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India Has No greater Enemy Than The United States

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American foreign affair objectives, like the foreign affair objectives of hegemons and empires of the past were determined more by opportunities to gain land,influence, power, or economic benefits than gaining a mutual trust between two nations so that security and economic cooperation meet the various interests of both countries. That wouldn't be much of a policy, it would leave too much upto chance, upto risk.

However all of this sounds too far fetched
and it would be ridiculous to assume the US or India could withstand even a few nuclear exchanges aimed at destroying a limited number of population centers so a couple of thousands of exchanges is near impossible. I doubt India or the US would have the ability to withstand so much punishment let alone function afterwards.

Besides any man who confuses IR tactics to gain and maintain regional hegemony with a dubious all-consuming passion for genocidal annihilation
. .
I have shown elsewhere that:

i) Five thousand nuclear warheads of 200 kilotons each used by India against the United States will have a total yield of one thousand megatons which equals the total yield of just twenty of the fifty megaton hydrogen bomb the Soviet Union once tested.

ii) I have said that India will have nuclear supremacy over the United States. An article in 'Foreign Affairs' magazine a couple of years ago said the United States already has or is close to having "nuclear primacy" over Russia -- that is it can destroy all of Russia's nuclear weapons in a first strike without suffering any nuclear detonations on its own territory -- though Russia still has thousands of strategic nuclear warheads. I have said that India's objective will be to exterminate the population of the United States by 'salting' its territory with radioactivity and said "The question is: can the 'salting' of the territory of the United States with radioactivity be done while keeping the regular, explosive nuclear warheads in reserve". In a situation in which India has nuclear supremacy over the United States, the answer to this question is 'Yes'.

iii) I have said "Threats and verbal ‘psy ops’ can accomplish many objectives. If merely verbal measures -- including threats of war -- could deal with all situations, actual war will never be necessary. India’s liberation from the terrorization and subjugation it has been subjected to cannot be accomplished without actual war. The first stage of this war is the nuclear destruction of New Delhi. The second stage is the extermination of the population of the United States."
Thirty five years ago, living in upstate New York, I used to tell other Indians (in 1967, in a graduate dorm at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a white American called me “Brown man’s burden”) :-

i) “The only place on Earth where the classical culture, of which Greece was one branch, still exists, is rural North India.” This includes Pakistan.

ii) “At the height of its Golden Age, the standard of living in Greece was that of a typical Indian village.”

iii) [I also used to emphasise that] “The barbarians of Europe were the enemies of the Greeks”.

That classical culture no longer exists in Greece. With the advent of television, it is about to be wiped out from India also. But India is going to wipe out the barbarians. So long as vegetarianism exists in India, that culture has not been wiped out.

This is what I said in a letter to the press in 2001:-

"If ever there was a case for a United
Nations' military intervention, the destruction
of ancient statues in Afghanistan is one. India's
government ought to drop paratroops where the
destruction is occurring or threatened and send
in planes and tanks, as planes and tanks are
being used for the destruction. But the United
Nations should move whether or not the Indian
government does.
I have shown elsewhere that India's
government and people can accurately be described
as "Criminal Blackie Slaves". India's armed
forces are among the largest in the world but
what are the chances that they have a contingency
plan to take control of Afghanistan--a part of
traditional India--if necessary (the United
States' armed forces have a plan for every
contingency)? India's lazy and stupid generals
spend their time saluting Criminal Blackie Slaves
such as India's prime ministers & each other;
hence the necessity of UN intervention. (A news
item in the Indian press today says China has
said it will not press India and Pakistan to hold
talks--because of my reference, below, to the
Indian government killing tens of thousands of
its own people in self-staged terrorist incidents
to be able to say to the White Master it will not
hold talks till such incidents stop. Note that
the people of Afghanistan & Pakistan as well as
Kashmir are Indians forcibly converted by
handfuls of invaders--just as Indians were ruled
for centuries by a handful of the British from
across the seven seas--and now hate Indians for
not protecting them. The Taliban's behavior is a
variation on the theme of the 'Stockholm
Syndrome', like Patty Hearst embracing the cause
of the Symbionese Liberation Army. As to what
turned India into a land of Patty Hearsts--that
has to do with the 175 foot tall statue of Buddha
the Taliban is destroying)."
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Mr. Kaal2009, are you in a sane mind. What is up with all these conspiracy theories you have been cooking. Enough already we get your point US is making India a colony. Got it!!!!
The C.I.A. person who posted above is not the only C.I.A. person posting here. The same person posts under multiple user names, as do the RAW operatives.

After my referring in a 2001 letter (post # 19 above) to 'India's lazy and stupid generals spending their time saluting criminal blackie slaves such as India's prime ministers and each other', India's service chiefs had stopped saluting Vajpayee as prime minister and they used to send junior officers to the airport to see him off who shook hands with him instead of saluting him. That was one of the reasons Vajpayee started referring to me simply as "Pakistan". But, as I have said, a lot more is needed than just stopping saluting the prime minister. Gen. J. J. Singh, a Sikh, started saluting the Sikh prime minister, Manmohan Singh, again. As I have said, Vajpayee has been a life-long agent of first British intelligence agencies and later the C.I.A. and Manmohan Singh was the C.I.A.'s appointee as Finance Minister in P. V. Narasimha Rao's cabinet in 1991, as a column by Ashok Mitra in The Telegraph also pointed out. And India's current chief of the army staff, Deepak Kapoor, has been bought by the United States, as I have pointed out in posts elsewhere (see this thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/india-...-conspiracy-sabotage-indian-missile-test.html ).

