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India has moved 17 combat battalions into the Kashmir sector.

Idiot got confused (perhaps intentionally) with the news that the GoI has cleared the raising of 17 (cumlative figure- not induvidually) reserve battalions for JK, the NE and the Naxal afflicted states. These reserve batallions will all be recruited from LOCAL aspirants.
What else to expect from the jahil lal topi bandar ?
Dumies point he is making is after failure of cold start indian are planing to attack on LOC and has inject 17 fresh already rased battalion to kashmir. Its like reverse kargil.
Seems valid as India is raising a Mountain Corp.
This Occupied Territory already had around 800k Indian Army Troops . India has been very Insecure about Indian Occupied Kashmir Lately so this deployment shouldn't be a surprise for anyone because they would do anything to bring down the level of their Insecurity. :coffee:
Dumies point he is making is after failure of cold start indian are planing to attack on LOC and has inject 17 fresh already rased battalion to kashmir. Its like reverse kargil.
Seems valid as India is raising a Mountain Corp.

Lol , you all are very good at making up false stories and then propagating it.

1. 17 New battalions of " Reserve Forces " will be " raised " , our of which " 5" will be in Kashmir.
2. It has nothing to do with the mountain. Division we are forming, they will be based elsewhere. They are " Strike ", not reserve.

About insecurity of Free J&K ( the one which has all the facilities, like railways , etc ) , they are living a better standard life than their counterparts across the loc. Of course except those who chose to die as pigs.

By the way today one more pig was killed, I wonder how do they get Chinese aks?
seems you watch too much cartoon network. Dont worry 170 battalions wont be enough when ball starts rolling.

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About insecurity of Free J&K ( the one which has all the facilities, like railways , etc ) , they are living a better standard life than their counterparts across the loc.
Insecurity about Kashmir is found with in the Hindu Establishment and Central Government of India. If there wasn't any insecurity then there was no need to deploy 0.8 Million Troops (which might have increased during the 10 years). You were quite foolish to turn my statement towards the people of Kashmir when it was totally meant for Indian Military establishment. Insecurity is also found with in the people of Kashmir as well too and if you think that people are happy under Indian Occupation then you need to look at what have been happening in Indian Occupied Kashmir and in Azad Kashmir.
1):. People of Azad Kashmir haven't Experienced even 1 Curfew since they were Liberated in 1948 meanwhile in Indian Occupied Kashmir, people are facing this problem from 1949 and it is placed twice in a week.
2):. People of Azad Kashmir have not been forced to not eat Beef and no one has been beaten for eating Beef in Azad Kashmir unlike Indian Occupied Kashmir .
3):. The Number of Kashmiri civilians killed by Indian Forces, has been estimated to range from 16,725 to 47,000 civilians. There isn't even single case of Azad Kashmiri people being killed by Pakistan Army.
4):. Number of Mass graves have been discovered by Human rights Groups and The British parliament also commented on the discovery of Mass Graves in Indian Occupied Kashmir and expressed its sadness and regret of over 6,000 unmarked graves.
And the list is longer then you can ever Imagine.
How People of Kashmir can feel secure with India's infrastructure developments when there is constant threat of being Killed?
Zaid Hamid!!! What else can you expect from this clown?

Firstly, only 5 RESERVE battalions have been earmarked for J&K.

Secondly, these are police battalions meant for law and order.

Thirdly, they have nothing to do with the Army or BSF deployed on the LoC/IB.
What was the reason that India needed extra 17 battalions as it already had huge number of security forces in Occupied Kashmir?
I've answered your question above.

And, it's not 'Occupied Kashmir' as you mention. It's the Indian state of J&K.
Insecurity about Kashmir is found with in the Hindu Establishment and Central Government of India. If there wasn't any insecurity then there was no need tploy 0.8 Million Troops (which might have increased during the 10 years). You were quite foolish to turn my statement towards the people of Kashmir when it was totally meant for Indian Military establishment. Insecurity is also found with in the people of Kashmir as well too and if you think that people are happy under Indian Occupation then you need to look at what have been happening in Indian Occupied Kashmir and in Azad Kashmir.
1):. People of Azad Kashmir haven't Experienced even 1 Curfew since they were Liberated in 1948 meanwhile in Indian Occupied Kashmir, people are facing this problem from 1949 and it is placed twice in a week.
2):. People of Azad Kashmir have not been forced to not eat Beef and no one has been beaten for eating Beef in Azad Kashmir unlike Indian Occupied Kashmir .
3):. The Number of Kashmiri civilians killed by Indian Forces, has been estimated to range from 16,725 to 47,000 civilians. There isn't even single case of Azad Kashmiri people being killed by Pakistan Army.
4):. Number of Mass graves have been discovered by Human rights Groups and The British parliament also commented on the discovery of Mass Graves in Indian Occupied Kashmir and expressed its sadness and regret of over 6,000 unmarked graves.
And the list is longer then you can ever Imagine.
How People of Kashmir can feel secure with India's infrastructure developments when there is constant threat of being Killed?

Let it be very clear, I don't give 2 cents to pigs who turn up against the " Republic of India ".

Those who don't
1. Have access to proper communication and transportation facilities ,including railways which the not do lucky people on other side of Kashmir can only dream of.

2. Better access to Electricity and heating , again not something the other side of border has.

3. Better access to world class higher education and opportunity to work at national and international level.Today those Kashmiris who chose peace are found as far as working in Google and HP.

4.Better access to medical facilities. We don't depend upon smuggled medicines from our arch rival, you see.

As for insecurity of Kashmir
Get two things clear
1. Its India, we may concentrate all our 4.6 Million forces there. No one can question it. Simple and straight.

2. Big part of Pakistan's military is concentrated in Punjab of Pakistan, does there prevail insecurity among your establishment ?

Get some sense and stop making a fool out of yourself lol
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