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India Has No greater Enemy Than The United States

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Dec 21, 2008
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Click on the link at the bottom of post # 1 of the following thread:-


Has anyone seen what I have said and am saying about the necessity for India to defend against the United States in any of the print or broadcast media? Why not? After reading what is in that link, consider what it tells you about the control of India's media and, therefore, of its government, its population, its economy and defence, its future and its current fortunes by the United States.

What does it tell you about the immeasurable injury to India's economy, its prosperity, its defence and well-being the United States has been committing? What does it tell you about the unfathomable depths of the United States' enmity and malevolence toward India? What does it tell you about the threat to India's survival, not just well-being, that the United States is? Is there anything in human history that exceeds the malice and depravity of the United States' acts toward India?
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To 'neutralise' the post above, the C.I.A., through RAW, masterminded the attack on Sri Lankan cricketers in Pakistan, as it masterminded the Mumbai attacks, to show many colonised cricket-loving Indians in government, who know about C.I.A.-RAW's masterminding of the Mumbai attacks but are too cowardly to point a finger at the United States despite a U.S. official, in testimony to the U.S. Foreign Relations Committee that I have cited in other threads, acknowledging U.S. masterminding of such terrorism, that the United States is just as much an enemy of Pakistan as of India. And since these cowardly Indians can only acknowledge Pakistan, not the United States, as India's enemy and your enemy's enemy is your friend, therefore the United States is India's friend. But the United States' enmity toward India has little to do with Pakistan and its scope and intensity remain the same even if there were no Pakistan, as is clear if you click on the link at the bottom of post # 1 in the thread cited above.

I have said in another thread that Pakistan is a firangi-controlled insurgency within India, created by the firangis to serve their purposes. The United States is the firangi nation in control of Pakistan now. We will rub the United States out of existence. But we would not like Pakistan to be hurt.

I have said that the depth of the firangis' malice toward India can be seen in the following from Lord Macaulay:-

Lord Macaulay's address to the British parliament, Feb 2, 1835:-

"I have travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such caliber, that I do not think that we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self esteem, their native culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation."

The success of this program is seen in Indians -- from president and prime minister to parliament to the media -- exulting in Oscar awards from the white master for the British movie, "Slumdog Millionaire", which defecates on India and calling it their own.

How shall we rub the United States out of existence? I have said that in designing nuclear weapons for use against the United States, radioactive materials should be identified that can be dispersed over the territory of the United States, either via separate radiological weapons (“dirty bombs”) or as part of the regular thermonuclear weapons, that will so contaminate the territory of the United States with radioactivity that nothing will grow there for at least several years that can be consumed without getting a lethal dose of radiation. This will force the Americans who survive the nuclear bomb explosions on the four thousand largest population centers to eat one another till no one remains alive.

The ‘salting’ of the territory of the United States with such radioactivity can be done in a separate operation -- such as by unmanned aerial vehicles -- after its four thousand largest population centers have been destroyed by regular thermonuclear weapons. This requires that India be the dominant power after the initial exchange of, say, five thousand nuclear weapons between India and the United States. India has the leadership required for this but the cover up of the news and views of the leadership has to be lifted. Lifting this cover up is the first stage of India’s war for survival. As this cover up is lifted, many politicians, media people and, above all, RAW bosses such as the kingpin of C.I.A.-RAW operations in India for decades, K. Subrahmanyam, will try to flee to the United States and those who succeed will share the fate of Americans. Once the cover up of the news about the greatest living Indian is lifted, the genocidal intent and behaviour of the United States toward India will be clear. He has been writing about it for three decades.

In considering candidate substances that could be used to exterminate the population of a country by ‘salting’ its territory with radioactivity, let us examine Polonium-210 which was used in the death of former Russian agent Litvinenko in Britain. It is produced in nuclear reactors by irradiating Bismuth-209, has a median lethal dose of 50 nanograms, a half-life of 138 days and is reduced to about one eighth of its original radioactivity about 18 months after production ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Litvinenko_poisoning and http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/06/AR2007010601491_2.html ). This half-life may be too short for the purpose above but substances with longer half-lives can be found.

Getting fissile material for ten thousand nuclear warheads is also necessary. The question is: can the ‘salting’ of the territory of the United States with radioactivity be done while keeping the regular, explosive thermonuclear warheads in reserve?
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Only if you give them a chance.
The following is from a post I made today on the blog of Vikram Sood, former head of RAW:-

"K. Subrahmanyam, former chairman of India's Joint Intelligence Committee, proudly refers to having been responsible for setting up the insurgency in East Pakistan that led to the creation of Bangladesh. But he was doing that as an agent of the C.I.A. just as he and RAW, as agents of the C.I.A., have set up the LTTE, etc., in Sri Lanka and insurgencies within India in Kashmir, Punjab, the Northeast, etc. Both RAW and the ISI function as branches of the C.I.A. If the ISI was involved in the recent Bangladesh Rifles mutiny, it was retaliating for RAW's setting up the insurgency in East Pakistan which led to the creation of Bangladesh, which I had referred to just before the BDR mutiny. But both RAW and ISI and other such entities function as ... slaves and puppets of the C.I.A. In Sri Lanka, C.I.A.-RAW at one point had about seven different Tamil terrorist/insurgent groups and C.I.A.-RAW was making them all fight one another as well the Sri Lanka government [, as I described in a letter, which appeared in Indian Express, Delhi, just before Rajiv Gandhi‘s assassination by C.I.A.-RAW, in which I also referred to a report in the New York Times of his telling the foreign press in New Delhi that ‘the Indian army has gone berserk in Kashmir, human rights have been violated in Kashmir‘, in a bid to get U.S. legislators‘ support for continued support to him from the C.I.A. for the impending general elections because K. Subrahmanyam thought it will make me think he was assassinated because of what I wrote about him in that letter though he was actually assassinated because he had restarted India‘s nuclear weapons program because of what I said to Mrs. Marcos of the Philippines about nuclear weapons in the telephone conversation referred to above which the C.I.A. had duly communicated to him and because, after the first Iraq invasion by the United States, he had realized the truth of what I wrote to Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in December, 1982 about the threat to India from the United States, etc.]. Even the naxalite movement in India is sponsored and maintained by C.I.A.-RAW, as the Purulia arms drop and the cover up of the actual recipients of those arms and letting the captured arms-dropper go back to Britain on RAW's intervention shows. I have said India has no greater enemy than the United States and the same is true of both Pakistan and Bangladesh as well ...."
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If you consider united states as an enemy, you shouldn't get the 5 billion aid from them. Instead of preaching others. Cut all your military aid and non military aid from them and declare them as your enemy no 1. You don't have the guts to do that. Because you fear united states. Thats the end of the story.

