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India imposed war on Pak by constructing illegal dams: Saeed

Do you think India honors any treaty? No dear. India itself took the Kashmir issue to UN and UN passed resolutions that Kashmiris should be given right of self determination. But India put these resolutions in the shelf. A state which does not honor its international commitments how would you expect that it will honor a brokered bilateral deal of IWT ?

If India has not honoured the treaty then surely, GoP must have raised this issue for World Bank Arbitration. Have any new objections been raised by Pakistan? The last issue which went into arbitration was the issue of the Baghlihar dam.

Are you saying that India is not honouring the IWT just because that is what you have heard from others or are you saying it because you know something I don't know?
If India has not honoured the treaty then surely, GoP must have raised this issue for World Bank Arbitration. Have any new objections been raised by Pakistan? The last issue which went into arbitration was the issue of the Baghlihar dam.

Are you saying that India is not honouring the IWT just because that is what you have heard from others or are you saying it because you know something I don't know?

Dear India is constantly violating the treaty. Here are some links you may find what Pakistan thinks about Indian water theft.

Pak accuses India of violating Indus Water Treaty

More at : Pak accuses India of violating Indus Water Treaty Pak accuses India of violating Indus Water Treaty

India would make Pak barren by 2014 by stopping river waters

More at : India would make Pak barren by 2014 by stopping river waters India would make Pak barren by 2014 by stopping river waters

And this man Jamat Ali Shah is regarded as a Pakistani with Indian tongue, if he accuses India of violating the treaty then there is no need to ask anybody else as he always tried to protect Indian interests but Indian violation is so excessive that a person like Jamat Ali Shah started to reveal things. Do you need any other proof ?

And this man Jamat Ali Shah is regarded as a Pakistani with Indian tongue, if he accuses India of violating the treaty then there is no need to ask anybody else as he always tried to protect Indian interests but Indian violation is so excessive that a person like Jamat Ali Shah started to reveal things. Do you need any other proof ?


And surely being a Indus Water Commissioner (Pakistan), he is in a position to raise this issue of water theft with the World Bank who is the designated arbitrator. Has he raised it yet? If not, why the delay?
If India has not honoured the treaty then surely, GoP must have raised this issue for World Bank Arbitration. Have any new objections been raised by Pakistan? The last issue which went into arbitration was the issue of the Baghlihar dam.

Are you saying that India is not honouring the IWT just because that is what you have heard from others or are you saying it because you know something I don't know?

This interview of Mr. Jamat Ali Shah will help you further understand Pakistan's concerns if you are more interested in technical issues.

Click here to follow the link
This interview of Mr. Jamat Ali Shah will help you further understand Pakistan's concerns if you are more interested in technical issues.

Click here to follow the link

What I am saying is that Pakistanis have a mechanism for arbitration of these problems. What is the point of grandstanding apart from creating animosity when the channels for arbitration have not been used. If you have a problem, use the available mechanisms to discuss the problem.
Hindu Terror is no more an internal matter of India. Your serving Army Colonel Prohat and other serving army officers are involved in terror strike on Samjhota Express in which more than 60 Pakistani citizens were murdered.

And Terrorists like Surbajeet Singh and Kashmir Singh were sent by you to attack innocent civilians in Pakistan. Anyone of you Indians have courage to say that Surbajeet Singh is a terrorist?

Your leader of opposition Father of Hindu Terrorists Mr. L.K. Advani in 1952 tried to kill founder of Pakistan Quad-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. An FIR against Advani is still there in an Hyderabad police station. After he failed to kill Quad-e-Azam he ran away to India. I am surprise that Hafiz Saeed again and again deny that he is not involved in killing anyone anywhere but you without any proof repeat your allegations but you dont have any courage to call Advani, Surbajeet Singh and Kashmir Singh terrorists. This time I am not talking about terror of Moodi, VHP and Mother of all Hindu Terrorists the RSS... because you cry that its your internal problem when you kill innocent Muslims and Christians....but please come forward and call those of your so-called heroes terrorist who committed terror in Pakistan or against Pakistani citizen.

I again repeat the names
Col Prohat
Surbajeet Singh
Kashmir Singh

Anyone have the courage? :flame::flame:


Ja na! Us FIR ka ek copy leke Ah!....This forum is not your toilet so stop your BS...
Why you go after UNSC when your own Anti Terrorism Squad found Col.Purohit guilty for Samjhota Express.
Here is the link of Express India's Story

Arif Qasmani is like many others who are included in the list for nothing. One can see credibility of this list by knowing that it has included one of Jamat-ud-Dawah's leader Haji Ashraf in the list who had died ten many years ago. So its not reliable source.

And another truth is that Arif Qasmani is not a member of Lashkar-e-Taiba or Jamat-ud-Dawah. So you cant hide your terrorists behind his name. I have provided you a a solid proof of your own ATS findings. So come forward and show the courage and renounce this Terrorist Army officers.

And if I accept your argument that he has done terror only in Maligaoon then why dont you call him a terrorist. Anyone who kills innocent Muslims and Christians in your country should be called terrorist. But I know you will never call Col Prouhit a terrorist because anyone who kills innocent Muslims becomes your chief minister like Moodi.

