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India imposed war on Pak by constructing illegal dams: Saeed


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India imposed war on Pak by constructing illegal dams: Saeed​
PTI, Mar 7, 2010, 10.53pm IST

LAHORE/ISLAMABAD: JuD chief Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, mastermind of the Mumbai attacks, today alleged that India has "imposed war on Pakistan" by constructing "illegal dams" and diverting water of Pakistani rivers and said the government must prepare the nation to counter this aggression.

Saeed made the remarks while launching a "nation-wide protest" against what he described as India's "theft" of Pakistan's share of river waters.

A declaration adopted at the rally said: "If India continues with her water terrorism, Pakistan must keep open the option of using force."

It alleged that India had "virtually declared war on Pakistan by unlawfully constructing dams and diverting Pakistani rivers".

"We also call upon our government to build unity among various religious, political and civil society groups so that we stand solid behind the Pakistan Army as India is, in fact, preparing to impose war on Pakistan," the declaration claimed.

The declaration contended that Kashmir is a disputed territory according to UN resolutions and called on the UN and the world community to take "immediate notice of controversial Indian projects in a disputed territory and force India to stop this aggression that may trigger war between two nuclear armed neighbours".

Today's rally was the latest show of force by the JuD and Saeed, who had been keeping a low profile in the aftermath of the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

Saeed was briefly detained by Pakistani authorities after India accused him of masterminding the attacks but was freed on the orders of the Lahore High Court in June last year.

Over the past few weeks, Saeed and other JuD leaders have addressed a series of gatherings and given media interviews in which they have backed calls for jehad against India and expressed support for militant groups operating in Jammu and Kashmir.

Hundreds of people, including farmers riding tractors, participated in today's rally. India and Pakistan have serious differences over sharing of waters in rivers such as Indus and Chenab.

The protestors marched from Nasir Bagh ground to the assembly on Mall Road, where Saeed addressed the gathering.

The participants carried banners and placards with slogans like "Water or War", "Diversion of Pakistani rivers - Indian water bomb", "Water flows or blood", "Liberate Kashmir to secure water" and "No peace with Indian water aggression".

During his speech, Saeed claimed he wanted peace in the region and alleged that it was "India which is imposing war on Pakistan".

He said: "My crime is that I speak for the oppressed people of occupied Kashmir and India. My religion demands that I should speak for Indian Muslims and other minorities subjugated by the ruling elite of India."

India imposed war on Pak by constructing illegal dams: Saeed - Pakistan - World - The Times of India
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JuD chief Hafiz Mohammad Saeed wants war and he will go to any extent to get the two neighbours fight. He has enough benefits when a situation of anarchy is prevalent and this is my understanding. If any of you have a different explanation, enlighten me.

India and Pakistan are trying to have a dialogue and even before the political class spoke, we have battle drums sounded by HS. Looks like the political class in Pakistan have briefed him about all the developments including the new dossiers. The new dossiers are btw literature for Pakistan and no points for guessing that it is about HS. However, the Pakistan side claims that nothing about HS was discussed but in another voice they speak of talks focused heavily on terrorism. HS does not seem to understand that his organisation is banned nor does the GoP take notice of his activities that relate to his support of violent means to achieve his objective.

Looks like a win win situation for both HS and GoP.
huh? And the last time I heard claims that this guy is a head of a people welfare organisation. These statements of war are definitely for people welfare as after the war JUD will support in treating the injured.

hmm but here This guy is acting like he is non state defence minister of Pakistan.. ;)
Hafiz Muhammad Saeed

Born 1950

Occupation Chief of terror organisations Lashkar-e-Toiba and Jamaat-Ud-Dawaah

Known for A UN sanctioned Terrorist,

I guess there are a lot of ppl in pakistan who are very matured and dont like the way he operates but because of the support of a few ppl he has managed to tarnish the reputation of Pakistan :tdown:
Hafiz Muhammad Saeed

Born 1950

Occupation Chief of terror organisations Lashkar-e-Toiba and Jamaat-Ud-Dawaah

Known for A UN sanctioned Terrorist,

I guess there are a lot of ppl in pakistan who are very matured and dont like the way he operates but because of the support of a few ppl he has managed to tarnish the reputation of Pakistan :tdown:

Wrong, the people of Pakistan have no issues with Hafiz Saeed, he's a free man in Pakistan and he holds rallies openly. This so called 'social worker' has called for jihad on several occasions, he was the founder of LeT and has been implicated in several terrorist attacks.

