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India has moved 17 combat battalions into the Kashmir sector.

Let it be very clear, I don't give 2 cents to pigs who turn up against the " Republic of India ".

Those who don't
1. Have access to proper communication and transportation facilities ,including railways which the not do lucky people on other side of Kashmir can only dream of.

2. Better access to Electricity and heating , again not something the other side of border has.

3. Better access to world class higher education and opportunity to work at national and international level.Today those Kashmiris who chose peace are found as far as working in Google and HP.

4.Better access to medical facilities. We don't depend upon smuggled medicines from our arch rival, you see.

As for insecurity of Kashmir
Get two things clear
1. Its India, we may concentrate all our 4.6 Million forces there. No one can question it. Simple and straight.

2. Big part of Pakistan's military is concentrated in Punjab of Pakistan, does there prevail insecurity among your establishment ?

Get some sense and stop making a fool out of yourself lol
Says a person who cover up Human Rights Voilation by Infrastructure developments. Such a shame. And BTW Kashmir's Freedom Movement can't be crushed by naming it Terrorism. Kashmir's Freedom Movement is as much indigenous as Khalistan's Freedom Movement is.
I hope arguing with you is Worth my Time. Anyway, Here you go.
1):. Azad Kashmir have as much better access to Communications , Transportation and Electricity as some major Provinces of Pakistan have. You can acknowledge that if you live on Planet Earth.
2):. Medical Facilities are one of the best in Muzzafarabad and Mirpur. Multiple foreign NGO's have acknowledged that other then some delusional Indians.
3):. Azad Kashmir have Highest average of Human development growth then any other Province of Pakistan according to the figures provided by HDF.
So your points have only shown the level of your Foolishness instead of realities. And there is a reason Why people of Azad Kashmiri have lived better lives then the people of Indian occupied Kashmir who lived in constant fear with continuous oppression of their Religious and Fundamental rights. So A Hindu can brag about Infrastructure developments of J&K because He is not from that community which have experienced Indian State Terrorism.
Says a person who cover up Human Rights Voilation by Infrastructure developments. Such a shame. And BTW Kashmir's Freedom Movement can't be crushed by naming it Terrorism. Kashmir's Freedom Movement is as much indigenous as Khalistan's Freedom Movement is.
I hope arguing with you is Worth my Time. Anyway, Here you go.
1):. Azad Kashmir have as much better access to Communications , Transportation and Electricity as some major Provinces of Pakistan have. You can acknowledge that if you live on Planet Earth.
2):. Medical Facilities are one of the best in Muzzafarabad and Mirpur. Multiple foreign NGO's have acknowledged that other then some delusional Indians.
3):. Azad Kashmir have Highest average of Human development growth then any other Province of Pakistan according to the figures provided by HDF.
So your points have only shown the level of your Foolishness instead of realities. And there is a reason Why people of Azad Kashmiri have lived better lives then the people of Indian occupied Kashmir who lived in constant fear with continuous oppression of their Religious and Fundamental rights. So A Hindu can brag about Infrastructure developments of J&K because He is not from that community which have experienced Indian State Terrorism.

Indians still think they live in shining India, and they are a developed country like western Europe or North America, where the reality it has the worlds most poorest population living there, Indians need to do their research before talking crap.
Modi is again up to something. If he is really sincere about Pakistan security, then Indian govt shouldn't do such adventurism along border. But, we all know extracting army from restive zones and deploy along Indian or Kashmir front means what. Pakistan army is very busy on two fronts, Afghan border and CPEC. Plus, Baluchistan, Kashmir front, Indian front. Our politician also fail or has no ability to resolve regional issue.
Indians still think they live in shining India, and they are a developed country like western Europe or North America, where the reality it has the worlds most poorest population living there, Indians need to do their research before talking crap.
Are you serious right now ? just spend a day here and see how Pakistan brags about delusions in being developed . Pakistan is poorer than india in per capita. Their entire countries GDP is near equal to the GDP of Mumbai city .
Are you serious right now ? just spend a day here and see how Pakistan brags about delusions in being developed . Pakistan is poorer than india in per capita. Their entire countries GDP is near equal to the GDP of Mumbai city .

If you are clever enough read my post again please, I specifically said about India comparing with western nations, not Pakistan, the biggest problem with you Indians, you try to compare yourselves with western nations, which you are no where in their league, Its no wonder the biggest foreign remittance to India comes from the middle east that keeps Indian economy going. Dont worry about Pakistan, as its economy is fast improving.
View attachment 290419 Crush Crush Crush
Punish those who have turned the Heaven into Hell View attachment 290421

20,000 extra will not make much difference when 700,000 failed to quell the freedom struggle.
Let the party began.

20,000 extra will not make much difference when 700,000 failed to quell the freedom struggle.
Let the party began.

Ya ! The day we act like China , There will be no freedom struggle :devil:
These guys are enjoying Freedom given to them by Constitution of India .

These Fellows neither learned in 13th-14th century nor they are learning now .

The Good Kashmiris already moved to other parts . Some Good people who are left there are the only reason why Strong actions haven't been taken .
Ya ! The day we act like China , There will be no freedom struggle :devil:
These guys are enjoying Freedom given to them by Constitution of India .

These Fellows neither learned in 13th-14th century nor they are learning now .

The Good Kashmiris already moved to other parts . Some Good people who are left there are the only reason why Strong actions haven't been taken .
If you want to see Freedom than come to Pakistani side of Kashmir, there is a reason it is called Azad Kashmir. This is not 90's that you can deny international media access and nobody will find out. Harsher action i.e torture and killing will resonate all over the web and India will get isolate in her stance, giving Pakistan the room and legitimacy to turn up the heat.
Seeing the current world affairs someone has to be completely out of their minds to start a conflict in Kashmir and raise the issue again. No one in the west will support any mis adventure in Kashmir especially the US.
Seeing the current world affairs someone has to be completely out of their minds to start a conflict in Kashmir and raise the issue again. No one in the west will support any mis adventure in Kashmir especially the US.
Idk which planet have you been living but Kashmir conflict never died down and is considered to be the only nuclear flashpoint in the world. No country in the will have any more reason and legitimacy to support India if freedom struggle is initiated by the people themselves.
If you want to see Freedom than come to Pakistani side of Kashmir, there is a reason it is called Azad Kashmir. This is not 90's that you can deny international media access and nobody will find out. Harsher action i.e torture and killing will resonate all over the web and India will get isolate in her stance, giving Pakistan the room and legitimacy to turn up the heat.

I am sending U the Invitation to My side :p:
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