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India has no desire to wage war

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Kashmir 1948 1965 1999 started by Pakistan

Arunachal/Sikkim/Aksai Chin 1962 and 1967 (Sikkim) started by China

Bangladesh 1971 (conventional conflict) started by Pakistan when the PAF bombed IAF bases during operation Chengiz Khan it is true we supported Bengalis through proxy but other than that before the formal start of war we did not send Indians troops into east Pakistan

u dont want to believe me fine then listen to one of your prominent and most respected military leaders

A Khan: Pak Started All Wars with India - YouTube

Yeah right.. we know the history.... go read abt 48,71,62 before ranting..... or il post some other time... im busy now.
Look at the source, it is from the New York Times, and quoted straight from the Dalai Lama. :lol:

try reading it next time as well :tup:

---------- Post added at 08:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:49 PM ----------

Yeah right.. we know the history.... go read abt 48,71,62 before ranting..... or il post some other time... im busy now.

is that the pakistani way of saying, I have no comeback?

---------- Post added at 08:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 PM ----------

Look at the source, it is from the New York Times, and quoted straight from the Dalai Lama. :lol:

Where is Dawood?

where is DL?
This is from the New York Times, quoted straight from the mouth of the Dalai Lama.

New York Times - Dalai Lama Group Says It Got Money From C.I.A.

So basically, they tried a violent uprising against the Chinese government in 1959, failed... and were welcomed into India. Then in the 1960's, they trained guerilla fighters against the Chinese while they were being hosted on Indian soil.

Not quite as bad as what Indira Gandhi did with the LTTE terrorists, but definitely not friendly.

Nowadays of course, the Dalai Lama has given up, and said that he does not want Independence for Tibet, and that he only seeks increased autonomy. :lol:

us supporting them back then did not justify China coming into Arunachal or Aksai chin a war that was instigated by China not us! although me and every other India wish Nehru was not so naive and listened to the COAS at the time to prepare anyways my point is we did not start a war with you guys
did we push 80,000 troops into Tibet or Aksai Chin? no and we gave shelter to the Tibetans who fled from oppression i consider it a just humanitarian stand Tibetans are not bombing your cities or kidnapping people etc they are peaceful compare that to the Xinjiang separatists

Are you kidding me??? provide shelter for oppression tibetans??? or providing sanctuary for Slave owners who carried with them all Tibet treasuries..get the fact straight...These people have committed crime against their own people by gouging eyes, trimming hands and legs...without saying to skin babies for drum usage...remember harbor criminals is equal to those who have commited it.
where is DL?

The Dalai Lama is actually a blessing in disguise for China. :lol:

We could have got a Tibetan leader who openly called for Tibetan independence. Instead, we got the Dalai Lama, who is against independence, and who only asks for increased autonomy.

Dalai Lama: Tibet Wants Autonomy, Not Independence - TIME Magazine

India lost Aksai chin, and suffered a humilating defeat, in return for a Dalai Lama who refuses to ask for independence. :azn: You guys got a bad deal.
Yeah right.. we know the history.... go read abt 48,71,62 before ranting..... or il post some other time... im busy now.

i do know about the history you just diverted the conversation and im not ranting i'm actually posting logically with evidence none of you guys can provide a SOURCE that says India used its army air force navy etc to attack a country first

---------- Post added at 08:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 PM ----------

we have another believer of the CIA-RAW conspiracies. so when do you plan to add the Mossad angle?

---------- Post added at 08:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:48 PM ----------

not everyone can suffer a Nanking and bend over again

oh god.... you have no idea how many times i've read Pakistani people rant on about CIA-Mossad-RAW nexus working in Pakistan if a street light goes out in Karachi immediately the response will be "RAW DID IT!"
if a street light goes out in Karachi immediately the response will be "RAW DID IT!"