After 9/11, 2001 instead of supporting your taliban brethren, you supported United states and now you are complaining...
It should be clear from the above that India has had no effective government ever since its so-called Independence that would advance and protect India’s interests. The pretender governments since the so-called Independence cannot be allowed to continue. The United States is now establishing overt colonial rule over India. A new war of Independence is necessary. In a letter dated December 22, 1982 to Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, I also referred to the United States’ plans for India’s break-up, referring to a report in the Washington Post quoting a U.S. “diplomat” in New Delhi as saying “If regionalism takes off in Karnataka and the Telugu people take off in Andhra Pradesh, we will have to take a serious look at what is happening…” and I wrote “The phrase “take off” is used for a positively desired and looked for state of affairs, such as economic “take off”. Clearly, the Americans are looking forward to India’s break-up and are asserting a right to intervene in it”. Those plans, through various C.I.A.-sponsored insurgencies in the subcontinent and intervention in the subcontinent at various points -- not just Kashmir -- and under various pretexts has continued. With the U.S. invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, partial invasion and occupation of Pakistan, the Defence Framework Agreement with India, the nuclear deal, bringing India under overt and direct C.I.A. and FBI control through the U.S.-sponsored Mumbai attacks, etc., the U.S. plans for India’s break-up, occupation and colonization have reached a take-off point. If this rapid and absolute enslavement of India is not stopped and reversed now, it will never be possible. It cannot be stopped except through war, because RAW’s media blackout of me makes it impossible to educate the public and its flagrant falsification of vote counts when I ran for the Lok Sabha from East Delhi in 1996 even when I had no chance of winning (when I described, in a letter to the press, what was done -- which had shocked even the government officials involved in running the polls -- after changing the Returning Officer in mid-stream, Vajpayee had the BJP candidate, who had won, resign from the seat), its blocking, like the C.I.A., my mail and other communications, forcing I.I.T., Kanpur (by immediately cutting the I.I.T.s’ budgets) and the Indian Institute of Advanced Study in Shimla (by a “committee of secretaries of the Indian government” voting to force it out of the buildings it was housed in in Shimla) to abandon any plans to offer me a position, contacting, like the C.I.A. and forcing, with carrot, stick and harassment, anyone I came in contact with to induce harassment, denying me any income of any kind, robbing me of my money and properties in India, forcing me to live for six and a half months in an M.I.T. library that used to be open 24-hours, sleeping on the chairs at night and going without food for up to three weeks at a time, remaining semi-starved year after year after year, forcing me to move about forty times in four years within the Boston area for a place to stay, subjected to indignities and abuse suffered by prisoners, etc., etc., makes it impossible to do it any other way.
To a press release E-mailed to the Indian press containing the above post, I have attached about 70 comments by K. Subrahmanyam and the C.I.A. Director Michael Hayden posted under their own names -- another 70 or so of the most abusive comments by them were deleted by K. Subrahmanyam -- just this past August (2008) while intercepting and mutilating my articles on Merinews.com and harassing and making it impossible for me to post my articles there.
Echoing what I have been saying about the United States being the source and mastermind of all separatism and terrorism in the Indian subcontinent and other activities, even more injurious than terrorism, speaking yesterday at the 'India Today' conclave in New Delhi, " Musharaff accuses India of fomenting trouble in Pak: ... accused Indian agencies of fomenting trouble in his country. ... he claimed that India's Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) were helping militants based in Afghanistan spread trouble in Pakistan. "We have to accept the reality. Your RAW does exactly what the ISI does [emphasis added]. My request is let us tackle [emphasis added] RAW and ISI to stop this confrontation," he said." (PTI report dated March 7'09 in Hindustan Times). Note that he did not deny that the ISI does what it is accused of doing. But he did not say that both RAW and ISI have been doing this as agents of the C.I.A.; rather, he said "let us tackle RAW and ISI to stop this confrontation", acknowledging that these activities of RAW and ISI have been IMPOSED on these two countries, that these two agencies are NOT under the control of these two countries. Imposed by who, unless he is suggesting these are rogue agencies acting on their own? Imposed by the United States' C.I.A. whose branches these two agencies effectively are but neither he nor Indian government officials acknowledge that.

The following is a post I made three days ago on the blog of Vikram Sood, former head of RAW, in a thread titled "Pak terrorized by Demons It Created":-

RAW is the demon that has been terrorising India, as I have shown in previous threads. RAW does this as a servant of a bigger demon, the C.I.A.

Also see the first post in this thread:

and the link at the bottom of the first post in the above thread.

RAW can strike anywhere in India and the rest of the Subcontinent at will and it has demonstrated this hundreds of times since 1983.

Also see this:-

Has anyone seen what I have said and am saying about the necessity for India to defend against the United States in any of the print or broadcast media? Why not? After reading what is in that link [or what is said below, starting from January 5, 2004], consider what it tells you about the control of India's media and, therefore, of its government, its population, its economy and defence, its future and its current fortunes by the United States.

What does it tell you about the immeasurable injury to India's economy, its prosperity, its defence and well-being the United States has been committing? What does it tell you about the unfathomable depths of the United States' enmity and malevolence toward India? What does it tell you about the threat to India's survival, not just well-being, that the United States is? Is there anything in human history that exceeds the malice and depravity of the United States' acts toward India?

ADDED ON MARCH 3, 2009: The colonization of India by the United States continues apace. A PTI report today says: “In a bid to evolve a joint strategy to bring perpetrators of the Mumbai terror strikes to justice, top US and Indian officials on Tuesday asked Pakistan to extend cooperation in investigating the 26/11 attacks.
FBI Director Robert Mueller, who arrived here on Tuesday afternoon, held a series of meetings with Union Home Minister P Chidambaram and Intelligence Bureau Chief Rajiv Mathur among others. …”.

