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India incapable of waging war on Pakistan, experts say

Indian protests against CPEC have fallen on deaf ears. Attempts to sabotage have also taken major hits so there is no alternative but to try and force a war and try to send Pakistan back to square one.

The only issue is, it risks being dealt deadly blows in return as the reaction from Islamabad has not been just a defensive stance but to also strike back offensively.

There's alot of talk regarding India identifying targets, No doubt Pakistanis have done the same. Maybe Baburs are pointed and ready.
India doesn't have ballz to attack directly the cowards try to use hidden rats in Afghanistan to plot another terror attack. Pakistani flags in occupied Kashmir boiling their blood day and night.
Only cowards of worst sort fight invisible war, those who bark and bark loud on false flag attack and then act by saying invisible war or diplomatic war....are nothing but empty gas, legless weak nation. India will never be man enough.

Well we were already demonstrated our courage in 1971.
We dont want further weakning of Pak state .
And we have a lots of other things to do instead of wasting our resources .

This has to be the joke of the month! :lol:

@Areesh : Have you read it, Indians don't want to weaken Pakistan .... :rofl:

Or we want further destabilisation of that region .
We dont want an unstabilised nuke armed nation .Not good for us.
Pathetic you are like that Areesh .Everything to spoon feed them .

you in particular among all Indian members is so dumb that it is naturally impossible for you to speak any kind of truth.

Thank you .Now I know everything I posted in there was right .Hit a nerve.
Not correct .Attacking Pakistan during turmoil will only unite them.
Anyway we dont want to weaken Pakistan because of our own interests.

Cant tolerate the pain of our Pak friends when we says the truth .

Nah ma man :D we aren't in pain we laugh on such comments
Nah ma man :D we aren't in pain we laugh on such comments

Perhaps a better way to reduce the pain :D

Truth from you/India is impossible to expect from. Further expecting you to feel pain of Pakistanis is again out of question.
Every word of your post reeks of irrationality.

So you are actually in a heartbreaking condition?
We want to feel and heal that pain .But you know some people never change their hatred .
So we are abstaining from it.
LOL..... lame attempt at face saving diplomatic war is not started by on diplomatic threats of unprovoked attacks

India already began the war, and Pakistan already begun to take the beat.This is an invisible war .Something that Pakistan cant ever win.Diplomatic war.
india will only wage a war on Pakistan if it's in a turmoil or weak.

India is not in a position to wage any large scale war, at the moment. It's military is in the midst of massive changes and it will take some time to reach a level that it can do anything significant, especially regarding its army and air force. The navy is a bright spot, but even they are a few years off.
International experts and analysts believe India lacks the intelligence and capabilities needed to execute targeted strikes or wage a limited war in Pakistani territory.

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Most experts say successive Indian governments have been unable to build such capabilities. Media chatter is resonating across India on why the air force should carry out surgical air strikes against Pakistan. But many believe it would not be easy as Pakistan has robust air defence systems. There are also doubts about whether India has built capabilities or possesses measures for unconventional deterrence.

Defence analyst Ajai Shukla is also of the view that India has only escalated rhetoric against Pakistan but not created sufficient military capabilities and planning structure needed to tackle its arch rival. Now, the government appears to have become a prisoner of its own bluster. “The danger of being trapped in your own rhetoric is that you can be forced into an aggressive response and then be ill-equipped to handle the escalation,” Shukla says.

Pakistan won’t cower to threats, Nisar warns India

Indian officials have also cautioned against any adventurism following the military asking the govt to consider ‘surgical strikes’, covert military operations or hot pursuits inside Pakistani territory, adding that Pakistan is no Myanmar, where Indian Para-SF troops conducted a transborder raid to take out militants in June 2015. “The government has to take into account that any strike inside Pakistan can escalate into an all-out war. Pakistan, of course, often threatens first-use of tactical nuclear weapons if it is attacked by India,” an official said.

India and Pakistan are facing a war-like situation after militants attacked an army base in Indian-occupied Kashmir on Sunday, killing 18 soldiers. India has blamed the attack on a Pakistan-based group, despite denials from Islamabad. It accuses Pakistan of supporting ‘militant’ attacks in Jammu and Kashmir, which both claim in full but rule only in part.

India blatantly trying to deflect attention from Kashmir: Aziz

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently raised the stakes in their decades-old feud by expressing support for separatists within Pakistan. Pakistan denies any role in cross-border terrorism, and has called on the United Nations and the international community to investigate atrocities it alleges have been committed by the security forces in Indian-occupied Kashmir


And who is this bullshit Expert.

India have a huge array of choices, but every move have to be made with calm mind and not with boiled blood.

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