When in fact RAW is quite useless. :P

You lost half of Kashmir to Pakistan, you lost Aksai chin to China, and of course the Mumbai attacks which you guys blame on Pakistan as well.
Are you kidding me??? provide shelter for oppression tibetans??? or providing sanctuary for Slave owners who carried with them all Tibet treasuries..get the fact straight...These people have committed crime against their own people by gouging eyes, trimming hands and legs...without saying to skin babies for drum usage...remember harbor criminals is equal to those who have commited it.

yes we sheltered them but did we attack you guys first? NO my point exactly.... besides if you had hungry injured and emotionally battered refugees at your doorstep would you turn them away? had we sent these guys back to China they would have probably been executed

read thread name we never started a war with anybody and never will (unless we are attacked)
yes we sheltered them but did we attack you guys first? NO my point exactly.... besides if you had hungry injured and emotionally battered refugees at your doorstep would you turn them away? had we sent these guys back to China they would have probably been executed

read thread name we never started a war with anybody and never will (unless we are attacked)

You could have:

1) Disbanded the Tibetan government in exile, and let them live out their lives in peace.
2) Let them pass through to a country with a higher standard of living (in the West maybe). Basically let them go to any country that does not border Tibet.

But no, India has always wanted Tibet as a "buffer zone" between India and China. And it backfired badly.
When in fact RAW is quite useless. :P

You lost half of Kashmir to Pakistan, you lost Aksai chin to China, and of course the Mumbai attacks which you guys blame on Pakistan as well.

let me correct you we GAINED 2/3 of Kashmir in a war we had no intention of getting into until the leader of Kashmir ceded Kashmir to India in duress from Pakistani forces attacking Kashmir, we gained Jammu Ladakh and the Kashmir valley R&AW was not even functional back then RAW was created in the late 60's LOL, technically we never had control of Aksai Chin but we still got NEFA after 1962, a war China started and got nothing in terms of territory,

Mumbai attacks oh jesus i don't even want to waste my time on this but please see Headley and Kasab's testimonies the fact the Pakistani gov't admitted to the attackers being Pakistani? come on now don't spit crap on here without thinking

nobody not even the top ministers in the Indian gov't know about RAW's activities only the PM NSA, and i think the NSC know about RAW's current activities RAW answers to the PM and his office no body else anything you say i say or anyone else says about RAW has no standing
The Dalai Lama is actually a blessing in disguise for China. :lol:

We could have got a Tibetan leader who openly called for Tibetan independence. Instead, we got the Dalai Lama, who is against independence, and who only asks for increased autonomy.

Dalai Lama: Tibet Wants Autonomy, Not Independence - TIME Magazine

India lost Aksai chin, and suffered a humilating defeat, in return for a Dalai Lama who refuses to ask for independence. :azn: You guys got a bad deal.

allow me to use this logic of yours, by having all manners of terrorists residing in pakistan GOI has clearly built a solid case against pakistan and effectively neutered the kashmir issue where nobody else will side with Pakistan.

your desperate attempts to troll are indeed amusing
yes we sheltered them but did we attack you guys first? NO my point exactly.... besides if you had hungry injured and emotionally battered refugees at your doorstep would you turn them away? had we sent these guys back to China they would have probably been executed

read thread name we never started a war with anybody and never will (unless we are attacked)

Nice talk...wait and let see if Nepal harbor those fleeding Maoist claiming hungry and injured...your word only make sense if Indian army don't bomb Nepal back to stone age. as I said before who harbor criminal is equal to those who has committed the crime.
allow me to use this logic of yours, by having all manners of terrorists residing in pakistan GOI has clearly built a solid case against pakistan and effectively neutered the kashmir issue where nobody else will side with Pakistan.

your desperate attempts to troll are indeed amusing

There are only three countries that border Kashmir. India, Pakistan and China.

Those are the only three countries that could conceivably undertake massive military action in that particular region.

India alone against both China and Pakistan, doesn't that sound good for our side. :azn:
You could have:

1) Disbanded the Tibetan government in exile, and let them live out their lives in peace.
2) Let them pass through to a country with a higher standard of living (in the West maybe). Basically let them go to any country that does not border Tibet.

But no, India has always wanted Tibet as a "buffer zone" between India and China. And it backfired badly.

something that happened like what 50 years ago? you can blame Nehru for that me personally i think Nehru was a fool when it came to foreign relations same with Indira i am a BJP supporter remember in 04 we recognized Tibet in return for you guys recognizing Sikkim as apart of India so the mistakes of Nehru does not mean anything to me
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