But the GoP doesn't have enough evidence to arrest him, its our fault, we blame ordinary Pakistanis/social workers for terrorist attacks perpetrated by RAW and MOSSAD. The PA would have surely brought him to book, as they did in Swat, if they had enough evidence that is..

DAWN.COM | National | ? Extra-judicial killings in Swat?: HRCP seeks probe by parliamentary body

or maybe not...

It seems all these technicalities are reserved only for India.

India needs to grow a pair and behave like any other self respecting country would in a similar situation, we should respond to terrorists like terrorists. We can't win proxy wars by appeasement. Pakistan has no reason to reign in on militants that aren't targeting it's citizens, they are furthering Pakistan's strategic objectives, so why would we expect them to help? no amount of begging/diplomacy will be enough to prosecute HS.

I'm not sure how many more people will have to die before the GoI wakes up, but if I'd have to put a number on it I'd say around 50K.
:pakistan:I think most of the people are not reading or listening Hafiz Saeed's words carefully. At the start of February he started to appear in media after a remaining low-profile for months. His first big show was his speech on Kashmir Day in Lahore, the next was his exclusive interview to Al Jazeera English (Few Days before Indo Pak Dialogue) and then (After the dialogue) he gave interview to Express News. The last one is his speech on Sunday March 07, 2010 which we are discussing right now.

I see a considerable shift in his stance towards dialogue and peace between the two countries. We can see that he is very much saying same things which our foreign office says. He has not threatened India for war or Jihad in any of his publich appearances in this one and half month period. Then why people are accusing him for what he has not said.

If you read todays story then you will find that he is not threatening for war, instead he is telling the Pakistani nation about the war India is imposing on Pakistan.

Actually Hafiz Saeed is exposing India by talking for peace and dialogue and India just wants that Hafiz Saeed should always speak for Jihad and War so that India can utilize his statements for propaganda.

I will again request all respected readers that please read his statements once again and you will find that there is no difference between his point of view and the standing of government of Pakistna.

I think Hafiz Saeed wants peace by resolving Kashmir issue but India does not want peace in the region. :pakistan::pakistan:
:pakistan:I think most of the people are not reading or listening Hafiz Saeed's words carefully. At the start of February he started to appear in media after a remaining low-profile for months. His first big show was his speech on Kashmir Day in Lahore, the next was his exclusive interview to Al Jazeera English (Few Days before Indo Pak Dialogue) and then (After the dialogue) he gave interview to Express News. The last one is his speech on Sunday March 07, 2010 which we are discussing right now.

I see a considerable shift in his stance towards dialogue and peace between the two countries. We can see that he is very much saying same things which our foreign office says. He has not threatened India for war or Jihad in any of his publich appearances in this one and half month period. Then why people are accusing him for what he has not said.

If you read todays story then you will find that he is not threatening for war, instead he is telling the Pakistani nation about the war India is imposing on Pakistan.

Actually Hafiz Saeed is exposing India by talking for peace and dialogue and India just wants that Hafiz Saeed should always speak for Jihad and War so that India can utilize his statements for propaganda.

I will again request all respected readers that please read his statements once again and you will find that there is no difference between his point of view and the standing of government of Pakistna.

I think Hafiz Saeed wants peace by resolving Kashmir issue but India does not want peace in the region. :pakistan::pakistan:

Hello ... before you rant more ... Let me do a quick recap of whr India stands.

No doubt in India's mind that HS was behind the Mumbai episode. Evidence of HS being a part of the planning in terms of admission from Kasab proves beyond doubt. Pakistan cannot take Kasab's admission /confession as proof but can for sure investigate independently and make their findings public. However, dossiers which may be information provided by India is thrown out as literature.

What does Pakistan expect India to provide ? Video tapes of Kasab getting trained under the supervision of HS? Unfortunately we don't have them but what India has provided is the location where the training took place in Pakistan. Is it difficult to find out the occupiersof the house in the known period of time? The people who were involved in the training with the trainers will have something common with the people under trial. Is it not possible for a capable police force in Pakistan to get to the bottom of it? It is another matter if Pakistan does not want to. How about identifying the VoIP used by the handlers that leads to Pakistan. Is this not information that can be worked on and sufficient proof generated? This is sufficient information for GoP to take the investigation forward and nail the culprits.