Protecting terrorist mean committing terrorism. Dear courage is no where in India so how can you show a bit?

That was during the investigation and there is a difference between "suspected" and being "guilty". The ATS suspected that he might have been involved in the blasts because of him getting hold of RDX but that lead did not lead them anywhere. The main explosive used in the blasts was Ammonium Nitrate/ potassium chlorate and not RDX. The CBI which was investigating the blasts did not find anything to prove Purohit's involvement.

You also need to keep with the sequence of events. Arif Qasmani was named months after this story was filed and he was not named by India but by the Americans.

As for calling Col Purohit a terrorist, I could not agree with you more. He is, and deserves in my mind the death penalty for his atrocious actions. I make no distinction between terrorists based on their religion. This chap was responsible for killing fellow Indians and I for one don't think he deserves any mercy. If he had been involved in the Samjauta blasts, I would have said the same. I was only correcting you on your facts, not defending this scumbag.

Now your turn. Got courage ??
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Dear India is constantly violating the treaty. Here are some links you may find what Pakistan thinks about Indian water theft.

Pak accuses India of violating Indus Water Treaty

More at : Pak accuses India of violating Indus Water Treaty Pak accuses India of violating Indus Water Treaty

India would make Pak barren by 2014 by stopping river waters

More at : India would make Pak barren by 2014 by stopping river waters India would make Pak barren by 2014 by stopping river waters

And this man Jamat Ali Shah is regarded as a Pakistani with Indian tongue, if he accuses India of violating the treaty then there is no need to ask anybody else as he always tried to protect Indian interests but Indian violation is so excessive that a person like Jamat Ali Shah started to reveal things. Do you need any other proof ?


Yes we do need other proof. This chap might have an Indian tongue whatever that is but we need someone with an Indian body to match the tongue to accept your "proof" say someone like G Aranganathan who is our IWC.

Indus Water Commissioner ( Pakistan ) Jamaat Ali Shah is making an allegation. That allegation has to be probed,verified and only if found to be true accepted as proof. You seem to have decided that allegations by itself constitute proof . No one else is going to agree with you. If Pakistan feels that they have enough proof, please provide it to India or if you so prefer, ask for and take it to arbitration. The same story happened earlier with the Baghlihar dam and what was the end result? Did arbitration help you? The let down that most Pakistanis felt with the results of that arbitration was the outcome of blindly swallowing the hype that was created by your media and politicians.

BTW if you don't trust your IWC to protect Pakistan's interest, change him with someone you do. Respect his professional competence otherwise, Calling him an 'Indian tongued Pakistani ' as you do is in very poor taste and if widely shared reflects poorly on Pakistan and its people. If a Pakistani can't stand up for Pakistan, why do you expect Indians to do so ?
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Courage ? Plenty.

You have your facts wrong. Col.Purohit (at least get the name right) is charged with the Malegaon blasts and has never been charged with the bombing of the Samjauta Express. Actually the U.S. accused a Pakistani man Arif Qasmani of being involved. Here's the link :

On June 29, the 1267 committee of the UNSC — so named after the resolution mandating sanctions on the Al-Qaeda and the Taliban — slapped an assets freeze, travel ban and arms embargo on Karachi-based businessman Arif Qasmani, whom it described as the “chief coordinator” for the Lashkar’s “dealings with outside organisations” and a provider of “significant support for LeT terrorist operations.”

In a press release, the 1267 committee noted: “Qasmani has worked with LeT to facilitate terrorist attacks, to include the July 2006 train bombing in Mumbai, India, and the February 2007 Samjota (sic) Express bombing in Panipat, India. Qasmani utilised money that he received from Dawood Ibrahim, an Indian crime figure and terrorist supporter, to facilitate the July 2006 train bombing in Mumbai, India. Qasmani also conducted fundraising activities on behalf of LeT in late 2005. Arif Qasmani has also provided financial and other support to Al Qaeda.”

The U.N. said that in return for his support, “Al Qaeda provided Qasmani with operatives to support the July 2006 train bombing in Mumbai, India, and the February 2007 Samjota Express bombing in Panipat, India.”

The U.N. citation of Qasmani and LeT spokesman Yahya Mujahid, which was followed on Thursday by a separate ban imposed on the duo by the U.S. Treasury Department, took Indian officials by surprise.
Reality, one bite at a time: U.N. sanction on Lashkar operative a blow to Pakistan

NEW DELHI: In what should scotch all doubts about who was responsible for the of February 2007 that killed about 70 people,
US has approached the UN to get a certain Asif Kasmani declared an international terrorist.

The reasons cited by US to get Kasmani, a Pakistani national, declared an international terrorist are his involvement in the Samjhauta Express blasts.

