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India in Transition>Dangerous Misperceptions: Chinese Views of India’s Rise

i can see your hatred on India. your trying to show every thing negative on India. all the best think tank- you deserve it.

what hatred? getting drugged out on fair skinned bollywood characters is one thing. getting drugged out on thinking diamonds come out of india's anus on a world affairs forum is another. it would look silly not to point out the hallucinogenics involved.

---------- Post added at 05:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:03 PM ----------

The author could have simply come to PDF and observed the same thing.

I have lived both in and outside India and am witness to the changes happening in India since the socialist era of the 80s and the liberalised environment since the 90s. There is no doubt at all that India is changing rapidly and its influence in the world is growing. It is already among the leading powers in this world.

India is not amongst the leading powers. sheesh. lol.

India is very far off cutting edge tech.

---------- Post added at 05:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:04 PM ----------

take export figure of IT and automobile here for you

IT export- $ 60 bn
Engineering/Automobile- $ 60 bn

total of two- $120 bn

now convert it to your own currency then make further comment

you are so much missing the point of this thread.

1) India's total gdp is poor for its size. certainly not much better than pakistan currently
2) Those figures are meaningless given the global climate.
roadrunner, dont show your ignorance by just writing judgements with no substance. Instead of writing judgements, can you objectively defend what you have posted. It is really un interesting for readers where one reader passes judgement 1, the other disagrees and then another judgement is passed. Since you are a think tank, if all you have is judgement then start another thread on random judgement.
1) India's total gdp is poor for its size. certainly not much better than pakistan currently
2) Those figures are meaningless given the global climate.

Indian GDP in purchasing power parity is inching towards being the 3rd largest economy in the world after US and China. However hard it may be for people to understand what PPP(purchasing power parity), I think India is doing moderately well. Since you are bringing Pakistan everywhere in a thread and the Mods may not mind but it is quite obvious, it shows your inferiority complex.
To rebut, Indian per capita income is ahead of Pakistan. So it does not make sense when you say the Indian economy is comparable to Pakistan.

Another judgement on what is meaningful and what is not with no substantiation.
your track record was also a reason but the major reason is different:smokin:...it will be a long subject:) Being a professor by profession I love to discuss but I need to stick to the topic:tup:

you should be professor you ideas are excellent unbiased i like that type of person who says wrong to wrong and right to right mail me pratyushkumar2007@rediffmail.com
India is not amongst the leading powers. sheesh. lol.

India is very far off cutting edge tech.

A space program which runs a large network of satellites and has sent a mission to the Moon.
A huge services industry which services some of the largest companies around the globe. I recently was in a central European country and saw a large infosys office there.
Has several companies doing cutting edge research in bio tech and nano tech field.
Indians run some of the largest steel factories in the world.
Leaders in using Thorium which it has in large quantities to generate Nuclear energy.
Has a very capable engineering and pharmaceutical industry.

All this from a country which barely opened up in the last 2 decades.

you are so much missing the point of this thread.

1) India's total gdp is poor for its size. certainly not much better than pakistan currently
2) Those figures are meaningless given the global climate.

If you consider that the country was almost bankrupt in the 90s, India has come a long way. It doesn't have a large GDP per capita yet but it is growing at a fast pace. Even in this economic climate, India has been growing at a fairly good pace. Even if it takes time to raise its per-capita GDP by sheer dint of its size, it is already among the largest economies with a large influence on the world.

Look at where China's economy was 20 years back and look where it is now. With the right policies and lots of hard work, I do not see why India shouldn't be in a similar position 20 years hence.
this tread reminds me of a old post where some guy was telling about poor kids watching naighbour's kid having a expensive toy & saying that my uncle has more & better toys:chilli::chilli::shout:

hahahaha..Bang On..
In the annual meeting I attended the CEO of my company talked about how relevant China and India is for every company. He spoke about our China plans for 24 mins and he spoke about India for 16 mins. Here I am talking about a CEO who is a member of Royal Society that has Sir Isaac Newton as its member. I am sure he knows more than a Think Tank on PDF.

thanks for info
who cares? india is an irrelvant player both globally and in asia. it's only trumpeted in western media and some sections of subcontinent media.
Yes we pay the western media to create hype about us..isn't it?
Hype about China-they deserve it(True)
Hype about India-opposite?!:lol:
my mate we pay them for weapons and tech we buy.

so we are their consumers.

how you do think they are our masters?
Sirjee its not there fault actually they are told that aid giver is a master they have no concept of equal & tranparent relationship's they BELIVE in FREINDS NOT MASTER"S theory
Ignorance, prejudice, and misconceptions fly both ways. I have said this before, China can ignore India all it wants but it cannot get away from India. Geography is a *****.
Now you are outrightly lying.

Go back a few pages and read your own post.

leave him. we know that in many fields we are superior to them.

forget that and remember we enjoyed trade surplus against US-world's largest economy.

has Pakistan done this?

we are one of the only 7 nations which have fast breeder reactors.

India has an active development programme featuring both fast and thermal breeder reactors.

India’s first 40 MWt Fast Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR) attained criticality on 18 October 1985. Thus, India became the sixth nation to have the technology to build and operate an FBTR after US, UK, France, Japan and the former USSR. India has developed the technology to produce the plutonium rich U-Pu mixed carbide fuel. This can be used in the Fast Breeder Reactor.[25]

At present the scientists of the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), one of the nuclear R & D institutions of India, are engaged in the construction (already in its final stages) of another FBR — the 500 MWe prototype fast breeder reactor - at Kalpakkam, near Chennai,[26] with plans to build more as part of its three stage nuclear power program.

India has the capability to use thorium cycle based processes to extract nuclear fuel. This is of special significance to the Indian nuclear power generation strategy as India has large reserves of thorium — about 660,000 tonnes in Kerala — that can fuel nuclear projects for an estimated 2,500 years.[citation needed] The higher construction expense of the Fast Breeder Reactor in comparison with the Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWR) in use is one of the main reasons why India is looking at the cheaper option — uranium fuel.

Breeder reactor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and yet honorable Roadrunner thinks Pakistan and India has same level of technology.
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