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India hikes defense capital budget by 19% for military modernization

how can we started conventional and proxy warfare with you??? you're liar, but i know its not your problem your country/govt/religion/culture/ military brainwashed you and believes in lies and deceptions

Should I share the videos of Pervez Musharraf who openly says yes we sent Mujahideens in Kashmir to fight against Indian Army?
uhm...the entire world is calling modi a fascist. and of course your generals "win" the so called "elections"...after all, they spent their entire military career developing their political careers by pandering to crooked chai walas like modi instead of being soldiers and preventing the loss important strategic peaks, not getting stranded in barren frozen wasteland & preventing the loss of 1200 sq km on one front while losing 8000 sq km on another front to China. but who cares about all those losses & the deaths of their soldiers that get either beaten to death by Chinese troops or get snipped by Pakistani troops as long as they get their cushy little ministries where they fill their pockets through insane amount of corruption even on getting spare parts for tank engines. after all, they were getting a piece of the pie even before retirement but after retirement, they get the entire pie...pretty slick selling out bharat mata like that. ;)
They win elections, they get selected by people. If people don’t like them they will remain as they were. Plus it is just PDF delusion drama, according to Paxtan china has reached new delhi and is protesting with the farmers against government with banners of “Mudi should rejine”.
Should I share the videos of Pervez Musharraf who openly says yes we sent Mujahideens in Kashmir to fight against Indian Army?
and who is this

he is only one terrorist that we are capture you send unlimited terrorists and spy to Pakistan from our day one to destabilized Pakistan, you're backing up Baluchistan insurgency and sending terrorist from Afghanistan and Iran

And IOK is not your area but internationally recognized disputed area according to UN



and who is this
What proof you guys even have against him? 0.
And IOK is not your area but internationally recognized disputed area according to UN
According to Shimla agreement signed between Govt. of India and Govt. of Pakistan Kashmir issue was agreed to be made a bilateral issue and after signing the agreement the ceasefire line became Line of Control.
you're backing up Baluchistan insurgency
Afghan Taliban when were in power said that they are arming and supporting the baloch rebels in Pakistan. Anything against them? No one takes your dossiers seriously, dare to grey list us with such silly arguements that India does this does that. Show evidence expose India.
According to Shimla agreement signed between Govt. of India and Govt. of Pakistan Kashmir issue was agreed to be made a bilateral issue and after signing the agreement the ceasefire line became Line of Control.
Simla agreement is not for Kashmir issue but for war disputes of 65, and was already in UN Charter, simla agreement was nothing to do with Kashmir, if we agreed to solve this issue through bilateral talks, why didn't UN exclude this issue from their charter???
IOK is still UN charter, And you want this issue to be solve in your terms that's not acceptable to Pakistan and your eyes already fixed on our part of Kashmir and GB
Simla agreement is not for Kashmir issue but for war disputes of 65, and was already in UN Charter, simla agreement was nothing to do with Kashmir, if we agreed to solve this issue through bilateral talks, why didn't UN exclude this issue from their charter???
IOK is still UN charter, And you want this issue to be solve in your terms that's not acceptable to Pakistan and your eyes already fixed on our part of Kashmir and GB
The state of J&K belonged to Maharaja Hari Singh, he was given choice to join India or Pakistan, he chose to stay neutral. Later signed a standstill agreement with Both India and Pakistan but then Pakistan army along with tribals attacked Kashmir and Maharaja had to ask for help from India, and India asked him to join India as Indian military doesn’t operate on foreign soil. Plus read what is Simla Agreement, you seem to be a bit confused.
The state of J&K belonged to Maharaja Hari Singh, he was given choice to join India or Pakistan, he chose to stay neutral. Later signed a standstill agreement with Both India and Pakistan but then Pakistan army along with tribals attacked Kashmir and Maharaja had to ask for help from India, and India asked him to join India as Indian military doesn’t operate on foreign soil. Plus read what is Simla Agreement, you seem to be a bit confused.
Britishers sold the valley to Maharaja before it had have been in the hand of Muslim rulers, and why our army attack the Kashmir the reason is that local tribes called us for help because they knew sooner or later Maharaja join India and the also in just before the independence of subcontinent you and Britishers promise that you will referendum to ask the local populations that in which country do you want to join, but you didn't
local tribes called us for help
Oh come on, you were an uninvited guest!
there is a protocol devised by UN for referendum, we did it in Junagadh and promised the same for JnK but the first condition was that Pak army is removed by Pak govt. from Azad Kashmir and then India will withdraw majority of its troops and will keep some for maintaining law and order and then UN will do a plebiscite, did you follow it? No!
Oh come on, you were an uninvited guest!

there is a protocol devised by UN for referendum, we did it in Junagadh and promised the same for JnK but the first condition was that Pak army is removed by Pak govt. from Azad Kashmir and then India will withdraw majority of its troops and will keep some for maintaining law and order and then UN will do a plebiscite, did you follow it? No!
that's not the case did you read the un resolution on Kashmir
oh, come on you're the aggressor, you are still believe in imperialism and have colonial mind set, if IOK want live with India why you have more then 900,000 force in the valley and you're genocide them somehow since 47
Lol this number is generated by Pakistanis on their own, did your Pinki Pirni spell a magic verse to count how many soldiers are deployed there? The population of the valley itself is 10 million or so🤣.
so , you're not using pallet guns to harass the local population and killing thousands, raping girls, abducting children and adults , and do you know what is the meaning 10 million???
so , you're not using pallet guns to harass the local population and killing thousands, raping girls, abducting children and adults , and do you know what is the meaning 10 million???
Lol nothing such is happening, its just your ISPR controlled media that keeps on spinning that crap, my mother is a Kashmiri Hindu and my Maternal family stays there even today, whom are you talking to? Your newspaper have daily counts from the day of removal of 370 snd 35A saying that 545 days to lockdown even though curfew was for a few weeks. World is not stupid to believe you guys while same can be applied on Balochistan that you are doing the same there.

Lol nothing such is happening, its just your ISPR controlled media that keeps on spinning that crap, my mother is a Kashmiri Hindu and my Maternal family stays there even today, whom are you talking to? Your newspaper have daily counts from the day of removal of 370 snd 35A saying that 545 days to lockdown even though curfew was for a few weeks. World is not stupid to believe you guys while same can be applied on Balochistan that you are doing the same there.

lol can i shows some pics and articles from international media that what are you doing in IOK,

So all and all you're trying to say you're the only innocent and angel country in the subcontinent and only Pakistan evil and mad country against you, than you're in delusional

and you have no proofs that your mom is Kashmiri hindu probably you're justifying your lame logic

and not all Baluchistan have an insurgency only specific area have an insurgency, (dera bughti) do you why are we doing operation in dera bughti and are not raping and abducting like you're doing in IOK
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