To 'neutralise' the post above ("INDIA HAS NO GREATER ENEMY THAN THE UNITED STATES"), originally made on Pakistan Defence Forum, the C.I.A., through RAW, masterminded the attack on Sri Lankan cricketers in Pakistan, as it masterminded the Mumbai attacks, to show many colonised cricket-loving Indians in government, who know about C.I.A.-RAW's masterminding of the Mumbai attacks but are too cowardly to point a finger at the United States despite a U.S. official, in testimony to the U.S. Foreign Relations Committee that I have cited in other threads, acknowledging U.S. masterminding of such terrorism, that the United States is just as much an enemy of Pakistan as of India. And since these cowardly Indians can only acknowledge Pakistan, not the United States, as India's enemy and your enemy's enemy is your friend, therefore the United States is India's friend. But the United States' enmity toward India has little to do with Pakistan and its scope and intensity remain the same even if there were no Pakistan, as is clear if you click on the link at the bottom of post # 1 in the thread [ http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...-raw-indias-external-intelligence-agency.html ] cited above.

This is what I said in the previous thread:

"K. Subrahmanyam, former chairman of India's Joint Intelligence Committee, proudly refers to having been responsible for setting up the insurgency in East Pakistan that led to the creation of Bangladesh. But he was doing that as an agent of the C.I.A. just as he and RAW, as agents of the C.I.A., have set up the LTTE, etc., in Sri Lanka and insurgencies within India in Kashmir, Punjab, the Northeast, etc. Both RAW and the ISI function as branches of the C.I.A. If the ISI was involved in the recent Bangladesh Rifles mutiny, it was retaliating for RAW's setting up the insurgency in East Pakistan which led to the creation of Bangladesh, which I had referred to just before the BDR mutiny. But both RAW and ISI and other such entities function as nigger slaves and puppets of the C.I.A. In Sri Lanka, C.I.A.-RAW at one point had about seven different Tamil terrorist/insurgent groups and C.I.A.-RAW was making them all fight one another as well the Sri Lanka government [, as I described in a letter, which appeared in Indian Express, Delhi, just before Rajiv Gandhi‘s assassination by C.I.A.-RAW, in which I also referred to a report in the New York Times of his telling the foreign press in New Delhi that ‘the Indian army has gone berserk in Kashmir, human rights have been violated in Kashmir‘, in a bid to get U.S. legislators‘ support for continued support to him from the C.I.A. for the impending general elections because K. Subrahmanyam thought it will make me think he was assassinated because of what I wrote about him in that letter though he was actually assassinated because he had restarted India‘s nuclear weapons program because of what I said to Mrs. Marcos of the Philippines about nuclear weapons in the telephone conversation referred to above which the C.I.A. had duly communicated to him and because, after the first Iraq invasion by the United States, he had realized the truth of what I wrote to Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in December, 1982 about the threat to India from the United States, etc.]. Even the naxalite movement in India is sponsored and maintained by C.I.A.-RAW, as the Purulia arms drop and the cover up of the actual recipients of those arms and letting the captured arms-dropper go back to Britain on RAW's intervention shows. I have said India has no greater enemy than the United States and the same is true of both Pakistan and Bangladesh as well ...."

This is what I said in a press release sent to the Indian press yesterday (March 3, 2009):

It should be clear from the above that India has had no effective government ever since its so-called Independence that would advance and protect India’s interests. The pretender governments since the so-called Independence cannot be allowed to continue. The United States is now establishing overt colonial rule over India. A new war of Independence is necessary. In a letter dated December 22, 1982 to Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, I also referred to the United States’ plans for India’s break-up, referring to a report in the Washington Post quoting a U.S. “diplomat” in New Delhi as saying “If regionalism takes off in Karnataka and the Telugu people take off in Andhra Pradesh, we will have to take a serious look at what is happening…” and I wrote “The phrase “take off” is used for a positively desired and looked for state of affairs, such as economic “take off”. Clearly, the Americans are looking forward to India’s break-up and are asserting a right to intervene in it”. Those plans, through various C.I.A.-sponsored insurgencies in the subcontinent and intervention in the subcontinent at various points -- not just Kashmir -- and under various pretexts has continued. With the U.S. invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, partial invasion and occupation of Pakistan, the Defence Framework Agreement with India, the nuclear deal, bringing India under overt and direct C.I.A. and FBI control through the U.S.-sponsored Mumbai attacks, etc., the U.S. plans for India’s break-up, occupation and colonization have reached a take-off point. If this rapid and absolute enslavement of India is not stopped and reversed now, it will never be possible. It cannot be stopped except through war, because RAW’s media blackout of me makes it impossible to educate the public and its flagrant falsification of vote counts when I ran for the Lok Sabha from East Delhi in 1996 even when I had no chance of winning (when I described, in a letter to the press, what was done -- which had shocked even the government officials involved in running the polls -- after changing the Returning Officer in mid-stream, Vajpayee had the BJP candidate, who had won, resign from the seat), its blocking, like the C.I.A., my mail and other communications, forcing I.I.T., Kanpur (by immediately cutting the I.I.T.s’ budgets and putting a freeze on hiring) and the Indian Institute of Advanced Study in Shimla (by a “committee of secretaries of the Indian government” voting to force it out of the buildings it was housed in in Shimla) to abandon any plans to offer me a position, contacting, like the C.I.A. and forcing, with carrot, stick and harassment, anyone I came in contact with to induce harassment, denying me any income of any kind, robbing me of my money and properties in India, forcing me to live for six and a half months in an M.I.T. library that used to be open 24-hours, sleeping on the chairs at night and going without food for up to three weeks at a time, remaining semi-starved year after year after year, forcing me to move about forty times in four years within the Boston area for a place to stay, subjected to indignities and abuse suffered by prisoners, etc., etc., ( I am attaching to this E-mail about 70 comments by K. Subrahmanyam and the C.I.A. Director Michael Hayden posted under their own names -- another 70 or so of the most abusive comments by them were deleted by K. Subrahmanyam -- just this past August (2008) while intercepting and mutilating my articles on Merinews.com and harassing and making it impossible for me to post my articles there) makes it impossible to do it any other way.

I have said in another thread that Pakistan is a firangi-controlled insurgency within India, created by the firangis to serve their purposes. The United States is the firangi nation in control of Pakistan now. We will rub the United States out of existence. But we would not like Pakistan to be hurt.

