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India in Ladakh is breaking ‘China is invincible’ myth. Pentagon needs to catch up

The status co is good for India after all we have gained part of what we lost during 62 war
I'd say Galwan was even more embarrassing than the 1962 defeat ... 22 to 50 Indian soldiers dead, another 60 captured, all for at most 20 mostly light injuries on the Chinese side is an extremely lopsided defeat. Oh yeah and let's not forget the 1000 square kilometers of Indian territory lost in its immediate aftermath. The past few months have done more than enough to shatter whatever fragile ego India has managed to build up 6 decades after its war with China.
Listen to the entire segment by Sawhney and it is just sombering news for India. Basically India is utterly defeated in its latest misadventure and India has no choice but to kowtow to China and Chinese demands.
Indian garbage news channel again, I never knew that China was invincible in Indians mind.
You can't wait to use the same sources if they are critical of India. I knew you are a dumb hypocrite. Stop posting Indian news articles on PDF when they suit your narrative..
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I'd say Galwan was even more embarrassing than the 1962 defeat ... 22 to 50 Indian soldiers dead, another 60 captured, all for at most 20 mostly light injuries on the Chinese side is an extremely lopsided defeat. Oh yeah and let's not forget the 1000 square kilometers of Indian territory lost in its immediate aftermath. The past few months have done more than enough to shatter whatever fragile ego India has managed to build up 6 decades after its war with China.
Being anti-China has it's own benefits in this world. As can be seen from increased investments into India even during Pandemic. India will keep its border tentative for a few years.

Chinese propaganda can only be called truth if CCP man up to say their casualty figures to the world. Not asking their people to hide funerals. Shameful CCP.
Being anti-China has it's own benefits in this world. As can be seen from increased investments into India even during Pandemic. India will keep its border tentative for a few years.

Chinese propaganda can only be called truth if CCP man up to say their casualty figures to the world. Not asking their people to hide funerals. Shameful CCP.
PATHETIC RESULT for INDIANS at Galwan is not unrealistic.
SO NOT SURPRISED the Chinese have significantly less casualties than SISSY LOW MUSCLE MASS INDIANS.

Indians are disadvantaged in UNARMED COMBAT with the stronger and fitter Chinese.
As evident when India had to enlist the help of TIBETAN INDIANS.
Indian Soldiers should have kept to only SISSY PUSH PUSH and MOB LYNCHING.

Low muscle mass makes Indians disease prone
"men had at least 3 kg less of skeletal muscle than Chinese and European men."

Have a listen to this Indian lady on Youtube.
Why Indians Have Low Muscle Mass-480.jpg

Being anti-China has it's own benefits in this world. As can be seen from increased investments into India even during Pandemic. India will keep its border tentative for a few years.

Chinese propaganda can only be called truth if CCP man up to say their casualty figures to the world. Not asking their people to hide funerals. Shameful CCP.
Please offer proof of even a single Chinese soldier dead or proof that the Chinese hid funerals. As far as all of us know here, not even a single Chinese soldier died. I'm sorry to ruin your party but that's just what happened. Unless you guys' can provide evidence to the contrary, then we can only accept this (hardhitting I know) fact. Then again though, I'm not surprised at all dozens of Indian soldiers got massacred in hand to hand fighting given that the Chinese train a lot in hand to hand fighting as part of routine combat exercises while the Indians just sit around and do nothing. You guys can't even get any firearm training besides India only has ten days worth of ammunition :rofl: .
PATHETIC RESULT for INDIANS at Galwan is not unrealistic.
SO NOT SURPRISED the Chinese have significantly less casualties than SISSY LOW MUSCLE MASS INDIANS.

Indians are disadvantaged in UNARMED COMBAT with the stronger and fitter Chinese.
As evident when India had to enlist the help of TIBETAN INDIANS.
Indian Soldiers should have kept to only SISSY PUSH PUSH and MOB LYNCHING.

Low muscle mass makes Indians disease prone
"men had at least 3 kg less of skeletal muscle than Chinese and European men."

Have a listen to this Indian lady on Youtube.
View attachment 669019

These CCP bots are peculiar. They think insults get them to win wars. Other trait is self boasting, look fear us, our economy is this big, our military has these toys.

They should shut up and show this machoism at the border. Lol.
Please offer proof of even a single Chinese soldier dead or proof that the Chinese hid funerals. As far as all of us know here, not even a single Chinese soldier died. I'm sorry to ruin your party but that's just what happened. Unless you guys' can provide evidence to the contrary, then we can only accept this (hardhitting I know) fact.
Lol. It is a fact when CCP says there are no casualties on their side. Only Bots and their cheerleaders even believe otherwise. And world is not PDF.
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Please offer proof of even a single Chinese soldier dead or proof that the Chinese hid funerals. As far as all of us know here, not even a single Chinese soldier died. I'm sorry to ruin your party but that's just what happened. Unless you guys' can provide evidence to the contrary, then we can only accept this (hardhitting I know) fact. Then again though, I'm not surprised at all dozens of Indian soldiers got massacred in hand to hand fighting given that the Chinese train a lot in hand to hand fighting as part of routine combat exercises while the Indians just sit around and do nothing. You guys can't even get any firearm training besides India only has ten days worth of ammunition :rofl: .
Can you provide a Chinese source for the 1000sqkm claim?
These CCP bots are peculiar. They think insults get them to win wars. Other trait is self boasting, look fear us, our economy is this big, our military has these toys.

They should shut up and show this machoism at the border. Lol.

For all the power projection they are happy surrendering tactical heights that put them at a disadvantage or even worse can't show enough grit against India's assertive posturing. So much for those tick tock videos of weapons and training.

In fact, this behavior is what the article is exactly talking about - on full display here, right now! :lol:
The Chinese had already shown the Indians their mettle with AT LEAST 20 INDIANS DEAD and dozens captured including high ranking officers.

See how COWARDLY LOW MUSCLE MASS INDIANS got beaten earlier at Galwan by the Chinese.

STARVED Low Muscle Mass Indian Soldier Bahadur Yadav
View attachment 669034
Oh, mighty China shown mettle already. They shut up after that. Why?
Lol... How many PLA soldiers have u killed? Zero. While mighty IA lose 20 soldiers just thru bare knuckle brawl. :lol:

43 sent to .....god knows where , if they got proper burial ,
commis don't give honour to their soldiers .
For all the power projection they are happy surrendering tactical heights that put them at a disadvantage or even worse can't show enough grit against India's assertive posturing. So much for those tick tock videos of weapons and training.

In fact, this behavior is what the article is exactly talking about - on full display here, right now! :lol:
SURE, help yourselves to all the heights on the Indian side.
Easy to find targets for Chinese UAVs.
You Happy, the Chinese Happy.
Win Win

Happy freezing on tactical heights.

Oh, mighty China shown mettle already. They shut up after that. Why?
You mean the Chinese should go around and RUN THEIR BIG MOUTH like the LOW MUSCLE MASS INDIANS??
I guess the Chinese work differently.
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