If you go to the American online newspaper thecurrentonline.com ( http://media.www.thecurrentonline.c.../Web-Submission.Terrorism-129474.shtml?page=1 ), you will see my letter dated December 20, 2001 saying, in part, "Mr. Bush has
been citicized for not knowing the name
of the Indian prime minister
but that deserved applause because a mind
uncluttered with trivia is necessary to focus on
the essentials and make good decisions (when I
once talked to this prime minister on the
telephone, I did not know how to pronounce his
Elsewhere I have mentioned how Vajpayee was forced to give up control of India's nuclear weapons and turn it over to the Indian president, K. R. Narayanan, after, in a letter to the press, I expressed doubt about his loyalty and trustworthiness and said how the 1998 nuclear tests were conducted by him on the C.I.A.'s advice, with prior arrangement with the U.S. government because, in a letter to the press in 1998, just before Vajpayee assumed office as prime minister, I wrote, 'India's stupid current prime minister [I. K. Gujral] keeps talking about the necessity for Indians to "inculcate" the scientific spirit in themselves but what the Indians need to inculcate in themselves is hatred for the white man (and woman)', to which Vajpayee replied "Hate is not on the agenda", to which I replied that this amounted to saying "Defence is not on the agenda"..." because, I said, in army training, for example in bayonet practice, you are taught to hate the enemy; it is essential if you are to survive and win. The C.I.A. advised him to conduct the tests to 'neutralise' this.

Regarding Vajpayee's party, a news headline today says "BJP disowns Varun, say hate speech not party agenda" : http://ibnlive.in.com/news/bjp-disowns-varun-says-hate-speech-not-party-agenda/88257-37.html
But whereas Varun Gandhi is engaging in hate speech toward Muslims, I have said Indians need to inculcate in themselves "hatred for the white man (and woman)". I explained in a letter many years ago how Indians express hatred toward the erstwhile Muslim conquerors (forgetting that most Muslims of the Subcontinent are not foreign conquerors but Indians converted by the conquerors) because Muslims, domestic or foreign, are no longer powerful but lick the boots of the white man, the current enemy, because they are terrified of the immeasurably greater power of the white man.

After one of my posts on the blog of Vikram Sood, former head of RAW, a RAW employee made a post there referring to me as 'This P a k i nut'.

Those who would like to educate themselves should click on the link at the bottom of post # 1 of the following thread:-
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I have said:-

"How did this slavery to the white man come about? An answer is in The Guardian (August 24, 2007, Internet, report by Randeep Ramesh): "India's secret history: 'A holocaust, one where millions disappeared...': Author says British reprisals involved the killing of 10 m, spread over 10 years:..." Present day Indians’ behaviour is profoundly affected by the terrorization and subjugation inflicted on them by the British. This came on top of the terrorization and subjugation inflicted by Muslim invaders in the preceding 800 years. Since Muslims are no longer strong, Indians are coming out of fear of the Muslims but the fear of the white man keeps getting deeper and deeper as the white man’s power in relation to Indians keeps increasing. India is faced with an even deeper slavery to the Americans with the nuclear deal and all the other prongs it comes with. Attaining strategic nuclear parity, then supremacy and using this supremacy to eliminate this incomparably greater threat, will be India's real War of Independence. One does not need to refer to the holocaust beginning 1857 to know the incomparably greater American threat and its consequences, which I know directly but which remains a secret from the Indian people."

Naturally, Americans would not like Indians to be become aware of their slavery to this most ferocious of enemies and mobilise to destroy this enemy. They do everything possible to distract Indians from it. I have shown elsewhere how collaboration with this most ferocious of all enemies is the rule rather than the exception for Indians. This is even more so for Indians in the United States.
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One of the tactics the C.I.A. and RAW operatives on this forum use is to try to derail a thread with irrelevant posts, if abuse and calling names does not work, as the two such operatives above are doing.

I have shown in other threads in the forum how almost all of the terrorism and separatism in the Subcontinent is sponsored by the C.I.A. through proxies in the region, including india's RAW. This is what I said several months ago:-

C.I.A.-RAW Terrorism In India And Elsewhere And C.I.A.’s Subversion & Control Of Governments In Various Countries

From my direct knowledge of RAW and the C.I.A. whose target I have been for over 31 years, I have been saying for years that almost all terrorist incidents in India since 1983 have been carried out by RAW which functions as a branch of the C.I.A. I have also written below about the C.I.A.’s control of India’s and Russia’s governments (see addendum dated September 10, 2008 below), including Russia's intelligence agencies. I wrote, when Yeltsin was president, that the bombing of apartment buildings in Moscow which killed hundreds was carried out by Russian intelligence agencies and chided the Russian government for imitating India's RAW. Beslan residents and former Russian intelligence officers with direct knowledge have been vehement that the Beslan massacre was carried out by Russian intelligence agencies, as many massacres in India have been carried out by RAW. I find that something similar to what I have been saying is being said by others (see I. and II. below in this press release) though their knowledge is not direct like mine.

The nuclear explosion in New Delhi, centered on RAW headquarters, will put an end to C.I.A.’s rule over India, of which terrorism is only a small part (see my press release dated August 26, 2008 titled “What You Should Know About RAW“ below). It is no use chasing individual groups, controlled by the C.I.A. directly or through RAW and other intelligence agencies in the region, intercepting their communications, etc. The problem of C.I.A. rule will only be solved with the destruction of RAW and then only temporarily. Firangi rule over India is much larger than terrorism and requires the destruction not just of RAW headquarters (which, in principle, could be done by conventional means) but a lot of the rest of New Delhi as well, so that the main government complexes are destroyed and this requires a nuclear explosion. The politicians, the civil servants, the military brass, the media, etc. have to be destroyed simultaneously and left to leave the ground of the capital region covered with bleaching bones. Just as a critical mass of fissile material has to be brought together for a nuclear explosion to occur, a critical amount of destruction of traitors in these various categories has to occur to enable the opening of the floodgates of economic prosperity for India and its nuclear supremacy over and destruction of the United States that will solve the problem of firangi rule over India permanently.

