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India has no desire to wage war

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Funny this suicidal state did much better than india for most of its history though our economic situation aint better since 07-08... but we still are better than shinning india in many sectors.. For eg, human development,poverty to name a few.

Heck it took u 64 years just to raise ur GDP per capita equal to ours.

Dont worry every nation faces hard times ours is not an expection.

Better than mass suicides of farmers n 3 million dyin of starvation...

Well said. :tup:
Sorry guys..Ignore the suicidal links, it's not funny to mock poorvery in India...When I add the link...I didn't even bother to look at the contain..but when I look carefully, I realised that it's not cool at all to use poor people into an piss contest in this forum...I sincerly apoloze for these VIDEO...my original intent is make fun of Abhishek_ , He got a too sexy Avatar
Pakistans HDI is .490 lower than Indias your HDI is comparable to our state of Uttar Pradesh we add 40 million people to our middle class each year

Some state in india doesnt represent ur whole country of 1.1 billion!

About adding 40 million into ur middle class..

U just added 100 million more poor last year...

Pakistan has a much bigger middle class than india...

and please our GDP per capita is higher than yours don't embarrass yourself on here since 91 our economy has been growing and growing

A few dollars give or take..

Whats the poverty rate in india?

starving? according to this lady 98% of your population does not have access to Atta

Thats a good thing... LOL... i dont see mass suicides in my country.. but i do see 2-3 million people dying in india every year.

Im sure u didnt even watch the video ... instead of getting the point.. u just searched a video .. saw the title and just posted it..LOL @ U.

Heck i agree to her..
to all Pakistani and Chinese members on here can one of you provide a source where India instigated a conflict against your country? if not then there really is not much to say India is a peaceful nation until it is attacked
to all Pakistani and Chinese members on here can one of you provide a source where India instigated a conflict against your country? if not then there really is not much to say India is a peaceful nation until it is attacked

1959 - India hosted our largest separatist group, despite all the "Hindi Chini bhai bhai" promises.
1962 - Indian Forward Policy to take Chinese land.

I'm not sure how we were supposed to respond to that?
North Korea is not an all-weather friend like Pakistan is.

Still, North Korea can make lethal and repeated attacks on American allies (sinking of the Cheonan battleship, artillery shelling of a South Korean island, etc), as well as developing nuclear weapons... all without any retaliation at all.

Not a bad deal for Kim Jung-il, but not particularly great for South Korea and Japan. He is a bit of a headache for China too, but it is manageable.

Pakistan on the other hand is not a headache for China at all. They help us with everything, and they are always on our side. :wave:
N Korea is a nuisance for Japan and S Korea but lets not try to put it as if you've some sort of a tactical advantage against US. Pakistan is a convenient proxy of China and has been a source of major worry for decades. Its role too has been gradually reducing to that of a nuisance value. The real threat to most Asian countries come from "some other" country. :)
Some state in india doesnt represent ur whole country of 1.1 billion!

A few dollars give or take..

Whats the poverty rate in india?

Thats a good thing... LOL... i dont see mass suicides in my country.. but i do see 2-3 million people dying in india every year.

Im sure u didnt even watch the video ... instead of getting the point.. u just searched a video .. saw the title and just posted it..LOL @ U.

no it does not but i'm just bringing up a comparison in fact Uttar PRadesh is Indias most populated state with 200 million (more than your population) ppl our national HDI is .519

compare Pakistan to India in the 1980's situation over 60% of population living under a dollar a day no economy country is on verge of economic collapse then in 1991 we made reforms today only 37% of population is below poverty line 40 million people join the Indian middle class each year we have the 2nd fastest growing economy after China and our future is bright and good can you say the same for Pakistan?

no but those suicide bombers in your country take out more people than a dozen people committing suicide

actually no i watched the entire video before and i felt sorry after watching it quite sad really... she would make good cabinet minister or even PM better than Zardari i'm sure most Pakistanis would agree to that
I feel sorry for you CD...oh how the mighty high IQ has fallen.

Wait, let's explore your logic for a second.

You claim that Pakistan is a "suicidal" nation. Who also happen to have the fastest growing stockpile of nuclear weapons on the planet.

Then we all know about how India turned Pakistan into their eternal enemy by splitting them.

How is that NOT suicidal on the part of India? Welcome aboard. :D
to all Pakistani and Chinese members on here can one of you provide a source where India instigated a conflict against your country? if not then there really is not much to say India is a peaceful nation until it is attacked

Created,armed trained mutki bhani b...ds.
Tried sindhudesh proxy.
1962-war with india.
Maoists in nepal.
Support exiled tibet govt.
Occupied IOK.

All these r acts of war.

@sindu.. come up with facts n arguements.
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