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India imposes Self Arms-Embargo, bans imports of 101 defence systems/platforms

This push will meet a disaster if some of the weapons in the list which Police also uses are not bought by local Police in large numbers along with Armored Vechiles.
The embargo on imports is planned to be progressively implemented between 2020 to 2024. Our aim is to apprise the Indian defence industry about the anticipated requirements of the Armed Forces so that they are better prepared to realise the goal of indigenisation.
A separate budget head has been created with an outlay of nearly Rs 52,000 crore for domestic capital procurement in the current financial year.
Why is India coming up with this plan when India is abandoning their home build rifles and buy Americans made ones.

If India can’t even build a decent rifle, than learn how to do that first before coming up with plans to be self sufficient. There no point of coming up with big plans when India fail to deliver a system it started 20+ years ago. Get the technical know hows first before coming up with a big plan.
I assume you will be able to buy components from abroad, as long as the final assembly is in India. Basically, govt will buy at high prices from local manufacturers.
Local production... 74% FDI is already approved...
Embargoes have never solved anything. The only effect India will see is domestic arms producers becoming lazy. Since outside competition is banned, they will start producing sub-quality products, invest less in R&D etc.

Poor decision.
Embargoes have never solved anything. The only effect India will see is domestic arms producers becoming lazy. Since outside competition is banned, they will start producing sub-quality products, invest less in R&D etc.

Poor decision.
Valid point. However the fine print needs to be seen. I think that the decision amounts to local production and not locally designed systems. As @Novice09 has said, 74% FDI has been approved. The armed forces will not easily let go of western and Russian arms. Plus the weapon systems cannot be poor performers since we have the Dragon breathing fire upon us. Expect some more adjustments here and there. But we need to have some respectability with regards to defense technologies and production commensurate with our aspirations. To this extent the announcement has merit.
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