I. (From http://gideon.sulekha.com/blog/post/2008/09/us-embassy-marines-linked-to-islamabad-marriott.htm ) US Embassy & Marines linked to Islamabad Marriott Hotel Atrocity - US state terrorism in India and Pakistan?

Buzz up! ShareThisSep 21 2008 | Views 88 | Comments (0) Leave a Comment
Tags: india pakistan us israel apartheid israel uk iraq afghanistan cia mossad terrorism
Delhi Serial Blasts
...more on Delhi Serial Blasts

The leading Pakistani newspaper the Pakistan Daily has reported evidence of a US involvement in the Marriott Hotel bombing atrocity in Islamabad (see “What was mysterious activity going on in the Marriott Hotel Islamabad by US Marines?”: http://www.daily.pk/politics/politi...hotel-islamabad-by-united-states-marines.html ).
In short, according to this report, a key eyewitness, “member of parliament Mumtaz Alam who belongs to the PPP, the ruling party was there eye [and] witnessed the whole scene when the white truck of US embassy came to the gate of Marriot Hotel and US marines themselves unloaded the steel boxes from the trucks and shifted them to the fourth and fifth floors without passing through them the scanners at the entrance of the hotels. When the truck was there, all the entrance and the exit passage way to the hotels were closed. And now this blast has occurred at the Marriott, while that mysterious activity was going on.”
US state terrorism is as American as apple pie from South America, Central America, the Caribbean, Africa and the Middle East from Occupied Palestine to US-invaded and bombed Pakistan (the first Anglo soldiers on the ground in the former British Raj since 1947 are US soldiers currently invading the Pakistani North West Frontier Provinces of Waziristan despite the protests of the first democratically-elected Pakistani Government in 10 years - the first Anglo troops on the ground in former British India since 1947).
For early US state terrorism from an eye witness insider, read Agee, P. (1975), Inside the Company. CIA Diary (Penguin, London) in which former CIA operative Philip Agee describes how his colleagues went around bombing Catholic Churches in Ecuador with the successful outcome that "communists" and "Socialists" would be blamed for the atrocities.
Of course US state terrorism is very likely to have been involved together with Zionist Israeli state terrorism in the 9-11 atrocity (see: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/18569/26/ , Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga: US CIA & Israeli Mossad did 9-11 ) .
Simple cause and effect tells us that US state terrorism is unquestionably involved in the post-9-11 carnage in Occupied Iraq (2 million post-invasion excess deaths, 6 million refugees) and Occupied Afghanistan (4-6 million post-invasion excess deaths, 4 million refugees) (see: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/25184/42/ , “9-11 Excuse for US Global Genocide. The real 9-11 atrocity: 9-11 Million Dead in Bush Wars”).
The role of US state terrorism and US-backed Apartheid Israeli state terrorism in violent overt and covert acts around the world is well attested from the US death squads in Latin America, Israeli and US involvement in the Genocide of Guatemalan Indians (the Guatemalan Mayan Indian Genocide that involved 0.1 million dead, one million in internal exile and 1.9 million 1960-1996 violent and non-violent excess deaths; see “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007: http://mwcnews.net/Gideon-Polya and http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com/ and http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Middle_East/Israel_Guatemala.html ) to the killing fields of the New American Empire that stretches from Occupied Haiti to Occupied Somalia and thence from Occupied Palestine, Occupied Syria, Occupied Diego Garcia, Occupied Iraq, Occupied Afghanistan and NOW US-bombed and US invaded Waziristan in now-democratic Pakistan.
The 1950-2005 excess deaths (avoidable deaths, deaths that did not have to happen) in countries occupied for some time by the US in the post-1945 era totals 82 million – and due to horrendous post-invasion excess deaths in the ongoing Palestinian Genocide (0.3 million), Iraqi Genocide (2 million) and Afghan Genocide (4-6 million) the death toll from US state terrorism and US-backed Apartheid Israeli state terrorism is steadily increasing.
The country-by-country breakdown of 1950-2005 excess deaths/2005 population ratio in the US and in post-1945 US-occupied countries (excluding Germany and Japan) is as follows (m = million; * indicates another major Occupier): US [8.455m/300.038m = 2.8%] - Afghanistan* [16.609m/25.971m = 64.0%], Cambodia* [5.852m/14.825m = 39.5%], Dominican Republic [0.806m/8.998m = 9.0%], Federated States of Micronesia [0.016m/0.111m = 14.4%], Greece* [0.027m/10.978m = 0.2%], Grenada* [0.018m/0.121m = 14.9%], Guam [0.005m/0.168m = 3.0%], Haiti* [4.089m/8.549m = 47.9%], Iraq* [5.283m/26.555m = 19.9%], Korea* [7.958m/71.058m = 11.2%], Laos* [2.653m/5.918m = 44.8%], Panama [0.172m/3.235m = 5.3%], Philippines [9.080m/82.809m = 11.0%], Puerto Rico [0.039m/3.915m = 1.0%], Somalia* [5.568m/10.742m = 51.8%], US Virgin Islands [0.003m/0.113m = 2.4%], Vietnam* [24.015m/83.585m = 28.7%], total = 82.193m/357.651m = 23.0% (for detailed tables and quantitative details of the carnage from US state terrorism, UK state terrorism and US-backed Apartheid Israeli state terrorism see: http://globalavoidablemortality.blogspot.com/2008/08/body-count-global-avoidable-mortality.html ) .
Indians faced with this evidence of horrendous US state terrorism should seriously consider Means, Opportunity and Motive (MOM) in the recent bombing atrocities in India – and finger points compellingly at US state terrorism and US-backed Israeli state terrorism. The only beneficiaries from these atocites are Bush America and Apartheid Israel and the close ties of the US Government and CIA with both the Indian and Pakistani Governments and Security gives them a carte blanche to commit terrorist acts in the sub-continent – just as they had carte blanche to bomb Catholic churches in Ecuador in the 1970s.

