figures and ideology into the pantheon of hindu gods and demi gods and build idols for islamic figures. Thats why we have left them standing.
For creating civil war is possible but for that external islamic society had to be strong. Over the years islamic countries have become very degraded in terms of intellectual and technical prowess. They can create a lot of commotion but really they are not good enough to win wars . They can do this suicide kind of wars and generally be a pain but not more than that. The age of muscle is over. Muslims still remain in caliphate kind of mentality which is useless in today's world. They cannot make anything of value. Look at pak.First they let US walk all over them , and now China. and this is the shield of the Muslim world? Quite pathetic in my opinion.
Muslims depend on pro creation to increase numbers and hope that non muslims will retain the the current fair and equal dealings with them.
True.. most hindus took a lot pressure from islamic rule. Hindu society in the north who were cowards did convert to Islam.
Hindu society will soon incorporate islamic political figures and ideology into the pantheon of hindu gods and demi gods and build idols for islamic figures. Thats why we have left them standing.
For creating civil war is possible but for that external islamic society had to be strong. Over the years islamic countries have become very degraded in terms of intellectual and technical prowess. They can create a lot of commotion but really they are not good enough to win wars . They can do this suicide kind of wars and generally be a pain but not more than that. The age of muscle is over. Muslims still remain in caliphate kind of mentality which is useless in today's world. They cannot make anything of value. Look at pak.First they let US walk all over them , and now China. and this is the shield of the Muslim world? Quite pathetic in my opinion.
Muslims depend on pro creation to increase numbers and hope that non muslims will retain the the current fair and equal dealings with them.
Mr Sanghi stop bragging. The reality is different.

A tiny sparsely populated country named Afghanistan defeated two super powers in a row. India has 30 crore Muslims don't forget
True.. most hindus took a lot pressure from islamic rule. Hindu society in the north who were cowards did convert to Islam.
Hindu society will soon incorporate islamic political figures and ideology into the pantheon of hindu gods and demi gods and build idols for islamic figures. Thats why we have left them standing.
For creating civil war is possible but for that external islamic society had to be strong. Over the years islamic countries have become very degraded in terms of intellectual and technical prowess. They can create a lot of commotion but really they are not good enough to win wars . They can do this suicide kind of wars and generally be a pain but not more than that. The age of muscle is over. Muslims still remain in caliphate kind of mentality which is useless in today's world. They cannot make anything of value. Look at pak.First they let US walk all over them , and now China. and this is the shield of the Muslim world? Quite pathetic in my opinion.
Muslims depend on pro creation to increase numbers and hope that non muslims will retain the the current fair and equal dealings with them.

Power comes and goes

Muslim world is massive and will hit 2 billion soon

Power will return to this entity, its too large not too

Our forefathers had no intention to degrade themselves further by worshipping rats and cows and flying monkeys or freaky blue gods and neither do we...

We have islam, its a force of nature and we have renounced the jahilat of idol worship and hindus

We carved india into 3 and now india will divide again
Muslim population is to big and spreading and Jinnaha message is becoming true, partition will be a natural outcome

Power comes and goes

Muslim world is massive and will hit 2 billion soon

Power will return to this entity, its too large not too

Our forefathers had no intention to degrade themselves further by worshipping rats and cows and flying monkeys or freaky blue gods and neither do we...

We have islam, its a force of nature and we have renounced the jahilat of idol worship and hindus

We carved india into 3 and now india will divide again
Muslim population is to big and spreading and Jinnaha message is becoming true, partition will be a natural outcome
Islam is not religion its political force.
30 million British ruled over the entire Muslim world which was 10 times more in those days. I am not saying that will happen again. But the 2 billion muslims you mention are no better in power than the living beings you mentioned in your post. The entire Muslim world have spread themselves to the rest of the world powers and are no more than nuisance to them.
So please dont think too much of your so called power. Numbers dont mean much. Power had reached its peak about 5 or 6 centuries ago. The age when shah jahan built taj mahal and the Europeans buile cambridge and oxford was the start of the decline. If you want the power then the only way is to shed Islamic ideology from it's current form.
Rest what you say is a rant. Islam is an artificial ideology of and for power.
I doesn't matter.
So I haven't been following your posts for a while, what's your beef with BJP? Lynchings or growing religious creep on institutions?

Just in india guys like Timor, Khilji had completely eliminated local cultures and populations under politics of islam. These are more than half a million just by one or two invaders. ISIS killed thousands, even first few caliphate destroyed large percentage of non Muslim populations and gave a choice of convert or die.
So if we need to retain dharmic way of life then we need to be very wary. India and eastwards are the only societies which has resisted abrahamic cults spreading. We need to push back heavily and not let this political ideology supplant our lives.
Like communism, Islam is a political tool.

Long story.

I am fatigued and jaded with the whole shit now.

And frankly reconciled to the new India.