I have said that the depth of the firangis' malice toward India can be seen in the following from Lord Macaulay:-

Lord Macaulay's address to the British parliament, Feb 2, 1835:-

"I have travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such caliber, that I do not think that we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self esteem, their native culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation."

The success of this program is seen in Indians -- from president and prime minister to parliament to the media -- exulting in Oscar awards from the white master for the British movie, "Slumdog Millionaire", which defecates on India and calling it their own.

How shall we rub the United States out of existence? I have said that in designing nuclear weapons for use against the United States, radioactive materials should be identified that can be dispersed over the territory of the United States, either via separate radiological weapons (“dirty bombs”) or as part of the regular thermonuclear weapons, that will so contaminate the territory of the United States with radioactivity that nothing will grow there for at least several years that can be consumed without getting a lethal dose of radiation. This will force the Americans who survive the nuclear bomb explosions on the four thousand largest population centers to eat one another till no one remains alive.

The ‘salting’ of the territory of the United States with such radioactivity can be done in a separate operation -- such as by unmanned aerial vehicles -- after its four thousand largest population centers have been destroyed by regular thermonuclear weapons. This requires that India be the dominant power after the initial exchange of, say, five thousand nuclear weapons between India and the United States. India has the leadership required for this but the cover up of the news and views of the leadership has to be lifted. Lifting this cover up is the first stage of India’s war for survival. As this cover up is lifted, many politicians, media people and, above all, RAW bosses such as the kingpin of C.I.A.-RAW operations in India for decades, K. Subrahmanyam, will try to flee to the United States and those who succeed will share the fate of Americans. Once the cover up of the news about the greatest living Indian is lifted, the genocidal intent and behaviour of the United States toward India will be clear. He has been writing about it for three decades.

In considering candidate substances that could be used to exterminate the population of a country by ‘salting’ its territory with radioactivity, let us examine Polonium-210 which was used in the death of former Russian agent Litvinenko in Britain. It is produced in nuclear reactors by irradiating Bismuth-209, has a median lethal dose of 50 nanograms, a half-life of 138 days and is reduced to about one eighth of its original radioactivity about 18 months after production ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexand...enko_poisoning and http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn...0601491_2.html ). This half-life may be too short for the purpose above but substances with longer half-lives can be found.

Getting fissile material for ten thousand nuclear warheads is also necessary. The question is: can the ‘salting’ of the territory of the United States with radioactivity be done while keeping the regular, explosive thermonuclear warheads in reserve?

See also the first post in this:-

This is from the first post in the above thread:

I have written (for example in my article titled ‘India’s Technological and Economic Emancipation’ in my blog titled ‘Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' ) about the continued control of Indian intelligence agencies by British and later American intelligence agencies after 1947. India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) was split off from the Intelligence Bureau which had continued after 1947 to be loyal to the British. Later the Americans supplanted the British and RAW functions as a branch of the CIA against India. As part of this relationship, CIA-RAW exercises extensive control over the Indian media and, among its various activities, engages in sabotage of indigenous research and development to keep India dependent on other countries for defence and other equipment (the nuclear deal is just another CIA-RAW operation of that kind, though of a scope and with consequences far graver than any such operation till now).
An example of this is a Bharat-Rakshak discussion thread about a black box installed by the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) in the indigenously developed Arjun tank that documented the sabotage of its engines during trials by the Army; such sabotage has been the basis of the Army's rejection, on RAW's prompting, of the Arjun tank in favour of imports (as I said in the above article, India‘s Army is the collaborator Army that helped the British rule India and, even after Independence, all its regiments and units have retained their former identities and regularly celebrate the anniversaries of their founding by the British). A CIA-RAW operative, who serves as a moderator on Bharat-Rakshak and controls the forum, recently locked away this discussion thread so that numerous posts that had appeared documenting the sabotage of the Arjun tank were covered up. The major metropolitan newspapers, on most of which CIA-RAW exercises extensive control, have made no mention of the black box -- which was like the flight data recorder in aircraft -- installed by DRDO in Arjun tanks and the shocking findings about the sabotage even though a report on this was provided to them by the Indo Asian News Service (IANS).
There is across the board sabotage by various means by CIA-RAW to keep India down technologically, economically and militarily. RAW's grip over India is comparable to the old KGB's grip over the Soviet Union, with the difference that whereas the KGB worked for the good of the Soviet Union, except toward the end, RAW has always worked for its imperialist paymasters. The role of politicians in governing India is insignificant compared to that of CIA-RAW but RAW has no place in the public's consciousness or in discussions of public affairs in India.
An important point about the sabotage of Arjun is that people on the Arjun discussion thread on Bharat-Rakshak were aghast at the Army's behavior and calling for Army brass being tried for treason, etc. but it will be a mistake to stop with the Army; it is RAW which is behind such sabotage not just of Arjun but of India's interests, technological, economic and other, in a lot of areas. RAW has operatives in the Army at various levels but it is necessary to go to the root of the problem. RAW has to be destroyed and I have suggested that a brand new external intelligence agency be formed with the help of military intelligence (RAW is supposed to be India's external intelligence agency but at least 90% of its activities are within India, against India).
The destruction of RAW does not mean simply disbanding the agency and letting its employees continue their service to the CIA through other organisations, old or new, or in other roles. It is a mammoth agency with just the number of joint secretaries in the hundreds. It is India’s real ‘government’ and the politicians and civil servants largely obey its dictates. It puts the words in the mouths of cabinet ministers, etc., and determines most policies that are, erroneously, attributed to them. Any one, even a prime minister, whom CIA-RAW considers inconvenient is eliminated, if necessary by death, as I have said regarding the deaths of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and, later, Rajiv Gandhi in my article titled ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year‘ in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over US' on blogspot ( Nuclear Supremacy for India over U.S. )which can be found by doing a Google search with the words: nuclear supremacy India Satish.
Over the past many years, I have shown how almost all terrorist incidents in India since 1983 have been carried out by outfits controlled by the CIA either directly or through intelligence agencies in the region, including India’s RAW. The Jain Commision of Inquiry, which went into Rajiv Gandhi’s death, acknowledged that the LTTE, which carried out his assassination, was created and controlled by RAW. It was an open secret that MQM, in Pakistan’s Sindh province, when it was known as a terrorist organization, was a creation of RAW. But the same is true of many terrorist outfits that operate in India.
Another example of RAW’s multifarious activities, that I have described in press releases, articles and letters to the press since 1987, is its spreading heroin addiction and AIDS first in India’s Northeast then elsewhere to provide the United States with a population to use as guinea pigs for AIDS vaccine development, after the CIA was assigned the task of roping in a population for this purpose. I have described how Both Rajiv Gandhi (after being blackmailed with threats of exposure of the Bofors and HDW kickbacks by Swedish and German media at the CIA‘s instigation) and Vajpayee cooperated in this. But terrorism, etc., are the least of its activities; I mentioned those only because the existence of terrorism is publicly known. Its sabotage of India’s research and development activities, of which the sabotage of the Arjun tank is just one example, is among the deadliest of its activities.
The nuclear deal and its various aspects -- replacing indigenous production of uranium and reactors with imports, the capping, rollback and elimination of India’s nuclear weapons program, media control and buying up politicians, scientists, etc. for this purpose -- is just the largest and deadliest of such activities, leaving out the 24-hour satellite surveillance and all the crimes, at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year for the past 31 years, against India’s greatest scientist, described in my article titled ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year‘. The point is that all the tens of thousands of RAW employees are guilty of the gravest treason and deserve the death penalty. So do all those -- politicians, civil servants and others -- who are willing collaborators of CIA-RAW.

