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India imposes Self Arms-Embargo, bans imports of 101 defence systems/platforms

What the hell has make in India been about this entire time? And what are Indians going to do about the office culture at state owned defence outfits? This announcement has very little substance and subsequently will have a negligible outcome.
Return of the license raj as well, where a babu will determine whether a certain product is "produced" in India or not
Okay. When local products are delayed there will be a scramble for foreign alternatives. Seen this again and again. Look at rushed mig 29 purchases.
List of 101 defence weapons/platforms to be put on import embargo by Defence Ministry December 2020 onwards...more to be added




Meaningless list.
You don't require a list to produce in India.
Just give assured orders to private companies, they will manufacturer to your specifications, in time and with good quality.
Private companies require fixed orders to be financially viable. They cant sit around, with large investments in the defence sector, hoping for orders.
But we have a bhoot of open tendering. Example , Though their are 3 to 4 metro train manufacturing units in india(MNC and indigenous), we will still go with L1. So some unknown heavily subsidized company in china will win the order. Though this might be just 5 % of our current installed equipment, why even allow the Chinese to participate in tendering? And you shift jobs outside. Dont give even 1 % orders outside India, when we have substantial mfg capacity here.
Import embargo on Astra BVR?
No, anything on the lines of Astra BVR with similar specs wouldn't be allowed to import. The core essence of this list is any weapons system/platform where we have developed in house or made significant progress can't be imported

This is primarily due to IA & IAF's love for foreign maal and the kickbacks they come with killing any indigenous project in the making
Meaningless list.
You don't require a list to produce in India.
Just give assured orders to private companies, they will manufacturer to your specifications, in time and with good quality.
Private companies require fixed orders to be financially viable. They cant sit around, with large investments in the defence sector, hoping for orders.
But we have a bhoot of open tendering. Example , Though their are 3 to 4 metro train manufacturing units in india(MNC and indigenous), we will still go with L1. So some unknown heavily subsidized company in china will win the order. Though this might be just 5 % of our current installed equipment, why even allow the Chinese to participate in tendering? And you shift jobs outside. Dont give even 1 % orders outside India, when we have substantial mfg capacity here.
While what you said is true, IA & IAF's top brass have killed several indigenous projects due to their love for foreign maal bcz of the kickbacks they come with. Just look at the number of times Arjun Mk-2's specs for changed with unreasonable and illogical requirements and timelines and we eventually ended up going for more T-90s

Despite Kalyani Group developing an Ultra Light Howitzer capable of being lifted by a Chinook, we still ordered more M777's. On the heavier end, both ATAGS and Dhanush have proven to be the best artillery systems available but we still haven't seen em in numbers particularly when ATAGS manufacturing was supposed to be shared between Tata and Kalyani

This self arms embargo is a start to ensure IA & IAF are restricted from even considering foreign options in the first place
The list seems extremely vague. It seems like a desperate attempt to bring assembly to India. Companies will find loopholes to still import parts from foreign manufacturers.

Rajnath Singh needs to understand that gone are those days when Govt can fool common people with dumb policies and lists.
useless to ban foreign imports unless you have the capability to develop those products inhouse.

IMO a ridiculous decision, that is based on what?? So will the MH-60R naval helicopters also banned? What about the new tender for a new fighter??
IMO a ridiculous decision, that is based on what?? So will the MH-60R naval helicopters also banned? What about the new tender for a new fighter??

The ones on the banned list are the items which India anyway plans to buy like LCA, LCH, Brahmos etc.

This is more of a political stunt than anything else.

India will still continue to import MMRCA fighters, Submarines, Predator drones, MH-60R choppers etc. as planned.
IMO a ridiculous decision, that is based on what?? So will the MH-60R naval helicopters also banned? What about the new tender for a new fighter??
decision based on decreasing budget of Indian military

replacing ageing or purchasing new substandard equipment will finish off indian combat capability
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