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India in advanced talks with Russia to acquire Sprut light tanks for use in high altitude areas

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India is in advanced talks with Russia to acquire a newly developed light tank that could be useful in high altitude areas like the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh.

Talks to buy the Sprut SDM1 light tanks were initiated late in July under a fast-track, government-to-government process, sources told ET.

The need for such tanks was felt after increased Indian deployments at the LAC following border hostilities with China, which has also fielded a range of equipment, including its Type 15 light tanks.

The new tanks are under trial in Russia, but sources said they could be inducted in India as well for a series of rigorous field tests before the deal is finalised.

India could acquire almost two dozen such tanks in the first tranche. The procurement is likely to cost less than ₹500 crore, which falls within the emergency financial powers given to service chiefs after the Galwan clash. The expenditure is expected to be within the emergency financial powers given to the Army following the clash with Chinese troops in Ladakh’s Galwan valley in June.

ET was the first to report in July that the government had given approvals for emergency procurement of lightweight tanks for deployment in high-altitude conditions, amid the ongoing border standoff with China. Final discussions on the contract are expected to conclude this year.

The Sprut SDM1 light tank, transportable by air, has commonalities with the T72 and T90s operated by India and would require minimal crew training to become operational. It is armed with a 125 mm gun, similar to the one on the T90, and fires all types of ammunition with the T72/90 fleet available with the Army.

India has a robust tank force, but all of them are heavy main battle tanks — T72s, T90s and the indigenously developed Arjun — considered more suitable for operations in the plains. While these tanks have been sent to the Himalayan border as well, navigating them on difficult border terrain has been an issue.

The Sprut SDM1 is designed to be airdropped from an aircraft with its crew of three sitting inside the tank. India has operated light tanks in the past and it has come in handy during the 1947-48 Kashmir operations as well as the 1962 war with China, but these have been slowly phased out.

These will be exploding powder kegs against the Type 15 ... the Sprut is not a very capable machine at all and definitely is not designed to handle high altitude climates.
the Sprut is not a very capable machine at all and definitely is not designed to handle high altitude climates.
For some reasons the design reminds me of the German WW2 T3 light tank.
These will be exploding powder kegs against the Type 15 ... the Sprut is not a very capable machine at all and definitely is not designed to handle high altitude climates.

Its just an IFV with an anti-tank gun strapped to it
Its good for Pak that India imports everything, that way their defence budget is
eaten up.

As an academic exercise, I would like to ask if their defense budget is indeed getting eaten up.
What percentage of their GDP do they spend on defense?

My research shows they underspend as a percentage of their GDP and need a lot of catching up. Indians are always cribbing how defense gets far lower than expected funds and as a percentage to GDP.

Btw, they can need both light and medium tanks there. Both can be true and co-exist
Acquire this, purchase that!!!! Can't India herself produce some "hardware"?????
India is only good at building significantly overweight and underpowered tanks ... (i.e. the Arjunk)
Its just an IFV with an anti-tank gun strapped to it
Exactly. You can hardly even call that a light tank. India might as well purchase the new Russian IFV in the Armata family ...
These Fraudsters are panicking like the cowards they really are, and running around the world to get equipment. Is this how these idiots run their military affairs? So you suddenly run out like a dic,k head, buy a new weapon system, and deploy against a well armed, highly trained enemy? Where the F* is induction, training, tactics, and so on for this new weapon system?

Care to explain? T-90 is so superior to Chinese type -15 in high attitude combat. Why suddenly make 180degress U- turn and make urgent purchase? T-90 no good or u are farting?

yes seems like team work to milk that sacred money fat cow.

India is a very skinny cow and unable even to provide toilets such that India girls and women need to shit and pee in the fields.
But that said, as much milk as possible be squeezed and squeezed from the cow.

Unitl the tits no longer have milk and give out blood . And still continue the squeezing.
Looks like an IFV with a 125 mm gun.... would never trust Russian equipment esp in altitutudes where its never been tested...

Also from recent conflicts weve seen tanks have been sitting ducks for UCAV droves esp in mountonous environments. India would be better off purchasing or producing UCAVs in bulk....

These bhangees are truly brainless.
Looks like an IFV with a 125 mm gun.... would never trust Russian equipment esp in altitutudes where its never been tested...

Also from recent conflicts weve seen tanks have been sitting ducks for UCAV droves esp in mountonous environments. India would be better off purchasing or producing UCAVs in bulk....

These bhangees are truly brainless.
So far, drone has not met a real proven air defense yet. If so, most will be begging for armour on ground to support attack operation.
So far, drone has not met a real proven air defense yet. If so, most will be begging for armour on ground to support attack operation.

They have in syria, Saudi arabia, Yemen, and the recent armenia-azeri conflict? In most cases Drones have had the advantage of stealth and also flying under the radar horizon making them undetectable.

Also there is a whole benefit in itself of using drones to reveal the locations of the enemies SAM sites. A cheap kamikaze drone can cost less than a few hundred thousand and help reveal/take out a billion dollar S300/S400 system.

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