Kasmani is considered to be the link between Laskar-e-Toiba and Al Qaida. Though India had blamed the Samjhauta Express blasts on elements from Pakistan, the latter has strenuously denied any connection to the incident.
US names Pakistan Islamic terrorist Asif Kasmani behind Samjhauta Express blasts Islamic Terrorism in India

thanks for this dude u reduced my work to a great extent by posting this and doing the explanation for this dude :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: and here is a :cheers::cheers:
He said: "My crime is that I speak for the oppressed people of occupied Kashmir and India. My religion demands that I should speak for Indian Muslims and other minorities subjugated by the ruling elite of India."

India imposed war on Pak by constructing illegal dams: Saeed - Pakistan - World - The Times of India[/QUOTE]

What a great social worker saeed is . Why are we indians calling him terrorist . He should be working for red cross .he should be given a noble prize for his social work in pakistan and india . Well i have something to say to mr great social worker saeed .he is not gonna read it but some country men can give my message to him . Well first of all tell him to look in his own backyard .there are hindus and punjabi citizens that are being oppressed . First learn to speak for your own country men and then poke nose in other countries internal matter . Well terrorist like him dont have any religion , thier religion is terrorism .terrorist bastard .
Dear India is constantly violating the treaty. Here are some links you may find what Pakistan thinks about Indian water theft.

Pak accuses India of violating Indus Water Treaty

More at : Pak accuses India of violating Indus Water Treaty Pak accuses India of violating Indus Water Treaty

India would make Pak barren by 2014 by stopping river waters

More at : India would make Pak barren by 2014 by stopping river waters India would make Pak barren by 2014 by stopping river waters

And this man Jamat Ali Shah is regarded as a Pakistani with Indian tongue, if he accuses India of violating the treaty then there is no need to ask anybody else as he always tried to protect Indian interests but Indian violation is so excessive that a person like Jamat Ali Shah started to reveal things. Do you need any other proof ?

What " proof" have you given us in any of your posts. All you have mentioned is that Pakistan has " accused" India of water theft , or whatever you want to call it. ( Btw , it's our water also)
Well , pakistan keeps on accusing India of lots of stuff. Some pakistanis even accuse india of plotting the Mumbai Attacks.

Dude , there could be lots of reasons why you are getting less water than normal. Either these "facts" are totally fabricated , or it could be reasons like less rainfall etc etc

Don't worry about Pakistan getting barren by 2014. Unless a second 26/11 or Kargil happens, Pakistan's not getting dry.
:pakistan::pakistan:Ramu I think our foreign secretary Salman Bashir was not wrong when he said that Indian 'evidences' against Hafiz Saeed is mere 'Literature'. You are echoing same mentality. Ajmal Kasab has retracted from his statement and said that your police forced him for his confession. But you are not ready to mention is retraction because you don’t follow logic. You just follow your desires and want everyone to do what you want.

Pakistan has investigated the case more than everyone’s expectation in Pakistan. Our FIA arrested top commanders of Lashkar-e-Taiba and revealed lots of things. This is first time in the history of Lashkar-e-Taiba that its top commanders are being tried in anti terror court in Pakistan. During this investigation Pakistani investigators could not find any proofs of Hafiz Saeed’s involvement but you the followers of desires and wishes just want to hang him because he speaks against Indian hegemony in the region.

In short Pakistan has investigated thoroughly but could not find anything against him so asked you to provide any evidence which can stand in a court of law but you just present his media statements and then blame Pakistan.

As far as VoIP recordings are concerned even India has not blamed Hafiz Saeed for handling the attack and there is no mention of his voice in VoIP recordings. His voice is known by everyone so you can compare it with recording provided by FBI to your government.

No doubt Hafiz Saeed is anti India personality but who is not anti India here? Until you accept our Pakistan as a reality and free Kashmir you will face same kind of people in every corner of Pakistan. :pakistan::pakistan:

ya u r right.u have to liberate kashmir that pakistan has occupied forcefully...as far as atrocites against minorities r concerned pakistan has no right to talk about it because in pakistan the minority rate has fallen to just a meagre 2% hindus n sikhs from 10% during partition and in india there has been a growth in all sections of society be it sihks,hindus,muslims ,christians and other religions..:victory:on what base do u think that kashmir belongs to pakistan?????who gave u or ur govt dat right???
JuD chief Hafiz Mohammad Saeed wants war and he will go to any extent to get the two neighbours fight. He has enough benefits when a situation of anarchy is prevalent and this is my understanding. If any of you have a different explanation, enlighten me.

India and Pakistan are trying to have a dialogue and even before the political class spoke, we have battle drums sounded by HS. Looks like the political class in Pakistan have briefed him about all the developments including the new dossiers. The new dossiers are btw literature for Pakistan and no points for guessing that it is about HS. However, the Pakistan side claims that nothing about HS was discussed but in another voice they speak of talks focused heavily on terrorism. HS does not seem to understand that his organisation is banned nor does the GoP take notice of his activities that relate to his support of violent means to achieve his objective.

Looks like a win win situation for both HS and GoP.

your point loses steam when u make your simple post complicated by indicating that their is double talk by Pak. side. and that is not conducive to peace making.

My recomendations is for both Pakistan and India to get over all the nonsense and embaress HS by ignoring these kind of people and make peace quickly to make a lier out of them.

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