Peace is the only way. Sanctions and Boycotts - successful against US-, UK- and Apartheid Israel--backed, anti-Indian, anti-Asian, racist Apartheid South Africa - are the way ahead to protect India , Pakistan and the world from US state terrorism, US-backed Israeli state terrorism and UK state terrorism.

II. (From http://www.daily.pk/politics/politi...hotel-islamabad-by-united-states-marines.html ) Alex Jones
September 21, 2008
Votes: +5

Below is documentation of the
usa system of destroying governments--
even"friendly" govenments--which
has operated for 200 YEARS--
In fact it is the "friendly" governments
that are easiest to destroy because
they stupidly welcome the
usa destroyers into their lands.





report abuse
vote down
vote up
Alex Jones
September 21, 2008
Votes: +4
Below is documentation of the
usa system of destroying governments--
even"friendly" govenments--which
has operated for 200 YEARS--
In fact it is the "friendly" governments
that are easiest to destroy because
they stupidly welcome the
usa destroyers into their lands.






Destabilisation is the name of the game



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kaal, this forum does NOT take kindly to personal abuse and derogatory remarks.
I hope you come back a changed man.
When the special American envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan came to India recently and met India's Foreign Minister and others, the Foreign Minister made a statement saying the Taliban are India's greatest enemy & the biggest threat to India and the world which needed to be fought and destroyed, etc.

This is what I said in a published letter to the press in 2001 (see the American on-line newspaper

The Current
“If ever there was a case for a United
Nations' military intervention, the destruction
of ancient statues in Afghanistan is one. India's
government ought to drop paratroops where the
destruction is occurring or threatened and send
in planes and tanks, as planes and tanks are
being used for the destruction. But the United
Nations should move whether or not the Indian
government does.
I have shown elsewhere that India's
government and people can accurately be described
as "Criminal Blackie Slaves". India's armed
forces are among the largest in the world but
what are the chances that they have a contingency
plan to take control of Afghanistan--a part of
traditional India--if necessary (the United
States' armed forces have a plan for every
contingency)? India's lazy and stupid generals
spend their time saluting Criminal Blackie Slaves
such as India's prime ministers & each other;
hence the necessity of UN intervention. (A news
item in the Indian press today says China has
said it will not press India and Pakistan to hold
talks--because of my reference, below, to the
Indian government killing tens of thousands of
its own people in self-staged terrorist incidents
to be able to say to the White Master it will not
hold talks till such incidents stop. Note that
the people of Afghanistan & Pakistan as well as
Kashmir are Indians forcibly converted by
handfuls of invaders--just as Indians were ruled
for centuries by a handful of the British from
across the seven seas--and now hate Indians for
not protecting them. The Taliban's behavior is a
variation on the theme of the 'Stockholm
Syndrome', like Patty Hearst embracing the cause
of the Symbionese Liberation Army. As to what
turned India into a land of Patty Hearsts--that
has to do with the 175 foot tall statue of Buddha
the Taliban is destroying).”

The following is a post I made on March 22, 2009 on the blog of Vikram Sood, the former head of RAW:-
The loathing, contempt and hostility the Muslims of the Subcontinent may feel for India is fully understandable considering they were Hindus forcibly converted by foreign invaders in a country that has a thousand year history of being over-run by successive waves of invaders from various countries without doing anything effective about it. Conversion is preferable to having your head chopped off and being used to build a tower of heads. It was the pacifism of Buddhism and Jainism that was partly responsible for it and so it is understandable that the Taliban demolished those nearly 200 foot tall statues of Buddha. As for their suppression of women, practically all societies throughout history have suppressed women, denied them education, the right to participate in public life or even go into the public, whether it was Victorian England or the United States where women got the vote only recently after a long struggle. Someone who I knew well lived in a town about 20 miles from Delhi in a very traditional Hindu zamindar family in the heart of India's heartland and had seven sisters. Their father had a science degree from Benares Hindu University. There was a junior high school for girls in town and there was no question of girls being allowed by their grandfather to go out of town to study beyond junior high school (though they could do further studies at home with tutors)whereas the boys could go anywhere and study to whatever level they wanted. Only after the grandfather died were the remaining unmarried girls able to go out of town and get bachelor's and master's degrees as did those already married to a lawyer and a professor. When an uncle, an amateur photographer, of the girls took a marriage photograph of one of the girls and coloured her lips red in the prints, the grandfather was very angry. Purdah has been just as strict in mainstream Hindu society as among Muslims. True, purdah among Hindus is due to the Muslim conquest of India but the point is the Taliban are not doing anything radically different from what Hindus in the Hindu/Hindi heartland have been doing for a thousand years or so. I don't think the Taliban women commit Sati on the funeral pyres of husbands as Hindu women did till recently, as the ultimate expression of female virtue, to be forever worshipped by the public afterwards; nor do their women jump into huge bonfires to kill themselves when the men go out to fight the American or NATO invaders as Hindu women regularly and frequently did to save their honour while their men in Rajasthan tied saffron bands on their heads and went out to fight and die to the last man against the Muslim invaders. This is the stuff of Hindu pride and they were infinitely more glorious than the cowardly slaves in New Delhi of Americans and the white man who dare not arrest and deport American officials who arrived uninvited after the Mumbai attacks and claimed they did not need papers to come and exercise jurisdiction over India. I have shown elsewhere ( click on the link at the bottom of post # 1 of the following thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/india-defence/16042-raw-indias-external-intelligence-agency.html ) how those ten sons of India, outnumbered a thousand to one in Mumbai, deserve India's highest civilian award -- Bharat Ratna -- for exemplary self-sacrifice and the highest award for valor -- the Param Vir Chakra.