The latest move of the United States to break-up and colonise India is to INVADE Sri Lanka on the pretext of rescuing 200,000 Tamils it says are being held hostage by the LTTE, though, as I have said, the LTTE is a creation of the C.I.A., through RAW -- one of the several insurgencies it has created in the subcontinent to break-up, invade, occupy and colonise the subcontinent and, if the LTTE is holding 200,000 Tamils hostage, it is at the instigation of and under instructions from C.I.A.-RAW:-

"(K. P. Nayar in The Telegraph, Calcutta, of March 8 '09) US taps Delhi on Lanka Foray -- Washington to sound out menon on evacuation mission: [Washington, March 7] The Obama adminstration will sound out foreign secretary Shiv Shankar Menon on Monday on India's support for a US-led invasion of Sri Lanka to evacuate nearly 200,000 Tamil civilians trapped inside territory controlled by the [LTTE] with precariously declining stocks of food or medicine./ "We had some people there to look at the situation to identify what the possibilities might be. We would do whatever we can to help these people, assistant secretary of state for South and Central Asian affairs Richard Boucher told a group of South Asian journalists yesterday./ The plan to be put before Menon [in Washington] is for a marine expeditionary brigade attached to thye U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) to go into Sri Lanka with the support of the US navy and air force, according to American sources privy to the plan." The Americans are planning to invade, occupy and colonise India through India's traitor government from the prime minister on down. But not only must the U.S. not be allowed to enter Sri Lanka, India has the responsibility, as I have said, to forcibly expel it from Afghanistan. The U.S.-sponsored separatist insurgency in Sri Lanka should be dealt with as the U.S.-sponsored insurgencies in Punjab, Kashmir and the Northeast.
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More than a year ago I said:-

"Russia's foreign minister says "UN Security Council resolution on Iran [imposing sanctions on Iran] reflects Russia's interests". But the demand that a country obey your demands regarding non-proliferation of nuclear weapons is a demand that you will have the power to inflict instant death on that entire country without that country being able to do anything about it; it is a demand for the ultimate kind of slavery and no self-respecting country can, or ought to, submit to it. The only reasonable response to such a demand is to totally destroy such a presumptuous tyrant as soon as you are able to do so. Such a demand is a way of ensuring your own destruction in the not too distant future; it will be crazy for Iran or any other country which is subjected to such demands not to destroy you as soon as it is able to do so. Since countries like Russia are unthinking camp-followers of the United States which is the source of this attempt to impose this ultimate kind of slavery on other countries, the interests of Russia will best be served by destroying the United States as soon as possible because its mad dog behavior of trying to impose such ultimate slavery on other countries will otherwise lead to the destruction of the makers of such demands in the not too distant future."

U. S. Admiral William Fallon (who was called "the sole bulwark against an American attack on Iran"), when commander of the U.S. Central Command and asked about war with Iran in an interview to Esquire magazine (April 23, 2008), said: "Get serious. These guys are ants. When the time comes, you crush them". This is how the United States views India and Pakistan also.
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More than a year ago, I also said:-

