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India Has No greater Enemy Than The United States

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Well, u are a brave and have foresight, but your concern can only get few indian ppl's attention, particularly can not get the guys' in this forum.
Hope more indian ppl can have such foresight as yours.:tup:

On August 27, 2008 I said:-
In a post on the Indian Defence Forum three weeks ago I said:

“It is not just that India's home-grown missile scientists are the best in the world or even the Arjun tank is more than a match for any in its class. With a proper budget and man (and woman) power -- I have been calling for at least a tenfold increase in the DRDO [Defence Research and Development Organisation] budget and a tenfold increase in its scientific and technical head count and this can be done very easily ... -- there is nothing that can keep India from being militarily supreme in the world.
Except the nuclear deal and the United States' invasion of India in the form of the IAEA inspections, etc. The nuclear deal is meant to bind India into perpetual slavery. With it, all of the above potential will be suppressed and that is the main purpose of the nuclear deal. That is why DRDO has to take control of the Indian government ... ).”

The stupidity and slavishness of Indians, extending their thousand years of slavery, is on display yet again; all those who have been opposed to the nuclear deal have shifted to simply demanding a "clean and unconditional” NSG waiver, as if all the things that have gone before -- the IAEA inspections, the 123 agreement with its provision for domestic laws, the separation agreement and the joint statement of July 18 ‘05 with its multifarious provisions for slavery -- don’t matter. Argument is of no avail with the deeply enslaved Indians. Only the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi will end it.
I have shown elsewhere how India has the economic and other wherewithal to attain nuclear supremacy over the United States.

On September 8, 2008 I said:-
The nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi is easy. The main task is to ensure that the people in India and outside know i) that it is going to occur and, so, are not surprised; ii) that, after the blast, India’s government will be in Hyderabad and its contact number will be the telephone number of DRDO. For that, these press releases of mine have to be disseminated both inside and outside India. With the Internet and E-mail, that is also easy. I have sent these to thousands of media organs inside and outside India. The more widely they are disseminated, the better. All those who are against India’s slavery to the firangis should pitch in. This includes all those against slavery to the firangis in Pakistan and other Muslim countries. Doing so and contributing their bit to the task of ending firangi rule over India will be infinitely more effective in stopping firangi attacks on Pakistan, for example, -- which, as I have said, are attacks on India -- than anything else they could do. About a decade ago, in letters to the press, I had urged Pakistan to disseminate nuclear technology, materials and even weapons to other Muslim countries as widely as possible and I have said below (in the addendum of August 4 ‘07 to December 6 ‘07) that Article 51 of India’s Constitution which says “The State shall endeavour to … maintain just and honorable relations between nations” implies it will do so also “by assisting victims of imperialism acquire necessary weapons, including nuclear weapons”. Disseminating these press releases by the Internet and E-mail is much easier. The people of China should also contribute in this task (note that in the press release dated September 3 ‘08 below, I have said “For the BJP traitors, British colonial rule over India in which millions of Indians fought for the British in Mesopotamia -- now Iraq -- in North Africa, in China in the Opium Wars to impose opium imports on China, against India’s emperor in 1857, etc., was a “strategic partnership”) because the United States is the common enemy of mankind. The media in India are under almost total control of C.I.A.-RAW. But, with the Internet and E-Mail, individuals can wield the same power as newspapers, radio and TV. It is time that individuals against slavery to the United States in India and outside start exercising this power.

The nuclear destruction of New Delhi/ Delhi will, however, go ahead regardless of public awareness in advance. The politicians, the civil servants, the military, the media and the people in New Delhi/ Delhi will, of course, have been destroyed in the blast. The rest of India and the world outside can be informed of what has occurred, where the Indian government is and how to contact it, etc., by E-Mail and the Internet right after the blast.

Ideally, everyone in New Delhi/ Delhi will have been killed in the blast. In fact, however, there will be a gradient of destruction radiating from ground zero. If the media had carried these press releases, those killed would have been mainly the hard core traitors. As I have said in the press release of August 19-21, 2008 below, even the destruction of RAW headquarters and the main government complexes can be effective in destroying firangi rule over India, but it is better to kill too many, right up to the entire population of New Delhi/ Delhi, than too few. How many are actually killed depends on the media and those who control the media, mainly RAW and the media and RAW have made the choice not to inform the public before the blast. Either way, it makes little difference to the objective of the blast.

As I have said, the nuclear destruction of New Delhi/Delhi will be the first such use of nuclear weapons -- within the country, against agents of a foreign power -- and the next step, after the firangi rule over India has been destroyed, will be to attain nuclear supremacy over the firangi enemy and destroy it. India’s enemies, both in and outside the country, are rushing to avoid this fate. But a nuclear blast destroying New Delhi/ Delhi takes no time and, no matter how much they rush, they cannot avoid it.

As I have said, the United States cannot be deterred, only destroyed and nuclear supremacy requires a minimum of ten thousand nuclear warheads. To get the fissile material for these, all of India’s reactors will be run in the military mode. No IAEA safeguards will be allowed on any reactors or anywhere else. No light water reactors will be imported. No nuclear technology needs to be imported and none will be. Nuclear warheads will be tested to their full yields and missiles to their full ranges.

For India, this is a life and death issue which subsumes within it all other issues, whether of security or prosperity. For the main Opposition party, the nuclear deal is not even in its list of four election issues (The Telegraph, September 14 ‘08, Internet). It is time to put an end to firangi rule over India.
On September 1, 2008 I said:-
The United States controls India's 'rulers' by not just direct bribery but by keeping track of the billions in kickbacks they keep in foreign bank accounts. About a year ago, press reports said Russia's president has more than a hundred billion dollars in foreign bank accounts. India's 'rulers' have no interest in serving India's interests. Through an Indian intelligence agency that functions as a branch of the C.I.A., the United States keeps control over India's politicians, civil servants, military and the media and, through the media, over the population. It has used the same paradigm in controlling Russia. Things will not change until the United States is directly destroyed with a nuclear first strike with thousands of nuclear weapons. Russia will not do it but India will.
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