Instead of doing this Pakistan expects India to provide material evidence when nothing of that sort exists as this mission was planned in foreign land. It is unfortunate that a terrorist like HS is getting media attention and his opinion is televised and brought to the drawing rooms of general public. A red corner notice was issued against HS and this was of no use as Pakistan judiciary thinks the man who sowed the seeds of JuD and LeT is a noble man. If given a choice, we should give him the a medal of honour given his social work.

About your statement I have marked in bold. That is exactly what concerns me. When the words of a terrorist matches with those of a democratic government, it is a cause for concern.
:pakistan:I think most of the people are not reading or listening Hafiz Saeed's words carefully. At the start of February he started to appear in media after a remaining low-profile for months. His first big show was his speech on Kashmir Day in Lahore, the next was his exclusive interview to Al Jazeera English (Few Days before Indo Pak Dialogue) and then (After the dialogue) he gave interview to Express News. The last one is his speech on Sunday March 07, 2010 which we are discussing right now.

I see a considerable shift in his stance towards dialogue and peace between the two countries. We can see that he is very much saying same things which our foreign office says. He has not threatened India for war or Jihad in any of his publich appearances in this one and half month period. Then why people are accusing him for what he has not said.

If you read todays story then you will find that he is not threatening for war, instead he is telling the Pakistani nation about the war India is imposing on Pakistan.

Actually Hafiz Saeed is exposing India by talking for peace and dialogue and India just wants that Hafiz Saeed should always speak for Jihad and War so that India can utilize his statements for propaganda.

I will again request all respected readers that please read his statements once again and you will find that there is no difference between his point of view and the standing of government of Pakistna.

I think Hafiz Saeed wants peace by resolving Kashmir issue but India does not want peace in the region. :pakistan::pakistan:

so he is such a peaceful guy then how come he is the founder of two terrorist organizations banned by the UN??
I think Hafiz Saeed wants peace by resolving Kashmir issue but India does not want peace in the region. :pakistan::pakistan:

Yeah. Here is what he said in his recent speech,

"There is only one solution to all the problems - liberate Indian-held Kashmir. Otherwise the option of 'jehad' (holy war) is open for us," Saeed said.

He also warned India that the liberation of the erstwhile state of Hyderabad was also on the JuD's agenda.

If Kashmir issue is resolved, he will simply shift his terrorist activities to other Indian states.

Such a peace lover. :angry:
:pakistan:I think most of the people are not reading or listening Hafiz Saeed's words carefully. At the start of February he started to appear in media after a remaining low-profile for months. His first big show was his speech on Kashmir Day in Lahore, the next was his exclusive interview to Al Jazeera English (Few Days before Indo Pak Dialogue) and then (After the dialogue) he gave interview to Express News. The last one is his speech on Sunday March 07, 2010 which we are discussing right now.

I see a considerable shift in his stance towards dialogue and peace between the two countries. We can see that he is very much saying same things which our foreign office says. He has not threatened India for war or Jihad in any of his publich appearances in this one and half month period. Then why people are accusing him for what he has not said.

If you read todays story then you will find that he is not threatening for war, instead he is telling the Pakistani nation about the war India is imposing on Pakistan.

Actually Hafiz Saeed is exposing India by talking for peace and dialogue and India just wants that Hafiz Saeed should always speak for Jihad and War so that India can utilize his statements for propaganda.

I will again request all respected readers that please read his statements once again and you will find that there is no difference between his point of view and the standing of government of Pakistna.

I think Hafiz Saeed wants peace by resolving Kashmir issue but India does not want peace in the region. :pakistan::pakistan:

Glad to know that according to you, Hafiz Saeed wants peace because all he ever seems to talk about is war & Jihad. The water issue is a relatively recent one; what was Mr.Hafiz Saeed doing waging Jihad against India before that ?

Who exactly is this gentlemen and why is Pakistan outsourcing the management of its Foreign Ministry,Home Ministry and Defence Ministry to him? Is he going to be making policy on behalf of the Pakistani government ? What is he? A non-state Prime Minister? Someone who decides and makes policy whose consequences can affect the whole of Pakistan but who is accountable to no one ?
If someone wants peace he dosent kill hundreds of innocent ppl like a crazy man on path of destruction

I wish Heman Karkary may have not fallen to the trap.... if he'd be alive today... he may have unearthed those crazy bastards.
I wish Heman Karkary may have not fallen to the trap.... if he'd be alive today... he may have unearthed those crazy bastards.
You seem more stupid than I ever anticipated. More than 150 people died and more than20 policemen and 2 NSG Commandoes. Still you dont stop your ranting. Prove what you claimed with a valid source or just F**K off......

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