"Slavery in nuclear matters also makes possible slavery in economic matters. In Special Economic Zones (SEZs), American companies use Indians as slave laborers-- paying them a fraction of what even the lowest paid American workers are paid-- to produce goods and services for the American consumer. In no way can the output of Special Economic Zones be considered a part of India's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), nor should the output of software export and call center, etc. (B.P.O.) operations--which meet the needs of American companies and American consumers-- be considered a part of India's GDP and most of the rise in GDP growth rate, being trumpeted by traitors, is from the SEZs and IT and B.P.O. operations. If a foreign enemy comes and commandeers millions of Indians to work as slave labor to meet the needs of its own people-- having them work within India rather than shipping them to America as slaves used to be shipped through native middlemen to pick cotton-- it is still slavery. I have written about the fallacy because of which exports and earning a lot of foreign exchange are considered a good thing and said 'A crore of goods and services sold domestically is worth several crores of goods and services sold abroad so far as the effect on India's prosperity is concerned'. The foreign exchange (such as dollars) you get by selling goods and services abroad can only ultimately be used to buy goods and services abroad which starts chains of economic activity in the foreign country (the United States) rather than in your own country and, through the 'multiplier effect' I have described, increases the GDP of the foreign country by several times the amount of the foreign exchange you obtained, not your own country's. A report on a mega refinery complex being set up in an SEZ on India's west coast by Reliance refers to the several thousand luxurious villas that will be built for foreign workers while Indian slave laborers will live in slave housing; the output of the refinery --gasoline-- will be used almost exclusively by American consumers but the environmental harm caused by the refinery will occur in India; by using Indian companies as a front-- in this case Reliance into which Americans will be putting their money-- American capital will be producing gasoline for American consumers using Indians as slave labor and transferring the pollution caused by the refineries to India. In no way can this SEZ be called a part of India's economy. Even in the IT sector, the largest Indian company-- Infosys-- is more than half owned by foreigners; hundreds of thousands of engineering graduates per year are being produced by Indian engineering colleges -- RAW, which runs the Indian government, acts as a branch of the C.I.A. against India and has engineered this use of Indian engineering graduates-- to work as software coolies for American companies (you do not need engineering graduates to provide payroll processing which is what Indian software coolies have mostly been doing) while many others work night shifts in the B.P.O. industry, in call centers, doing what does not require even a high school education to do in the United States. SEZs were set up in China by bribing people in the Chinese government to let American companies use Chinese people as slave labor for American consumers and all the Chinese in government now wear Western suits and send as many Chinese for higher studies and to settle in the U.S. as do Indians. To camouflage the true nature of this arrangement, the United States government regularly 'complains' to the Chinese government about the U.S. "trade deficit" with China, but in no way can American companies producing in China, using Chinese as slave laborers, for the American consumer and then shipping the products to the United States be considered 'trade'; it is slave trade but instead of the slaves' bodies, their products are being shipped to the United States. Because of Indians knowing English, Americans first used Indians for IT and B.P.O. but are now switching to manufacture as well, the basic paradigm being the use of the populations of China and India as slave labor for the American consumer by bribing people in the governments of these countries. In the case of Russia, the paradigm is to loot Russia's natural resources for the American consumer by bribing people in the Russian government. Because of the exchange rate, the slave laborers in the B.P.O., doing health-destroying work at night at a fraction of the wage rates of the lowest paid American workers, are paid large amounts in rupees (the foreign exchange goes to the government and can only be used ultimately to buy foreign goods and services and increase the foreign country's GDP, not India's, as I have said) which enables them to buy the output of ten times as many Indians while producing nothing for the Indian economy-- the goods and services they produce meet the needs of American consumers and companies, not Indian consumers and companies. One million B.P.O. workers suck up the output of, say, ten million Indians; ten million B.P.O. workers will suck up the output of a hundred million Indians, while producing nothing for the Indian economy. Thus, American companies, while using ten million Indians as direct slave laborers, will be using a hundred million Indians as indirect slave laborers because a hundred million Indians will be supporting the ten million Indians working for American companies as slave laborers. And, since these ten million Indians will be producing nothing for the Indian economy (no goods or services for the Indian consumer) and will be sucking up the output of another one hundred million Indians-- thus, they will be greatly REDUCING India's GDP available to the rest of the population, not adding to it-- the rupee salaries paid to these ten million Indians will be highly inflationary as well, further damaging the Indian economy. This applies to operations such as call centers (B.P.O.), software export and SEZs for export.

Haryana's chief minister asked how else to provide employment to the state's population. By implementing my proposal about money (click on the link at the bottom of post # 1 of this thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...-raw-indias-external-intelligence-agency.html ), India can have true and extremely rapid prosperity and full employment."
Over a year ago, I also said:-

"The Americans are now planning to force India to modify its Thorium-based power generation program so it is "proliferation-resistant", so India is not able to get fissile material from it that could be made into weapons and are binding India into cooperating with their 'non-proliferation' initiatives for this purpose. Recently, the foreign minister of Pakistan, which has a minimal nuclear deterrent like India, said if Pakistan had not obeyed America after 9/11, the Americans would have come and done themselves what they told Pakistan to do and Pakistan would have been in the same condition that Iraq and Afghanistan are today (I heard an American radio host in Boston threaten an Indian caller similarly after 9/11 and India at least allowed American helicopters to monitor Kalpakkam and Arundhati Ghosh, India's former nuclear negotiator, said at the time she believed India was in a rollback mode of its nuclear program under American threats). Clearly, Pakistan had no deterrent against the United States. How many nuclear warheads can India launch against the United States and with what delivery vehicles? I have said India needs a minimum of ten thousand strategic nuclear warheads and the means to deliver them. Till it has them, India must not put a single additional reactor under IAEA inspections or safeguards beyond the ones that are already under such inspections and there should be no separation of civilian and military nuclear reactors. And it should never, ever, allow the United States, its number one enemy, with an infinite capacity and inclination for fraud and force, anywhere near its nuclear program. As I have said, when it comes to the United States, especially in nuclear matters, especially in dealings with non-white countries, agreements, laws, treaties, etc. mean nothing; only raw power counts. Among other things, it is planning to have Indian nuclear scientists work under American supervision and control. C.I.A. agent Mukherjee, while lying about India's technological capabilities in the nuclear field and thanking Bush for making proposed Indian dependence and slavery in this field possible, glowingly refers to plans to have Indian nuclear scientists work with American scientists (as a part of India's C.I.A.-controlled press, Hindustan Times in an editorial supporting the nuclear deal a couple days ago said India lacks advanced nuclear technology because Indians can only design and build nuclear reactors upto 220 MW whereas the international norm is 1,000 MW; in fact, India is building reactors upto 650 MW and, while opposing the import of 1,000 MW Russian reactors a few years ago, Indian nuclear scientists said that India's power transmission and distribution grids-- which are not under their control-- cannot handle the output of 1,000 MW reactors; Indian reactor designs are far in advance of American designs). A main purpose of having Indian nuclear scientists work with American scientists is to have them design 'proliferation-resistant' reactors for its Thorium-based power generation program so India cannot get fissile material for weapons from it; in other words, have them cut their own and India's throat."
In the Times of India of March 18 '09, K. Subrahmanyam has an article, based on and inspired by my post # 10 above, which refers to the United States' "colonial exploitation" of China for the American consumer with the help of China's "comprador" (which is a term used in Latin America for traitors/collaborators with the enemy) class. But, as I have shown in post # 8 above, other posts in this thread and elsewhere, he is the number one traitor in India who has been the king pin of C.I.A. operations in India for decades. I have said that much of the C.I.A.'s buying of people such as India's army chief, has been done through him. If you see the comments he and the C.I.A. Director, Michael Hayden, posted, which are referred to in my post # 8 above, on an article of mine on Merinews, after intercepting, mutilating and altering the article beyond recognition, he offered to transfer one crore rupees to my account within 48 hours if I would agree to help 'Indo-US relations'. I have said that India will exterminate the population of the United States by 'salting' the territory of the United States with radioactivity and forcing the Americans to eat one another till no one remains alive. Those traitors -- like K. Subrahmanyam -- who flee to the United States will share the Americans' fate.

