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India hikes defense capital budget by 19% for military modernization

He was caught lying during that, he did it to become famous and when he did became he joined the Samajwadi Party and contested the General elections from Varanasi against Narendra Modi but he lost pretty badly as the courts had already declared him a liar. Plus if you’re serving in the Armed Forces, you may never get good food as it is the life of a soldier full of challenges, getting ration at extreme areas is also a huge task.
only the indian army would tell its soldiers that they should never expect good food and that getting basic rations are a huge risk...an army marches on its stomach. explains why the indian army can't march for worth a damn.
only the indian army would tell its soldiers that they should never expect good food and that getting basic rations are a huge risk...an army marches on its stomach. explains why the indian army can't march for worth a damn.
Because our soldiers are fighting not selling pizzas abroad.
Because our soldiers are fighting not selling pizzas abroad.
but they love a good cup of fantashtik tea. ;) and besides, why would your soldiers bother with the pizza business when they can gobble up 10 times the amount by simply sitting back and taking bofor kick backs. :lol:
but they love a good cup of fantashtik tea. ;) and besides, why would your soldiers bother with the pizza business when they can gobble up 10 times the amount by simply sitting back and taking bofor kick backs. :lol:
Atleast my generals aren’t settling abroad and/or selling off embassies.
We are not in an arms race, we are just modernising our armed forces this year onwards.
not in an arm race but hikes defence budget of 19% over last year? We never raised budget like that eventhough we are facing ten times pressure from US and it's lackey.
If you think I'm Indian, man I must be pissing you off when I go after your BFF China. For that matter, most of us in the US hate China and then to use your hard-earned tax dollars to go against your personal interest. I can see how doubly pissed you must be... :yes4:

Actually, Captain Cringe, I remember you supporting Biden and his corrupt son who take corrupt money from China. Sounds like yo like to support spending the hard-earned tax dollars against your personal interests, not me.
Atleast my generals aren’t settling abroad and/or selling off embassies.
why would they settle for ambassador positions when they get lucrative ministries right outta the box after retirement by simply selling their souls to a racist fascist like modi?:lol:
^^^ ye hay tumharay jurnaylon ki auqaat!:omghaha:
why would they settle for ambassador positions when they get lucrative ministries right outta the box after retirement by simply selling their souls to a racist fascist like modi?:lol:
^^^ ye hay tumharay jurnaylon ki auqaat!:omghaha:
They don’t get ministries out of the box gentlemen, they contest elections and win it by people’s mandate, and Modi is racist and fascist according to you guys only, your statements hardly matter to the world. Should I share a list of your Gernails sitting in your ministries without even contesting elections, excluding the 4 martial laws you faced?
We are not in an arms race, we are just modernising our armed forces this year onwards.

So now India will spend around 80 billion USD per year for defense, Indonesia can only afford to spend on defense around 9.2 billion USD per year and I think it is already quite much for our economy.
So now India will spend around 80 billion USD per year for defense, Indonesia can only afford to spend on defense around 9.2 billion USD per year and I think it is already quite much for our economy.
We spend 2.4% of our GDP on defence which is a huge number due to our 2 mad neighbours.
LOL, Indians either have problem understanding English, or they are just fooling themselves.

Analysis: India faces real-terms cut in defence funding

India’s 2021–22 defence budget climbs mildly in nominal terms to USD65.5 billion, but Janes analysis shows the expenditure is set to decline in real terms by 7%
Jon Grevatt, Principal at Janes, explores India’s recent defence funding announcement…

They don’t get ministries out of the box gentlemen, they contest elections and win it by people’s mandate, and Modi is racist and fascist according to you guys only, your statements hardly matter to the world. Should I share a list of your Gernails sitting in your ministries without even contesting elections, excluding the 4 martial laws you faced?
uhm...the entire world is calling modi a fascist. and of course your generals "win" the so called "elections"...after all, they spent their entire military career developing their political careers by pandering to crooked chai walas like modi instead of being soldiers and preventing the loss important strategic peaks, not getting stranded in barren frozen wasteland & preventing the loss of 1200 sq km on one front while losing 8000 sq km on another front to China. but who cares about all those losses & the deaths of their soldiers that get either beaten to death by Chinese troops or get snipped by Pakistani troops as long as they get their cushy little ministries where they fill their pockets through insane amount of corruption even on getting spare parts for tank engines. after all, they were getting a piece of the pie even before retirement but after retirement, they get the entire pie...pretty slick selling out bharat mata like that. ;)
The one who started the conventional and proxy warfare are my neighbours and its the truth.
how can we started conventional and proxy warfare with you??? you're liar, but i know its not your problem your country/govt/religion/culture/ military brainwashed you and believes in lies and deceptions

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