Cheers, Doc
Islam is not religion its political force.
30 million British ruled over the entire Muslim world which was 10 times more in those days. I am not saying that will happen again. But the 2 billion muslims you mention are no better in power than the living beings you mentioned in your post. The entire Muslim world have spread themselves to the rest of the world powers and are no more than nuisance to them.
So please dont think too much of your so called power. Numbers dont mean much. Power had reached its peak about 5 or 6 centuries ago. The age when shah jahan built taj mahal and the Europeans buile cambridge and oxford was the start of the decline. If you want the power then the only way is to shed Islamic ideology from it's current form.
Rest what you say is a rant. Islam is an artificial ideology of and for power.

Religion/political force what does it matter?

Islam is a way of life for billions and growing:coffee:

Power tends to be circular
If life does not destroy you, then you will rise again
Weak powers such as incas, aztecs were wiped from humanity

Islam is here, spreading fast
50+ countries
Major populations elsewhere
Resources and lowest median age of any major faith

Power buddy will return and we will then send our enemies spinning

We have no intention of going back to cows and idols:cheesy::rofl:
We have cleansed those things in Pakistan and Bangladesh
And left an enourmous population in india to ensure the pressure forces another partition

As a Pakistani, I hate you and this is a knife half plunged into india causing a festering wound that we wull push further
The age when shah jahan built taj mahal and the Europeans buile cambridge and oxford was the start of the decline.
When are you going to demolish Taj Mahal?

I heard there were plans for that.

Something built by a Muslim King is now generating revenue for Sanghis like you---

Just like exporting beef to Arab nations.

You'd rather be hypocrite instead of demolishing Taj, lal qila and banning beef export.
Religion/political force what does it matter?

Islam is a way of life for billions and growing:coffee:

Power tends to be circular
If life does not destroy you, then you will rise again
Weak powers such as incas, aztecs were wiped from humanity

Islam is here, spreading fast
50+ countries
Major populations elsewhere
Resources and lowest median age of any major faith

Power buddy will return and we will then send our enemies spinning

We have no intention of going back to cows and idols:cheesy::rofl:
We have cleansed those things in Pakistan and Bangladesh
And left an enourmous population in india to ensure the pressure forces another partition

As a Pakistani, I hate you and this is a knife half plunged into india causing a festering wound that we wull push further
Lol.. rant and dreams of a weak people who have themselves been stepped on by the world. Just as power has left Aztec and incas and they are now the ones for whom trump is creating a wall, the power has left the islamic world too. Think of how you will get power in today's world. Do you have any of the parameters of what makes power? Numbers could be one, but power is an eco system in today's world. Not just muscle.
The secular republic of Bangladesh has taken its first step to modernity.
We know muslims hate non muslims you dont have to say it. We are just trying to protect ourselves.

When are you going to demolish Taj Mahal?

I heard there were plans for that.

Something built by a Muslim King is now generating revenue for Sanghis like you---

Just like exporting beef to Arab nations.

You'd rather be hypocrite instead of demolishing Taj, lal qila and banning beef export.
See, this is the quality of Muslim interpretation. And you think muslims will get all power in the world. Thooo.
See, this is the quality of Muslim interpretation. And you think muslims will get all power in the world.
You dumbass.

Didn't interpret anything.

Asked you a fukin question
When are you going to demolish Taj Mahal?

I heard there were plans for that.
Good , indian muslims aren't expecting from pakistan anyway . Infact , pakistan is part of the problem .

Pakistan is the boogeyman every chaddi uses to peddle his rubbish propaganda against indian muslims .

We are still held responsible for partition , always suspected of our loyalty and taunted for being pro pakistanis . And whenever problems with pakistan rises , harassment of muslims by Hindu fanatics increases in similar proportion .

If British india had not been partitioned and muslim population of the subcontinent would have been nearly equal to hindus and india would have been a quasi muslim state . Creation of pakistan costed indian muslims the most and weakened sub continental muslims for ever .
Yeah "jo na bolay jai shri ram, bhej do us ko qabristan".

And somehow Pakistan is responsible for that.

Pakistan is to be blamed for Gujrat pogroms as well right?

Don't blame gau rakshaws and chaddis who are involved in hate crimes but blame Pakistan.

Today Pakistan is blamed, tomorrow Islam will be blamed infact it is being blamed right now---so Islam is also "part of your problem"?

Enjoy doing "better than us" BTW.

And millions of Hindus killed in Pakistan and Bangladesh?

Your percentages do not take into account the fact that Bangladesh had most Hindus and was separated in 1971.

Debunked over and over again. Yet peddle the same lie to make India look good and Pakistan look bad. Pathetic.
Neither does 500 Hindus dying in Gujarat.
More like 50 in Godhra vs over 2000 INDIAN Muslims.

Add to that 250,000 forced to abandon their properties and live in slums to this very day.
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