By the way, Advani's recent pledge to make the I.T. (Information Technology) industry in India 'India-centric' if the BJP comes to power is also inspired by what I have said in post # 10 above, which I originally said over a year ago, but that bugger, who, like all Indian politicians, is a beneficiary and participant in the C.I.A.-RAW's crimes against me and against India, also steals what I say while C.I.A.-RAW prevent India's media from reporting the news and views of the greatest living Indian. As I have said, K. Subrahmanyam has been in charge of C.I.A.-RAW's media control also. I have said that Advani's mentor, Vajpayee, has been a life-long agent of first the British then American intelligence agencies and the Kargil war was arranged by the C.I.A. to help him win the election that was pending after he had lost a vote of confidence as prime minister. K. Subrahmanyam was the head of the inquiry committee Vajpayee appointed to go into the Kargil war. And, besides making him head of a committee to decide India's long-term strategic goals, Manmohan Singh gave him a "Life-time Achievement Award" at a function attended by all service chiefs, etc. In other words, the C.I.A. decides India's strategic goals.

Note that all this (for example, K. Subrahmanyam's offer to transfer one crore rupees to my account within 48 hours; when I did not respond to him, he said it was made 'humorously', upon which the C.I.A. Director, Michael Hayden, said "The C.I.A. has no sense of humor" and K. Subrahmanyam resumed the offer) is out in the open and pointed out to the Indian press through my press releases which passes them on to all the politicians, such as Advani, etc. , to people in government and many others but does not publish or report on them, just as a U.S. State Department official testifying to a U.S. Senate committee that the United States sponsors terrorist and extremist groups in Pakistan has been repeatedly cited in my press releases, besides several threads in this forum and all the Indian politicians, people in government, etc. know about it but none would raise a finger toward the United States, the most ferocious, in fact the only, enemy of both India and Pakistan and these slaves of the white man continue the charade of accusing each other.
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It is not just politicians and people in government and the media, etc., who are such slaves of the white man. The same is the case with the public at large; thousands of people at merinews.com saw that article on merinews.com and could see the comments by K. Subrahmanyam and the C.I.A. Director. This is what I said about Indians' slavery to the white man a couple of years ago:-

"The refusal by pieces of ***** such as Advani to recognise the United States as India's number one enemy is sustained by thousands of C.I.A.-RAW-inspired headlines in India's media such as "Indian-American becomes Governor of Louisiana" which should instead say "Indian rewarded for conversion to Christianity with governorship: As reward for conversion to Christianity at age 18, as Americans themselves admit and his numerous published essays and articles on his conversion, Indian made Secretary of Louisiana's Health and Hospitals at age 24, President of the University of Louisiana system at age 27, then Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services in Bush Administration, then member of U.S. Congress and now youngest Governor in U.S. at age 36" ( Bobby Jindal: The Story They Don’t Want You to Read CenLamar: On Life in Louisiana ). Even more important are the thousands of headlines that are missing from India's media, thanks to C.I.A.-RAW, the story they really don't want anyone to know, saying "India's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian publicly tortured in Harvard seminar, systematically and totally starved for up to 3 weeks at a time, made semi-starved and homeless and even blind for years, kept under 24-hour audio and video surveillance as well as surveillance of communications and electrical typewriter and computer use, document creation and photocopying, etc., by satellite for more than past 3 decades, systematically harassed and in poverty and neutralised and robbed of his work at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year, robbed of crores in his money and property in India by C.I.A.-RAW, forced back into exile in the U.S., all with full cooperation and participation of India's RAW and India's C.I.A.-RAW-controlled prime ministers, politicians and media -- to keep India poor, weak and enslaved: The most intelligent, most handsome man on Earth, a living Incarnation, plans nuclear supremacy for India in near future, to destroy India's number one enemy, the United States, with ten thousand nuclear-armed missiles and will machine gun and bulldoze into trenches all traitors who stand in the way."
Indira and Rajiv Gandhi, both agents of the C.I.A. in its crimes against India, met a well-deserved fate. The white woman illegitimately living in the prime ministerial residence, illegitimately flying in the Air Force's special jets and giving orders to destroy India, was reportedly seen talking to her son, when she wanted to be private in public, in "a language that was not English", presumably in Italian; she has taught him Italian in case she has to flee India and move to Italy; she should move to Italy NOW, with her son and leave India to Indians. Vajpayee, another agent of the C.I.A. which even staged the Kargil war to make him win an election, has removed himself from public life but that will not save him from being machine gunned and bulldozed into a trench along with Manmohan Singh and many others. India's nuclear supremacy will move forward at full speed, without delay.
There is a basic difference between the treason of Indira, Rajiv and Vajpayee and that of Manmohan Singh. The holocaust after 1857 in which the British killed ten million Indians in the first decade to terrorize and subdue them was in large part committed with the help of Sikhs. This terrorization and subduing continued right up to the end of direct British rule, exemplified by the Sikh soldier, riding in a jeep with the British viceroy, cutting down with his submachine gun any Indian, man, woman or child, that came in view on either side of the road. The role of the Sikhs, who were originally founded to save India from foreign invaders -- the invaders were then Muslims -- reversed from 1857 on and they became a principal instrument of the British terrorization and subjugation of India. The Sikhs know how successful this terrorization and subjugation was -- it is this terrorization and subjugation because of which Indians today dare not even mention nuclear supremacy for India much less demand it -- and their role in it determines their attitude toward whites and toward Indians. This is why Manmohan Singh considers himself answerable to no one except Bush and the white man as he imposes the terrorization and subjugation of the nuclear deal on India, makes no attempt to hide his loyalty to the white man and shows open contempt for Indians.
The struggle against the nuclear deal is a continuation of the 1857 War of Independence and it must end in nuclear supremacy for India and destruction of India's present day imperialist enemy -- the United States. Like Manmohan Singh and others praising British rule over India (he did that when receiving an honorary doctorate from Cambridge University; he was prime minister of India at the time), there are many Indians who praise American rule over India. Like the many Indians loyal to Queen Victoria, there are many Indians loyal to the white woman illegitimately living in the prime ministerial residence, illegitimately flying in the Air Force's special jets and giving orders to destroy India. All these Indians must be machine gunned and bulldozed into trenches (a simple test is to ask "Are you for nuclear supremacy for India?"). India's nuclear supremacy must be and will be established. Only then will the War of Independence be won.
In an American response to the above two paragraphs (other responses are American officials such as the Treasury Secretary aggressively telling India, in the manner of the East India Company, to totally open up its economy to American investment -- that is, American ownership of India -- and making it "very clear" that India must have no dealings with Iran) a column in the New York Times of October 26 '07 calls Indians doing outsourced work the white man's "external cognitive servants". But Indians are also being turned into the white man's military servants, just as they were under the British, in Mesopotamia in World War I -- as Iraq was called then -- and elsewhere (as I mentioned in a letter below, Manmohan Singh was celebrating millions of Indians serving as Britain's military servants, fighting whoever and wherever the British wanted them to, in WW I and II), as they participate in military exercises such as Yudh Abhyas held in Alaska last month which "was conducted in an 'Iraq-like' environment with Indian and US troops staging a mock attack on an 'Iraqi village' controlled by an insurgent [this is the imperialists' name for Iraqi patriots fighting foreign invaders] group and simulating roadside bombings and suicide attacks" (IANS, N. Delhi, October 26 '07). The white man's Indian servants, whether cognitive or military, prefer to serve white masters rather than India because of higher pay and the advantages of serving the more powerful and the power factor supersedes and encompasses within it the higher pay factor. Indians will not stop being traitors and serving India's imperialist enemies and start serving India unless India acquires nuclear supremacy which is necessary for overcoming the terrorization and subjugation imposed on them by the holocaust perpetrated by the British (the Americans, who have already killed millions out of Iraq's 24 million population, are trying to similarly terrorize and subjugate the Iraqis and, instead of fighting a common enemy with the Iraqis, the white man's Indian servants, already terrorized and subjugated, are preparing to serve the imperialists further). Nuclear supremacy -- which will automatically entail destruction of the imperialist enemy because the United States, by its nature, will be constantly striving for nuclear supremacy -- must be India's one-point agenda and all those who stand in the way of nuclear supremacy, including the likes of Vajpayee and Advani not just Manmohan Singh, his cabinet and thousands of RAW employees, must be machine gunned and bulldozed into trenches.
In war, officers are under orders to execute on the spot any soldiers who are too terrorized to fight or obey orders to advance on enemy positions. This keeps the remaining troops battle-worthy and able to fight. The terrorization and subjugation Indians have undergone at the hands of the British is responsible for Indians refusing to even mention, much less demand, nuclear supremacy over the United States. It is necessary to execute -- machine gun and bulldoze into trenches -- at least a few thousand such Indians, who are in key positions -- such as RAW employees, politicians and media people -- to obstruct India's nuclear supremacy (they may be terrorized or bought up or both though being bought up is greatly facilitated by being terrorized; the terror, when long standing, is usually repressed meaning unconscious and being subjugated often involves both terror and carrot but terror is the foundation of the treason of RAW employees and people such as Vajpayee and Mani Shankar Aiyar though all they may feel is love and loyalty for the white man; terror facilitates such love; a former head of RAW, Vikram Sood, in a column in Hindustan Times, repeatedly quoted the white/Christian head of the missionary school he attended as the fount of all wisdom on various issues and referred to Indians as worshippers of snakes and monkeys on a Times of India blog -- I have referred in a letter below to RAW arranging for practitioners of an Indian discipline, whose understanding of gravity and inertia I called superior to that of Albert Einstein, to be physically attacked and driven away in Noida and Madhya Pradesh on the C.I.A.'s orders -- but such behavior of RAW employees, the behavior of desi people like Laloo Yadav and even thoroughly devout and traditional Indians and of all Indians in everyone's household, neighbourhood and community is profoundly determined by the terrorization and subjugation the British inflicted on Indians and this terrorization and subjugation is responsible for the fact that no Indian dares to even mention, much less demand, nuclear supremacy for India; Laloo Yadav recently said he held a lathi rally of farmers against American imperialism but he dares not demand anything effective -- lathis cannot defeat American imperialism -- such as ten thousand nuclear-armed missiles capable of reaching the continental United States), for India's nuclear supremacy to go forward."