"Taliban" is plural for Talib which means "student". What can one have against students? Character-wise, they are infinitely superior to the cowardly, degenerate slaves of the white man who constitute the Indian government in New Delhi.

As for the intercepted communications between those ten men who, I have said, were targeting India’s enemies and their handlers, there is an inscription in Greece saying “Go tell to Sparta thou that passest by that here obedient to their word we lie” (see Nehru’s ‘Glimpses of World History’).
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This is what I said on January 30, 2008:-

Bird Flu in India Started by C.I.A.
The bird flu in India has been started, beginning in West Bengal, by the C.I.A. so the United States can offer 'help' to India to fight it. This is in part in support of the nuclear deal, which is meant to strip India of its nuclear weapons capabilities, as a psy op to make Indian disposition toward the United States more positive. On January 28 '08, the U.S. ambassador asked India to hurry up with the nuclear deal and offered help to contain the bird flu.
For over two decades, in press releases and letters and articles to the press, I have described how in the early years of the AIDS epidemic the United States was desperately looking for a population to use as guinea pigs for AIDS vaccine development, how the C.I.A. was given the task of roping in a population for this purpose, how the disclosures of kickbacks in the Bofors and HDW deals were made in quick succession to blackmail Rajiv Gandhi, who was then prime minister, into agreeing to have India's population used for this purpose, how after initial resistance from Rajiv Gandhi both Rajiv Gandhi and Vajpayee (who was then in the Opposition) agreed to having the tribal population in India's Northeast used for this purpose, how then India's Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) was given the task of spreading heroin addiction in the Northeast for this purpose and later the AIDS virus was introduced in other parts of India.
As the prospects for the nuclear deal, meant to disarm India of its nuclear weapons, have grown bleak, the bird flu epidemic has been started by the C.I.A., through its Indian agents ( click on the link at the bottom of post # 1 of the following thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/india-defence/16042-raw-indias-external-intelligence-agency.html for the role of the West Bengal chief minister, who is a C.I.A. agent, and others in both the nuclear deal and bringing India under military and economic subjugation to the United States).

For the relationship between RAW and the C.I.A., see link in paragraph above.

ADDED ON MAY 18, 2008: The Times of India of May 18, 2008 has a report about Ramadoss (India's health minister) demanding cheap vaccines from countries like the United States in exchange for providing them with data on the structure of the bird flu virus in India. Like the closing of three vaccine-making Indian PSUs by this C.I.A. agent (Ramadoss) in favour of importing vaccines from the U.S. which can then wage covert biological warfare against India through vaccines, this is another avenue being tried for the same purpose since the closing of the PSUs has been stopped by opposition from the Left and the BJP.
This is what I have said today about the 'Talibanisation' of India:-
Varun Gandhi reportedly engaged in “hate speech”. According to a report (IANS in Times of India, March 31, 2009, Internet) he said “If somebody lifts a hand against Hindus, or thinks they are weak, (that) there is nobody behind them, then I swear on the (Bhagvad) Gita that I will cut off that hand…”. This is not hate speech at all. To say that “If somebody lifts a hand against Hindus … I will cut off that hand” is a pledge to defend against an aggressor. He does not name any particular aggressor individual or group but he could have and it would still not be hate speech. Any one in law enforcement, the judiciary or the Election Commission who says it is hate speech deserves to be whipped. A Supreme Court judge named Katju engaged in a display of irrational hatred toward Muslims within the past day or so when he said he will not allow “Talibanisation” of India in an appeal by a Muslim student in a “convent” school who has been denied the right to grow a beard by the school and by the lower courts. It would have been “Talibanisation” if that student wanted to impose the requirement of growing a beard on all other males in the school. His lawyer correctly argued that Sikhs have the right to grow beards, though there are many Sikhs who choose to be clean-shaven. If that Muslim student feels he should have a beard on religious grounds, that is his right. The “convent” school is the Talibanising agency imposing the requirement of being clean-shaven on everyone. The judge engaged in grossly incompetent behaviour based on a political or religious prejudice or loyalty to an alien subversive agency -- the “convent’ school.

From what I know of what goes on, not just during ragging/hazing but otherwise, in women’s colleges in India -- whether Miranda House of Delhi or Isabella Thoburne College of Lucknow, etc. -- fully justifies the ‘Taliban’ Hindu grandfather above refusing to let girls study out of town. A girl who went to college in Lucknow after the grandfather’s death not only returned home on her own within months, but later died from breast cancer -- unprecedented in that part of India -- due to oral contraceptive use -- according to modern, ‘liberal’ values -- while married to a doctor.

The Supreme Court has barred Sanjay Dutt from contesting elections because of his conviction in the 1993 Mumbai blast case. But those blasts were arranged by C.I.A.-RAW, like all such incidents in India -- as I have shown, RAW functions as a branch of the C.I.A., for example in K. Subrahmanyam offering to transfer one crore rupees into my account within 48 hours on behalf of the C.I.A. Director if I keep quiet about it -- and the criminals of the Supreme Court have not only covered up my case , described below, but pretended to have lost an earlier case after it was duly filed and registered, as reported under a banner front page headline by a New York newspaper because of which its Editor-Publisher was jailed for several years by C.I.A.-RAW, as I have described below. All the judges of the Supreme Court deserve to be whipped and hanged as well.
For the Supreme Court case referred to above, click on the link at the bottom of post # 1 in the following thread:-
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It was to 'neutralise' what I have said about the Taliban (see posts above) that C.I.A.-RAW arranged for the recent attack on the police academy in Lahore. The U.S. government does not keep its sponsorship of terrorism in the subcontinent a secret. Mitchell Shivers, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence for Asian & Pacific Security Affairs, gave the following testimony to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee on 25 June 2008: ".... elements of extremism and terrorism are at work within Pakistan sponsored by the usa and India." ( Pakistan The Next US Target ). The same is the case with terrorism in India. But sponsorship of terrorism is the least of what the United States does against India. See post #1 of the following thread:
Also see the link at the bottom of post # 1 of the above thread.
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This is far from being one of the most injurious things the United States has done to India, but there have been references in the Indian press to India's failure to sell the Brahmos missile, for which Russia supplies the missile and India the guidance system, to other countries being due to Russia steeply increasing the price of the missile recently because of which it has become a little too expensive even for India's armed forces. But the steep price increase by the Russians was at the instigation of the United States. This is what an American, "gpit", on this board said in my thread about the Indian army chief, bought by the U.S., participating in the sabotage of a Brahmos test in January:

"Not sure about this particular event, but it is broadly rumored that US doesn’t like Brahmos, because this is a soviet technology aiming particularly at US AC. It is also rumored that US exercises its clout such that nobody dares to buy the weapon. This, among some other reasons (such as price), causes the total failure of India’s international marketing efforts for this weapon."

I have always held India should have NO IMPORTS and NO COLLABORATIONS with other countries for the weapons it uses and, instead, should increase the money and manpower in indigenous defense reseach and development at least tenfold now, with further increases later. Even for supposedly indigenous systems, India imports a lot of components; it should invest further so it does not have to import any components either. This is what I said in a letter to the press over 5 years ago:-
Date: January 5, 2004
Dear Editor:
Shortly after being made president, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam said that there were 10,000 scientists and engineers working in India's space program. He said this because, in a letter to the Indian press in 1996-97, I said "It is natural for Indians, both technical and non-technical, to feel dazzled and awed by the white man's achievements in science and technology, from nuclear weapons to landing men on the moon", but that my overwhelming conclusion after working at a U.S. aerospace giant was that these were ordinary people doing ordinary things, that the problem with India was that there were not enough people doing those things and that these numbers needed to be increased "tenfold and more" ; the figure of 10,000 represented such an increase. But, in a country of one billion, there should be at least one million scientists and engineers engaged in government-sponsored Research and Development, in every conceivable field (nanotechnology will be one of dozens of such fields one could think of). With the unlimited financial resources provided by my proposal about money (outlined in a letter published in three parts on March 11, 12 and 13, 1997 in The Observer of Business and Politics, New Delhi and in subsequent letters to the press), this is entirely feasible (see my example of building a new railway line; the money spent would have increased the Gross Domestic Product by several times it's amount even before the new railway line has carried a single paying passenger or a single ton of freight; the same applies to the money spent on research and development). India can easily produce 200,000 engineering graduates and Master of Science degree holders per year who can be trained to be research and development workers. Let us say 10% of these should be engaged in fundamental research--10,000 in Physics, 10,000 in Chemistry and so on. They can form a research community in themselves; their findings need not be shared with the outside world.
When the British left India in 1947, they left behind a puppet regime of the kind the Americans are setting up in Iraq and have set up in Afghanistan in the form of the Karzai government. If Indians are to emerge from their centuries of slavery and, in fact, survive, the above program is absolutely essential. India's civil service, police service and military are like the collaborator civil service, police, and military the Americans are setting up in Iraq. Their primary role is to maintain the white man's control over India. India's Constitution was written under a British administrator, Mountbatten, who continued as Governor General of "independent" India, very much as the Constitution of Iraq's puppet/collaborator goverment is being written under an American administrator ( India's Constitution unabashedly refers to the British king simply as "His Majesty" ). The problem is not the Constitution but the continued control of India's administration and intelligence agencies which continue to function as branches of British/American intelligence agencies. India's Research and Analysis Wing has in innumerable ways suppressed my proposal about money under which India's per capita income can exceed that of the United States in a matter of, say, 15 years. They will implement only those parts of it, in highly diluted form, for which they receive permission from the White Master. When an American Treasury Secretary said that India's GDP growth rate could be 10% per year, then the Research and Analysis Wing dared to advance a growth rate of 8%. India's population at large is equally enslaved. The Americans have disbanded the Iraqi armed forces and are creating a collaborator army; India's army is the collaborator army that helped the British rule India; all it's units and regiments, etc., have retained their identities and trace their origins to the British times. The extreme imbalance of power created by the white man's extreme technological superiority has led to an extremely fierce loyalty to him in the regime and the population at large (see my letter sequence from March, 2002 to April, 2003 about the "inferior Indian n i g g e r s" ). It is a thankless task to try to break their chains but I feel I should try.
Regarding my proposal about money, an article in The Asian Age a couple days ago asked "Why is India asking for $5bn from World Bank?" and said that while counties all over the world are printing money with abandon, India is still taking loans from the World Bank and IMF. The answer is that Indian government traitors on the C.I.A.'s payroll want to keep keep India under American control. Right after Gen. Musharraf staged his coup and became the ruler of Pakistan, I suggested in a letter to the press he apply my proposal about money to Pakistan and wrote "Of course, this will force the cockroaches of the Indian government to emulate Pakistan or perish". His response was that it was only theoretical. In fact it is the most practical thing in the world (click on the link at the bottom of post # 1 of the following thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/india-defence/16042-raw-indias-external-intelligence-agency.html ). Well, Pakistan also is still taking "aid" from the United States. And news from the G-20 summit says Manmohan Singh has demanded 500 billion dollars in 'aid' from 'rich' counties like the United States to 'poor' countries like India. And another report says "leaders at the G-20 summit have agreed to give $1 trillion to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to help struggling nations around the world."

