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India has lost confidence of the world: Ratan Tata

He is one man.

Narendra Modi 2014

"Ok Hindu brothers and sisters, we must work like we have never worked before, study like there is no tomorrow and haul ***!"

Indians 2014

"the cricket is on..."
"This bollywood movie i gotta see..."
"The government subsidised rice didnt come, where is it?..."
"I wont let my wife and daughter work, its too dangerous..."
"you know what we need? we need more weapons from Europe! that will solve our problems!..."
"its too hot today, Im gonna call in sick..."
"im gonna spend the day trolling the ****** in PDF, nothing to do anyways..."

Sadly, that's partially true.

Indian mindset is like that; freebies and no work. Especially the older generation and those of the underdeveloped states.

But we still have some months before election and looking at this regime's behaviour it will make more problems and that will be enough to wake the cricket-Bollywood obsessed fellow countrymen of mine.

But thanks.

Your words reflect the harsh truth which is a wake up call.
He is one man.

Narendra Modi 2014

"Ok Hindu brothers and sisters, we must work like we have never worked before, study like there is no tomorrow and haul ***!"

Indians 2014

"the cricket is on..."
"This bollywood movie i gotta see..."
"The government subsidised rice didnt come, where is it?..."
"I wont let my wife and daughter work, its too dangerous..."
"you know what we need? we need more weapons from Europe! that will solve our problems!..."
"its too hot today, Im gonna call in sick..."
"im gonna spend the day trolling the ****** in PDF, nothing to do anyways..."

This is exactly whats happening and its true.
Sir, this is called democracy... mud slinging is part of democracy ritual, specially for a struggling democracy (but i can see Indian democracy becoming better, thought it painstakingly slow). Sometimes I do feel that we should have a communist government like China but then I see their one child policy (no brothers no sisters) no freedom of speech etc etc and then I think struggling democracy is better than a developed communist regime. Please take no offence, I do like China as a country and applaud their achievements which are better than (much better) India's as of now.

Indians themselves are shooting him down, even accusing him of being a mass murderer on live television. Despite him being cleared by the Indian supreme court.

And he is probably the best hope for the Indian economy.

Who needs enemies when forces in your own country are doing everything they can to destroy it.

If you can get this man into power it might be the economic miracle you need, but the chances of it happening are about as much as a miracle.
You really need a plan.
Hope is not a plan.

oh we do a lot of planning.this is the 12th 5 year plan taking place.what we need is not a plan but hope and implementation.economy is all about market sentiment and hope plays a key role in it.iff modi becomes a pm next year market will stabilize fast because hes decisive.he takes decision be it good or bad.not like our current govt which is suffering from policy paralysis. and market likes it. ofcourse after that the necessary structural reforms must be carried out as usual.but that charm is necessary for them to show the effect and he got it.unemployment in india is still 2.5% and inflation is about 5.7% comfort zone of inflation in india is about 3-5% so there is still demand and jobs can be created.so u dnt have to worry about the great wall.
oh by the way do u know that unemployment rate of china is 4.1%!! worry about urs first
I guess, Tata is seriously frustrated by the policy maker's attitude towards current state of affairs in India. My interpretation of “vested interests in private sector” is obviously “Reliance” which is clearly influencing government’s policies on oil and gas sectors.

Tata is absolutely correct when he say “it would be good for the country if policies were implemented as they were written”. We have policies in place like FDI in retail but government is not confident to implement it.

On “We should have one view”, there should not be a second thought to this especially when we are one country, having centrally elected government, authorized to make policies and direct the state for the execution of various policies, but here the issue is, every state is playing its own politics, since congress is leading the country, at state level non-congress governments are not supporting the policies, at center even congress leads the government, its allies are not with it when it comes to rolling out even a single policy for the “benefit of the people of India not to few vested interest in India” as Tata pointed out.

He has spoken the truth which even PM would agree and say “I understand Mr. Tata” but I am helpless". We seriously “lack the leadership that will lead from the front” as Tata said.
Sir, this is called democracy... mud slinging is part of democracy ritual, specially for a struggling democracy (but i can see Indian democracy becoming better, thought it painstakingly slow). Sometimes I do feel that we should have a communist government like China but then I see their one child policy (no brothers no sisters) no freedom of speech etc etc and then I think struggling democracy is better than a developed communist regime. Please take no offence, I do like China as a country and applaud their achievements which are better than (much better) India's as of now.

It's not about democracy or not.

Even in the most advanced democracies they have laws on libel. You can't publicly make a libelous claim about someone unless it is true.

See the NDTV debate posted here with the British MP Gartiner (the one who invited Modi). When he pointed out that Modi was cleared by the supreme court, the NDTV anchor started lecturing him about democracy!

It's nothing to do with democracy, it's to do with libel.
Sir, this is called democracy... mud slinging is part of democracy ritual, specially for a struggling democracy (but i can see Indian democracy becoming better, thought it painstakingly slow). Sometimes I do feel that we should have a communist government like China but then I see their one child policy (no brothers no sisters) no freedom of speech etc etc and then I think struggling democracy is better than a developed communist regime. Please take no offence, I do like China as a country and applaud their achievements which are better than (much better) India's as of now.

Stop defending the corrupt in the name of democracy.

And for heaven's sake stop worshipping democracy. It is just a damn form of government; not the ultimate gift of nature to mankind.

Seriously. What's with Indians obsessed over democracy?