Since I said the above, I have said that, instead of being machine-gunned and bulldozed into trenches, traitors who are blocking India's independence will be removed by the nuclear destruction of New Delhi.
There is an analogy between the lifting of the 'repression' that allows repressed thoughts and feelings to emerge into consciousness in psychotherapy and the problem of lifting the media cover up which keeps the facts of the white man and the most powerful white country, the United States, being India's most ferocious enemy emerging into the public's consciousness. Lifting of this media cover up will be analogous to lifting of repression in psychotherapy, the patient being the public of India as a whole rather than an individual. Beneficial changes that occur in psychotherapy are often ascribed to the lifting of repression, but the lifting of repression itself is a consequence of changes in the situation that enable the threatening thoughts and feelings to emerge. It is fear, anxiety and such emotions evoked by the repressed thoughts that keep them from emerging into consciousness and it is a change in the situation -- such as the empathy and support of a powerful and respected authority figure, the therapist -- which reduces the fear and anxiety and enables the repressed thoughts to emerge. The bottomless dread of the white man, caused by the incomparable military supremacy over Indians of the British and now the Americans -- note the post above about the United States' view of the people of countries like Iran, India and Pakistan as "These guys are ants ... When the time comes, you crush them" -- and the exercise of their power by the British after 1857, killing over ten million Indians in just the ten years after 1857 (I have cited elesewhere The Guardian (August 24, 2007, Internet, report by Randeep Ramesh): "India's secret history: 'A holocaust, one where millions disappeared...': Author says British reprisals involved the killing of 10 m, spread over 10 years:...") which continued right up to 1947 -- is responsible for the 'repression' which is the media cover up of the facts regarding the ferocious enemy that the United States is of India. The nuclear destruction of New Delhi will change the situation so that India will be able to use its human and material resources to build a nuclear arsenal to destroy the enemy that is the United States while also lifting the media cover up of the facts which show that India has no greater enemy than the United States.

Since the 'repression' is due to fear of the military might of the white man -- the white man's economic advantages are a consequence of his military might which can be used for the economic exploitation of the weak as I have shown above -- the change in the situation has to involve the exercise of military might. At the moment, India has the ability to exercise its nuclear might against the traitors in New Delhi who block the build up of India's nuclear arsenal so it can destroy the enemy that is the United States. The nuclear destruction of New Delhi will make possible such build up. I have shown elsewhere how the financial and other wherewithal for such build up is available to India.
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Today the C.I.A. Director is visiting India. India's colonisation continues apace. As in any war, time is of the utmost importance.
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