Regarding the peril in importing any kind of electronic equipment from the United States (the peril in using its GPS system, etc., was shown in the U.S. switching off the GPS signal to the region when India tested the Brahmos missile on January 20, causing the missile to miss its target):-
FEBRUARY 26, 2006: National security crisis due to microwaves from satellites:
I. Microwaves from satellites can be used not just for audio and video surveillance ... . Three days ago, I had put my computer to sleep when I went to sleep. As I approached my work table on getting up a few hours later, the computer switched on without my doing it ; the C.I.A. had switched it on remotely by microwaves hoping I will continue something I was doing on the computer before I went to sleep and this occurred several more times. In the past, when I was doing something, such as preparing one of these letters to the press, on my computer, the screen would suddenly be replaced with, say, a Google search box without my doing anything and it appeared the C.I.A. was remotely controlling my computer over the Internet, but its switching on without being connected to the Internet or the telephone line showed the control was by microwaves. Even signals over the telephone lines usually travel, at least part of the way, over microwaves. This shows that the C.I.A. can control any digital equipment, not just computers, by microwaves from satellites. This applies to all digital equipment, such as that used in a multitude of defence applications, electric power grids, nuclear power plants, etc., even if the equipment is not connected to the outside world by telephone lines. This means that all digital equipment should be shielded so it cannot be operated by microwaves from satellites. The turning on and off of a television set, changing its channels, etc., by a remote is done similarly though TV remotes use infra-red rays instead of microwaves. In a letter to the press several years ago, I also mentioned that the C.I.A. was able to remotely monitor what was being typed on an old-fashioned electric typewriter."

"(March 23 ‘08) India’s nuclear supremacy and microwaves from satellites:
In a letter to the press a few years ago, I referred to Indians’ lack of appreciation of the importance of research and of scientists and gave an example of the Japanese in World War II thinking they had equaled the Americans in aircraft carriers, fighter planes and the rest and the Americans then came out with the atom bomb. In my addendum dated February 26, 2006, titled “National security crisis due to microwaves from satellites” ... I described the threat to national security from microwaves from satellites. On the ... online forum, an American who seems a C.I.A. specialist on India is asking that India acquiesce in a United States’ invasion and permanent occupation of Pakistan (and later of India). He says “even at the moment for example … Pakistan’s air-defenses have been electronically neutralized to allow the ingress of predator drones” and that “the USA has already electronically neutralized the Pakistani nuclear capabilities. The weapons are also dispersed in bits and pieces with no possibility of ever putting even one of these together. Doing so would invite a massive conventional or nuclear response from the USA. Only taking physical control and destruction of these weapons remains which should pose no major problems as the Pakistan armed forces are fully co-operative”. The electronic neutralisation of Pakistan’s air defences and nuclear weapons has almost certainly been done by microwaves from satellites as I said in the addendum dated February 26 ‘06 ... can be done. India’s missiles and nuclear weapons can presumably be similarly disabled by microwaves from satellites but shielding them and other equipment from microwaves from satellites can easily be done with metal foil; communication links for missiles and other equipment may have to be redesigned so they work despite the shielding. DRDO should continue, taking control of the Indian government, toward nuclear supremacy over the United States described below."
After I wrote the above about printing money vs. getting loans and ‘aid‘, C.I.A.-RAW ordered Manmohan Singh to make India among the 20 ‘rich’ countries which will be pumping $1 trillion into the IMF and World Bank to “to help struggling nations around the world” -- RAW interrupted my computer use, replacing the story on my screen with another story, via the American satellites C.I.A.-RAW use for electronically monitoring me, to bring this to my attention -- and a photograph shows the very crestfallen, scowling faces of Manmohan Singh and Montek Singh Ahluwalia at the G-20 summit. In my letter to the press dated February 11, 2004, below, I wrote :-

"China has adopted my proposal about money (see below). Also, within less than a week of my letter dated January 5, 2004, China announced plans for a manned landing on the moon by 2010. When Pakistan's current President came to power, I suggested in a letter to the press that my proposal about money be the centre-piece of Pakistan's new national policies, adding "Of course, this will force the cockroaches of the Indian government to emulate Pakistan or perish". Now the situation is that the monkeys of the American government must emulate China or perish. In response, to reduce China's motivation to develop its own technology, the United States has prompted the countries of the European Community to lift technology sanctions imposed on China-- a move that will not succeed. Also, as a first step, Bush has jacked-up the deficit for the upcoming budget to $521 billion. As a second step, he has proposed pumping trillions of dollars into the U.S. economy by putting the money into privatised Social Security accounts, raising the 'National Debt' for this purpose."

After I referred to China applying my proposal about money, it stopped doing that. As I have pointed out ( click on the link at the bottom of post # 1 of the following thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/india-defence/16042-raw-indias-external-intelligence-agency.html ), like India's traitor-rulers, China's rulers are also allowing the Americans to use China's population as slave labour in exchange for the United States letting members of China's traitor-collaborator class take part in proceeds from the rape of their country and immigrate to the U.S., etc.
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These are posts I have made on the blog of Vikram Sood, former head of RAW:-
Indians' fixation with China and Pakistan is on the grounds that they are India's "neighbours". But the United States is EVERYBODY'S neighbour. I have said by having nuclear supremacy over the United States, almost all other defence problems of India will take care of themselves.