Practical governance should be the motto; not rigidly one inept and nepotic system.
The MPs must do the responsible thing and have a no confidence vote on the current government. This is ridiculous. If this had happened in any other country, the PM and the leader of the parliament's largest party would have resigned himself/herself.

The MPs need to lose the confidence of the government. That is the first step and the only loss of confidence that counts.

India is full of B@stards (including most of the MPs) who will sell their mothers for Money forget about Country. There is a reason why We were occupied by Foreigners for most of the last Millennium. The overwhelming majority population is illiterate, poor and filled with religion, caste and regional mindset. They don't have a concept of country. The remaining few in minority who are educated are frustrated and show their frustrations in their homes and on forums like Facebook and PDF. They don't have much option living in this DemoCrazy system. SAD but TRUE.

Democracy works in a country where the people are educated, have awareness and participate in political process. Not in a country where 60% population lives in villages with most only thinking about 2 meals a day.

Democracy is the worst thing that happened to this country. India needs a dictator who can run this country with an Iron hand.
I guess, Tata is seriously frustrated by the policy maker's attitude towards current state of affairs in India. My interpretation of “vested interests in private sector” is obviously “Reliance” which is clearly influencing government’s policies on oil and gas sectors.

Tata is absolutely correct when he say “it would be good for the country if policies were implemented as they were written”. We have policies in place like FDI in retail but government is not confident to implement it.

On “We should have one view”, there should not be a second thought to this especially when we are one country, having centrally elected government, authorized to make policies and direct the state for the execution of various policies, but here the issue is, every state is playing its own politics, since congress is leading the country, at state level non-congress governments are not supporting the policies, at center even congress leads the government, its allies are not with it when it comes to rolling out even a single policy for the “benefit of the people of India not to few vested interest in India” as Tata pointed out.

He has spoken the truth which even PM would agree and say “I understand Mur. Tata” but I am helpless". We seriously “lack the leadership that will lead from the front” as Tata said.
It will be hard for India to stay united after this downfall. You probably should opt for China style government or prepare for the worst. Its not a troll but I seriously think so.
May your words be true, my friend.

This is the only way for people to rise.

As for the bolded part, even the Wise Buddhas have said it. :)

The MPs are bought over by Congress.

They have amassed so much wealth in the last 55 years of their rule that they can virtually buy any politician from all the public swindle.

Not to mention their new internet pets seem to still be working for money rather than trying to save their country.

But this is the time when we have to stay strong.

This disaster is actually doing a good thing; it is waking people up about the corrupt nature of this regime and forcing people to see who are the real people who can 'get things done'.

What do you mean by internet pet? Can you elaborate.
India is full of B@stards (including most of the MPs) who will sell their mothers for Money forget about Country. There is a reason why We were occupied by Foreigners for most of the last Millennium. The overwhelming majority population is illiterate, poor and filled with religion, caste and regional mindset. They don't have a concept of country. The remaining few in minority who are educated are frustrated and show their frustrations in their homes and on forums like Facebook and PDF. They don't have much option living in this DemoCrazy system. SAD but TRUE.

Democracy works in a country where the people are educated, have awareness and participate in political process. Not in a country where 60% population lives in villages with most only thinking about 2 meals a day.

Democracy is the worst thing that happened to this country. India needs a dictator who can run this country with an Iron hand.

I totally agree with you. Indians was the most prosperous if they were under a benevolent ruler. Indians actually would benefit if India is split up into multiple pieces.
When you are a developing country, the last thing you need is democracy. The government in power will always look to win the next election and do the popular thing instead of the correct thing for the economy. This will slow economic progress. But when you are a fully developed country, then you might need some democracy to lock in the economic gains you have achieved.

You need a strong leader like Lee Kuan Yew that don't have to worry about opposition voices so he can fully concentrate on the economy. But the dictator has to be reform minded and not like North Korean leaders.

Just because you have no democracy doesn't mean you will grow. And just because you have democracy doesn't mean you will grow.

It's about the quality of the leadership that matters, not the form of government.
When you are a developing country, the last thing you need is democracy. The government in power will always look to win the next election and do the popular thing instead of the correct thing for the economy. This will slow economic progress. But when you are a fully developed country, then you might need some democracy to lock in the economic gains you have achieved.

You need a strong leader like Lee Kuan Yew that don't have to worry about opposition voices so he can fully concentrate on the economy. But the dictator has to be reform minded and not like North Korean leaders.

Just because you have no democracy doesn't mean you will grow. And just because you have democracy doesn't mean you will grow.

It's about the quality of the leadership that matters, not the form of government.

I agree with you.

Personally, I always believed that every country that develops and has a significant amount of illiterate or poor people, it must have a semi-authoritarian rule.

Mustafa Kemal of Turkey was an authoritarian ruler till a war-ravaged Turkey was developing and poor, Lee Kwan Yew was a strong authoritarian leader who set rules in stone and led to the success of his nation.

There are many more examples.

But in our country, it has been the opposite.
It will be hard for India to stay united after this downfall. You probably should opt for China style government or prepare for the worst. Its not a troll but I seriously think so.

India was a economic basket case throughout the coldwar and faced much bigger insurgencies and war in the past and we are still united. This crisis is little bump in our history.
Although harsh, what Tata said is true. India indeed lost the trust of the world. As far as I know lot of investment funds that invest in India either have postponed their investments or all together cancelled the investments.
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