As I wrote on May 14, 2006 "Indians stupidly 'explain' their rule by a handful of the British (India's stupid prime minister, in this age of intercontinental ballistic missiles, says 'we do not want another nuclear power in our neighborhood'; was Britain India's neighbor?) ....."
Indians as a rule are inferior Indian n i g g e r s unfit to talk about strategic matters, especially when it involves the White Master in any way, which it always does. That is why in his only reference to India in his 'Mein Kampf', Adolf Hitler said "As for India, I would rather see India under the British than under any one else". It is not just that a handful of the British from half way around the world ruled India for centuries; a lot of other people did that from various countries for a thousand years.
A modern day Babar will start each day by killing a million Indians before breakfast every morning, though some think three million will be better (this number can be herded into fairly small extermination circles and then a neutron bomb exploded over them).
I am an Indian, but as far above the other Indians as an avatar is above ordinary mortals.
Actually, originally I said "as far above the other Indians as they may be above cockroaches".
Recently, I found that the commander of the U.S. Central Command said something similar quite independently:-
U. S. Admiral William Fallon (who was called "the sole bulwark against an American attack on Iran"), when commander of the U.S. Central Command and asked about war with Iran in an interview to Esquire magazine (April 23, 2008), said: "Get serious. These guys are ants. When the time comes, you crush them". This is how the United States views India and Pakistan also.
This is a story from the Times of India of today about how the Israelis view India:-
NEW DELHI: Dancing around trees is out. Cavorting around missiles is in. Using matkas-jhatkas of a Bollywood item number, Israeli armament company Rafael has let loose an unusual advertising missile this time.

Unveiled for the first time during the Aero-India show at Bangalore in February, Rafael's advertising music video to woo the Indian defence establishment and the public at large is evoking incredulity and derision in equal measure, both in the web world as well as South Block.

"We are buying a whole host of missiles, ranging from SpyDer air defence systems to Python air-to-air ones, and other equipment from Rafael. Their products are good. But this advertisement is quite tacky... like a C-grade Hindi movie song," said a senior defence officer.

The over three-minute music video shows a man, presumably Rafael, wooing a woman, representing India, by singing a song which goes something like this: "We have been together for long... trusting friends and partners... What more can I pledge to make our future strong?"

The woman, in turn, hums back: "I need to feel safe and sheltered... security and protection, commitment and perfection, defence and dedication."

And then, there is a chorus by the accompanying group of gyrating dancers, who look to be of Israeli-origin but are dressed in Indian costumes, which proclaims, "Together, forever... I will hold you in my heart... we will never be apart... Dinga-dinga, dinga-dinga, dinga-dee."

That's not all. The man "promises" to "defend and shield" the woman and "fulfil" all her expectations and meet all his "obligations", even as the entire group dances around missiles to the music beat.

For good measure, there are pictures of Goddess Durga and Hanuman strategically positioned in the background. Despite attempts, no one from Rafael could be contacted to shed light on what seems to be a marketing pitch gone completely awry.

Israeli officials are always reluctant to talk about the burgeoning military ties with India. New Delhi, too, tries to keep the relationship under wraps due to domestic political sensitivities.

Israel, on its part, has emerged as the second-largest defence supplier to India after the 1999 Kargil conflict, notching up sales worth around $1 billion a year.

The relationship is now further heading north. Just last month, for instance, the UPA government quietly inked a Rs 10,000 crore project with Israel to develop advanced medium-range surface-to-air missile systems, capable of detecting and destroying hostile aircraft and spy drones at a range of 120 km.

The joint DRDO-IAI (Israel Aerospace Industries) project, despite being in the pipeline for over two years, was on hold till now since CBI had named IAI and Rafael in the kickbacks case in the original Rs 1,160 crore Barak-I deal, sealed by the previous NDA regime in 2000.

The Left wants the deal to be cancelled immediately. But the government is pressing on regardless, holding that any move to "blacklist" Israeli firms like IAI and Rafael would be "counter-productive" due to the several crucial defence projects underway.
Varun Gandhi reportedly engaged in “hate speech”. According to a report (IANS in Times of India, March 31, 2009, Internet) he said “If somebody lifts a hand against Hindus, or thinks they are weak, (that) there is nobody behind them, then I swear on the (Bhagvad) Gita that I will cut off that hand…”. This is not hate speech at all. To say that “If somebody lifts a hand against Hindus … I will cut off that hand” is a pledge to defend against an aggressor. He does not name any particular aggressor individual or group but he could have and it would still not be hate speech. Any one in law enforcement, the judiciary or the Election Commission who says it is hate speech deserves to be whipped. A Supreme Court judge named Katju engaged in a display of irrational hatred toward Muslims within the past day or so when he said he will not allow “Talibanisation” of India in an appeal by a Muslim student in a “convent” school who has been denied the right to grow a beard by the school and by the lower courts. It would have been “Talibanisation” if that student wanted to impose the requirement of growing a beard on all other males in the school. His lawyer correctly argued that Sikhs have the right to grow beards, though there are many Sikhs who choose to be clean-shaven. If that Muslim student feels he should have a beard on religious grounds, that is his right. The “convent” school is the Talibanising agency imposing the requirement of being clean-shaven on everyone. The judge engaged in grossly incompetent behaviour based on a political or religious prejudice or loyalty to an alien subversive agency -- the “convent’ school.

From what I know of what goes on, not just during ragging/hazing but otherwise, in women’s colleges in India -- whether Miranda House of Delhi or Isabella Thoburn College of Lucknow, etc. -- fully justifies the ‘Taliban’ Hindu grandfather above refusing to let girls study out of town. A girl who went to college in Lucknow after the grandfather’s death not only returned home on her own within months, but later died from breast cancer -- unprecedented in that part of India -- due to oral contraceptive use -- according to modern, ‘liberal’ values -- while married to a doctor.

The Supreme Court has barred Sanjay Dutt from contesting elections because of his conviction in the 1993 Mumbai blast case. But those blasts were arranged by C.I.A.-RAW, like all such incidents in India -- as I have shown, RAW functions as a branch of the C.I.A., for example in K. Subrahmanyam offering to transfer one crore rupees into my account within 48 hours on behalf of the C.I.A. Director if I keep quiet about it -- and the criminals of the Supreme Court have not only covered up my case , described below, about it but pretended to have lost an earlier case after it was duly filed and registered, as reported under banner front page headlines by a New York newspaper because of which its Editor-Publisher was jailed for several years by C.I.A.-RAW, as I have described below. All the judges of the Supreme Court deserve to be whipped and hanged as well.
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